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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Well, I wouldn't care what other programes they put on air as long as ay iga haqab tiraan xaga wararka.
  2. ^^ it was from the daily sun url:,,2004600000-2005330917,00.html FyrKanten Certainly it is worrying, specialy this "shoot to kill" new powers that the police sport. These Aussies are dabodhilif for the UK and America, and I am affraid, they will employ tough police regimes here aswell. ilaahaw noo sahal
  3. Armed police also swooped on a basement flat in Portnall Road, Maida Vale, West London, yesterday in the hunt for the bombers Eye-witnesses said up to six shots were fired and tear gas thrown into the premises, said to be occupied by a Somalian family. Bomb disposal experts were later seen going into the property which is less than two miles from the scene of the first attempted bomb attack at Shepherd’s Bush station. Forensic teams were last night carrying out a fingertip search.
  4. Does it necessarily have to be "Abysnians" that will destroy the holy ka'ba? Could there be a modern interpretation of that hadith? I say that because I see no Abysnia which is capable of such perhaps for the next millennia or so. I am not including a desperate 911 style suicide attack to the holy sites. :eek: I think this world is not going to be around for long, maybe a couple of more hundred years. We already seen too many of the signs of Yaw'alqiyamah. Never has this world been awashed as much with macaasi and shirk as today's. This is at a stage similar to the ones when ALlah (SWT) destroyed the Qawm of Luud, Qawm of Nuuh and other previous civilisations. Subxaanalah.
  5. REACTIONS Tancredo condemned by Arab Americans Turkish reaction Turkish Foreign Minister Mr. Abdullah Gul "He is a fanatic" US Congressman Response to Gul: Yes, I am Fanatic Jewish reaction Congressman Tancredo's threats are un-American
  6. National TV station launched in Somaliland Eng Selgio Carl [phonetic], accompanied by Eng Mahmud Nasir and Eng Ali Mire, who in the recent past have been busy working on the installation of Somaliland national TV station, have this morning handed over the station to the minister of information and guidance, Hon Abdullahi Muhammad Du'ale, at the ministry's HQ. The national TV station has a power range of up to 1.5Kw. Initially, the station will be viewed only in the Somaliland capital, Hargeysa, and its environs; the second and third phase will extend viewing to the major towns of Burco, Berbera and Boorama. In the third phase, a satellite connection will also be added to expand the station for a global reach . [Passage omitted; names of officials attending the function] The task of managing the TV station has been mandated to Mr Ahmad Abdrahman Hirsi, alias Helo. BBC Monitoring
  7. ^^ :eek: to develop ePassport and eAuthentication systems I was expecting computer equipments and office automation but ePassports?? :eek: A case of - I can't walk so lets run -
  8. The ONLF now looks like it has turned its weapons to the local Somali nomads that do not share clan affiliations with them. here are the latest news from kilka shanaad. Fighting breaksout in Moholin district (Daroor) Dagaal faraha looga gubtay oo ka soconaya deegaanka Iimey bari ee ismaamulka Soomalida dalka Itoobiya ONLF ayaa xasuuq ka geystey meelo ka mid ah Kilinka shanaad ee ismaamulka Soomaalida
