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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. "I neither support this government nor oppose it" Is that "your indivitual" position or does it got to do with the politics of Barre Hiraale and his JVA faction. In another words, would you take a different position to that of Barre and his faction? That's not here nor there sxb. I am a great critic of Somali news mediums, even so, the topic of discussion is about Dayniile and only Dayniile. Dayniile is worse then the most illegitimate tabloid news sources in America, and thats saying alot. I know this is about Dayniile, but from the way you put it, you seem to be content with what other "warlord media" spew (good or bad), so I asked why only Dayniile? Obviously you don't like what the owners of that Website write/publish, but equally, there are people who do not like as much what other "warlord media" spews. Personally, it is one of the few Southern websites that I get fresh morning news everyday. The other website used to be Hiiraan Online but it is getting slow and old. is good one though. Ururka Midnimadda Jambuuriyadda si founded by Darmaan? Darmaan??!! Qish qish qish [i am laughin'] ...bas, bas. Now, even has a credibility compared to delusional, self-declared 'president.' You know it, it ain't real poll, let alone a scienistic one. Laakiin niyada ee kuu dhisee, I see. By all means, ku raaxeyso. I conducted my own poll too, my body came up the results: MMA recognizes Suldaanka or is it Malaaqa? Miskiinow It might seem "wax lagu qoslo" but, in my opinion, the whole south is just like that. C'mon, who elected Indho Cadde? Where do all the Warlords come from including Warlord Yey? They are self made, self-declared warlords, governors, businessmen, druglords, traffickers, charcoal traders. I think you should appreciate what the self-declared President Mr. Darmaan is doing, At least he is not killing people to make a name for himself. Or does it take 1,000 dead Somalis to be respected as a player? :eek:
  2. ^^ Arm-chair "been ma sheege" How can you reach such conclusion as to say that "there was no poll" when you do not even know if there was or not. You could have at least said this; I contacted the "xisbiga Jamuuriga" and they told me that there was no poll. But to come here and brush it aside, maxaad kaga duwantay qofkan aad leeday wuu beensheegay iyo adigu? Cajiib. For your own interest, you can contact the chairman of the "Xisbiga Jamuuriga" at the same time being the reigning President of Somalia, Mr. Darmaan. Somalia's Government PS is a very popular News website. Probably has the largest following after Hiiraan Online in the South.
  3. ^^Adeer iska naso, marka Geel loo heeso ayaad adigu baranbaro u heestaaye. ^^Does it really matter what they think? SELF DETERMINATION! Well, it is always a good thing to have new friends, aint it? Horn, "Mohamed Qanyare Afrah's " Is that the minister in the Embagathi Faction? As for warlord media's flipflopping, come on Horn, you can't single out and accuse Dayniile alone for that. Or perhaps, you turn a blind eye to the other warlord-media that are even worser. ps Whatever happened to Mohamed Dheere, once the darling for Puntland media...
  4. If Yusuf is a warlord then so was Egal, Tuur, and so are Silanyo, all the SNM comanders who took part in the wars. Riyaales actions as an SNN operative, his claims over SOOL, SANAG and CAYN would in my eyes make him no different to Yalaxow, Inda CADE and the warlords in the south. Duke, Adeer iska fadhiiso. Nin isagu afkiisa dadweynaha isagoo kala hadlaaya BBCda yidhi anigu "Habaar Qabe Qabqabla ah ayaan ahay" ayaad isleeday difaac. What a pitty. Ninka suldaanadii iyo walaalkiiba qudha ka jaray ayaad isleeday difaac. What a pitty!! Take your vomit back Duke.
