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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Hopefully humpty-dumpty house of Saud will fall and the people of Arabia (As they were known) will see the light of day again.
  2. Just how deep are Saudi Arabia's troubles? WWW.BBC.COM It has been rocked by coronavirus, an oil price collapse and the fallout from a high-profile murder.
  3. When rats of the town talks back to the man who lives on the highest point of town. That is a sign of the days. Even Alshabab has figured out the only resource that doesn't cost them anything when planning a suicide mission, are the rats of the town. They have to account for the fuel, the car and the hours that go into the planning. That is their expense.
  4. In Mogadishu the recent floods have caused the death of 5 children. In similar flooding in Hargeisa last year, there was a family who lost their kids. This is President Muse Biixi Cabdi attending the funeral of the deceased. President Muse also inspected the damage the same night the disaster happened visiting the site of the scene.
  5. LOL I focus on the political fall out of handling a disaster not Not the disaster itself or the affected people. Disaster can take place anywhere in the world including the high developed countries as well as the 3rd World and conflict ridden regions like Somalia. But what they all have in common is the response of each of those who claim leadership role or positions. Some at best go there for igu-sawir opportunity (Qawda maqashii waxna ha u qaban) or at worse don't give a damn about it, like Cheeseman. And some are proactive and are on the ground sharing the pain with the locals and digging deep to help the affected. In the case of Mogadishu, when Cheeseman can afford erecting posters with his pictures on the street or spend millions on reconstituting dictatorship era statues. Making life difficult for the residents by closind own every other road and the small opennings deteriorate from ware and tear. Which runs on the face of responding to the real issues and needs of the city's residents.
  6. Just wait, they will start copying Somaliland soon. And then same folks will turn an about face on it.
  7. Is this the same project that Hassan Ali Khaire refused to attend in its initial kick off ceremony?
  8. Few hours earlier, 4 men in Puntland melitia uniform stole close to $20,000 dollars from one the local Telco companies.
  9. Awoowe meeshu waa hadal daysay. "Afkii ba juuqda gabay" hadii aad maqli jirtay waa tan oo kale. Dadku waxay hadlaa kolka jid u muuqdo, wax naawilayaan ama rajo muuqato. Kolka aad hopeless/rajo-beel noqotid, maskaxda qofku meel ayay ku ururtaa oo bigger picture waa ka suula. Meeshaa rajo beel ayaa ka muuqda dhan walba. Ku dar Cheeseman laftiisa. Wuu ogyahay inaanu waxba meesha u hayn.
  10. Cheeseman and igu-sawir crew will not be coming to Beledweyne anytime soon. Boqolaal qoys oo ka barakacay fatahaada Beledweyne HIIRAAN.COM Talaado, May 12, 2020 (HOL) - Wabiga Shabeelle ayaa saacadihii lasoo dhaafay fatahaad xooggan ka geystay magaalada Beledweyne, waxaana dhammaan xermay jidadka isku xira xaafadaha kala duwan...
  11. King's Hospital teaching university supports about 25 nurses in Somaliland who will be qualified to also become Nursing teachers. This will help Somaliland's goal for 2030 which is to be in a position to export health care workers with global standard education.
  12. Waxa ugu xun aduunka qof magaciisi la istimaalaayo oo hadana ka aradan. Reer Gedo 30 kii sano ee u danbeeyay maantay ugu liitaan. Sidaa odeygaa reer Baardheere sheegay meel ay ka tirsanyihin ma garanayaan, dhan walba waa u dhinteen. @gooni Ninkaa odeyga ah warkiisu waa xaqiiq. Cheeseman 3 1/2 ayuu jooga wax sii halaaba mooye wax maanta rajo leh ma jiraan.
  13. The so called Gov't in Villa AMISom, which in fact, a glorified NGO, doesn't know anything other than dishing out UNHCR's handouts. Reer Beledweyne had it enough.
  14. ASKAR KA TIRSAN CIIDAMADA PUNTLAND OO HUB LA BAXSADAY Askar ka tirsan Ciidamada Puntland oo hub la baxsaday – Puntland Post PUNTLANDPOST.NET Askar ka tirsan Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland ee ku sugan buuraleyda Af-Urur ee gobolka Bari, ayaa la xaqiijiyay in ay la… Sii akhri
  15. Kuwait funded Charity School for the Orphanage.
  16. Deni wuu ku fashilmay Qardho. Maamulka dhan 10,000 dollar oo waliba xaaska Deni loogu magacaabay ayay ku darsatay qaadhaankii la ururinaayay.
  17. Of course, igu-sawir iyo 'fake it, til you make it' programs ayay dhab moodeen. But when it comes to real work on the ground, helping the people, delivering for the people. Real Governance is hard work. It requires a lot more than a carefully choreographed igu-sawir sessions.
  18. Sandwiched between heartless forces, the residents of Mogadishu are patient people. Their taxation money are being swindled in the night clubs of Addis Abeba and Djibouti as well building luxury houses in Turkey.
  19. According to reports, more than 100 villages along the Juba River are inundated by flooding and home/livelihoods destroyed. The village of Doollow is hard hit. For more than 5 days the residents have not had any shelter and food is getting scarce. In all these suffering there is no word from Cheeseman. This is hard work. ------- Webiyada Jubba iyo Daawo oo ku fatahay Doolow HIIRAAN.COM Isniin, May 11, 2020 (HOL) Inta badan xaafadaha magaalada Doolow ayaa waxaa saameeyay fatahaad ay si wadajir ah u sameeyeen webiyada Jubba iyo Daawo, waxaana saaka magaalada ka socda...
  20. The US Government has contracted a special charter plane by Ethiopian Airlines to evacuate its citizens from Halane compound. COVID-19 Information | U.S. Embassy in Somalia SO.USEMBASSY.GOV The Department of State advises U.S. citizens to reconsider travel abroad due to the global impact of COVID-19. For more information, see the Department’s Global Health Advisory . May 11, 2020 Update...
  21. 37 ka tirsan askarta Amisom oo laga helay Coronavirus iyo jahwareer ka jira Xalane | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Waxaa dalka Soomaaliya si weyn ugu sii faafayo cudurka COVID19, taasoo la sheegay inay caqabad ku noqotay howlgalka Midowga Africa ee Soomaaliya ee ka dhanka ah…
  22. The right word here is 'confiscation'. When someone 'steals' something, it is usually done without the knowledge of the owners. Confiscation by government is done all over the world. You can try look up the laws in the place you reside. Here in Australia, hoon car drivers (usually youth with cars that are modified for high performance engines) get their vehicles permanently impounded. The police then take those vehicles get destroyed. More than 100 hoon cars destroyed in Vic each month AU.NEWS.YAHOO.COM Over 100 cars are being crushed in Victoria each month, with most belonging to hoon and drink drivers.
  23. It is the sort of time when leaders come out and share the pain with their public. Even a good word you say will go a long way. From Mogadishu to Gedo to Qardho to Beledweyne, the suffering is great. Yet the 'fake it, til you make it' crew are absent from the scene. Nada! This is hard work. It is not a igu-sawir opportunity. They are holed up behind the AMISom garrison.
  24. Tani igu sawir way daysay.