  9. ------ Muqdisho July 18, 2005 (Haatuf) Munaasabad baroor diiq ah oo loogu baroor diiqayo dadkii xasuuqa loogu geystay xeebta jasiira 1989 ayaa shalay galab ka kadhacday Ex garon kii kubada kolay ga ee la odhan jiray (21) Oktobar ee Muqdisho. Sida uu ku soo waramay weriyaha Haatuf ee Muqdisho Yaasiin Maxamed munaasabadan waxa soo qaban qaabiyay is bahaysiga USC, SSE, SRRC & Ganac Sade Bashiir Raage iyo hogaanka majliska isirka samaale oo aan u kala hadhin munaasibadan oo ah tii labaad ee lagu qabto Muqdisho gaar ahaan garoonkan oo ku yaala degmada Cabdi Casiis ee magalada muqdisho waxa ka soo qayb galay qaar ka tirsan xildhibanada dawlada Embegati ee ka soo jeeda degaanka Somaliland oo uu ka mid yahay duqii hore ee Berbera Cabdale Xaji Cali Yuusuf, Gayr Maxamed Cali, Xagaa Cabdoo Shodhe Iyo Ina Cabaade iyo Jamal Cabdi Ismacil, Jamal Case. Waxaana munasibada lagu furay aayado quraana kadibna waxa halkaasi lagu daawaday Riwaayad ay soo qaban qabiyeen kooxda Muqdisho baan oo ay ku soo bandhigeen qaabkii uu u dhacay xasuuqii jasiira ka dhacay iyo sidii madaxdii taliskii Siyaad Bare amarka u bixiyeen in dadkaas la laayo iyadoo aan looo aaba yeelin. ruwayadan oo uu ka dhex muuqday oday Cabdule oo ah majajilayste dadku aad ugu qoslaan ayaa si wacdaro leh ku muujiyey sida dadkaa loo laayey waxaana halkaa ka hadlay kana soo jeediyey khudbad ku aadanayd munasibadan godoomiyaha majliska Isirka Samaale Pr.Cabdilaahi Axmed Siyad,oo ka hadlay maalinta maanta oo kale ah in ay tahay maalin aan weligeed la ilaawi doonin oo ay dadka Samaalaha ee dadkaas laga laayey ay xasuusan doonaan isla markaana ay aargoosan doonaan kol ay ay noqotaba balse aan sidaa lagu ilaawi doonin ayuu yidhi Pr Samale waxa uu dadkii meeshaas isugu yimi u cadeeyey in maanta ay tahay maalin aan farxad lahayn balse ah maalin murugo leh kuna ah dadka samaalaha ee aduunka ku dhaqan .waxa isaguna munasibada ka hadlay xildhibaan Jamaal Xasan Ismacil oo sheegay in uu aad iyo aad ugu mahadcelinayo ganacsade Bashir Raage Iyo Cabdiqadir Beebe kaalinta walaaltinimo ee ay noo muujiyeen kaas oo aanaan weligayo ilaaw doonin waxaa uu Jamal muujiyey degmooyinka ka soo qayb galay ee ka socday xafadaha Shangaani Iyo Shibis Iyo Bondheere Iyo cabdi Casis in ay yihiin dad aad iyo aad u mahadsan. Waxa is na ka hadlay munaasabada Cabdale Xaaji Cali Oo sheegay in munaa sabadani aan Somaliland & Muqdisho in teeda kalaba aan laga xusin balse ay afar taa xaafadood & siyaasiin toodu ay noqdeen kuwii koobka dahab ka ah qaatay “waxay ii tahay inaan mar labaad sanad guuradan aan kasoo qeyb galo inigoo tii horena joogay waxaan umahad celinayaa nimanka aan walaalaha nahay Ganac sade Bashiir Raage & C/Khaadir Beebe kaalinta ay inaga buuxiyeen oo ay garteen in dadkii walaalahood ahaa oo sida xaq darada ah loo laayay inay xus baroor diiq ah u sameeyaan waana ugu mahad celi doonaa taariikh daana xusi doonta nin kastoo ka qeyb qaata wax yaabaha Umada tacadiga loogu geystay sidii dad ka loo tusi lahaa dadkii fal kaasi geys tay umadana Usoo ban dhiga si jiilka dambe u gaadhaan wixii ka horeeyay Eedhacay†ayuu yidhi Waxa isna munaasabadaasi ka hadlay C/Qaadir Xasan Beebe Oo ah Gudoomiyaha USC SSE SRRC waxanu yidhi “Maan ta waa maalin Taariikhi Ah Oo la xusayo dad khalad lama