  5. ^^ cajiib So are you saying only the websites that support "your warlord" make sense and others don't? Besides, this coming from a Southerner, regardless, is a positive step in the right direction, don't you think Horn? “Ma qabo siyaasada ay haatan ku dhaqmeyso dowladda federaalka ee ku wajahan Somaliland inay sax tahay waayo madaxda dowladda maahan kuwo shacabka si toos ah u soo doortay, waxaana higsanayaa mowqif ah in 5-ta Soomaali ee gumeystuhu qeybiyey in mid walba ay gaarkeed u gaarto xornimadeeda waana taas mida lagu gaari karo ayna ku imaan karto dad Soomaali ah oo isjecel mustaqbalkana laga yaabo inay wax isku darsadaan iyagoo xor u ah rabitaankooda iyo masiirkooda ummadeed†ayuu yiri Timajilic oo intaa ku daray in shacabku ay ka gudbeen xiligii Jujuubka oo uu tilmaamay inuusan naceyb mooyee wax kale soo kordhineynin. If I were a Unionist, I would've underlined that quote.
  6. A new change in thinking... ------------- Xisbiga midnimada Jamhuuriga oo codad sahan ah oo la xiiriira gooni isu taaga Somaliland ka sameeyey 11 gobol oo ku yaala koonfurta Soomaaliya Guddi la magac baxay guddiga horumarinta iyo cilmi baarista ee xisbiga midninmada Jamhuuriga Soomaaliyeed ayaa soo saaray warbixin ay ka so diyaariyeen socdaalo ay ku tageen ilaa 11 gobol oo sida ay sheegeen ku kala yaala koonfurta Soomaaliya kuwaasoo ay ka soo qaadeen codad sahan oo ku saabsan sida ay dadku u arkaan gooni isu taaga Jamhuuriyada la baxday Somaliand. Guddigan ayaa waxay warbixintooda ku sheegeen in 11-ka gobol ee ay soo mareen ay midkiiba weydiiyeen 100 qof sida ay u arkaan madax banaani la siiyo Jamhuuriyada Somaliland, iyagoo intaana ku daray in natiijada ka soo baxday codadkaasi sahanka ah ay noqotay in 68% ay u codeeyaan in Somaliland ay mudan tahay in la siiyo madax banaanideeda sida ku xusan warbixibnta guddigaasi ay soo saareen. Guddoomiyaha xisbiga midnimada Jamhuuriga Soomaaliyeed Cali Maxamed Nuux Timajilic oo dhowaan markii ay la bahoobeen xisbiga dhaqaaqa nabada ee Banaadir la baxay midowga xisbiyada isbedel doonka Soomaaliyeed oo ka hadlayey arintan ayaa sheegay in isagu shaqsiyan Soomaaliland oo la aqoonsado uu arko faa’iido u soo korodhay shacabka Soomaaliyeed. “Ma qabo siyaasada ay haatan ku dhaqmeyso dowladda federaalka ee ku wajahan Somaliland inay sax tahay waayo madaxda dowladda maahan kuwo shacabka si toos ah u soo doortay, waxaana higsanayaa mowqif ah in 5-ta Soomaali ee gumeystuhu qeybiyey in mid walba ay gaarkeed u gaarto xornimadeeda waana taas mida lagu gaari karo ayna ku imaan karto dad Soomaali ah oo isjecel mustaqbalkana laga yaabo inay wax isku darsadaan iyagoo xor u ah rabitaankooda iyo masiirkooda ummadeed†ayuu yiri Timajilic oo intaa ku daray in shacabku ay ka gudbeen xiligii Jujuubka oo uu tilmaamay inuusan naceyb mooyee wax kale soo kordhineynin. Waa markii horeysay ee la maqlo axsaab ka dhisan koonfurta Soomaaliya oo taageereysa gooni isu taaga Somaliland, iyadoo xisbiga midnimada Jamhuuriga ah oo ka mid ah xisbiyo ku bahoobay xisbiyada isbedel doonka Soomaaliyeed ay yihiin kuwo si firfircoon uga qeyb qaata ku wacyi gelinta bulshada ee dhinacyada nabada iyo horumarka, iyagoo qabtay hawlo ay ka mid yihin arday dan yar ah oo aad fara badan waxna ka barta qaar ka tirsan dugsiyada Gobolka Banaadir oo ay ka bixiyaan lacagaha Fee-ga iyo kuwo kale. C/shakuur Cilmi Xasan-Dayniile ,Muqdisho-Soomaaliya
  7. Looks like the Fake Money Making Factory based in Bosaso is having hardtime keeping up with the demands. BBC Lacag cusub oo Bosaso ka soo degtay
  8. ^^cajiib So you think Rayaale and Faysal are warlords like the criminal warlords of the South. Tell us how you came to that conlusion Mr SOO MAAL? ps Cali Waraabe (the father of Faisal) was a well known Nabadoon in Hargeisa. He died in 2004.
