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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. In my books, Qqaldaan is ok. I don't find it offensive. Similarly I don't find the word !!door offensive. Both have a historical meaning.
  2. ^^ Awoowe, koonfurta Somaliya is no longer a pitty clan politicking. Ever since, one clans beat the drums for occupation, it has evolved into "Gobonimo Doon" vs "Gobonimo Diid". Which side are you on, Awoowe? I know Duke and his "Yusufites" tolka are on the "Gobonimo Diid" side.
  3. Noble ones forgive and forget -- unless it involves visible properties that have the potential to get old animosities get a new lease of life -- about old skirmishes and focus on what the future has in store for them. You reminded me of the old Gabiley story - la jiifiyaana banaan. I see Kismaayo sheekada kuma jirto. Waa arin kale oo ka wayn, tolku Bosaso waa ku dhimanayaa xaalku weeyan. Anyways, Somaliland waa arin taa kasii wayn. Waxa la saxayaa khaladkii ugu waynaa ee umaddi gasho, waa khaladkii dhacay on that faithful day of 1st July 1960. JacaylBaro Dharaartaanu kulanaa; Kalgacal nalagu Dheehaaye Inkastoo mudada Dhaawacdo; Waan Dhursugayaa Dhimashada Horteed; Waa Rugtaan Heeryadii Dhigay
  4. Well I think in the past 6 or so months we have seen UDUB gain ground to the lost of Kulmiye. Mostly due to Kulmiye's infighting in regards to the disagreements of Party election nominations. This has shaken the foundations of the Party and led to the Defection of Ismael Hindi (the party's most well known figure in the Maroodijeeh region) to the UDUB Party. The ramifications of those disagreements within the Kulmiye part is still ongoing. And the latest spell seems to be between the Party's cheif Foreign Affairs official Dr. Ahmed Huseen Isse and Party Chairman Muj. Ahmed M. Mohamoud(Silaanyo). I think if the Kulmiye Party don't resolve this issue as soon as possible, it will cost them when the elections come. As for UCID party, Its once vocal and outspoken leader, Chairman Faisal Ali Waraabe seems to be cooling down his tone and is trying to maintain a firm position third on the list. But you can't count them out from the elections, they are still in the game. But, all said, the UDUB party, althought it has a very poor domestic record filled with corruption and humanrights voilations, you have to give credit where credit is due. They have a very successful foreign policy and also the issue regarding Somaliland's eastern regions particularly Sool issue is a huge coupe for Daahir Riyaale.
  5. Duke Getting desperate miyaa? That is exactly what your uncle wishes for and I think if he were born into Gen. Aydeed's clan, it might have been possible. But too bad, he is from Gen. Morgan's clan. ps How is the Xabashi Canjeera cooking lessons going?? I heard you were hired as chief chef.
  6. I basically don't see any difference to the thousands that are being killed in highseas sometimes at gun-point by well known traffickers who have built fortunes in Bosaso, and this latest bombing. In both cases, the weak is killed. Also, you can't take the possiblity out that it might have been an insider job by Cadde's regime which obviously includes well known bigwigs whom are connected to organised criminals who profit from kidnappings and seajackings as well as counterfeiting.
  7. I basically don't see any difference to the thousands that are being killed in highseas sometimes at gun-point by well known traffickers who have built fortunes in Bosaso, and this latest bombing. In both cases, the weak is killed. Also, you can't take the possiblity out that it might have been an insider job by Cadde's regime which obviously includes well known bigwigs whom are connected to organised criminals who profit from kidnappings and seajackings as well as counterfeiting.
  8. Africown, Xidigo has a point And it really is a good point. Since the President went to Gabiley, why didn't he just drive the extra 50 or 70KM westward and even if he isn't going to deliver any substantial help/support. The visit itself would go a long way to boost the morale of the victims. Xidigo, One reason I think Daahir RIyaale doesn't go to Awdal is that, he is re-assured by the over 90% "unequivocal" support he recieves there. As one Awdalite wrote in an opinion peice at the other day, Daahir Riyaale doesn't need to work for support in Awdal - which if you asked me- is bad. Rer Awdal should judge any president, whether he is from their region or otherwise, depending on what he delivers to their region, don't you think?