ilaawaan ah laga galay iyadoo dadka loo sheegayo in dowladi dalka kajirto hadana dad ka qaar kood Gooni loo xasuuqayo in tii meel banaan lageeyo la laynayo dadka waxay leeyahiin muxuu dalku u dagi la yahay kuwii dambiya daa geystay ayaa dibadaha la wareegaya Somalia Hubka halaga Dhigo bal se waxaan kuu sheegayaa Qoriga waxaan u qaatay xasuuqa loo geystay Umada Ee cadaawada & qabiilaysiga Ku dhisnaa Qoriga in la qaatana Dhibaatadaas ay Geysteen ayaa keentay in dad kii fal kaasi Geystayna waxay U hanqal taagayaan in ay Xukun ka Ku soo laabtaan balse waxaan kuu sheegayaa in qoriga sidaan doono inta aan cadaaladi ka imanayso waxaanan ku sheegaya in goorti ilaahay ugu talo galay ay waxwalba ay ku eekaan doonan, garoonkan hada aan munasibada aan ku qabsanayno waxa la odhan jiray ex; 21 oktobar maanta laga bilaabo waxaa loogu yeedhayaa Oo aan u bixinay (17) july oo ah maalin ta xasuuqa la gaystay. Soomaalida sanad kasta in ta aan joogno waan xusaynaa waxaan uga tacsiyadeynayaa Dhamaan dadkii hal kaas lagu xasuuqay†Waxa is na kulan kaas ka had lay Gudo miyaha Shir kada Kaamil Ganac Sade Bashiirraage Shiiraar oo sheegay maanta oo kale in ay tahay maalin baroor diiq ah ahna maalintii xasuuqa somaalida waana dad la khiyaameeyay iyagoo Guryahoodii jiifa inta lala soo baxay la xasuuqay waxaanay isugu jireen Dhakhaatiir Arday & Aqoonyahano kaleba tani waxay noo tahay sanad guuradii labaad waxaanu rabnaa inay noqoto mid taariikhi ah oo jiilba jiil ka dambeeya si ay u ogaadaan wixii Dhacay Eeku saleysnaa cadaalad darada waxaanu u tacsiyadeynayaa dad kii qaraabada & Ehel ka la ahaa dad kaasi waxaanan ilaahay u ga baryayaa in samir & iimaan ilaahay nagasiiyo waxaan ayi dayaa Gudoomiye C/Qaadir Cabdi Xasan Beebe go’aan kii Uuku gaadhay in garoon kan waxii maanta ka da beeya maadaama uu garoonku hoos tago maamulkiisa in maga cii hore loo odhan jiray oo ahaa (21) Oktobar oo maan ta ku eg yahay waayo Oktoobar waxay Dhimatay (1991) oo uu Dhintay magacaasi waa ilaahay mahadii wixii inaga soo maray naf & maal ba ayaanku khasirnay Oktoobar awgeed wixii maanta ka dambeeya waxa garoonkan loogu yeedhayaa (17) juulay Oo ah maalinta Xasuuqa Soomaaliyeed Cidii howl ka leh garoon kaoan ama hawl ku Qabsanaysa waa inay maamulka lasoo xidhiidhaan Dokuminti Goodana ay ku soo Qoraan Magaca ah 17 julay hadii taas ay yeeli wayaan waxaan U sheegaynaa inaan waxba Usuuragalaynin hawsha ay doonayaan waxaanu ku ayidsan nahay Gudoomiyaha Magaca Uu bixiyay Garoonka waxaanu ayid sanahay boqolkiiba kun ayaan taagersanahay waxaan rabaa dad ku inay kalagartaan habeen & maalin wakhtiga la marayo oo ay masiirkooda ay ka tashadaan dad kuna ay kafiirsadaan waxa macno la’aan ta Dhacaya, waad ogtihiin waxa Nairobi lagu soo Dhoo Dhoobay Sida ay Isu fasirtayna waad ujeediin Cunug baa waxa la Yidhi hooyadii baa tidhi Ilaahow mar uun iiga hadashii markiina ilaahay ka hadalsiiyayna wuxuu yidh hadal xun oo ayna kafilayn Mar kaasoo ay tidhi ilaahow Kuceli halkiisii mar kaas waxaan leeyahay dadka Somaalida khilaafaadkooda yar Hoos U xidhiidh sadaan Wixii nairobi ka soo baxayna waxay noqdeen in la yidhahdo dadka ha naloo qabqabto iyo ha naloo xidh xidho markaas waxaan ka codsanayaa dadka Somaliyed in ay fahmaan waxa ay cadaaladu ay tahay oo ay dadkooda u ogadaan waxa lala damacsan yahay iyo waxa la rabo in mustaqbalkooda la mariyo†ayuu yidhi.