  9. Xiinow Sxb Hadal badan haan ma buuxshee... time will tell. But just remember the ball is rolling... MMA if you put your house in order, you can have the luxury of doing other things.
  10. Xiinow, what am I going to do about where? The few remote eastern districts of Somaliland, that border the lawless Somalia? Or is it about the heehaws of the "warlord/criminal kalkaals" housed in the deserted former WFP warehouse? If its the former, we are not in a rush. Hal nin qalanayaa kuma degdego halaca jiilaal. Besides we are alright with the status-qou at the moment... underline "at the moment". If you were talking about the later (Doofaaralay Faction). It only deserves a good laughter, nothing more. As for you assertion of selling the last saddle to secede, ahahaha, all I gotta say is: Ha werwerin; warbaan kuu ogahay wiiga dabadiiye Rag is gurayee, Xiinow.
  11. ^^You know the difference? Read the bold font...
  12. Afro sxb welcome to the boards first. Secondly, dhagihii ilaahay waaniyey ayuunba waansan. For some people, they have become like that infamous Bull from Wardheer that was said; it neither sees or hears anything but evil.
  13. ^^ Quite hilarious, I laughed at their empty heehaws as if Geedi can do anything about it. Dhiiga shacabka Somaliyeed ee macno daradda ku daadanaaya (Caruurtii hoobiyaha lala dhacay iyo kumanaanka badweynta lagu xaasuuqay) ma arkaane, Somaliland ayaa u muuqata. Yur!
  14. ^What are you going to do Mr. Duce? The number of foreign academics and diplomats, politicians (MPs), governments, Think Tanks and Organisations that support Somaliland is growing by the day. Will the "nobodies" keep crying after each and everyone of them? I say, tough luck. The Caravan will march on and on.... :cool: I am for a dialogue between the communities of the region. Then if they agree to succeed from the south so BE IT . We all now the south has gone too far. Reminder: 1991 Grand Conference in Burao
  15. ^ Sxb Rudey what do you mean by "jac jaclay"? Is it one of those served at BWS? :eek: So you think the Habashis will take over my city and when that happens I would be screaming to be rescued by this "we"... and then, assumedly, this "we" will come and save me. hmmm But sxb, who is this "we"? Is it you and your homies or is it "we" as in "Somalia" or "Puntland"? Besides sxb, why would the Habashis want to take over my city for? LOL AbuJamal What does a "not so good news" sound like? letme guess "Laba reer oo jiiraan ah oo Dhul isku qabsaday; Silaanyo oo Rayaale ku eedeeyey .... ;..." hmmm can think of any... help me out sxb.
  16. ^^ Rudy, just asking, were you chewing last night?
  17. ^ Sxb, don't take that as as offence, but honestly I didn't get jackSHT about what you said. I even read between the lines... "tomorrow when home boyz take your city, u gonna screaming for help! plz save some money so we can come r rescue your behind!!" What do you mean by "home boyz" that are gonna take my city and who are those that are gonna rescue my a$$? And, why would I be in that situation in the first place?
  18. ^ I didn't get what exactly you were talking about sxb.
