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source Woyanne summoned former Somali PM to Addis Ababa After a Woyanne general b**ch-slaps the Somali president twice in the face this week, Meles has summoned former Somali prime minister to Addis Ababa for talks. Can it get any more bizarre? (Garowe Online) - The former Prime Minister of Somalia's transitional government, Prof. Ali Mohamed Gedi, flew unexpectedly to the Ethiopian capital Wednesday amid much speculation. Gedi, who was fired earlier this year by President Abdullahi Yusuf, retained his position as Somali legislator after resigning from the Prime Minister's office last October and maintains close relations with Ethiopian Woyanne government leaders, including Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. A reliable source in Nairobi, Kenya, where Gedi is now based told Garowe Online that he will return to Nairobi after discussions with Ethiopian Woyanne officials. It was not clear who accompanied the former Prime Minister on this surprise trip to Addis Ababa or the real purpose of the trip, but much speculation has been associated with the visit in the Somali press. Some reports said the Ethiopian government Woyanne is grooming Gedi to become Somalia's next president, following general elections next year when the interim government's mandate expires. Other reports said Gedi went to Addis Ababa for personal reasons. Last month, Gedi told reporters in Nairobi that he plans to run for Somali president in the upcoming 2009 general elections. Gedi resigned after feuding with President Abdullahi Yusuf over the management of government finances and policies. Earlier this month, UK-based The Independent newspaper reported that former Premier Gedi bought a house in the United States and had negotiated a teaching position.
Originally posted by Peace Action: Suldaanka, Do you believe the story is true? This is beyond Somali folks now. It is an internationally known humiliation of historic proportion. A million years from now, Somali of that day will be cursing Col. Yey for this. Nin Dhirbaaxo Quudheed dugsaday Dhaqayadeed maal
Originally posted by HornAfrique: Lol @ Suldaanka. Yeey waxuu doono ha ahaado, intaasoo dhan se waxaa iiga foolxun in la yiraahdo madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed baa Axmaar indha-godan dharbaaxay. The news is obviously false. Waagacusub and Dayniile spread it. Iranian T.V reprinted a word-by-word and now this anti-TPLF opposition site copy and pasted the false reporting. Easy chain. No reason to devote more time on it. Adiguse maxaad ka helaysaa in la yiraahdo madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed baa Axmaar luga qaloocan dharbaaxay? Odeyga wax kale uma salagsalag lahayn. Waxa hore loo yidhi ninkii soo joog laga waayey soo jiifso ayaa laga helaa. Lets just hope this humiliation subjected to not only this puppet warlord but to the whole Somali speaking peoples, be a wake up call to those who thought Xabashiga inuu dadka ka xigo.
source And the Xabashi are having a field day with this. Laa xawla walaa quwah
^^ LOL Just want to see what he comes out with. He came here crying about "Give me the German version, Give me..." Kaadi badane waa loo gogol badiya cammo.
Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Why did you edit your post...You were having a field at the expense at Tolka. Don't be chicken now Kolay adigu sida halkan ku cadaysay, ma tihid nin Tolka difaaci kara, so why do you care?
Originally posted by me: Hhahahahahhaha, thanx suldaanka.... btw I speak german I will translate in full this when I have more time. SOMALISCHE PROVINZ SOMALILAND But I tell you I will have a field day with this Good. Please do it in English. Af Soomaali waa mergi oo kolba dhinac ayaa loo turjuntaa....
Originally posted by Nephthys: " layma dhirbaaxin, waa beentoood, Gabre waa saaxiibkeeygii koowaad, kaalaya wejigayga ma jug baa ka muuqata i fiiriya.. " LoooL. Good one