  10. TAKING POINT, BY M.M. Afrah© Readers of my Talking Point columns have been very generous in their remarks. Many write that they have been reading me for years and, although we have never met, consider me a friend and patriot. This is a charitable compliment, and I much appreciate it. Like many of you, I am concerned about the serious problems facing Somalia. Hence, I took up the routine to address them, even after General Barre took over the reign of the country in a military coup in October 1969. It has been said: "If you keep going to hell you will eventually get there." I was convinced that we were well on our way to that destination from day one, and judging by the emails that arrive in my inbox, it is a philosophy that many of the readers share. However, Somalia's current turmoil and anarchy is not the fault of the clan gunmen and their godfathers. It dates back during the Italian colonialists who were made up of fools whose main interests was to use slave labours to grow bananas and grapefruit for the Italian market. And, the first thing they did was to build the biggest Roman Catholic cathedral in Africa in the 1920s, again using slave labours, instead of opening public schools and colleges, and it gives me particular pleasure to take a poke here at them. The achievements record during Italian Trusteeship in Somalia in the 1950s was virtually blank, and there was nothing to be conceited. Crucial institutions, such as medical or engineering schools did not exist during their administration-1950-1960. Roads became impassable during the rainy season and motorists were forced to drive across farms and bushes, avoiding the flooded roads. Old bridges and canals were falling to pieces for lack of spare parts, and whenever the rivers broke their banks, the riverine people were force to evacuate. Admittedly, Italy has been recovering from the ravages of World War II and depended on the American Marshall Plan, but unlike the Germans, who took advantage of the Plan and rebuilt their devastated country, the Italians on the other hand were beleaguered by successive corrupt regimes which they did not recover to this day. The slogan Mani Pulito (clean hands) adopted by some potential candidates in order to win votes failed to materialize in Italy of yesterday and today. Wide scale corruption and lottizzazione (sharing out of the spoils) became the order of the day. Recently I came across an article by a colleague of mine about the Italian contingent in Somalia during Operation Restore Hope spearheaded by the United States. I am reprinting this article with permission from my colleague, Gerard Prunier. The reader is the judge, the jury, the witness and the persecutor. OPERATION RESTORE HOPE JUMPING ON THE BANDWAGON By Gerard Prunier Dispatch from Mogadishu "…The Italians had jumped on the intervention bandwagon from the very beginning. Their troops were assembled and ready to go as early as December 11. Here also was the reason of domestic political concern. As a former colonial master of Somalia Italiano (1885-1941) and then UN- mandated ruler of the same territory (1946-1960), Italy had had a special relationship with the country where intervention was taking place. But, the main point was that Italy had not stopped dealing with Somalia when it officially left in 1960. Quite contrary, it had become involved not only with the democratic regime (1960-1969) even more with the Siyad Barre dictatorship after 1969. And the involvement had not been a benign nature. Italy had delivered weapons to the dictator, its important economic aid had been a source of patronage to political friends both in Rome and in Mogadishu, the Mafia and the notorious P2 network had been involved, and manipulation of aid money had been used for financing the Italian Socialist Party, and for enriching some of its members. Former Prime Minister Bettino Craxi and his brother-in-law Paolo Pilletieri, the deputy mayor of Milan, had taken part in the dubious transactions, all of which made Somalia a major (and still contemporary) skeleton in the Italian cupboard. The operation got off to a very bad start when U.S. presidential envoy, Robert Oakley declared on December 9 that it might be better if the Italians waited a little bit before coming "because they had left a pretty bad image." Thus, from the very beginning, Italy-a country that had been smarting from real or supposed humiliation since 1918 because of a feeling that, although a major power, it was not being taken seriously by the other members of the great powers club-started its participation in Operation Restore Hope with a chip on its shoulder. This feeling was going to persist throughout and cause major problems of political and military coordination-Gerard Prunier in Mogadishu, 1993. PASSAGES FROM MY BOOK THE SOMALI TRAGEDY, THE GANG RAPE OF A NATION The dispute between the Italian contingent and the UNOSOM/USA was brought to the open by the Italians, who felt they were being sidelined in Somalia, their former colony. The then UN Under-Secretary, now Secretary General