  9. Markaa, waxaan uga jeedaa, nimankan, markey toodii, keeni kari waayeen, oo ay noqdeen, mid xabashida u muusanaaba, sidii ay wax uga dhigi lahaayeen, oo ah, Ina Yey iyo Tolkiisii, kabo-qaadka Amxaarada gudoon guud, oo wadareed, oo tolku u dhanyahay, isku raacey. LOOOL Aleyle waan xasuusta alalagtii iyo ciyaartii ka dhacday Ina Yey's home turf when the tanks rolled in Mogadishu's Int'l Airport.
  10. These seajackings, carjacking, kidnappings along with dealings with roug oilmen, are part of the limitless income sources that fuel Cadde Muuse's bling-bling lifestyle.
  11. Weriye Cabdulahi Kolombo Weriye Cabdulahi Kolombo oo ka mida Weriyaasha Soomaaliyeed ragga ugu caansan ee ku nool qurbaha gaar ahaan Carrigga Mareykanka ayaa markii ugu horeysay si qiireeysay isu garab taagay qadiyada ay Shacabka reer Somaliland ku doonayaan inay Beesha Caalamka ka helaan aqoonsi dowlad madaxbanaan oo dalkooda ka hana qaada. Weriye Cabdulahi Kolombo wuxuu taageerada cusub ee Xukumadda Washington siineyso shacabka reer Somaliland ku tilmaamay mid cadaaladeed oo lagala daahay. “Dadka reer Somailand waxey dhawaan ku naaloon doonaan dawladooda oo caalamka aqoonsi buxa u fidiyo waxaana hubaala in cadowga Somaliland ciil iyo calool yow la hulaabteen” sidaas waxaa si laab furnaan ka muuqata ugu celceliyay Weriye Cabdulahi Nuur Kolombo oo ka mida rug cadaayadda Saxaafadda Somaliya oo Waagacusub u waramay. “Inkastoo mudo dheer ay dawlada iyo dadka reer somaliland la hardamayeen iney ka soo kabtaan bur burkii xooga lahaa ee ka soo gaarey dagaaladii ay la galeen dawladii siyad bare misna waxey si karti iyo dadaal ay dunida oo dhami ay la ashqaraartey ugu guureen nabad iyo deganaansho ku ladhan in dalku uu gaadho horumar dhinacyo badan taabanaya oo sidii qoraxda u cad” ayuu yiri Saxaafiga weyn ee Somaliyeed Mudane Cabdulahi Kolombo. Weriye Cabdulahi Kolombo waxaa uu noqonayaa Weriyahii 4-aad ee ka soo jeeda goboladda Koofurta Soomaaliya si cadna u taageeray qadiyada madaxbanaanida Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland waloow uu hadalkiisa yahay mid sawir guud ka bixinayo sida shacabka koofurta Somaliya uga raali yihiin inay beesha Caalamka dowlad madaxbanaan u aqoonsato Somaliland. hadii aad dooneysid inaad warka Kolombo ka waydiisid su-aalo kala xiriir Email
  12. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: But no nation has yet recognised Somaliland's claim to self-rule for fear of setting a precedent for other regions in Africa who might want to unilaterally declare autonomy. That is the hint. That point has been debunked by the Fact Finding mission which was headed by Deputy Chairman of the AU itselt and visited Somalilad in 2005. Here is a qoute from an "internal AU Document": The borders received by Somaliland at the moment of independence were those of the British Somaliland Protectorate, not the Somali Republic. As such, an independent Somaliland could be considered as satisfying the requirement of uti possidetis juris and being technically consistent with Article 4 An internal AU document obtained by Crisis Group suggests that senior AU Commission officials believe this is one of Somaliland’s strongest arguments: “A strict interpretation of [Article 4 of the AU Constitutive Act] actually provides Somaliland with the legal sanction that it seeks”.72 It would also make it much harder for secessionist movements elsewhere on the continent to claim Somaliland as a precedent . Somaliland: Time for AU Leadership (pg 20)
  13. ^^Good one!! That is a nightmare for Duke (read secret lover), I suppose.
  14. A chinese proverb goes: a journey of million miles starts with a single step. I like the idea of establishing an airforce for Somaliland.
  15. The reaction from the "naysayers" There is more "bad news" forecasted for the "naysayers". And JacylBaro will be first to report it here on SOL. Nephthys, Thanks for the clarifications. Coming back to your first comment. What if "she" and other foreigners see nothing but a basketcase for what you are refering to as a "great country"? And what if, they see "Somaliland" as a model case for the region? What do you say to that. Odweyne, Welcome back Dictoore.