Routine14.02.2008 MOGADISCHU/HARGEYSA/BERLIN(Eigener Bericht) - Die glücklich beendete Entführung eines Mitarbeiters der Welthungerhilfe in Somalia belegt erneut die Gefährdung humanitärer Helfer durch politische Operationen Berlins. Ursache ist die Nutzung von Aufbau- und Hilfstätigkeiten für Ziele der deutschen Außenpolitik, die das ausführende Personal wider Willen zu Parteigängern internationaler Konflikte werden lässt. Dies betrifft im aktuellen Fall die Provinz Somaliland, in der der Mitarbeiter der Welthungerhilfe vorgestern entführt wurde. Die Provinz hat ihre Sezession erklärt und bemüht sich seit Jahren um deren Anerkennung. Berlin hat auf der Suche nach Stützpunkten am geostrategisch bedeutenden Horn von Afrika schon mehrfach erwogen, dem Ansinnen Folge zu leisten. Die Voraussetzungen für eine somaliländische Eigenstaatlichkeit jedoch wurden durch deutsche Aufbau- und Hilfsorganisationen geschaffen. Da seit Jahresbeginn EU und USA zum wiederholten Male über die Anerkennung der Sezession debattieren, verschärfen sich die innersomalischen Spannungen und werden für die Helfer zur Gefahr. Ähnliches zeigt sich schon seit Jahren unter anderem in Afghanistan. Berlin nimmt seine Einmischung in Spannungsgebieten nicht zurück, sondern reagiert mit der Bildung von Krisenstäben. Glückliche Umstände Die Entführung eines Mitarbeiters der deutschen Welthungerhilfe in Somalia ist am gestrigen Mittwoch glücklich beendet worden. Der Mann war am Dienstag von bislang nicht näher bekannten Tätern auf dem Weg zu einem Einsatzort verschleppt worden - offenbar gezielt: Mehrere Reisebegleiter, darunter eine zweite Deutsche, wurden von den Entführern zurückgelassen. Wegen eines Reifenschadens am Auto der Geiselnehmer gelang es Sicherheitskräften, den Mitarbeiter noch am selben Abend mit Waffengewalt zu befreien. Wie aus Berichten hervorgeht, kam der Deutsche beim Angriff der Sicherheitskräfte auf die Entführer nur aufgrund glücklicher Umstände nicht zu Schaden.[1] Ob seiner Verschleppung politische Motive zugrunde liegen, wie einige Medienberichte nahelegen, kann bislang nicht mit Gewissheit festgestellt werden. Sezessionskämpfe Die Provinz Somaliland (s. dazu unsere Karte), in deren östlichen Grenzgebieten sich die Entführung ereignete, strebt seit dem Zusammenbruch Somalias im Jahr 1991 nach staatlicher Eigenständigkeit. Die Grundlage sind traditionelle Gesellschaftsstrukturen, die von den britischen Kolonialherren nicht zerschlagen wurden (Somaliland war einst britische Kolonie), während die italienische Besatzung sie zur Sicherung ihrer Kolonialherrschaft in den übrigen Teilen des heutigen Somalia unterminiert hatte. Auf dieser Basis hat sich Somaliland per Referendum im Jahr 2000 eine eigene Verfassung gegeben sowie 2002, 2003 und 2005 Regional-, Präsidenten- und Parlamentswahlen durchgeführt. Ein Aufnahmeantrag der selbsternannten Regierung in Hargeysa ist bei der Afrikanischen Union vorgelegt worden, wird allerdings bislang nicht angenommen. Außerdem bestreiten auch innersomalische Kräfte das Recht Hargeysas auf Sezession. Etwa die an Somaliland grenzende Provinz Puntland bekennt sich zu einem einheitlichen somalischen Staatswesen.[2] Dies ist nicht ohne Bedeutung für die Einschätzung der aktuellen Entführung: Sie fand in einem Gebiet statt, auf das nicht nur Somaliland, sondern auch Puntland Territorialansprüche erhebt. (Eine vergrößerte Fassung der Karte, auf der deutsche Einflussmaßnahmen am Horn von Afrika verzeichnet sind, finden Sie hier.) Deutsche Interessen Die Bundesregierung schenkt der Provinz Somaliland seit den 1990er Jahren Aufmerksamkeit. Hintergrund sind geostrategische Interessen am Horn von Afrika, über die ausführliche Darstellungen diplomatischer Insider vorliegen (german-foreign-policy.com berichtete [3]). So war etwa der Tiefseehafen Somalilands in Berbera Ende 2001 als Stützpunkt für die am Horn von Afrika patrouillierenden deutschen Marineboote im Gespräch.[4] Berlin manifestiert das deutsche Interesse mit Hilfs- und Besuchsprogrammen. Allein im Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2002 zahlte die Bundesregierung rund 3,7 Millionen Euro, um Somaliland von Minen zu befreien. Im Juli 2001 besuchte eine Bundestagsdelegation die Sezessionsprovinz und sprach dort über mögliche Städtepartnerschaften mit Deutschland.[5] Drei Jahre später hielten sich deutsche Unternehmer in Hargeysa auf und erwogen Investitionen.[6] Die Provinzverwaltung habe ein "Investitionsschutzgesetz verabschiedet, das eine Reihe von Erwartungen ausländischer Investoren erfüllen dürfte", hieß es damals beim "Afrika-Verein". "Option Anerkennung" Berlin hat immer wieder eine Anerkennung der Sezession Somalilands in Betracht gezogen; in diesem Fall wären Städtepartnerschaften und Investitionen von hoher Bedeutung zur Absicherung deutscher Interessen. Bereits die im Juli 2001 nach Hargeysa gereiste Bundestagsdelegation sprach mit der dortigen Verwaltung über deren "Wunsch nach völkerrechtlicher Anerkennung".