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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. kkkk Horta xanuunka iyo caafimaadka labaddaba waa loo simanyay, qofna guarantee lama siin. Laakin warkani waa iska sheekaddi Kim Jon ee North Korea oo kale.
  2. Indeed, Abaarso Tech along with Edna Adan University and Sheikh Technical School are three select schools that are churning out new breed of future Somaliland leaders. These 3 schools only select the brightest students. The below is the winning entry by the school freshmen class to the Global High Schools Challenge Prize by Sheikh Sayed UAE.
  3. Abaarso Tech Alumni taking the world by storm. Nomads educated in Somaliland's and trained in Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, Oxford, Cambridge. Now work for prestigious global institutions from World Bank to global banks like Citi Group etc.
  4. Waxaad iila bilic tahay beeraha Wajaale, intu roob barqadii helay, togoggii burqanayaan.. Road connecting Hargeisa to the Tog-wajaale.
  5. Deegaanka Seeyla oo ay ka bilaabatay wadada isku xidha degmadda Bali Cabane iyo Hargeisa.
  6. According to Mogadishu's long time undertakers, they are seeing 30 to 40 dead bodies arriving each day. For the first 2 weeks Cheeseman was publishing the Tested number people vs number of positive cases per group. About a week ago they stopped publishing those details. This came after a string of successive days showed an infection rate of more than 75% (A trigger for emergency health crisis). They no longer publish those numbers. In the same way, Cheeseman is intentionally suppressing the information about the death rate in Mogadishu.
  7. WEERAR hoobiyeyaal ah oo lagu qaaday XALANE iyo dad dhowr ah oo ku dhintay | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warar kala duwan ayaa ka soo baxaya weerar loo adeegsaday madaafiic oo saaka lagu qaaday xerada Xalane ee Muqdisho. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in tiro hoobiyeyaal ah …
  8. New Pilot boat for the Port of Berbera delivered by Safehaven Marine "‘Sanaag’ is one of Safehaven’s Interceptor 38 pilot vessels, at 11.9m LOA, a very capable design which proves economical to operate, yet capable of dealing with very rough seas and challenging boarding conditions when required." New Pilot boat for the Port of Berbera delivered by Safehaven Marine SEAWANDERER.ORG Safehaven Marine based in Ireland has delivered a pilot vessel for operations at the Port of Berbera in Somaliland, Africa.
  9. Somaliland: 19 cases total ( 13 new cases confirmed) Somalia: 286 cases Djibouti: 945 cases Ethiopia: 113 Kenya: 303
  10. Somaliland Goverment will fund $50 cash transfer to 60,000 of the most vulnerable house holds around the country. The Business Community will fund 1.5 million dollars and Somaliland Gov't will match that with $1.5 making a total of 3 million dollars each calendar month. Making the funds 100% locally funded. This co-contribution partnership between Gov't and Business leaders will continue as long as the conditions for COVID19 exists in the country.
  11. After almost 50 years of indepedence, the city of Djibouti has yet to invest in proper drainage and flood control mechanism.
  12. kkkk Madaxa World Bank oo sheegay in program 'Shock Response Safety Net for Human Capital Project' ama marka la soo gaabiyo 'SNHCP' ka midyahay programyadda ay fund gareeyaan. Prorgam ayaa Cheeseman ubaxiyay Baxnaano oo dadka been u sheegay in fikirka iyo lacagta labaduba ka timid Villa AMISom.
  13. Djibouti: 945 adding 99 new cases, 2 new deaths (total 14 deaths) Somalia: 286 adding 49 new cases, 6 new deaths (total 14 deaths) Ethiopia: 114 adding 3 new cases no deaths Kenya: 296 adding 15 new cases, no new death (total deaths 14) Somaliland: 6 cases (no change)
  14. Technology has transformed the world in a way making the need for United Nations somewhat unnecessary. In fact, the United nations is on its last legs. It has lost purpose and has failed to resolve any of the world's many different issues both small and big. Also, another development is the economic power of mega Cities, swallowing the economies of whole states and becoming a vocal point progress, development and employment. So you are correct, lack of recognition is not stopping Somaliland.
  15. Its plausible, or it could be family issues or family health issues. etc. Anyway, it takes guts to come out and take a different path in life.
  16. Somaliland business leaders pledged millions of dollars to support the ongoing efforts to defeat COVID-19.
  17. From the picture below, it seems COVID-19 is runaway in Djibouti and Mogadishu. But seems to be under control in Kenya. Ethiopia's numbers cannot be taken seriously. Somalia: 237 (Biggest single day jump so far adding 73 new cases, 8 deaths at hospitals). Djibouti: 846 (jumped 114 new cases, 26 deaths) Ethiopia: 111 (added 3 new cases) Kenya: 281 (added 11 more new cases).
  18. Heard the man is originally from Puntland. Anyways this is Good start. Hopefully more people in the same situation will come forward and get rid of haram wealth before it is too late.