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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Diktoore Oodka Kuwan nololsha ayay ku ciilanyihiin inaga daa. Somalida ayaa waxay tidhaahdaa, caruurnimo 'hooyada iyo abaaha ayaa la isku caaya' iyo wixii la mida... oo caruurtu ka xanaaqda oo ka dagaalantaa... Laakin qofku mar hadii uu waynaayo 'hooyo iyo aabo la caayo kama xanaaqo'. Wuxu ka xanaaqa 'cawradiisa' iyo 'biro-ma-gaydo oo dayacan in laguu sheego (sida caruurtaada, dumarka ku xeeran). Ninka ragga ah waa inu cawradiisa meel ku hubsado oo aanu qof kale uga dabo fadhiisan. Wuxu ka loo ka xanaaqa waa noloshiisa siday tahay, deegaankii u ka yimid oo asal ahaan ka soo jeeda siday tahay, dadkii uu ka soo jeeday siday yihiin iwm. These folks in here cannot guarantee their womenfolks from being raped by Ugandese, Ethiopian or Kikuuyo. When they are in their land of birth, luqunta waa inay hoos u dejiyaan, sababtu waa nin Ugandese ama Amxaaro ah ayaa kaga awooda badan. That is enough shame. Please inaga daa dad ilaahay nolosha ku bahdilay weeyane.
  2. @Old_Observer In the case Eritrea the State that it was breaking away was not a failed state. In the case of Somaliland, it is unique in many aspects. This is the only case where one of the two partners in the Union was no longer able to function. The first formative years after Somaliland declared indepedence were very crucial and, in hindsight, cemented the next 20 or more years' foreign policy towards Somaliland. This is in relation to America's crusade to restore Somalia in the early 1990s and later Egypt/Saudi's attempts to use the UN to restore Somalia. These two events barred Somaliland from gaining any traction in its independence drive. This was largely to do with the fact that Somaliland was not an sponsored project like South Sudan was or Timor Lese. Had Somaliland a friend with political clout i.e. UK, championing its cause in those formative years, that situation could have been very different. After both the US's Restore Hope and UNSOM failed, the world was disinterested in anything to do with Somalia/Somaliland. The issue is very different at the moment. Despite those old roadblocks still exist, however, Somaliland has proven many of them wrong. Hence, today Somaliland enjoys respect from those same powers that used to pressure Somaliland participate the many failed Peace Conferences. Today, no one pressures Somaliland. The same powers now are pushing for a settlement through Talks. That is where it is at the moment. I have very little doubt that Somaliland will gain its independence.
  3. This is a COVID-19 patient on a ventilator in Mogadishu. He is supposedly in quarantined. But Somalidu waxaa dheg uma jalaq siinayso. His family probably mother and father are trying to confort him, when they should be staying home for their own safety.
  4. Here in Oz, I see signs like the one below where ever public money is being spent. If it is funded by the State Gov't it will clearly say the funds came from the State Gov't or Local Council or even the Commonwealth (Federal Gov't). The State gov't cannot claim money from the Commonwealth and vise versa. Someone needs to inform the two amigos to give credit where credit is due and not claim other people's generous donations.
  5. And that is where you fail to see the forest from the trees. Aside from natural competition between clans for political, economic etc, there is nothing else. In South Somalia, let alone whole cities under dispute between clans, there whole regions in dispute, farm land in dispute, houses and property in dispute. And to top that, political difference, clan difference and what you. If I were a betting man (which I am not), I would say Somaliland has solid foundation to build on. Whereas Somalia has yet to hit the bottom of the depths of its sinking ship, let alone building something on any foundation.. What you see in Mogadishu or anywhere in South Somalia is a mirage. When AMISom leaves Somalia, that is when you will see what I mean.
  6. Waxaad i soo xasuusisay xariifkii reer Xamar ee odey reer Waqooyi ah baabur ka wada raaceen goboladda dhexe. Odeygii sheekooyin dhacdooyin run ah oo u soo joogay ayuu uga sheekeeyay. Xariifkiina ileen waa iska cali baysteene, sheekooyinkii beentii reer koonfurka ayuu u qaatay, kolkaa ayaa isna dhankiisi sheekooyin aliftay uga sheekeeye. Kolkii baabuur Jawhar soo galay ayaa xariifkii halkaa kaga hadhay. Saxiibkii oo sugaayay ayu uga sheekeeyay wixii baabuurka ku soo kala qabsaday kuye: Mid Qaldaan ah ayaa ii-dhiibay, ana waa u dhiibay... So, adiga iyo xariifnimodaada meel ha ku gaadhsiiso awoowe. Wixii caalimul qayb ku xidhan, kolka la gaadho ayaan ka wada sheekaysan doona. Hadii ilaahya cimriga iyo caafimaadka inoo dheereeyo.