[7] Vor eineinhalb Jahren plädierte die CDU-nahe Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung für die "Option einer internationalen Anerkennung dieses demokratischen und muslimischen Landes".[8] Seit Jahresbeginn steht die Eigenstaatlichkeit Somalilands zum wiederholten Male auf der internationalen Tagesordnung. Provinzpräsident Dahir Rayale Kahin ist im Januar zuerst in Europa und dann in den Vereinigten Staaten empfangen worden, Anfang Februar traf die Afrikabeauftragte des US-Außenministeriums, Jendayi Frazer, zu Gesprächen in Hargeysa ein. Die neuen Verhandlungen fallen zeitlich mit einem Aufflammen kriegerischer Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Somaliland und puntländischen Sezessionsgegnern zusammen; in einem der umkämpften Gebiete fand die aktuelle Entführung statt. Infrastruktur Berlin hat dazu beigetragen, den Sezessionsdebatten ein materielles Fundament zu verleihen. Dies gilt für die Infrastruktur, ohne die ein möglicher Staat Somaliland kaum überlebensfähig und entsprechende Diskussionen faktisch gegenstandslos wären. Zu deren Aufbau hat die Bundesregierung in den Jahren von 2000 bis 2005 das Technische Hilfswerk (THW) in die somalische Provinz entsandt. Es reorganisierte in Hargeysa die Straßenbauverwaltung und setzte die wichtigsten Verkehrswege instand, darunter besonders den sogenannten Berbera-Korridor, der die Hafenstadt Berbera mit der Grenze nach Äthiopien verbindet. Damit wird Addis Abeba, das seit der Abspaltung Eritreas keinen Zugang zum Meer hat, ein neuer Hafen eröffnet. Vor allem aber erhält Somaliland die Möglichkeit zu gewinnbringenden Handelsgeschäften, mit denen sich die Provinz eine ökonomische Lebensgrundlage verschaffen kann. Bereits im Mai 2005 ist ein Abkommen zwischen Addis Abeba und Hargeysa abgeschlossen worden, das die Nutzung Berberas als Warenumschlagplatz für äthiopische Lieferungen regelt.[9] "Schritt vorwärts" Dem sezessionsermöglichenden Charakter der interessengeleiteten deutschen Aufbautätigkeit - und damit der Konfrontation mit den Sezessionsgegnern - entkommen auch die Entwicklungs- und Hilfsorganisationen nicht. Immer wenn Somaliland "einen Schritt vorwärts" mache, suchten Feinde es "zurückzuziehen" [10], urteilte der Provinzpräsident, als im März 2004 ein Mitarbeiter der deutschen GTZ ("Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit") ermordet und ein weiterer schwer verletzt wurde. Die GTZ hatte Milizen in Somaliland demobilisiert - ein humanitäres Anliegen, das aber im regionalen Kontext der Sezession und damit politischen Interessen dient. Nicht anders verhält es sich bei der Welthungerhilfe, die seit dem Jahr 2001 in der Provinz tätig ist und in drei laufenden Projekten rund 3,5 Millionen Euro investiert. Im Kontext der langjährigen deutschen Einflussnahme können ihre humanitären Vorhaben als Parteinahme verstanden werden, die letztlich der Sezession zugute kommt. Vereinnahmt Die aktuelle Entführung erfolgte nur elf Monate nach dem Mord an einem Mitarbeiter der Welthungerhilfe in Afghanistan, dem ebenfalls die Vereinnahmung von Hilfsorganisationen durch Berlin vorausging - hier im Rahmen der sogenannten zivil-militärischen Zusammenarbeit.[11] Weitere Entführungen und Morde können kaum abgewendet werden, solange die Bundesregierung nicht von der Indienststellung humanitärer Helfer ablässt. Fatal ist, dass im Falle der Welthungerhilfe die staatliche Einflussnahme institutionalisiert wurde: Vorsitzende des Vereins ist die Ehefrau des Bundesinnenministers, Vereinsmitglieder sind unter anderem der Bundestagspräsident sowie die Vorsitzenden der Bundestagsfraktionen von CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. Mehr als zehn Prozent ihres Haushalts bestreitet die Welthungerhilfe durch Zuschüsse des Auswärtigen Amts und des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit. Krisenstäbe Berlin bereitet sich jedenfalls, statt seine politische Einflussnahme in Spannungsgebieten zu verringern, auf neue Zusammenstöße vor. Die Krisenstäbe im Auswärtigen Amt gingen inzwischen "routiniert (...) mit Geiselnahmen um", resümiert die Presse.[12]
^^ You seem very indifferent there sxb. Adeero nin Xabashi ah ayaa faraxumeeyeyna waa ka diiriwayday? Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: If this is true(doubt it), As much as hate that God forsaken warlord in the name of president, I am personally going all the way to Mogadishu & B!tch slap this Gabre. :mad: :mad: Even Somalitalk.com, which usually is a very reliable Puntland source is running the samearticle.
