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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Apparently this is Makka Al Mukarama street. Cheeseman spent millions on erecting useless statues from dictatorship era. While the people of Mogadishu suffering daily from an appalling situation.
  2. Djibouti's Government confirms that they transferred the sums of donations to Cheeseman 7 months ago. So when even donations get misappropriated, its then little wonder that millions of dollars are also unaccounted for. -------------- Dowladda Jabuuti oo shaaciyay in ay 7 bilood ka hor bixisay lacagihii gurmadka Baladweyne HIIRAAN.COM Isniin, May 11, 2020 (HOL) - Dowladda Jabuuti ayaa xaqiijisay in ay 7 bilood ka hor ku wareejisay wasaaradda Gargaarka iyo Maareynta musoobooyinka Soomaaliya lacag dhan $600,00, taasoo loogu talo...
  3. Lo and behold!!! Cheeseman has transferred 1.1 million dollars today. Minister Baile, the glorified cashier, pulled that amount from the slush funds. Madaxweyne Waare "Waxaa nasoo gaaray lacagihii aay yabooheen dowlada federaalka iyo dowlada Jabuuti" HIIRAAN.COM Axad, May 10, 2020 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha maamulka Hirshabeelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare ayaa sheegay inaay soo gaareen lacagihii dooda dhaliyay ee lix bil kahor aay yabooheen dowlada federaalka iyo...
  4. The Drought committee handles all the donations and the sums of donations received was proportionally shared across all the regions as the drought not only affected Awdal but also majority of the Somaliland regions. There will always be thieves I give you that. But nothing compares to the whole sale theft that is going on in Mogadishu and elsewhere in South Somalia. For example, the region of Gerdafui in Puntland was recently cut off from the rest of the region by cyclones and other falling rocks. The money donated to the recovery was totally misappropriated by those that meant to lead the recovery. Not a single dime was found. In Somaliland, there is to some extent checks and balances which makes sure at least the projects are done, but may be not to 100% but somewhere between 70% to 80%.
  5. maahmaahdii Soomaaliyeed ee odhan jirtay... Af nool waa hadlaa, dameerna waa ciyaa. ayaan soo xasuustay.
  6. The National Geographic documentary continues. Haramcad vs Bobcats last night in Mogadishu. Wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee dagaal ka dhacay Muqdisho iyo khasaaraha ka dhashay | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warar kala duwan ayaa ka soo baxaya khasaaraha ka dhashay dagaal u dhexeeyey ciidamo ka wada tirsan kuwa dowladda oo xalay ka dhacay xaafadda Kaawo-Godey dhanka …
  7. Horta sadaqadaas waxay ka dhaxaysa dadkii bixiyay kaw, dadkii gudoomay iyo ilaahay. Adiga boos kaaga banaan ma jiro. Wixii samaawaadka ku xidhan, adiga oo kale wax lagama waydiiyo. Waar ileen tanoo kale. Dad badan ayay dhibsaday Reer Beledweyn warkaa ay shaaciyeen oo sidii acid caloosha dhibiil ku noqotay. Reer Beledweyne waa gob awoowe. taa waa isla qirsanay ayaan filaa. Wixii taagero ah ee aynooga baahdaan waa la garab taaganay.
  8. Waa Somali Sijuu. Of course asal ahaan waxay ka tageen awoowyaashood Somaliland. Haatan se dalkoodu iyo dawladoodu waa Kenya. Kenya ayaa laga doonaya inay u doodo oo qarabadii iyo dadkay ka baxeen ku war celiso. Anagu morale support ayaan ku taageerayna. Maha arin Somaliland u yaala inay hormood ka noqoto. Waxa halkan la falanqaynaya waa Cheeseman oo dhul u sheegto inu ka taliyo diyaaraddan lagu soo riday oo waliba Ciidan Ethiopian ah aan wax sharci ah ku joogin ay soo rideen. Waxa kale oo la qaawinayaa waa kuwii Parlimaan ku sheega ee kolkay Somaliland noqoto labadda qawlal ka xunbayn jiray. Waxay ku tusaysaa daciifnimada kuwaa Mogadishu isku urursaday.
  9. The butler of Menelik Palace (PM Abiye Ahmed's residence) Mr. Cheeseman can't wait to fly to his master's house to do the needful.
  10. More videos about Muj. Hassan Ciise Jamac. Regarding International Aid "The only experience we have of International Aid, is the delivery of tanks, ammunition and fuel to the dictatorship which then was used to kill our people"
  11. Dib u akhri kolay waxaan filayaa inaad suuxday ka hor intii aanad ka bogan warka meesha ku qoran. Cid reer Hiiraan u manasheegatay ma jirtee Reer Hiiraan ayaa sheegay oo shaaciyay. Cuqdadu inay ku indho iyo dhego tirto maha.
  12. I have not seen any reports confirming that Cheeseman actually sent the money to Hirshabelle.
  13. This is not about Qardo. But for the record, we have Dahabshiil representing us there.
  14. An Airline that was cleared to land, known by all relevant controllers. But AMISom trying to escape goat and make excuses. So far neither Cheeseman nor Khaire have made any comments on this.
  15. Guddidii Beledweyn oo ka sheekaynaya wixii ay ku qabteen lacagtii Somaliland ugu deeqday. It was the Somaliland team that arrived in the city that made the suggestion that 400,000 dollars of the 600,000 be used to build a barrier to prevent future flooding. The locals added an additional 150,000 of their own and have so built a number of levies where the water used to breach the river banks. According to the Guddi, balanqaadkii Cheeseman iyo Djibouti labaduba ma soo gaadhin Beledweyne. Guddi beeniyey in dowladdu kaalin ku leedahay dadaallada Beledweyne WWW.VOASOMALI.COM Guddiga Gurmadka Magaalada Beledweyne ayaa beeniyay in dowladda federaalka ay kaalin ku leedahay dadaallada socda eelagu doonayo in sanadkan fatahaad looga badbaadiyo magaalada, marka laga reebo...
  16. AMISom's letter regarding the shot down of Airplane by Ethiopia's regular armed forces inside Somalia's Baay region. Apparently, the lame excuse is that they feared the Aircraft was on a suicide mission. Who will buy that? Cheeseman will take that to the bank of course. AMISom says the shot down was non-AMISom Ethiopian forces.
  17. Reer Beledweyne built a flood barrier on the banks of the Sheebelle River with the funds donated by Somaliland citizens. They named the levy after Hargeisa.
  18. @galbeedi I heard waa la mehersaday. Don't quote me thought. With regards to her work, most of her poems are based on fiction. I mean, she talks about lala-land from a by-gone era - barisamaadkii. Anyone that skips the reality and dwells in a dream is just full of sheeko-baralay. That said, the poem you have posted here is a good one nonetheless. This is Cabdilahi Xassan Ganney (Xassan Ganney's son). He is a poet in his own right. One of the leading song writers of this age.
  19. Xildhibaan Ka Tirsanaa Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Oo Geeriyooday – Goobjoog News GOOBJOOG.COM Allaha u naxariistee waxaa magaalada Muqdisho goor sii horeysay ku geeriyooday xildhibaan Aadan Xasan Cali oo ka tirsanaa baarlamaanka jamhuuriyadda federaalka Soomaaliya. Xildhibaanka ayaa ku geer…