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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Ethiopian Troops In Somalia Shoot At Another Kenyan Plane HIIRAAN.COM Another Kenyan plane was shot at today allegedly by Ethiopian troops in Qansahdere, Bay Region in Somalia, sources have told Kahawa Tungu.
  2. Laba ciidood is barkaday... 18ka May iyo Eid-ul Fitr. Hargeisa pranksters Mr Abdalla and Aidrus enjoying peace and love.
  3. If you were castaway, far away from humanity and have no access to anything that can help you. Then you can employ those old methods. But so long that you can verity or have access to tools that can help you to verify, or know people who have access to the right tools that have better chance of verifying with lesser margin of error than you do. Then the guesstimate method becomes invalid. Similarly, if you have access to time and calendar, then going outside and measuring the length of your shadow to estimate if it time for Asr is such as waste of time and may not be accurate at all. I think the lesson the Somalis should learn from this is to leave it to those who have better tools than we do. I second the Uluma in the West who called Eid on Saturday should come out and apologise.
  4. kkk Hadii aad waraysatid caruurtaa, waxay ka kala yimaadeen dhamaan daafaha deegaanadda Somalida. meeshii colaad iyo dagaal ka jiro xataa duur joogta ayaa isaga cararta.
  5. Anukana matata: it's a coincidence.
  6. Gooni Warkaa Deni ka soo yeedhay Somaliland way soo dhawaysay. Kolay anagga iyo Reer Puntland wax dhibaato ah oo naga dhaxaysay ma jiraan, kolka laga reebo gardaradda nimankaa Mjteeniya ee sheegashada goboladda Somaliland ee Sool iyo Sanaag. Hadii Deni warkiisu yahay in taageero u baahanyay sida aad u fahantay, dee anagu taageeradda hal shardi ayaa lagu xidhayaa. Somaliland wa diyaar, Ciyaartu waa dhanka Deni.
  7. This video explains more... Venus is still visble from the same location as 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th of May. It will be get much harder from 25th of May, you will need telescope and glare filters to see it then.
  8. UAE has added Somaliland to the list of countries that they accept High School Certification. This is great news for those students who want to study in the UAE. List of countries that the Ministry communicates for the authenticity of its certificates WWW.MOE.GOV.AE Ministry of Education Official Website الموقع الرسمي لوزارة التربية والتعليم
  9. In Islamic calendar the new day begins in the evening. So Sunday evening is actually 2nd day of Shawwal. Saturday's evening was the first day of Shawwal.
  10. These are no toy guns. These are replica AK47 and M16. You wouldn't be to tell the difference until you get hold of it. They are illegal here in Australia. Toy guns are classified as cartoon-looking guns with children's colours.
  11. If I were Faysal Cali Waraabe, I would be seriously thinking of a new career. Faysal retirement ha galo.
  12. Puntland oo ku eedeysay dowladda federaalka inay colaad ka hurineysa Somaliland WWW.BBC.COM Madaxweynaha maamul goboleedka Puntland, Siciid Cabdullahi Deni, ayaa ku eedeeyay dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya inay ku lug leedahay falal sababi kara dagaal ka dhaca Somaliland
  13. I guess, they already know what they want to be when they grow up.
  14. Ahmed Karaash has worryingly said that he doubting his own security inside the Presidential building. This comes after Mr. Karaash told the BBC that he and Deni no longer talk to each other due to simmering power struggle. Deni recently upped the ante by replacing Ministers that were suspected to be aligned with Karaash. Axmed Karaash "Ammaanka madaxtooyada Puntland la iskuma halayn karo" HIIRAAN.COM Axad, May 24, 2020 (HOL) - Madaxweyne ku xigeenka dowlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa sheegay in aan la isku halayn Karin amniga madaxtooyada Puntland, kadib markii xilka laga qaaday saraakiishii...
  15. They saw Venus which was visible to the naked eye on Friday. Ilaahay ha ka aqbalo, aqoon yari Ilaahay uma ciqaabo qofna.
  16. Shirkadda National Flour Mill Company ee daqiiqda soo saarta oo dhawaan laga furay magaaladda Berbera ayaa durba deeq gaadhsiisay dadka danyarta ah ee magaaladda Burco.
  17. Facebook has a section called 'Transparency' which give you more information about the page, who owns it and from which locations it gets updates from. Make good use of it. This page seems to be an old page which has been renamed on 19th of May. kkkk Go figure. Dadku been badanaa....
  18. As part of Berbera Corridor road project, Hargeisa Bypass will get started in late June. This includes 30km ring road around Hargeisa.