source Wararka aanu ka heleyno qaar kamid ah Mas'uuliyiinta gobalka Banaadir ayaa xaqiijiyeen inuu khilaaf weyn soo kala dhex galay Madaxweynaha DF Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Gen. Gabre oo ah Jeneraalka ugu darajada weyn saraakiisha Ethiopian-ka ee Somalia joogta. Khilaafkaan ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu yimid kadib markii Gen. Gabre uu maqlay in dacwad ka dhan ah loo gudbiyay Ra'iisul-wasaare Meles Zenawi. Gen. Gabre ayaa sida la xaqiijiyay shalay galab soo gaaray xarunta Madaxtooyada Villa Somalia, halkaasoo uu kula kulmay Madaxweyne Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed. "Gabre waxuu soo galay howl-ka lagu shiro ee Madaxtooyada, waxuuna soo ag istaagay Madaxweyne Cabdilaahi Yuusuf, laba eray ayay is dhaafsadeen kadib waxaan ka war helnay Gabre oo laba dharbaaxo oo deg deg ah ku dhuftay Madaxweyne Cabdilaahi Yuusuf, taasoo sababtay in Madaxweynaha uu dhulka ku dhaco, isla markaana madaxa darbi uu ku dhufto" ayuu yiir mas'uulkaasi gobalka Banaadir ka tirsan. :eek: Madaxweynaha DF ayaa la sheegay in markii la dharbaaxeeyay uu ku qeyliyay erayo ay kamid ahaayeen "raali noqo gabre ,,,,, qalad baa wax laguu fahamsiiyay ,,, ".iyo erayo kale. Khilaafkaan ayaa yimid kadib markii Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo dhawaan gaaray magaalada Addis Ababa uu hordhigay Ra'iisul-wasaare Meles codsi ku aadan in Somalia laga badalo Gen. Gabre uu ku eedeyay inuusan amar ka qaadan Dowlada KMG ah. Madaxweynaha ayaa Gabre ku eedeeyay inuu marar badan isku dayay inuu shirqool ku dilo, isla markaana madaafiic ku garaaco xarumaha Dowlada gaar ahaan Madaxtooyada iyo Garoonka Muqdisho xiliyada ay madaxda ka duulayaa. Raggga sida gaarka ah Gen. Gabre la saaxiibka ah uuna ka dhaxeeya isbaheysi xooggan ayaa wxaa ka mid ah Darwiish, Maxamed Dheere, Xaabsade iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan Golaha wasiirada iyo qaybaha kale ee dawlada. Madaxweyne Yuusuf ayaa si aad ah u diidan ciidamada ay sida gaarka ah u leeyhiin Darwiish iyo Maxamed Dheere oo fuliya danaha ka soo horjeeda isaga, inkastoo uu doonayey inay isaga ka amar qaatan dhamaan ciidamada dawlada sida uu doonana u adeegsado si ay awooda dawlada oo dhan gacanta ugu soo gasho balse arintaasi aanay dhicin, waqti badan oo xilkii uu hayeyna laga lumiyey in kastoo uu haatan dadaal ugu jiro sidii uu ku hanan lahaa awooda Dawlada oo dhan Gen. Gabre ayaa lasoo warinayaa inuu isagoo xarakeynaya uu ka baxay xarunta Madaxtooyada Villa Somalia, isla markaana uu ku goodiyay inuu dili doono Madaxweyne Yuusuf. Madaxweynaha ayaa u qeyla dhaamiyay Ciidamada AMISOM iyadoo guud ahaan ammaankiisa la wareegeen ciidamada AMISOM gaar ahaan kuwa Uganda ee Muqdisho jooga. Xaalada Madaxtooyada ee uu degan yahay Cabdilaahi Yuusuf ayaa maanta kacsan iyadoo laga cabsi qabo dagaal halkaasi ku dhex mara ciidamada DF iyokuwa Uganda oo dhinac ah iyo Ciidamada Ethiopian-ka. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Gen. Gabre ayaa sidii uu doono ula macaamila Madaxda sarre ee Dowlada KMG ah isagoo is mooda inuu ka daraja sareeyo dhamaan madaxda DF.
Wafdi uu horkacayo Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Cali Sandule oo maanta gaadhay duleedka Tukaraq(sawiro 13-Feb-2008 iyo Qormadii: Afnugaal News Desk Waxaa maanta gaadhay duleedka Tukaraq wafdi uu horkacayo Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Cali Sandule oo ayna galbimayaan ciidamada Somaliland ee ku sugan dhanka bari ee magaalada Laascaanood iyo ciidamo Police ah kuwaas oo ka qayb qaatay socdaalkaasi. Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sool oo aan wax ka waydiinay socdaalkiisa uu saaka ugu anbabaxay magaalada Gambadhe uuna horey usii dhaafay ilaa uu ka gaadhay duleedka magaalada Tukaraq ayaa waxa uu noo sheegay inuu ahaa socdaalkaasi mid indho indhayn ah. Socdaalkaasi ayaa waxa uu Gudoomiyuhu ku sheegay inuu yimi kadib markii dhulkaasi ay soo wajaheen abaaro sidaa darteedna ay kormeer ugu baxeen si ay usoo arkaan dhulkaas iyo xaaladiisa iyo halka ay marayso nolosha dadka goobahaasi kunool oo aan haysanin baad iyo biyo toona. Waxaana uu intaasi ku daray Gdoomiyuhu inay markii ay marayeen tuulada Gambadhe ay lasii shireen dadka Odayaasha ee deegaankaasi uuna kala hadlay xaalada abaaraha ee deegaankaasi ayna noo sheegeen xaalada deegaankaasi iyadoo sidoo kalena ay dhankooda u balan qaadeen inay wax u qabanayaan iyadoo uu Gudoomiyuhu uu socdaal ku tagay ceelka biyaha ee tuulada Gambadhe. Hadaba socdaalkan ay saaka ku tageen wafdida uu hogaaminayo Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Cali Sandule,taliaayasha ciidanka military ga iyo waliba kuwa Police-ka ayna ka qayb qaateen ciidamo aad uhubaysan oo wata tiknikada dagaalka ayaa waxa uu noqonayaa socdaalkii labaad ee intii maamulka Somaliland ay gacantiisa soo gashay magaalada Laascaanood uu ku tago duleedka tukaraq wallow aysan wali si rasmi ah halkaasi udagin iyagoo kadib socdaalka ay goobahaasi ay ku tageen kadib ay kusoo laabteen magaalada Laascaanood
German Argo Action Press Release -- Kidnapped Welthungerhilfe employee freed in Somaliland Source: Deutsche Welthungerhilfe (German Agro Action) - Germany Welthungerhilfe / German Agro Action Reuters and AlertNet are not responsible for the content of this article or for any external internet sites. The views expressed are the author's alone. Bonn 13.02.2008. Daniel Bronkal, the member of Welthungerhilfe's staff who was taken hostage yesterday in Somaliland, has been freed after spending twelve hours in captivity. Local security forces secured his release yesterday evening at 22:00 local time in the Al Mado mountain region. The rescue operation involved an exchange of gunfire, but Bronkal remained unharmed. The kidnappers took flight, initially taking Bronkal with them, but during the manoeuvre he was able to escape and found himself alone. He headed towards the next road along the coast where local members of staff who were looking for him picked him up. Daniel Bronkal is now in the town of Erigavo and is in a good state considering the circumstances. "The kidnappers treated me well," he explained in his first phone call following his release. "I was given enough to eat and drink. They didn't beat me or threaten me." Bronkal went on to say that the intensive crisis management training he undertook before his dispatch came in very useful in coping with the situation. Welthungerhilfe trains its staff before sending them overseas. A security expert based at Head Office in Bonn maintains constant contact with overseas offices and personnel. Welthungerhilfe would like to take this opportunity to express its sincere gratitude to local security forces who ensured the release of Mr Bronkal. As soon as the kidnapping was announced, a local police unit was dispatched to track down the kidnappers. Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest non-governmental aid organisations in Germany. It provides aid from one set of hands: from rapid emergency relief to reconstruction programmes, as well as long-term projects with local partner organisations following the principle of promoting self-help. Since its foundation in 1962 more than 5,000 projects have been carried out in 48 countries with a total funding of 1.8 billion euros. [ Any views expressed in this article are those of the writer and not of Reuters. ]
^^ Check this below. The result of hardwork and effort put by the "Clanish Wailers". ---- Somalia: a German abducted, Maakhir in Stability, and Somaliland in Disarray By Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis Over the past two months, we dedicated several articles to Maakhir, the self-proclaimed autonomous state in Northern Somalia that acclaims every unitary effort in the multi-targeted and war-stricken country of the Horn of Africa. Contrarily to the secessionist aspirations of Somaliland that lies in the West, and the ineffective political targets of Puntland that lies in the East, the Maakhir authorities pledge full commitment to peace, concord, and local development until the time of an All-Somali Union. In the few months that passed since the new state was launched (1 July 2007), tiny Maakhir (area: 35000 km2; population: 700000 people) proved to be a paradise of stability and concord, civil order and environmental sensibilities, if compared to warring Somalialnd and Puntland that do gravely threaten stability and peace, socioeconomic development and national union in the Horn of Africa area, in the same way the Abyssinian soldiers do trigger Islamic Extremism in the Somali South. Abduction of a German male aid worker In a clearly deteriorating environment in the ailing and unrecognized pseudo-state of Somaliland, a German male aid worker was reported abducted in Erigavo earlier today by gunmen loyal to Somaliland militias in the area. The news spread immediately allover the world, as it highlights the total incapacity of Somaliland´s secessionist government. The authoritative Maakhir portal Laaqoray.net, in an informative article (http://www.laasqoray.net/view_article.php?articleid=2662), gave details about the event, stating that "Eye witnesses reported that the aid worker's driver was wounded by gunfire when the kidnappers intercepted his vehicle in an area claimed by both the breakaway states of Maakhir and Somaliland. According to elders in the city the aid worker and his driver was heading to Waqdiriya (an ancient town controlled by Maakhir) area outside Erigavo when the gunmen ambushed and snatched him and left his driver wounded and lying on the floor. The abducted aid worker was employed by German Agro Action, a non-governmental organization which has been operating in the area for several years. The NGO based in Bonn, [known in Germany as Welthungerhilfe] confirmed that one of its employees had been abducted in northern Somalia. In the area where the abduction took place, Agro Action [which has been active in Somalia since 1990s] was leading a project on irrigated farming development. Aid workers, notably foreigners, have been increasingly targeted in all parts of the restive Horn of Africa country". Through contacts with various Maakhiri authorities, we reconfirmed that the early information, according to which the abductors went to Southern Erigavo, was false. As a matter of fact, the Erigavo district is divided between Somaliland and Maakhir. As the area was for many years open to roaming Puntland and Somaliland militias, the Maakhir Authority made repeated calls for self-restrain in order to help establish a minimum security around its borders. Reports from Badhan, the Maakhir capital, specified that the abducted German aid worker was taken away to the mountains toward Daalo, an area controlled by clan militia supporting Somaliland. The Maakhir Authority, in an effort to solve the problem, entered into negotiations with the tribe loyal to Somaliland (***** Clans) because Somaliland does not exercise real power in its eastern regions. Maakhiri elders from the Maakhiri part of Erigavo have held talks with their ***** counterparts, offering full support in order to obtain the release of the abducted German aid worker. Mohamed Digil, a former Somaliland administrator as head of ´uncontrolled´ militias According to converging information from Laasqoray and Maakhiri Erigavo, the militia that abducted the aid worker is clan militia unhappy with the Argo Action representative and his team, as they were heading towards Waqderiya (an ancient town controlled by Maakhir) in order to consider details pertaining to a new development project. The ´uncontrolled´ militias had allegedly stated to the Argo Action representative that the area is disputed, and demanded that the NGO does not help whomever may be currently in control in Waqderiya. This reveals the dedication and the commitment of the German NGO, and the dramatic circumstances under which they do their best to help the indigenous populations. Through my latest contacts, I got the reconfirmation that the leader of the militias involved in the abduction is no other than the notorious Mohamed Digil, a former administrator in the breakaway and unrecognized, mafia state of Somaliland. Mohamed Digil belongs to the Habar Yonis clan, which is a sub-clan of Muse Ismael and Jibrel Turwa. Why? As we already said, Somaliland does not exercise real political, economic and military power in the province of Western Sanaag, even though the area is a ***** territory; for non insiders, the ***** clan is the strongest component of the secessionist administration of Somaliland, but this does not imply total ***** support