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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This is BBC'S Bella Hassan is reporting from Mogadishu. "Although most khat sellers in Somalia have nothing to trade, a few crafty dealers have hit a goldmine. "Before Covid-19, we got fresh leaves from Kenya," says a woman who sells khat in Mogadishu. "Now we get it illegally from the port city of Kismayo, and because it is so limited, we can push up the price. I used to sell one kilo of leaves for about $20 to $25. Now I sell it for $120. This ban has been very good for us."" Why khat chewers have been left in a stew WWW.BBC.COM Somalia's government curbs the use of khat after raising concern that it could help spread Covid-19.
  2. It is not as simple as you think. Event though the ban is enforced and it is done to the best ability. Yet, you cannot stop 800km of border when the other side of the border is free for all. Even in UK or North America where Khat is banned, Somalis are able to import it using various methods and ways. So it is a walk in the park when it comes to getting khat across the border from Ethiopia into Somaliland. What makes Somaliland case more pronounced is the fact that the Khat growing region of Ethiopia is just across the border. It is a 3 hour drive from Hargeisa. But the situation in South Somalia is not that far from Somaliland. Khat is still getting sold in all over South Somalia including Mogdishu, sometimes 4 or 5 times the normal price. The following 3 things have been observed in the past 3 weeks that Khat was banned. 1. A lot more khat dealers (risk takers) have joined the 'get rich quick' opportunity by going alone and going underground 2. Khat is getting sold for 3 times or more than the normal 3. The khat dealers getting away without tax, so the gov't is also losing income With all that combined, it is commonsense that the ban is not working. As the old saying goes, when the facts change, so your position should also. Banned Khat drug 'gone underground' WWW.BBC.COM A plant banned as a drug in 2014 remains popular in parts of Wales but its use has been pushed underground, those who take it say.
  3. dufcaddii labaad ee tababarka dhalinyaradda Adeeg Qaran/National Service oo qalin jabisay maanta.
  4. Ina lilaahi waa ina ilayhi raajicuun. Ilaahay qabriga ha u waasiciyo mujaahid Xassan Gurre Jaamac. Xassan Guure Jaamac waa ragga faro ku tiriska ah ee siyaasadda xayn daabka ka ilaalin jiray. Wuxu ahaa dadka meel dhexaadka ah (moderate) mar walba maslaxadda guud ka talin jiray, isku keeni jiray dadka kala aragtida duwan. Wuxu kaloo ahaa hogaamiyaashi SNM ciidanmada front lineka hogaamin jirtay. Wuxu guulo waawayn ka soo hooyay dagaalo farabadan oo ciidan u hoogaminaya ku qaadeen ciidanki Maxamed Siyad Barrre.
  5. Italy, UAE and Egypt all rejected his request for asylum. You can actually feel the desperation, going through the phone books... This is gold. So Idaajaa has confirmed what was open secret that the original looters were Afwayne's clan.
  6. LOOL I was in Addis Abeba at the time. That was when the regime change taking place and TPLF tanks rolled into the city. Within weeks we were listening to the first May 18 songs... ma waqooyi baa saaka loo wanqalay, ma walaaci baa laga raystay oo wado xaqa la maray. Ma Wiilasheenii ba, noo talinaayo Waynaada la yidhi Wehel toosanaan Waa mahad alee Warka maanta yimid Wax ku ool ahaa...
  7. Lacagtii Worldbank, cuntadii WFP iyo UNCHR.. hadana ma diyaaraha/helicopterkiia FAO (Food and Argriculatural Organisation) ayaa la sheegtay? kkkkk Hadii maalmo loogu yaboohay maha macnaheedu in lagu siiyay. Inta Ayax la dagaalamaayo, waxa haboonaan lahayd in Wabiga Juba tuulooyinka uu qaatay dadka ku taablaysan in lagu soo badbaadiyo. Mise contract FAO kuma jiro badbaado dadka shacabka ah? Caku!! At least, helicopter USAID u soo dirtay Somaliland, ciidamo Ethiopian ah looga baqi maayo.
  8. "It seems that most Tigrayan observers and analysts predict in best case a much weakened federal authority and a transition to a confederal type of arrangement, possibly with ‘split sovereignty’ between the center and regional states; or in the worst case an implosion of power and the disintegration of Ethiopia. These two scenarios, and everything in-between, are possibly all too pessimistic; but as stated optimists are hard to find in Ethiopia these days, let alone in Tigray. The most recent development is pushing towards a political confrontation between TPLF and PP; between the regional state government and the federal authority, as stated in TPLF’s Executive Committee statement from May 4, 2020:" In-depth Analysis: Towards Tigray Statehood? - Addis Standard ADDISSTANDARD.COM
  9. So it turns out, N&N fakes are fleeing the city. Naftu orod bay kugu aamintaa....
  10. That is the future I guess.Nomadic lifestyle is unsustainable. Specially when rains have become sporadic, droughts recurrent and also the political environments is becoming less conducive to easy movement of people and animals. At the same time, agri-tech is becoming cheaper and more available to the small scale farmers. These are technologies that were once in the domain of the big boys in town with deep pockets. The know-how and the knowledge about new ways and methods of farming are becoming accessible to a lot of people. So it is inevitable that settled farming will win the day. For instance, camel farming is becoming more and more popular thesedays. It is more profitable when they are in a farm where they feed and water are guaranteed. They will give you guaranteed milk output and one can plan their finances accordingly. A man who returned from the diaspora came up with an innovative new way of farming. He rents only she-camels that are milking from nomads. The nomads get a guaranteed monthly income from their she-camel without worrying about the feed, water or health of the animal. This guy now has more than 5,000 she-camels that he doesn't own but rents them all.
