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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Well that is what is in store for Col. Yey's exiled phantom government. A formidable task indeed. By the way Somaliland isn't there, weak they are You can say that. Thanks to our "we-are-different" foriegn policy. But hey, we will be playing hardball at the diplomatic level.
  2. hate or no hate for Islam or Arabs, this guy is trying to do his bit for his fella American. I have no problems with that. In fact, it is that kind of people that the Arabs or Muslims in general lack very much. If only we had the likes of them empowering the ummah to do its bit and not blame someone else for their misfortunes, then and only then we might see glory knocking at our doors. But as long as we are in the thinking of blaming outsiders for our own makings then I am affraid we will remain as the most backward peoples in this ever competitive global-suuq. Kudos to the author for pointing out the challenges posed by China and India in this new era of (if I might borrow his term) "flattened world".
  3. The Death Penalty and Executions: Migrant Worker Victims - A Philipino perspective
  4. I am surprised at the way they were given the same punishment all six of them, beheaded in public. Shouldn't there be an indivitual assessment of their participation in the crime? I am sure there were ring leaders and followers if it was a group thing. Alaaya kharib baytak.
  5. ... I had to laugh thinking about the goats that were walking around us - they were eating plastic and here was I eating their food - leaves
  6. Places that do not exist on TV Somaliland Europe Very big file, so better download if you can by right-click'n on the link.
  7. The people who fly Daallo Airlines in Somalia pay cash for their ticket and then, like the passengers, the money also travels on the plane Hmm, so that is how hard currency is moved into the land. But isn't that too risky?
  8. this is good news Duke thinks otherwise... :mad: yussef indhacade...what the hell is he doing here? He is doing, what he has been doing at Baidoba.
  9. Time to move on... Roob galbeed (Somaliland) iyo naf gelbatay (South) labaduba gadaal uma soo noqdaan
  10. Duke and Horn, are you two still supporting this govnt/warlords? I don't know about Horn, but Duke? You better be kidding to ask that question.
  11. Corrections: Group 1. Coalition of Puntland (it’s entirety), RRA (majority), North Mogadishu sub-clans, and collection of opportunistic sub-clans. Both Suudi Yalahow (the cheif opposition) and Omar Filish (Both from North Mogadishu subclans) are on Group 2. Group 2. Central Somalia sub-clans, Mogadishu lords, criminal entrepreneurs, one RRA malcontent warlord , nervous and confused JVA junior partners, and clannish militia wrapped with noble Islamic garb. The current chairman of the RRA Mr. Mire Seeraar along with Haabsade and Sherif Hassan are on one side, on the other side you have Shadhcase+Madoobe+Deerow. Effectively, a divided organisation. Happiest referee in the world: So-called frontline states bordering Somalia Ethiopia is not a fair playing referee, it is one sided.
  12. Sherifka maxaa lagu haystaa, ma Zenawi maxaad raqaska u cunsiisay?
  13. ^^ lol@for once If things remain as they are at the moment, Golaha Samata Bixinta will have no much problems in routing the SRRC out of the last 2 regions that come under their rule, namely Shabeele-Dhexe and Bakool. But as I said things will take a different face if Ethiopia gets itself involved in the Somali politcal quagmire. We will see how things go. Surely, without the Golaha Samatabixinta, the powerbrokers in the far South, the phantom government will only exist in name only and will probably remain in exile.
  14. Well I see the current show down in the Riverine region as the final decider. The winners shall rule, the loosers shall bite the dust. The only wildcard so far is Ethiopia, will it interfere and save her boys from an imminent Morgan like humiliation despite the UN Weapons Embargo? Time will tell. As for the phantom government, it can secure all the external help it wants but at the end of the day what you have on the ground is all that counts.
  15. Col. Yey being a very unpopular warlord has taken a great risk, and it sadly seems that risk has backfired on him severely. It is almost 7 months since he was named back in Oct. 2004 and still the old man has no clue of where his seat is going to be. The latest news from Baidoa was not helpful either. Jowhar is no longer a viable option too... now he is contemplating over Garoowe - the small hamlet that he rules with an iron fist? Looks like this government is vanishing in thin air before it even lands in Somalia(proper)... (where is DUKE ) From every so called Peace Conference for Somalia(Proper) the only thing that came out of were the creation of new warlords. We saw the creation of such warlords like Xaabsade, Ahmed Dheere, Adan Madabe and a number of other warlords who came to prominence during Abdiqasim's era. It looks like a number of new names are in the making in Col. Yey's turn, in preperation for the next Somali Peace Conference to be held in God knows where.