to the Hargeysa puppets of the Abyssinian tribal dictator Meles Zenawi. Many ***** Somalis oppose the paranoid secessionist dreams of the Abyssinian puppets who portray themselves as Somaliland´s leaders. As a matter of fact, Somaliland functionaries are scarce in the east of the Hargeysa and Berbera, the main Somaliland´s port which is controlled by Abyssinian paramilitary criminals and thugs. The abductors are certainly loyal to Somaliland authorities in terms of clan, but as long as we are not aware of their projects and targets, we can only express the conjecture that they employed methods already successfully employed in Yemen in order to attract governmental interest and subsidies. Antecedents Beyond the illustrious Yemenite tradition in this regard, we have to admit that abduction has been a common story in Puntland where last year two women from Spain and Argentina working for MSF were abducted. A while back, a French cameraman preparing a documentary on migrants was also kidnapped. In all cases, ransom was paid to the abductors in order to get the aid workers back. As for many years Somaliland and Puntland have been engaged in conflict over the territories of Sool and Sanaag, and always viewed these provinces as marginal to either Hargeysa and Garowe, their respective capitals, the autochthonous populations enthusiastically sought peace and development, and backed their political leaders who declared its independence as Maakhir State of Somalia. Maakhir is therefore the guarantee for civil order and discipline in the area. What to do? One of the most critical problems of the Horn of Africa region, and Somalia more particularly, is related to the uncontrolled areas of Eastern Somaliland where the political vacuum and the socio-economic underdevelopment are matched with tribal militias prevalence. The clash between some clan militias and the otherwise nebulous and ill-fated administration of unrecognized Somaliland endangers peace and progress in the entire area. When every clan has its own militias, the rise of tribalism gives localism an anti-patriotic nuance that ends up in ceaseless wars. Somaliland is also threatened because of this procedure; when Eil-Afweyn is controlled by ***** militias who don't care whether Somaliland exists or not, the Hargeysa warlords should re-think about their dreams of international recognition that, if we assume possible to materialize (which is not the case), could turn to a nightmare of the utmost subdivision and split. It would be to the benefit of all these provisory states in the Somali North to cede control of their borders to UN peacekeeping forces until a General Constituent Assembly of all the Somalis brings forth the next, real, effective and auspicious National Unity Government of Somalia. Maakhir should be helped in its effort to establish civil order, social rehabilitation, and unitary national feeling, and supported in its commitment to stop illegal charcoal trading, and hunting, Note Picture: the natural pyramids of Sanaag in the autonomous state of Maakhir in the north of Somalia
Up north, a German aid worker was kidnapped in Somaliland. Since that area has a government, a large scale search was promptly organized and the German was released in a day. Strategy Page ----- Aid Worker Freed MOGADISHU - A German aid worker who had been taken hostage by gunmen in northern Somalia was released today following an operation by the Somaliland forces, a local official told AFP. The humanitarian worker - employed by the Bonn-based German Agro Action non-governmental organisation - was kidnapped yesterday in a region disputed by the breakaway states of Puntland and Somaliland. "The armed forces have succeeded in releasing the German aid worker during an operation launched last night," local Somaliland district commissioner Osmail Haji Nur said. "He is now in our hands and he is safe," he added. The official added that the aid worker was heading back to the town of Erigabo, from where he had been conducting his humanitarian work in the region. Nur also said that Somaliland forces were currently surrounding the kidnappers and would seek to capture them. It was not immediately clear who the kidnappers were and whether they had demanded a ransom. The aid worker’s driver was wounded during the abduction when gunmen opened fire to intercept their vehicle, officials said. Two other NGO staff - another German and a Somali - were also in the vehicle at the time but escaped unharmed. Aid workers, notably foreigners, have been increasingly targeted in all parts of the restive Horn of Africa country. Three staff of Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF - Doctors Without Borders) were killed in January when a roadside bomb exploded against their vehicle in the southern town of Kismayo, forcing the international NGO to pull its foreign staff out of Somalia. The victims were a Kenyan doctor, a French logistics expert and a Somali driver. Late last year, two women from Spain and Argentina working for MSF were abducted in Puntland. Days earlier, a French cameraman preparing a documentary on migrants was also snatched. All three were eventually released unharmed. Somaliland and Puntland have been engaged in a sometimes violent feud over two territories - Sool and Sanaag - which straddle their ill-defined common border. A former British protectorate, Somaliland united with the Italian Somalia in 1960. But it unilaterally broke away 10 months after dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991. Somaliland, which adopted a provisional constitution in 1997 and ratified it four years later, now boasts its own president, government, parliament, police force, penal code and currency. Its officials have fiercely rejected any suggestion of re-uniting with Somalia proper, and the transitional government in Mogadishu is opposed to any kind of recognition for the region. Neighbouring Puntland declared itself autonomous in August 1998 under the leadership of Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, the current Somali president. The latest abduction comes amid reports that the Islamist insurgents who had been battling Somali government troops and their Ethiopian allies in Mogadishu for months have started to expand their area of operations.