Kofi Annan, at a news briefing, to explain UN operations in Somalia, said Italy's commander, Bruno Loi would be sent home and his 2,400 men transferred out of Mogadishu for taking orders from Rome rather than the UN Command in Mogadishu. In Rome, Defense Minister, Fabbio Fabri, reacted angrily, saying: "General Loi has carried out the instructions from the Italian government. He has never acted on his own alone," That remark went to the core of the dispute that the Italian contingent took orders from Rome, which Mr. Annan said was "unacceptable." He denied charges that the United States controlled the operation in Somalia, regardless of UN structures. Senior American officials said that there had been difficulties with the Italians awhile. "They have different agenda. This is not standard operating procedures," the American officials said. Other UN officials said Italian troops attempted to begin their own negotiations with General Mohamed Farah Aideed outside of the UN Command. In another part of the city, seven Nigerian and three Pakistani UN soldiers were killed. The Nigerians were killed as they tried to take control of the checkpoint from the Italians who were withdrawing from Mogadishu amid a row with Washington over air strikes against Aideed's stronghold in the South of the city. Local residents said the Italians paid the militia and elders protection money, while the Nigerians failed to do so. The Italians denied the accusation they paid Somali gunmen not to attack them. US helicopter gunships used missiles to destroy Aideed's stronghold, demolishing a number of buildings and killing a dozens of Habar-gedir elders who were meeting to discuss relationship with the United Nations and the Americans, and how to end the impasse. But, as in previous attempts, Aideed who was at the meeting, eluded the US Army Rangers by seconds without warning the elders. Reports persisted that the Italians were tipping off the fugitive general about impending attacks on his stronghold, Newsweek magazine in its international edition reported that the Italian troops had helped General Aideed to evade capture. A US-run surveillance network had "more than often" intercepted members of the Italian contingent in Somalia warning the fugitive general about operations against his stronghold, the magazine said in its dispatch from Mogadishu. The story of Italy's involvement in Somalia's affairs does not end there, even after leaving the country in a bad shape in 1960, and in the words of Robert Oakley, former US ambassador in Mogadishu "in a pretty bad image." THE ITALIANS ARE BACK AGAIN, 2005! Juggling with Somali politics Italy's envoy to Somalia, Paolo Rafaelli had admitted that the Italian government had sided with the Jowhar-based Transitional Federal Government, and said at a meeting with Mogadishu-based faction leaders and attended by European Union delegates, that his government will henceforth adopt neutral stand in Somali politics. He was reacting to accusations that the Italian government was supporting the Jowhar-based wing of the Transitional Federal Government led by President Abdullahi Yusuf against the Mogadishu-based wing led by Sheriff Hassan, the Speaker of Parliament. Paradoxically, the Italian government, in an earlier statement bitterly denied allegations by some members of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia based in Mogadishu, and it termed as "baseless and unfounded." The report from the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry said: "The grant sent by the Italian government to the federal government of Somalia is meant for the Somali people and not for an individual." Now their envoy retracts his own government's earlier statement of denial. The Mogadishu wing dubbed as Group 101 have arranged for demonstration on July 4th in protest against the Italian government, but was promptly cancelled without explanations. Obviously, the question of the grant to one side only is the core issue. Members of Group 101 say: "If the Italian government is honest broker it should have given similar grant to us as well," but that was not to be. One of the civic leaders in Mogadishu told me over the telephone the other day that it is not about the money; it is about the preferential treatment deliberately played by the Italians. It is no wonder Italy is involved in the complex Somali politics again to make matters for worse to worst. It is back to square one! By M.M. Afrah©2005 Email:
  11. Indeed its a very good news. In the 3 months since Radio Horyaal was on air, we can already see the huge impact it had on domestic politics in Somalialnd. It provided a platform for which the opposition parties can counter the government. Despite the euphoria that surrounded Radio Horyaal for making the playing field leveled, the people are now in desperate need for a third Radio that provides a moderate and impartial view which is independent both from government and opposition parties. I just hope Radio Waaberi becomes that neutral voice that people will turn to for unbiased news and analysis.
