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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Xildhibaan ku geeriyooday Baydhabo iyo Maamulka KGS oo ka hadlay WWW.RADIODALSAN.COM Magaalada Baydhabo ee Xarunta Gobolka Baay ayaa waxaa gelinkii dambe ee shalay ku geeriyooday Xildhibaan ka tirsan Baarlamaaanka Koonfur Galbeed.Allaha u naxariistee Xildhibaanka geeriyooday ayaa...
  2. Masuul katirsan Puntland oo u geeriyooday cudurka Coronavirus HIIRAAN.COM Khamiis, May 7, 2020 (HOL) - Kormeerihii waxbarashada gobolka Nugaal ee dowlad goboledka Puntland Cumar Guure ayaa maanta u geeriyooday cudurka Coronavirus, sida ay Hiiraan Online u xaqiijiyeen...
  3. Where is the so called Parliament that used to foam from the two sides of their mouth when it comes to Somaliland/Berbera. Apparently, they are no where to be seen when it comes to the Xabashida. No one talks about the Xabashida anymore. Because Xabashida not only do they exercise their military power there, but as the old saying goes 'sir iyo sawiro waa waayn' ayay ka hayaan Cheeseman They say the Israeli Mozad have a lot of compromising photos of Arab leaders doing 'Qow-mu-luud' in foreign hotels. So they threaten them that they will publish those photos if so-and-so is not done for them. Sort of blackmailing. Cheeseman sawiro waawayn ayaa laga hayaa.
  4. There are certain poets that stand out from the crowd when everyone else is stuck in a merry-go-around sort of cycle. I see this poem as a challenge to the educated people, the religious community and the so called traditional leaders to show leadership and stop bickering like Dhoorey tirsanaysa.
  5. Maamulka Puntland oo wasiiro badan laga helay COVID19. Just when you needed leadership, Deni Yoga was holidaying in Eyl. Alaw sahal amuuraha.
  6. What this girl is talking about is very common with Reer Koonfurka. I know at least a number of former friends who went from Austrlaia to Kenya and married multiple girls and divorced shortly after. Some of them are ciyaala suuq but there are some who have good jobs and you think of them as of good character.
  7. There are a couple reasons why I think America is heading for a civil war. Firstly the Whites have never felt so marginalised or hopeless than anytime in their history. Secondly, the Blacks in America have never had it better. By far, the last 3 decades has given the Blacks in America more economic power than they ever enjoyed. And lastly, the number of Latinos in America is staggeringly high. So when you mix that with the failing American political system which is now become a race to the bottom and bereft of any common sense. The growing divide of the halves and halve nots, the raise of the anarchists, the awaking of the religious fanatics, the resurgence of White Supremacists.. and throw in the high number of powerful military grade weapons in their hands. That is my friends a tinderbox waiting to go off at any moment. It is not a healthy environment to raise children nor grow a family in my opinion. Life is too short to be worrying about security.