^ Those were criminals. Thats what they are. Two of the criminals are in Police captivity and 3 others are on the run. It is a victory for the Somaliland Police and a sad day for this idi0t and his sort. I am sure the Germans understand the efforts put by the Police and the locals to free the man and that the NGO will stay in the region and continue the good job its doing.
Very Admirable is the swiftness of the Somaliland Police swang into action to free the Aid Worker from the criminals. These criminals shall never be telorated. They are against the interest of not only the country but also the very people that these foreigners came to help. ------------ German Agro Action Kidnapping in Somaliland ended - Employees of the World Hunger Help free and unwounded Daniel Bronkal. Daniel Bronkal. © DWHH Aufatmen bei der Welthungerhilfe: Der gestern im Nordwesten von Somalia, der Region Somaliland, entführte Mitarbeiter, Daniel Bronkal , ist frei. © DWHH sigh of relief at the World Hunger Help: yesterday in the northwest of Somalia, the Somali region of the country, kidnapped employees, Daniel Bronkal, is free. Heute morgen um 7 Uhr lokaler Ortszeit erreichte unsere Mitarbeiterin im Welthungerhilfe-Büro im somalischen Erigavo die positive Meldung per Mobiltelefon. Today, tomorrow at 7 pm local time reached our fellow at the World Hunger Aid office in the Somali Erigavo the positive message via mobile phone. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt befand sich der Entwicklungshelfer bereits in Sicherheit. At that time was the development workers already in safety. Wie Bronkal berichtet, wurde er gestern Abend gegen 22 Uhr lokaler Zeit von einem örtlichen Polizeisuchtrupp in den Al Mado-Bergen befreit. How Bronkal reported he was yesterday evening against 22 pm local time from a local police search party in the Al Mado liberated Bergen. Während der Befreiungsaktion gab es einen Schusswechsel , Bonkal blieb dabei unverletzt. During the liberation, there was an action shot Exchange, Bonkal remained unhurt. Danach floh er zu Fuß im Dunkeln durch die Berglandschaft zur Küste. Then he fled on foot in the dark through the mountains to the coast. Wie Bronkal der Welthungerhilfe meldete, geht es ihm den Verhältnissen entsprechend gut. How Bronkal the World Hunger Help reported, it is well to the conditions accordingly. "Die Entführer waren sehr zuvorkommend. Es gab genug Wasser und zu Essen . Ich bin sehr gut behandelt worden." "The kidnappers were very courteous. There was enough water and food. Am, I have been treated very well." Momentan befindet sich Bronkal auf dem Weg in das Projektbüro der Welthungerhilfe in Erigavo. Currently Bronkal is on the road to the project office of the World Hunger Help in Erigavo. Ein großer Dank gilt der lokalen Polizeibehörde, die sich sofort nach Bekanntgabe der Entführung mit hohem Engagement für die Welthungerhilfe eingesetzt haben und damit die Befreiung von Daniel Bronkal so schnell möglich machten. A big thanks to the local police authority, immediately after the announcement of the kidnapping with a high commitment to world hunger aid, and thus the liberation of Daniel Bronkal as soon possible. Letzte Änderung an dieser Seite: 13.02.2008 Last modification of this page: 13.02.2008
There is only one particular clan who is piggybacking to build a castle under Ethiopia's occupation. Cid kale oo Itoobiya u tartamaysa anigu ma arko. Somaliland cidna Itoobiya uma isticmaalsho, cidna kuma xuuxiso. With or without Ethiopia, Somaliland waa wax jiraaya oo joogaya. Laakin, Somaliland iyo Ethiopia waxa ka dhexeeya waa siyaasad laba dhinac ah, although the non-recogntion of Somaliland is a disadvantage. But kuwa sheegta inay Dawlad yihiin ee waliba UN sheegta inay fadhiyaan, ee cid walba ku sheega "argagaxiso" kuwaa ayaa dadka ugu liita.
^^ Waxaan la socdaa duqa asaasaqay ee Col. Yey iyo Cadde Muuse in maalmahanba ku hadaaqayeen some sort of a connection that they said exists between Somaliland iyo Ururka Al Shabaab. Wax kale maaha waa in Ethiopia favour looga helo oo lagu beer laxawsado. The Puntland leadership think that they are in control and that anyone that they label as "argagaxiso" ayaa caalamku aragaxiso u aqoonsanaya. Very premature and childish if you asked me. They forgot in Ethiopia waxanba ayadu wadato oo meesha ay ayadu rabto uun uticmaalsho "argagaxiso". But anyways, I see reer Tolka uma kala hadhin Ethiopia xodxodashadeeda. Taariikh Somali ugu horleh oo ugub ah weeyan.
Ok. Cadde Muuse is in Addis Abeba. Col. Yey is also in Addis Abeba. And now you are saying those Garaads are also lobbying for Ethiopia to intervene?? Tolkii Itoobiya ayuu ciirsi mooday miyaa sheekadu?? :eek: :eek: I remember listening to Garaad Jamaac talking to Horn Afrik saying that Ethiopia should send her troops to Lascaanood. :mad: Sorry folks, Ethiopia isn't going to get involved in this.