  16. ^^ Daahir Aways has just joined the party too To "ME": Obviously, one needs to know what she was refering to as "this great country". Certainly, if she was refering to Somaliland is one thing. But if she was talking about some other country, well... then we ought to know "that great country"?
  17. ^^Daahir Riyaale seems to be in control. Jendayi promised to mediate between the TFG and all opposition groups - hence her arrival in Hargeysa is in the spirit to bring together all conflicting parties within Somalia. Abdilaahi Yusuf is in Hargeisa as I write this too.
  18. Originally posted by Nephthys: So she arrives. Great! I honestly hope that Ms. Frazer realizes that this great country is far stronger together than it is apart. What exactly do you mean? :confused: Where is the great country that you are refering to? And if you don't mind, do you in anyway know what the resolve of the Somaliland people is all about??
  19. JB is correct, as a Somali lander you can be against the occupation, but the above quote is wrong. You're government is not against the occupation and even though they have nothing to do with it, they still don't speak against it. Daahir Riyaale si cad ayuu uga hadlay ciidamada shisheeye markii la hadal hayay. He said it load and clear "Somalia caqli ayay u baahantahay ee ciidan uma baahna" It is a very clear diplomatic position.
  20. I remember someone spent the time to write this drivel during President Daahir Riyaale's tour in Washington. One wonders what the Naysayers will have to say now.
  21. Good riddance!!! The sad state of the once iconic State House in Sha'abka Area and its renowned huge golf course and beaufiful gardens, was reduced to rubbles during the 1988 wars. Since 1991 it was occupied by returnees from Refugee camps turning the once beautiful site into an Eyesore. This is a wonderful news that its going to restored to its former glory. And I also equally think that the Hargeisa National Theatre which is also another eyesore needs to be rebuilt.
  22. Jandayi Frazer oo Hargeysa tagtay Audio Jandayi Frazer waxaa si weyn magaalada Hargeysa ugu soo dhoweeyey masuuliyiin kala duwan oo wasiirro ay ku jireen, iyadoo garoonka dayuuradahana si weyn loo adkeeyey ammaankiisa. Jandayi Frazer oo masuuliyiinta garoonka diyaaradaha ku soo dhoweeyey waxaa ka mid ahaa Wasiiradda Arrimaha Dibedda, Arrimaha gudaha iyo duulista Hawada. Sidoo kale, waxaa soo dhoweynteeda ka qeybgalay Taliyayaasha Ciidamada Somaliland Ammaankeeda aad ayaa loo ilaalinayay iyadoo garoonka Cidaamo badan oo isugu jira boolis iyo milatari lagu gadaamay isla markaana ay jireen koox ciidamo gaar ah oo Mareykan ah oo labaatan ku dhow oo ilaalinayay haweyneydaasi.
  23. Haddii wafti culus SL loodirayo, maxaa ku jaban. Wufuud meelkasta oo Somalia ayey tagaan. The only reason is to find solution for the problems of Somalia. Unfortunately, the Somalis do not care about their country or their people. Peace Action, True, Wufuud meel kasta oo Soomaaliya waa tagtaa, laakin kan Somaliland u qorshaysan waa mid lagaga hadlaayo arinta Somaliland iyo membership ay AU ka hesho. Somaliland officially applied for membership to the AU in 2006 and this is part of that "process" which the US State Department was refering to. This latest development is to "fast track" that process and hopefully reach a conclusion by end of 2008. Siyaasadeeda(amerika) Diinteena neceb.. jiritaankeen a wax ciima ah ugu fahdin. iyo dadkeena oo burburkii ugeysteen waaye waxaa somalia qaska ka wadda ayagee lacago ka qaatan oo mushaar laga siiya... waxaas oo dhan iyo waxyaaba kale markii la isku soo duud duubo.. waaxaa waxaan ku nacay.. ee maxaad sharafta iskaga qaadeysiin oo ..Naagtii ba nahadal heysa noo soo shir tageysiin. Comm'on.. because one mentioned your SL, it doesn't necessarily mean its news worthy ..waxaan oo kale waa la qarsadaa. ^^Ninkani waaba belo. Dr. Galbeyte, naagta hadii maanta aad cidlo ka heli lahayd, maxaa ku samayn lahayd?