  12. Radio Waaberi becomes the second independent radio ran by Somalilanders that can be heard in East Africa (Somaliland, Djibouti, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya) and GCC countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar etc). Radio Waaberi will be a 30 minute weekly programme (fridays 4:30-5:00pm East Africa Time) that is broadcasted on shortwave from the USA. It will begin its first broadcast on Friday 22/Jul/2005. ----- Ogeysiis ku saabsan Idaacad cusub Waxa uu maamulka “ Waberi Broadcasting Service †ogeysiineyaa dadka afsoomaliga ku hadla meel kastaba ha joogaani in Idaacad cusub oo la yidhaahdo Radiowaaberi oo ku hadasha afsoomaali oo laga maqli karo Geeska Afrika (Horn of Africa), iyo dhulka carabta oo dhan aduun weynaha kalana kala socon karo internetka aay hawada ku soo biireyso maalinta Jimcaha ee bisha July tahey laba iyo la baatanka sanad kan labada kun iyo shanta (07/22/05) Radiowaaberi waxa uu ku bilaabi doona ina uu soo galo nusasaaci (30 minutes) malin kasta oo Jimca ah marka aay saacado tahey 4:30 –5:00 galabnimo saacada geeska Afrika. Waxa aanay ka soo geli doontaa mowjada dherer keedo yahey 17550 Khz (Short wave). Wixii af kaar ah amba tu saali ah amba doonaaya ina aanu wax gaar ah ka hadalno oo ummada u dan ah amba raba ina aay ka qeyb qaatan doodaha iyo barnaamij yada kale ee ka baxaaya radiowaaberi waanu soo dhaweyneynaa ee hana gala soo xidhiidhaan: Wixii faahfhin ah ee inta ka sii badan waxa aa kala xidhiidhan Mahadsanidin Ali Gulaid Maddaxa Waaberi Broadcasting Service (Radiowaaberi)
  13. awoowe see Alla kuu galay ma waxaad sheegeysaa berrigii colku naga soo galay dhankaa iyo Burco oo aanu wada difaaca ahayn that was when you were a footsoldier... waxaan ka hadlayaa wasaarada magacuyaal markii laguu dalacay. don't have choice but to hope that Somalia stablizes and regains its place among the nations. As much as I would love to see Southern Somalia stablise and regain its place among the nations of the world, it is a tough luck under Col. Yey's leadership.
  14. ^^ Sowdigii Tshirtka Col. Yey ku sawiranyay xidhnaan jiray?
  15. ^^ I wonder what neo-somaliweynism you subscribe to. I support col. Yey and I am Somaliweyn don't go in the same sentence. The president is known to exploit this for political gains. You are right, he almost sold the whole country at some point. :eek: And Ethiopia is not just being an adamant supporter of Col. Yey for nothing. On top of being a local puppet, there are credible rumours that the Col. Yey made a deal with the Ethiopian regime on the faith of Kilka-shanaad. :eek: :eek: My friend, don't hide under bogus Somaliweynism or I have different views on certain topics... just say I am supporting him because he is my uncle, simple as that. And wrong or right i will be there behind him chanting Nolow Madaxweyne Noolow. But seriously do you, in your frank state, think Col. Yey makes a real president for Somalia? Where do you think a self confessed "Habaarqabe" would lead that country other then wars and more wars, because that is what he is known for.
  16. ^^ :eek: Well, we can say col. Yey is happy for his own reasons. And if Col. Yey is happy so does his supporters (commonsense ). And Ethiopia, she is happy for her own long established reasons. So where do you fit in at this happy moment that you seem to share? Obviously you seem like you are satisfied with the report. When I say satisfied, I mean, there were nomads here that used to demonise the ICG for publishing a report that they did not like. I don't know if you were one of those nomads but the impression I got was that every Col. Yey supporter hated it. :eek: And now, they look like they had taken a U turn. :eek: :eek:
  17. The main theme of the report was on terrorism in Somalia and as far as that was concerned it didn't disappoint Col. Yey and his supporters. But whether or not that will produce the kind of support that Col. Yey recieved when he accused Col. JAJ of being supported by AIAI which had a base in Shimbiraale, remains to be seen. It gives Ethiopia a boost to its grand plans which suffered serius setbacks recently, however. But all that aside, i don't think this report will have any significant impact on the USA and the EU who by now understand being neutral to the internal Somali conflict is their best option.
  18. ^^ Markaad faraxsantay it is too obvious, no need for comments.