=== Satire ==== Archbishop of Canterbury converts to Islam Dr Rowan Williams has failed to quell the row over his recent comments with the announcement that he has been fully accepted into the Muslim faith. He claims to see no inconsistency with his new religion and his continuing role as the leader of the Anglican faith. ‘Both religions are saying basically the same thing…’ said Rahman Muhammed bin-Williams as he now wishes to be known, ‘…and I hope to bring together two aspects of these two major world faiths. So we will still have the Church of England Christingle Jumble Sale. But instead of getting a jar of home made jam in the raffle, the winner gets to drive a car bomb into the American Embassy.’ Dr Williams has said that it is important for England’s established church to reflect the cultural and religious diversity within today’s Britain. This point was reiterated by the Rastafarian Bishop of Durham, who was later arrested when police became suspicious about the contents of his incense burner. This follows his controversial presentation of Sunday’s Songs of Praise with such classic hymns as ‘All things Bright and Beautiful’ and ‘I and I in a Babylon situation’ [ The Queen ] Dr Williams dismissed the latest controversy as he headed off to buy a glittery tissue box holder for the back of his car. ‘Let us not forget that as Archbishop of Canterbury I am not head of the Church of England. That priviledge remains with the Defender of the Faith, Her Majesty the Queen. Or Shariz –El- Izbeth as she now wishes to be known.’
Anglican groups greet archbishop of Canterbury with standing ovation, backs his stand LONDON – Fellow Anglicans greeted the archbishop of Canterbury with a standing ovation Monday, despite his recent controversial statments about the role of Islamic law in Britain. Rowan Williams twice asked members of the Church of England's governing body, the General Synod, to stop clapping so he could begin his talk about the furious response to his advocating the incorporation of some elements of Shariah law into British society. Williams had been criticized by British media and politicians for his comments last week, in which he said that the introduction of parts of Islamic law, known as Shariah, were “unavoidable.” Even some Anglicans had called for his resignation. But speaking from the podium at Church House, near the British Parliament and Westminster Abbey, Williams strongly denied media reports that he was advocating a dual system of justice for Britain. “We are not talking about parallel jurisdictions,” he said. Williams said his words had been distorted but that he took responsibility for the lack of clarity in his pronouncements about Shariah in a radio interview and a speech. “I must, of course, take responsibility for any unclarity in either that text or in the radio interview, and for any misleading choice of words that has helped to cause distress or misunderstanding among the public at large and especially among my fellow Christians,” he said. Williams said in a British Broadcasting Corp. interview aired Thursday that some aspects of Shariah law, a venerable Islamic code of conduct, already fit easily within the British legal system, and he agreed when asked if its implementation was inevitable. Britain's media took the statement as broadly backing Shariah law, which delighted some British Muslims – and outraged almost everyone else. Bishop Stephen Lowe said after the speech that the long ovation was an indication of the strong backing Williams can expect from the membership of the synod, despite the controversy. “The respect with which he's held in the Church of England was reflected in the ovation and the applause at the end of his speech,” he said. “I think the speech ought to have quieted any of the criticism of the last few days.” However, Williams continued to receive harsh treatment in the press Monday. The afternoon London Lite newspaper published a string of negative comments from readers who believe Williams is proposing unwanted changes to Britain's judicial system
Source As one who has been hauled in front of a Sharia court I would like to risk having my hand — or head — chopped off a second time by suggesting that the Archbishop of Canterbury just might have a point. My brush with Islamic justice occurred in December 2006 in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. A popular movement called the Islamic Courts Council (ICC) had recently seized control of the country, expelling feuding warlords who had made it a byword for terror over the previous 15 years. One afternoon Richard Mills, The Times photographer, and I were driving away from the infamous Bakara arms market. In a narrow, rutted sidestreet our way was blocked by an approaching vehicle. Neither driver would give way. A furious argument flared up, and our bodyguards drew their guns. Happily, ICC policemen arrived in the nick of time and escorted us all to the nearest Sharia court . We waited in the yard of an old police station. An alleged drug dealer lay on the ground on his stomach, his hands and legs bound together behind his back. Several wretched faces stared out from the dark interiors of cells with barred windows. A bunch of women engaged in some sort of domestic dispute arrived and waited patiently behind us. Finally the drivers, still arguing furiously, were each told to make their case to a couple of religious elders. They had barely begun before the court adjourned to a nearby carpet for sunset prayers. When it resumed, and both drivers had had their say, the court pronounced. The two men were ordered to apologise to each other and we were all dismissed. The court performed its duty with admirable dispatch and minimal fuss and everyone went away happy. It was quicker, cheaper and just as effective as a British magistrates’ court. The ICC is no more. Washington accused it of turning Somalia into a terrorist haven. It was replaced by a deeply unpopular Government of former warlords .
Funny how the author starts off this with an unusual calaacal and seems resigned to the faith accompli. And then somehow ends it with the usual empty rhetorics and wishful threats and tries to keep the hope high. A typical of the emotional rollercoaster that has gripped off at the "nobodies". It is very tough being a nobody thesedays. Go figure and ask Nayruus.
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