  19. Berbera to serve as alternative port to Ethiopia Addis Ababa, April 21,2006 (WIC)- Directors General of the Ethiopian Customs Authority and the Transport Authority declared that the Berbera has now become an alternative port to Ethiopia through which its trade activities would be conducted.,,,, New Ethiopian ambassodor to Somaliland presents his credentials to the President. Madaxweyne Rayaale Oo Xafiiskiisa Ku Qaabilay Wakiilka Cusub Ee Dawladda Ethiopia U Fadhiyo Doona Somaliland,,,, UK MPs Heading to Somaliland “Markii Ugu Horeysay Ayey Somaliland Imanayaan Wefti Baarlamaan Oo Ka Socda Saddexda Xisbi Ee Ka Jira Dalka Ingiriiskaâ€C/fataax Siciid Axmed– Xidhiidhiyaha Jahliyadaha Somaliland iyo Xukuumada,,, Jamhuriya interviews Amoud University's Dean Prof Saleeban Axmed Guleed Jam( London) Waxaa noo suurto galay inaanu waraysi la yeelano Guddoomiyaha Jaamacadda Camuud Prof Saleeban Axmed Guleed oo beryahanba booqasho ku joogay dalkan Britain,,, meeting to strengthen peace held in Caynabo District, Sool Kulan lagaga hadlayey adkeynta nabadda iyo sidii ay wada shaqeyn fiican u yeelan lahaayeen hay’adaha dawliga iyo bulshadu kana soo qeyb galeen in ka badan 40 xubnood, ayaa lagu qabtay degmada Caynaba ee gobolka Sool. Burao sees Heavy rains Roobab culus oo da,ayey mudo dhowr saacadooda ayaa maanay ka da.ay magaalada Burrco ee gobolka togdheer. pictures: one, two For the first time Lughaya District in Awdal tunes to Somaliland National TV Boorama-(Lug)-Tvga qaranka Somaliland ayaa laga daawaday dagmada Lughaya waxaana wararkaasi cadeeyey dad ka ganacsada Lughaya iyo Borama oo qaarkood ay daganyihin dagmada Lughaya waxaanay cadeeyeen in aad loogu farxay tv uu leeyahay dalku oo wararkiisii iyo barmaamijyadiisii oo waliba muuqaalkiisu aad u qurux badan yahay taasi oo dadka dagan dagmadaana u suurto galiyay inay caweeyaan isla markaasina daawadaan waxyaabihii adduunka iyo dalka gudihiisa ka dhacayay ay ku daawadaan maqal iyo muuqaalba hadaba arintaasi markii loo sheegay wariyaha Gobolka Awdal ayuu dhinaca isgaadhsiinta ee fooneeyaha kula xidhiidhay dad dagan halkaasi oo uu ka mid yahay Cismaan Cumar. EU officials visit Erigabo, Sanaag Weftia kasocda EU-da ayaa maalintii isniintii (24/4/06) 2:30-pm kasoo degey garoonka diyaaraduhu ka haadaan ee magaalada ceerigaabo (Erigavo Airport). ,,,
  20. ^^ All I see is some confused Unionist whom very much know their days are numbered. The last cries indeed. My friends, so long as Somaliland's Power Base remains strongly committed to the notion of an independent Somaliland republic, rest assured that Somaliland's dream will come true. This overdue "international recognition" which Somaliland rightly deserves, will eventually come, sooner than later. PS There are a number of African Countries who are working behind the scenes to make this a reality.