  16. Dubai Internet City Dubai Sports City DubaiLand Dubai Palm Island The World,,14052-1425646,00.html Awesome
  17. Radio Horyaal: Codka Shacabka Somaliland Waxa loogu bushaareynayaa dhamaan shacab-weynaha Somaliland in dhowaan ay hawada soo geli doonto idaacad madax banaan oo Somaliland ah oo la yidhaahdo Radio Horyaal: Codka Shacabka Somaliland. Radio Horyaal waa Idaacadan cusub oo ku soo biirtay warbaahinta Somaliland, lagana dhagaysan karo Geeska Afrika, Saudi Arabia iyo UAE . Idaacadu waxay barnaamijyadeeda bilaabi doontaa maalinta isniinta ah ee bisha March tahay 21, saacadda 8:30 fiidnimo ilaa 9:00 fiidnimo . Kadib idaacadu waxay hawada soo galidoontaa maalinkasta wakhtigaas oo kale, marka laga reebo maalinta jimcaha. Idaacadda waxa laga maqli karaa 12140 KHz usbuuca hore, wixii intaa ka dambeeyana 12130KHz. Waxa kale oo barnaamijyada idaacada laga heli karaa websiteka idaacada ee HORYAAL.NET iyo weliba websiteka Halgan News . Waxii maclluumad ah ee idaacadda ku saabsan waxaad kala soo xidhiidhi kartaa afhayeenka idaacadda, Mudane Ahmed H Nur emailka: Source:
  18. Xildhibaan Jinni-boqor “Taariikhda noo geli meyso, caruurta Soomaaliyeed ee mustaqbalkana iskuulada loogu dhigi maayo baarlamaan Soomaaliyeed baa maalin ogolaaday in Amxaaro dalka la keeno Xildhibaan Cabdi Cabdulle Siciid (Jinni-boqor) oo ka mid ah xildhibaanada mucaaradada xoogan kala soo horjeeda madaxweynaha dowladda federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa sheegay in aqlabiyada ugu badan ee baarlamaanka ay diidan yihiin ciidamada dowladaha safka hore ayna taasi ku cadeynayaan marka la gaaro xilliga loo codeynayo qorshahaasi. “ Taariikhda noo geli meyso, caruurta Soomaaliyeed ee mustaqbalkana iskuulada loogu dhigi maayo baarlamaan Soomaaliyeed baa maalin ogolaaday in Amxaaro dalka la keeno †ayuu yiri xildhibaan Cabdi Cabdulle Siciid (Jinni-boqor) oo sheegay in Itoobiyaan-ku aysan jecleyn dowladnimada Soomaaliya taasina ay tahay mid uu ogyahay dhalaanka yar ee Soomaaliyeed, isla markaana C/llaahi Yuusuf isagoo taa maanka ku haya in ay kala weyn tahay kursiga madaxweynenimada ee uu helay. “ Waad ogtihiin C/llaahi Yuusuf si xalaal ah laguma dooran ee lacag baa lagu doortay, waxaana maqlaayey lacagtiina hadda waa ka dhammaatay waxaan u maleynayaa in qorshaha uu ciidamada ku doonayo aan laad ku dhufan doono†ayuu yiri xildhibaan Jinni-boqor oo ka mid ahaa ragga ugu dhow dhowaa madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ka hor tartankii doorashada, wuxuuna sheegay xildhibaan-ku in uu la soo shaqeeyey C/llaahi Yuusuf muddo ku dhow 38 sano. “Soomaaliya waxey nasiib darro dhaxashay maalintii C/llaahi Yuusuf madaxweyne loo doortay , dadka ku nad-naadaya in shacabku uu qabo baahi dowladeed ayna taageerayaan , waxaana taa marqaati ka ah wareysiyadii uu bixiyey dhowr sano ka hor hadaladii uu ku yiri ee uu ku jaa’ifeeyey qaar ka tirsan qabaa’ilada Soomaaliyeed†ayuu yiri xildhibaan Jinni-boqor wuxuuna sheegay in xildhibaanada baarlamaanka ee u codeynaya ciidamada shisheeye in ay u kala bixi doonaan Soomaali & Soomaali-diid , sida uu yiri.
  19. The Commission for Africa, set up by UK Prime Minister Tony Blair last year, has just delivered its report. It was tasked with finding the best ways of raising living standards on the world's poorest continent. Here are the report's key findings: Africa * Improve governance, by doing more to respect human rights and fight corruption * Progress has been made on democratisation * Provide free primary education * Improve health systems - by training extra health workers - and spending 15% of national income on health in the long term * Encourage trade within the continent * Use more aid money on infrastructure, such as ports, roads and airports * Do more to help orphans and vulnerable children Double the area of land being irrigated to grow more crops. The West * Double or treble aid flows, if the money can be absorbed - an extra $25bn a year by 2010 and a further $25bn by 2015 * Forgive 100% of debts * Move towards grants, not loans * Remove trade barriers and end subsidies on goods also exported by Africa, such as cotton and sugar * Spend more on the fight against HIV/Aids * Return billions of dollars, stolen by corrupt officials, now held in western bank accounts * Contribute $3bn a year to fund peacekeeping operations and stem the flow of arms to Africa * Spend $500m a year for 10 years to fund universities.
  20. How much did he say his lever costed him? $200,000? waa lacag awr goysa. I think it would have been better spent if they built a hospital instead.
  21. My bad, thanks for the correction bro.
  22. hmm...complaints in the public forums seems to be allowed after all... lookslike many things had changed. Maxaa naloo ogaysiin waayay, is what I am inquiring.