  19. The sad thing is that the culprits of the old republic somehow still think they have credibility to engage in such topics, not to mention someone who hails from Wardheer. It reminds me of the old Somali story about the Theif(Tuug) who after he was caught stealing the day before, came the next morning with a Kitaab on his hands and tried to preach the village about Allah-ka-cabsi. :eek: :eek: Now, the same man, who was rejoicing when my home city was being looted and destroyed wants to preach me of how I should run my affairs or the colours of my flag. :mad: Even more sad is hat his ONFL has a flag very similar to the one he so cemented with the cheap shots. The "Bulugley" that he mentioned and praises in his ediotorial, is the same flag his ONLF or rather WSLF as it was known back in 1977, refused to hoist on Godey city after the Somali army liberated it from the Ethiopians. What I don't understand is whether or not this is shear ignorancy or just plain doqonimo. :confused: Okay. A question: If the red doesn't stand for defending Ethiopia's Orthodox religion, what does it stand for? The RED colour is tribute to the fallen sons who spilled their precious blood in freeing Maandeeq from its captives, and all the hardship that the people went through. The White is a symbol of "Nabad iyo Caano" The Green stands for political, social and economical development and prosperity. The Shahaada and the Black Star are self explanatory.... That is the flag of the Republic of Somaliland....
  20. Mr. KHAN hit the nail on the head. It is very obvious this clanish website is having nostalgia of the gone days. Days when Gen. Aden Gabyow used to make them gather round him at Hargeisa's Khayria Square and say "Dhulkan dadkii lahaa way iskaga carareen, idinka ayaa iska leh maanta wixii ka danbeeya" aah :eek: :eek: He sure is frozen in time. Open your eyes pal and smell xoorka geela. Ninba laga hay laba walba isi saaray laba tagoogo se wali ismaan saarin. In daalac loo haysto ismaba oga? Doqoniimada lagu sheega waa ka lafta iyo dhuuxa. :eek:
  21. It came as a result of foreign pressure and the fact that a continued denial by the Government of Al Bashir of the rights of the Southern communities was not going to solve the problem. So in the end, the Sudanese government has to face upto the challenge and make the compromises that has been made. In a referedum for the South which is going to be held in 6 years' time as agreed, the southern Sudanese people will be presented a choice of whether they will continue to be part of Sudan and have an autonomous region or opt for complete independence. That is a progress and sense of direction.
  22. ^^ Are you 2 one and the same? :confused: This is not about Ethiopia or Osman Ali Ato personally or of his politics (Being part of the Mogadishu anti Col. Yey group). But this is about a policy towards ANYONE that has participated or is a member of the so called Federal Institutions (be it parliament, government or otherwise) which cliams to represent Somaliland too. And we know Osman Ali Ato is not only an MP but has also a title of a "minister". Perhaps he had forgotten that fact altogether or maybe he thinks "the so called positions that he holds" as something that is just too trivial and not serious at all. I don't know. But what I know is that Osman Ali Ato is welcome any minute he religiushes his ministerial or Parliamenterian position and all associations to that government. Or the minute him and his Mogadishu Boys create a rival government which does NOT claim Somaliland as part of its territory - even if he holds the presidency or high level ministerial position of that rival government he will be welcomed. If they did the later one, we would be the first country to recognise that government.
  23. But if you read carefully the demand of ONLF, it is very simple. Let our jailed people free and leave us alone Sxb our demand is very simple too. Let the unarmed non-military civilians go about their usual business. But we do NOT want to see ONLF members in our country. And that is where the problem is. There is an estimated 50,000 members from that clan who call Hargeisa their city, they were born in it, they fathers fathers were born in it and it is their city too. That shows this is not about Qabiil or anything like that, but sidii xeegona xeego u noqoto ilkona u nabadgalaan, we do not want ONLF members in our midst. It is simple as that. Sky The bottom line in any business is - competitive prices. If the sack of Sugar from Bosaso port costs $20 and the same sack of Sugar from Berbera costs $22 dollars, of course the customer will buy the $20 dollar one. The price judges what the customer buys. What contributes to the pricing of the goods are: 1. The taxation regime of the port and all the other red-tapes that might be involved. 2. The distance that the goods must travel before they get to their intended market. (Fuel costs, track costs, driver costs etc) 3. Bribes and other corruption related costs for fast processing the goods If Berbera's authority restructures its tax policy and its services, it is very easy for its goods to be more cheaper than Bosaaso.