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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto marxuumka. Reer Bulxan samir iyo iiman. The Bulxans are a household name in Kenya. Originally from Somaliland, they were the original Somali entrepreneurs in the Kenya. Starting his aviation charter business back in 1970s.
  2. Plane carrying aid crashes in Somalia A plane carrying aid supplies for use in the fight against the coronavirus has crashed in Somalia's southern Bay region, killing seven people on board. State-run Somalia News Agency says the plane belonged to African Express Airways and was ferrying supplies for use in the fight against the novel coronavirus. It said there were six crew members on board. "An African (Express) Airways plane from Mogadishu flew to Baidoa and then continued its flight to Bardale town where it crashed," the news agency said on its website. "The plane crashed near Bardale airport. It was carrying medicine to prevent COVID-19. It is not clear why it crashed." © AAP 2020
  3. Shirkada Isgaadhsiinta Fiber Opetics ee So! oo ka mida shirkadda wayn ee SomCable, waxay soo kordhisay adeeg Virtual Room.
  4. Ragga rag dheh. In the video below is Muj. Hassan Isse Jama, a lawyer by profession. He was the acting President when this video was shot. As President A. A. A. Tuur was probably outside the country at the time. The video was taken early 1991, probably few months after Burco Conference declaration of independence. The Confidence shown is another level. Although the city of Hargeisa is full of armed men, yet the Acting president/VP is walking around the bullet-ridden streets without any protection or bodyguard.
  5. Kolay waxaad ku indho dilaacsatay meel ay ciidan hubaysan shacabka ku dhex milmaan. Xaashal lilaahi dhanka reer Somaliland. Magaalooyinka waxa kali ah ee dhex jooga waa police, hubka ugu wayn ee dhex wataan waa ama bastoolad ama AK47. Police shaqadiisu waa 'Law enforcement' ama 'dhaqan galinta sharciga'. Caruurta maro yar oo aan sumcad iyo karaamo toona aduunka ku lahayn magaalooyinka ku dhex xidha, waajib kooda ayaa la marsiinaya. Ciidanka Qaranka ee military magaalooyinka ma soo dhex galaan.
  6. Awoowe, waa mid qoondayntu. Waligeedba cid ayuunba qoondayn jirtay ama hayadda maxaliya oo wakiil ah ama hayad Caalami ah sida SaveTheChildren ama maamul dawladeed. Laakin waxa ugub ah in aan la xusin ama aan la sheegin cida kaalmadu ka timid. Bil cakis, waxa Cheeseman ku kacay waa sheegasho bilow ilaa dhamaad oo macnaha yahay in dadka maxasta ah ee waxma garatada ah lagu jahwareeriyo. International Donors sida World Bank ama DFID/USAID etc waxay ka hor deeqaha soo marin jireen hayad caalami ah sida World Vision/Save the Children oo maamuli jirtay. Waligeedna anigu ma arag World Vision oo sheegatay wax aanay ayadu lacagteeda lahayn. Mar walba waxa lagu lifaaqa cida kaalmadu ka timid si dadku ula socdaan.
  7. Cheeseman claims WHO supplied PPE on a EU supplied cargo aircraft.
  8. Indeed. He was a man mountain. The crusade by the Egyptian UN SG Betros-Betro Ghali and the Tunisian SRSG Sahnouni were one which was like no other. They mounted an all out war against Somaliland both from Arab League, African Union (OAU then) and also US/EU etc. Somaliland still an infant without any major power supporting its causes, alone in this diplomatic war, And yet against all the odds President Egal took a tough stand and out right rejected any inclusion of Somaliland into Somalia's problems. Thanks to those strong positions, no one can lecture Somaliland today.
  9. The new bridge over the Dacarbuduq dry-river.
  10. Wasaaradda horimarinta Wadooyinka Somaliland report on roads that are about to start and those getting finished this year or early next year.
  11. Dib u milicsashada nolosha aabbihii dhidibada u aasay Somaliland WWW.BBC.COM Muddo 18 sano ah ayaa maanta laga joogaa markii uu geeriyooday Maxamed Ibraahim Cigaa,l madaxweynihii ugu horreeyay ee Jamhuuriyadda Iskeed ugu dhawaaqday madaxbnaannida ee...
  12. Here is the full video. First camel export to Egypt from Berbera.
  13. Maalinba magac cusub ayaa dhiiga shacabka lagu daadiyaa. Ha wareegto giraantu.
  14. Cheeseman's fake it till you make it runs in the face of reality. Baxnaano iska daaye, Badbaado ayay u baahanyihiin reer tolkii. I am sure the UN or World Bank do not provide 'Badbaado' in cash nor in kind.
  15. Cheeseman is holed up in his AMISom bunker. Th coward doesn't come out from his bedroom, let alone show any leadership in this tough times. It is a free goal for the mayor. He seems to be the one providing a more honest reporting of the situation on the ground. The people need to know the truth.
  16. Cheeseman claimed the 'in-cash' donation from World Bank and UN as his own and named it 'Baxnaano'. Now they are even claiming the 'in-kind' donations from UNHCR as their own. What will they call the 'in-kind' donations from other countries? hmm let me guess 'Taageero'? Bisadda/mukulaal ayaa cuntada la siiyo inkirta.
  17. A bit more information regarding this. The mayor says on average pre-COVID19, there was 10 deaths a day from natural causes. However, the new average is now much higher and in particular the last 12 days the average is around 40 deaths a day. That is 4 times the pre-COVID19 average.
  18. That could be true. But even a bigger problem and one that is a complete failure at best or even a criminal neglect is the way Cheeseman is treating this problem and even to the extent of hiding the facts. For example, for a period of 4 days they published the number of people that were tested and the number of positive results. After the alarms were raised at the extremely high rate of infection results. Cheeseman has instructed that particular data not to be published again. Cheeseman see this as a political problem and not as a public health problem.
  19. At least 500 may have died of COVID-19 in two weeks-Mogadishu Mayor WWW.HIIRAAN.COM MOGADISHU (HOL) - At least 500 people may have died of COVID-19 in the last two weeks in Mogadishu alone, the city’s mayor Omar Filish has said affirming fears the official numbers released by the government...