  21. Why I’m Joining Al Jazeera RIZ KHAN - The Wall Street Journal A number of years back, I remember an advertisement for a newspaper running on British television. It showed a sequence of photographs in which a suited, professional city gent was walking down a street unaware of a skinhead sprinting towards him from behind. In each photo, the skinhead — his face contorted in what looks like anger — is getting nearer the older gentleman. The final couple of pictures show the skinhead tackling the man to the ground, and the viewer is left with the impression that the gent is being attacked by a hooligan. The final photo shows a pile of bricks toppling to the ground from scaffolding just above where the man was walking. The “skinhead†had been rushing to save the man from the deadly, falling construction debris. The final message of the ad was something to the effect that one has to have the complete picture to understand the story. It’s certainly easy to build a misguided opinion or a false impression if the whole story is not available. * * * I began as a journalist with the world-renowned British Broadcasting Corporation. Getting a radio or television reporter’s job at the BBC was considered a remarkable achievement in the 1980s, when there was little else around of such stature. CNN was then a young network orbiting its way through the uncharted space of global satellite television news with no other challenger, until the BBC’s long overdue World Service Television News in November 1991. I was the newsreader (anchor) on the very first show on that channel and even then, I didn’t really grasp what was happening to the television news industry at a global level. I was enjoying it. It was great fun and a great team. My eight years at “Auntie†as we called her, came to an end in May 1993 when I was lured away by CNN International — which recognizing the competition it now faced, was revamping and “internationalizing†with diverse recruits. I spent eight years at CNN as well, working mostly out of the headquarters in Atlanta. It was a fantastic experience with a learning curve that pushed my development beyond all expectations, but the pace was incredibly tough and I left to set up my own company in May 2001 to take on more diverse projects such as documentaries, writing and public speaking. For more than a decade, both the BBC and CNN ruled the sphere of international news — and I was one of the few lucky enough to work extensively for both of them during that time. Then, in the mid-’90s came a TV upstart from Qatar, a tiny country in the Gulf. Few channels have raised temperatures the way Al Jazeera has in both the West and the Middle East. Only one problem … no one outside the Arab-speaking world understands it. So, how has it become one of the best recognized brands on earth? Well, it has hoards of unsolicited spokespeople for and against it. Yes, probably mostly against it but, again, I wonder how many of them have actually watched it and — more importantly — understood exactly what was being said. I, for one, don’t speak Arabic and I’m in no position to judge it with honest, firsthand objectivity … so I keep an open mind. However, I travel a lot and make a point of informally canvassing the opinion of people on how they view the television industry. Put into perspective, Al Jazeera is highly watched and at least quietly respected for stirring things up — especially in countries where freedom of the press is at best a discretionary term. Consistently, I listened to Middle Easterners complain about how they felt Western networks had sold out on the way they covered the news, particularly in Afghanistan and Iraq. They felt that Al Jazeera was filling the gap. Personally, I just love the idea of starting up a channel from scratch like I did at BBC World. The managing director of Al Jazeera International, my friend, Nigel Parsons, was a senior producer working there at the time with me. We both realize that a significant opportunity like this one comes very rarely in one’s lifetime. Plus, Al Jazeera International provides the ideal vehicle to bridge gaps between communities in the East and West. It’ll be the first English-language news channel with an international perspective that is broadcasting from within the Middle East. I’m fully aware of the negative image of the Al Jazeera brand in the U.S., especially at the government level, but I think part of that comes from a misunderstanding of the strong cultural position the Arabic-language channel has among the average people of the Middle East. It is extremely popular for being outspoken not only about the West but also about Arab governments Until now, U.S. administration-led efforts to promote a positive image of Americans to people in the Middle East appear to have failed miserably. A media push out of Washington into the region doesn’t resonate well with those actually in the thick of things across the other side of the world. Al Jazeera International plans to be an open platform for global debate and dialogue. It will effectively become the best conduit the U.S. has to speak to the Arab world, and vice versa. Plus, the debate will be free and open. I’m now coming across people in the American government who are recognizing the value of this two-way conduit approach, and are seeing that engagement with the new channel would be more positive than confrontation. On top of that, it has to be pointed out that the Al Jazeera International team of experienced, highly respected and committed journalists is diverse — with no specific agenda except to report the news courageously with facts and figures… to bring the pieces together to give a complete picture. The whole story. Now there’s a revolutionary idea! Mr. Khan has just joined Al Jazeera International. Previously, he was senior anchor with CNN International and host of its “Q&A with Riz Khan.†Copyright The Wall Street Journal