  7. kkkk Surely, you live in a different dimension and world than the one we are living. There are more people die in Somalia in a week than die in Somaliland in a year from tribal/clan wars. Go figure. But each death in Somaliland has value and is talked about for weeks end. Where in Somalia, it doesn't even register in the local conversation, let alone igniting a national debate. With regards to South Sudan, it is like giving your son a new car without giving him driving lessons and him getting a license.
  8. Indeed it was expected of them, known plagiarist Khaire and the pathological lair and coward Cheeseman. The only time someone can claim 100% is when they are using the funds from their own Taxation money. But when the money comes from external sources, one has to ackwnowledge the source and thank them for their support.
  9. Magaaladda Mogadishu oo laga helay 29 qof oo kale iyo maamulka Puntland oo qofkii ugu horeeyay shaaciyay. Tirada guud ee Somalia ayaa hada maraysa 164 qof
  10. Beentii iyo khurufaadkii Cheeseman oo lugta la soo qabtay. --------- Cabdirahman Cabdi Shakuur "Waa wax laga naxo in madaxweynihii dalka uu kari waayo in uu ka run sheego mashruuca Baxnaano ee uu shalay daah furay. Mashruuca oo sanado soo socday waxaa deeqdiisa leh Baanka Aduunka, fulintiisana haydaha WFP iyo UNICEF, maamulkiisa kore ayaa lagu maamusay dawlada Soomaaliya, waxaana loogu tala galay in lagu gacan qabto dadka ay abaaraha, fatahaadaha webiyada iyo masiibooyinka kale ee dabiiciga cayrteeyeen oo ay dalagii iyo xoolahii noolaa ka baabi’iyeen ka dibna xeryaha qaxootiyada galay, si ay noloshoodii dib ugu laabtaan oo saboolnimada looga saaro. Sow ma haboonayn intii uu Madaxweynuhu oran lahaa waa markii ugu horaysay oo ay dawladu dadkeeda deeq gaarsiiso in uu mashruuca runta ka sheego, una mahadceliyo cidii deeqda bixisay, kuwa fulinta u xilsaaran, ka dibna xuso kaalinta ay dawlada mashruuca haatan ku leedahay, isagoo khajilayana raaciyo kaalinta ku haboonayd in ay dawladu yeelato oo ah in ay deeqda bixiso, intii uu sheegan lahaa deeq ajnabi ka timid, welina u ekeysiin lahaa in dawladu ugu tala gashay ka hortaga Karoona Fayris. Waxa ugu muhiimsan ee hoggaan siyaasadeed laga rabo, kumana sii jiro hogaamiye dal burbur ka soo kabanaya, waa in uu dadkiisa runta u sheego, una daacadnimo waramo, sababtoo ah waa ficilada dhisa kalsoonida uu shacabku dawladiisa ku qabo, waxayna kobcisaa aaminaada uu muwaadinku hogaankiisa u hayo ."
  11. @galbeedi Kuduudiye is different. The outbreak began in Burao back in Aug and peaked around November last year. My own uncle who visited Burco around October contracted it and when he came to Hargeisa he was diagnosed as "Chickungya fever". Besides, WHO is still not sure about herd-immunity with regards to Corona Virus. They have had a number of people who recovered but then got it again. But still under active investigation.
  12. Very unfortunate that South Sudan is the least prepared in the Horn of Africa. Aqoonsigu haduu wax taraayo kuwan ayuu wax u tari lahaa.
  13. The current WHO Director, who has been accused of being a puppet for China, may actually unravel Ethiopia's cover up. WHO Director Says Politicizing COVID19 Leads To 'body bags,' But He Was Accused Of Covering Up Epidemics In Ethiopia SARAACARTER.COM Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director general of the World Health Organization, was accused in 2017 of "covering up three cholera epidemics in his home country, Ethiopia, when he was health minister,"...
  14. Puntland has not reported any cases yet but there are many who believe that COVID19 is present.
  15. Worrying calls from Mogadishu residents.
  16. Somaliland has confirmed 1 additional COVID19 positive
  17. Basically, Ethiopia will only pay the cost of printing papers, fuel for equipment and electricity for computers. The cost of labour, the cost of Storage, the Cost of handling, all free. This is apparently done in order to help Ethiopia's Corona affected economy.
  18. Djibouti reportedly offering Ethiopia over 82 percent discount in port fees BORKENA.COM Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed says he got over 82 percent discount in port fees from Djibouti for all export products...Read more.