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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The UN has been implementing ways to cut costs for a long time, costs in logistics and storage as well as other related topics like security. A number of UN agencies part take in this program including the Refugee arm UNHCR as well as Food Pragram and UNICEF. One of the earliest places to get 'cash' transfers to Refugees was actually Hargeisa, as Zaad is accessed by almost everyone. Even street beggars have a Zaad number. After the success of UN's cash based food programs, other donors also came on-board including private NGO like Bill Gates' Foundation which Bill Gates himself initiated the first cash to 1,000 families live on TV from New York. Long story short, this Baxnaano is nothing more than a gimmick re-branding of UN's Cash transfers via Mobile Money designed to mislead and distract gullible people from the real issues and their utter incompetence.
  2. Here is the full video on Hargeisa Water Supply and Distribution
  3. This explains... "The Australian government had already shown a willingness to get ahead of the World Health Organisation, declaring COVID-19 to be a “disease of pandemic potential" on January 21, more than a month before the global body belatedly followed. But the travel ban would be a drastic move; it was against the advice of the WHO and would likely draw the ire of the Chinese government." How Australia bypassed WHO's China problem WWW.THEAGE.COM.AU On February 1, Australia decided to move ahead of WHO and never look back. Now it must help find a way to keep the world body out of Beijing's grip.
  4. Latest COVID 19 numbers for the Horn Region. 1. Somalia extends its tally to 135. Mogadishu is maintaining more than 75% infection rate for the two consecutive days. 25 test carried out on 18th of April has returned 19 positive COVID19. Two new deaths are reported. 2. Ethiopia has increased to 105 cases after 659 tests done 9 cases returned positive. 3. Kenya has increased 15 more cases 4. Eritrea has increased by 4 new cases total 39 cases 5. Djibouti has not published data today 6. Somaliland no new cases reported.
  5. @galbeedi We are in Autumn now, it is actually the seasonal Flu period. So this is actually the worse time. @Old_Observer If you look at all the countries that the virus badly affected, there is a pattern emerging. The whole country doesn't go down at one go. Instead the virus outbreak happens at sub-nationals regions i.e. Wuhan for China, Lombardia for Italy or New York State for USA. Probably the key determinant is the population density of the affected regions. In this case, Australian cities are some of the least densely populated in the world. The great majority of people in Australia live in a suburb quarter-block house/land with a backyard. The number of people who live in a apartment or condo (US lingo) is a minority, these are exclusively for lifestyle i.e. childless couples or singles who want to live somewhere closer to the town centre. So, I think that is probably a plus for Australia. But still, it doesn't fully explain the very low number of infections and deaths. Given the fact that Australia has one of the largest Chinese students in the world. Australia is also 3rd largest outbound tourism destination for Chinese people.
  6. Don't know at this moment. But I am waiting for a number of people to get back to me with more names. Hopefully a full archive of Somaliland's recenty history of any topic including Music, will be made available in the new National Museum that is currently being built in the Hargeisa City Centre.
  7. Cagjar is a realist, he understands fully his limitations and works within those limitations very well. I think he is the first Somali Region leader that has an appeal from the majority of Somali clans. The Universal reporter comes across as someone that is asking for a punch in the face. Cagjar showed a lot of patience.
  8. Below is a picture of a live performance at Radio Hargeisa, the first Somali speaking radio station in the world. Also, the founding reporters of the BBC Somali were selected from Radio Hargeisa when it was first broadcast-ed from Bush House. The Oud is being played by non other the renowned father of Somali Music Cabdilahi Qarshe. Most likely the dark-skinned girl is young Guduudo Carwo, one of the first Somali female artists.
  9. That is their official figures. 5 more cases they have never tested, validated or verified.
  10. Australia is on the verge of an exciting possibility WWW.THEAGE.COM.AU Scott Morrison might not like to admit it, but we are accidentally within sight of eliminating COVID-19. Well done to both New Zealand and Australia for managing Corona Virus extremely well.
  11. Did you know Somalia's figures includes Somaliland's reported cases. Just stretching your credibility claims.. Anyways these are just the official figures published. I know the reality is different on the ground specially in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya.
  12. Somaliland has carried out 988 tests over the past 4 weeks and 5 people returned positive. 2 have since recovered. Somaliland figures source: Somaliland Covid-19 SOMALILANDCORONAVIRUS.COM
  13. Somalia's official figures. Cases have jumped almost 45% over a 24 hour period. One of the highest daily rates of increase.
  14. Confirmed cases Somaliland - 5 Somalia - 119 Djibouti - 732 Ethiopia - 96 Eritrea - 35 Kenya - 246 Uganda - 55
  15. 36 people out of 47 tested yesterday returned POSITIVE for COVID19. That is extremely alarming infection rate (>75%). It is public health emergency indeed. Many people in the comments sections have reporting that the number of COVID19 in the community is much much higher than Cheeseman wants to admit. Which is more aligned with this infection rate.
  16. kkk From the creators that brought you Calan-cas, Maryo-alool, Koofiyad Bacleh, Ila meerayso, and the box office darling 'Jeegaanta'.... now bring you something new, promised to keep you on your edge, keeping you in suspense for as long as necessary. Should I continue...
  17. Never seen a lightening show up close like this. Amazing.