  22. Why I joined Al Jazeera N.Y.C. news vet signs on with premier Arabic TV outlet BY DAVE MARASH Let me start by answering another question: Why did I choose a career in television news? Answer: To communicate reality. That's what I've always tried to do, as a radio reporter, a television news anchor in New York and Washington, and, for the past 16 years, as a correspondent on ABC's "Nightline": show people as truly and transparently as possible, "what's there," and how it got to be that way. So, the reason I joined Al Jazeera International is that it offers me a unique opportunity to communicate the reality of events everywhere in the world to a unique global audience. Yes, but why Al Jazeera? Al Jazeera in Arabic has become, in 10 short years, one of the most significant and positive developments in centuries in the Arabic-speaking world. In a decade, Al Jazeera has won a large and influential audience in its region and global recognition by replacing a brain-dead oligarchy of tightly censored, state-controlled Arabic-language news broadcasters with hard-hitting and professional news coverage, and uncensored public discussion of the full palette of political and social ideas. Al Jazeera International will exhibit those same standards of intellectual integrity and fearless inclusiveness in communicating to an English-speaking audience around the globe a daily video record of our shared reality. What's new and different about Al Jazeera's product? First, our points of view. Unlike CNN, which, since Ted Turner founded it, has aspired to a single, objective point of view toward a planet on which nothing is "foreign," or Rupert Murdoch's Fox or Sky News, which are often very homeland-specific, Al Jazeera International will reflect our four autonomous news bases: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Doha, Qatar; London and Washington. Each base, and I as chief Washington anchor, will be expected to reflect "reality" as seen from the point of view, the interests, and cultural and political heritage of its home region. I, unalterably, a 63-year-old American newsguy, will be exactly that on television. The "take" on the day's top global news stories will be mine and those of my colleagues, all of whom are based in and drawn from the countries of the Western Hemisphere. We offer an all-American view, North, Central and South; English-speaking, French, Portuguese and Spanish-American, too, mixed with reports and analysis produced from our other bases, from points of view representative of Asia and the Western Pacific, the Middle East, Indian Ocean basin, Africa and Europe. Al Jazeera International will do fewer stories each half hour than our cable news competitors, and our selection is likely to be different. Hopefully, this will allow us to probe a little bit deeper into stories that matter, to add some real value to your information bank. Think of news on Al Jazeera International as a daily kaleidoscope that will show you, better, we hope, than you've ever seen, not just "what's there" around the world, but some of the several ways of looking at "what's there." And, for me, here's the clincher: We're going to spin that kaleidoscope, and cover our new stories, at the speed of thought.
  23. ^^having a hard time digesting it, are we? My friend, there was a reason why Somaliland formally applied for AU membership earlier in the year. ps here is one more person you might start to hating on.
  24. Somaliland and Western Sahara joined a list of over 40 plus nations who participated in the AAPG 2006 Conference held in Houstan, Texas.
  25. Caamir First of all, if Somaliland was tribal, it would have operated like Puntland. Like Puntland, it would have only laid claims to undefinable clan borders, which we know overlap with one another. And yes like Puntland, key positions of authority would have been divided up along clan lines, e.g. The President would go to a certain clan nomatter what, the vice president would go to another clan, the parliamentary speaker would go to yet another clan etc etc... and each clan can not assume another's position. But sxb, that is not Somaliland. There is not such thing as clan positions. Each and every position is contestable, and each and every clan can assume any position in Somaliland, from the highest office in the country (President) to the lowest (Civilservant) or soldiers.... Below is a picture of 3 academics, 2 of them Somalilanders. One (with white top) is from Lasqorey (Eastern Sanaag) Dr. Mohamed Saeed Gees ( former Somaliland Foreign Minister 2000-2003, currently head of the Somaliland Academy for Peace and Development), And the other is from Borama (Awdal) Dr. Mohamed-Rashiid Sheekh Xassan. The other academic is the Kenyan Prof. Masrui (with the two books). All three are working hard for Somaliland, and guess what? non of them are from Burao and Hargeisada ku indho tirtay. picture is too big for the window Therefore, sxb, although you are the master to your own believes, and there is no one other than you who can change what you believe in. Yet realities on the ground are somethings that are bound to hit you on the face, sooner or later. Accepting that reality, is something of totally different matter. But let me tell you this, Somaliland is a country whose people want to set themselves free of clanism. Take that however you like it. And yes, Somliland's recognition is ONLY a matter of when, and not if. The wishes and aspirations of the majority of the people of Somaliland will previal. That I have no doubts at all.