  11. “Gudigan oo ka kooban todoba xubnood oo iskugu jira dhakhaatiir, culumo iyo waxgarad, ayaa waxa loo xilsaaray inay ka hawlgalaan ka warqabka xaaladaha caafimaad ee talabixinta hadba wixii soo kordha” ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka Al-Shabaab. Could they actually do better job than Cheeseman's igu-sawir crew? I mean this committee by Alshabb will actually have the luxury to go around and inspect first hand. Not like Cheeseman's holed up behind AMISOM garrison. Al-Shabaab oo qaaday tallaabo aan laga fileyn oo la xiriirta cudurka Coronavirus | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Al-Shabaab oo horey u sheegtay in cudurka Coronavirus lagu ciqaabayo gaalada oo kaliya ayaa qoraal lama filaan ah oo caawo ka soo baxay ku sheegtay in kadib kula…
  12. [Non-AMISOM Ethiopian forces secure the parliament building of South West region] Sources: Ethiopian Forces in Somalia Shot Down Kenyan Plane Purposely placed anti-aircraft vehicle on the landing strip... then shot it down. According to the article, Both Cheeseman and the regional officials are soo scared that they can't publically talk about it. "His account was confirmed by a regional minister and an aviation official who both asked not to be identified for security reasons." The Ethiopian stooges and apologists are trying to spin this issue and blame it on an animal 'a poor Donkey'. "Ethiopia has nearly 4,000 soldiers serving as part of the AU mission, but non-AMISOM forces are larger. According to a reliable official, 75% of Ethiopian troops in Somalia are non-AMISOM soldiers. " That means, combined Ethiopians forces AMISOM + non-AMISOM is 20,000 soldiers. That is larger than the combined rest of AMISom troop contributing countries. Sources: Ethiopian Forces in Somalia Shot Down Kenyan Plane WWW.VOANEWS.COM An Ethiopian anti-aircraft gun brought down the Kenyan plane that crashed in the Somali town of Bardale last week, killing six people on board, multiple sources have told VOA Somali. Ethiopian forces are...
  13. Amiirka Dubai oo amray in si degdeg ah Soomaaliya loogu diro kaalmo ka caawisa covid19 iyo fatahaadaha HIIRAAN.COM Arbaco, May 13, 2020 (HOL) - Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Madaxweyne kuxigeenka, raiisel wasaaraha iyo amiirka Dubia, ayaa amar ku bixiyay duulimaad gargaar ah oo lagu taageerayo...
  14. The solar project is being built by the UAE's Masdar and will include sodium-sulfur batteries bank for electricity storage. This is probably one of the largest solar/battery power plant in East Africa.
  15. Guniyow Nin durbaan qaatay ilaaq dalbay. Cheeseman wuxu sheegtay ayuunba la tilmaamaya inay yihiin lugooyo dadka runta u qaatay ee is mooday in dawlad u maqantay. Dadkaasi waa kuwaa maanta bilaa hoy, bilaa cuno. Dhan ay u ciirsadaan waa ku waa afkoodii ka sheegaya. Anigu maan odhan. Waa dadkii beenta loo sheegay ee la yidhi Dawlad ayaa idiin maqan. Hadii la qaawiyo oo la sheego runta, maha in la caayay ama laga been abuuray. Waa reality jirta ayuunba fartaa lagu fiiqay. Beenta iyo khiyaaliga Villa AMISom taala ayaa dadka loo bayaamiyay. Wax badan ayaa halkan ka hadashay intooda badan aan mawduucan khusaynin. Sida Somaliland ood soo qaadatay. Mid kali ah ayaan ku soo koobaya arinka Somaliland, Somaliland wax ka maqan ayaa iska yar. Wada hadalka aad sheegtay waa arin ka timid saaxibadda Somaliland. Somaliland 30 sano oo jirtay wax ay u dabo fadhiisatay Mogadishu ma jirto, mana jiri doonto. Waxaan filayaa in casharo badan halkan ka faaiidasatay oo kolkii hore mugdi kaaga jiray.
  16. Garowe's Police station taken over by Wiil-hoog. Deni Yoga's is 1 1/2 years into his term and he is already struggling to keep the clans happy.
  17. There is now more reasons to grow wheats and other grains as the Wheat to flour step was the missing link. Somaliland's gov't should wack a heavy tax on imported flours that compete for market with the locallly produced one. National Flour Mill Company inaugurates Somaliland's first wheat flour mill WWW.FOODBUSINESSAFRICA.COM SOMALILAND – Alapala, one of the leading suppliers of flour milling equipment has completed the...
  18. National Flour Mill Co. One of the biggest investments in the country. Alapala supplies turnkey flour mill in Somaliland WWW.WORLD-GRAIN.COM National Flour Mill Company can process 110,000 tonnes of wheat per year.