  8. Ethiopians showing who is the boss in Baay and Bakool.
  9. Ethiopia blocks Kenya from accessing plane crash scene Ethiopian forces on Tuesday barred Kenya from accessing the crash site of a light aircraft that killed all six on board. The cargo aircraft registered in Kenya as 5Y-AXO was reportedly shot down by a rocket missile. It was operating a domestic flight between Mogadishu and Baidoa, Somalia. Somali Transport minister Hassan Hussein told media in Somalia that four Kenyans and two Somalis died in the crash. “We have an Amison camp, which controls the airspace in that region, and we also have the Ethiopian army in the same area. I can’t go into details but the Kenyan military was stopped from accessing the accident scene,” a top state official told the Star. “We also have al Shabaab in the same region and we can’t give a specific position unless investigations are done.” The plane was chartered by an NGO to transport medical supplies and mosquito nets to Bardale, Somalia, when the crash occurred on Monday evening. Sources within the aviation industry and media in Somalia reported that those on board were Captain Xasan Muuse, Mabrook Sherman (1st officer), Captain Cumar, a Kenyan engineer, Cali Madax (in charge of the cargo) and Saciid Cadbulaahi (the company representative). The Kenyan government said on Tuesday it was working with other agencies “to keenly monitor the investigation of this tragic incident and will collaborate with all to bring closure and resolution to the incident.” “Kenya Civil Aviation confirms that a Kenyan-registered aircraft 5Y-AXO, belonging to African Express crashed in Bardale, Somalia, as it approached the airport on Monday May 4, 2020, under circumstances we are yet to confirm,” the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority said in a statement on Tuesday. The aircraft has been operating in Somalia since March 2, 2020. It departed Mogadishu with medical supplies headed for Baidoa where it landed at 1pm on Monday. The aircraft then left Baidoa for Berdale landing at 4pm and later departed for Bardere. “The firm’s operation officer confirms having lost contact with the aircraft at approximately 4.20pm,” KCAA director general Kibe Gilbert said in a statement. The Somali government on Tuesday said they had launched investigations and would provide a concrete report.
  10. If I were living in the US, I would be seriously drawing up my escape plans. That place is heading for some serious trouble. Come November elections if Trump loses, the white white knuckle heads will cause troubles. I do not think the police will respond the same way they would if it were other communities.
  11. Neither the Eelays of Baydhabo nor Cheeseman have the guts to stand and demand facts. They are puppets and will parrot what the Ethiopians find at best or try to sweep it under the carpet at worse. No this is different Bulxans. Although from they share same clan.
  12. Ruyaawadii Mogadishu lagu jilay... it always cracks me up.
  13. The construction of the new Berbera Port is on schedule.
  14. Foreigners invest millions into modern camel farming. GG-Africa is a joint venture between Somalilanders and Germans. The idea is to create one of the biggest modern camel farming businesses in the Horn with around 10,000 milking-shecamels housed in a number of farms around Somaliland. GG-Africa Cadaadley farm ABOUT US - Geela Geeska Africa WWW.GG-AFRICA.COM ABOUT US - Geela Geeska Africa
  15. Haramacad vs Shabeel vs Libaax kkkk Sounds like a National Geographic documentary about Afria's wild life. They sounded much better when it was USA/SNA vs USC-SSA, it had some sort of sophisticated names with political leaning.
  16. This quote from Muj. Hassan Ciise derserves to be famous. Youtube video 2:33 minutes. Report: "Does the world know that the country exists?" Acting President Hassan Cise "Well, the world can go whereever it wants... we don't attach too much importance to that" "We know we are here and we have our own government" That is all what counts. And that is my friends why Somaliland is different.
  17. Gooni wuxu ku indho-dilaacsaday sida Qardho ka socota maanta ee caruurta iyo dumarka caawimadii UN keentay askar hubaysan rasaas kaga hor joogaan. Kolka ha layaabin, wuxu moodayaa aduunka dhan siduu ku soo barbaaray wada yahay.
  18. 5th of May recap of COVID19 situation in the Horn of Africa Somaliland: 9 confirmed cases (1 death) Somalia: 756 cases (35 deaths) Djibouti: 1112 (2 deaths) Ethiopia: 135 (3 deaths) Kenya: 466 (24 deaths) --- Since the start of this thread on 18th April, this is the rate of increase Somaliland = 80% Somalia = 535% Djibouti = 52% Ethiopia = 40% Kenya = 89% It clearly obvious Somalia is in a league of its own.
  19. Foreign Military bases on lockdown as COVID19 spreads across Djibouti. Translated from French by A Djibouti, l'épidémie de coronavirus s'aggrave WWW.FRANCETVINFO.FR En deux semaines, le nombre de cas de Covid-19 a été multiplié par 7.
  20. There rumours that the Airplane was downed by a projectile. Ethiopian soldiers from a nearby military base in Somalia's Bay Region were the first to the scene of the downed Aircraft.