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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. ^^Well, what have you in mind then? dadkuna hadal ayay isku af gartaan, xooluhuna urta... Put what you have in mind to text and post it and then we can understand what you are thinking of.
  2. Originally posted by nuune: Who said Barakaat closed down, they only changed the name after their assets being held and added to the terror list groups. They being using different name ever since, and very successfull xawaalah now with its own bank and estate housing services. It is called Qaran Express now Barakat changed its name to Global Money Transfer (GMT). Q.Express is actually owned by partly reer Hargeisa and by Reer Mogadishu. The current CEO is Ina Jirde Husseen. But in anyway, Dahabshiil is the largest of them all money transfer companies. It is now a recognised brand in many African countries. Kudos to them.
  3. ^^You asked of "whose authority" and I just reminded you of the same old authority that brought the warlords who never represented anyone together in Kenya and called them a "Parliament" has blessed the Djibouti conference as well... If you think that is a wrong perception, then put your one on the table.
  4. ^^Why don't you share with us your version of things? And then we can find out whose is a bed time feel good story.
  5. ^^ The TFG was born because of Ethiopian and external actors who brought the warlords together in the Pigsfarms (MBagathe) and formed the phantom government. What makes it different this time round?
  6. 550 member parliamentarians. :eek: :eek: The small impoverished nation in east africa has more MPs than the world's biggest economy (USA) and world's largest country (Russia) and is rivaling the EU's 27 member states with their combined 780 MEPs.
  7. Shirka Djibouti wax badan ayaa ku xidhan among them are the withdrawal of the Ethiopian forces and the introduction of the UN stabilisation force. The Ethiopians are adamant that they no longer can afford to be in Mogadishu and any "face-saving" agreed withdrawal is what they currently wished for. And they have pinned all their hopes for the successful resolution of the Djibouti conference. The UN on the other hand, wants a successful Djibouti conference so that it can send a replacement force which can take over from the Ethiopians. So in essense, neither the Ethiopians nor "the powers that be" want the Djibouti conference to fail. Hence, their tough stance against anyone that tries to de-rail it or that becomes a hurdle to the said goals of the conference. Both Nuur Cadde and Sherif have the word and commitment from the international community that the Ethiopians will withdraw and that a combined "TFG" "ICU" government will be stablished. The only odd-one-out of this process is Col. Yey who sees left out of the process and doesn't have confidence that the combined "TFG"/"ICU" government will be to his liking.
  8. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Oodweyne- It has nothing to do with Tolka. That is strictly from the corridors of the State Department. The presidency and prime ministership will change hands. I have it on word come the next change Ahmed Abdisalaan will call himself president and his prime minister will be from the Gedo region. If that is true, then I hate to say it, but Puntland's real chickens are about to come home to roost. I can just, already, imagine the battles that will rage on SOL and Duke/Allpuntland going crazy. Ma sii hub guratay Hornow,,, I am sure you will need "hubka kiisa fudud iyo kiisa culus".
  9. ^ I am very busy with work and family commitments these days so I am not as news-savvy as I once was. I rely on JacaylBaro and Duke to keep me posted on these forums. Anyways, what is this world coming to? The pirates have spokesman LOOOL walaahi dacad ayaan u qoslay. Cirday I remembered Cabdi Gahayr's gabay Halkan ayay ka dhawdee, tolkay waa i hagranayaa .
  10. ^^ You didn't get it. I am talking about the "Sugule" name. The name is as Somali as it comes, I just can't believe that a Westerner would come up with that name. Btw, what does the job involve?
  11. "The presentation gathered more than 20 companies from different parts of the world like, USA, United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Saudi Arabia and other countries. " LOL @ Saudi Arabia. Was Aramco in there? Considering what is happening to their Super-tanker in Southern Somalia, the Saudi Arabians would even think of being interested in this licensing round.
  12. "pirate spokesman Sugule Ali said earlier today" Is this a real person's name or did they just made it up?
  13. ^^ If I asked you, on what grounds would the the "powers that be" base their suggestions for Somaliland to join the mayhem?
  14. Warlord Yey has cornered himself. He basically has no credibility in any shape or form and has lost with all the major actors including the International Donor community to say the least. He put all of his eggs on the Ethiopian bandwagon. It was just a matter of time for what is happening today to take place. But it is always good to see that another warlord is biting the dust. We only hope he leaves the scene without making a bigger fool of himself.
  15. aniga ayaan doondoonin; oo gabaygu daaqad ii yaal; sidii daahi maradiiye ... waar ma wadaa Djibouti waxay cadaysay inay tahay dadka dad inoogu xiga runtii. Actions speak louder than words. Kudos to Djibouti leadership for their swift actions. Hopefully, the small wrinkles in our politics will be smoothed out as well.
  16. Ninkii soo joog laga waayay, soo jiifso lee laga helaa.
  17. Waadigan sal-liite leexadu ku sidatee hadba laan cugsanayee [London, Addis, Nairobi, Tripoli... what next?]
  18. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: balayo, everyday you here new stuff, just as Galkacyo is divided into north-south and Burco is divided east-west so is Ceerigaabo is divided east and west. West ceerigaabo is shared by rer burco both east and west. East Ceerigaabo is shared by the Maakhiris and darwiish. Some say there has been a changed in demographics but the balance is still the same. Today, most of the W ceerigaans are rer west Burco and E ceerigaabo is mostly darwiishlanders and not So much of Maakhiris. Granted, ceerigaaban intermingle more then rer burco and Galkacyo, but none the less, the city is east-west divided. Hopes that helps some confused people. That is natural division. It is not only found in Burco but is found in every area including Hargeisa. Even in the Western world there are natural divisions, economic, social or class. There are poor neighbourhoods and rich neighborhoods in New York city. There are the Italian, Jewish and Black and White areas as well. If we follow your logic, even indivitual clans are subdivided into mini subsub sub clans which go all the way down to the level of a husband and his 2 wives that are divided household. The natural divisions are many but aside from that, Ceerigaabo city is a united city. Its people are united in keeping their well earned peace, they support their police force, they obey the local laws, they go to the same schools and learn the same things, they elect their political leaders... etc etc.
  19. I think appointing the HRC as Secratery of State will not go well with Obama's promised change. Instead, I think appointing the aspiring new leader and professor from Havard Samantha Power will go very well. I like Samantha for her broadminded aspect of seeing the world and specially the fact that she specialises in 3rd World issues. She will not only help highlight the change he promised but will also bring a new young face to represent America.
  20. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: ^I know Ceerigabo's people have kept stable environment and do heavily intermarry with one another but I meant by its traditional ownership . Historically Erigavo as a territory did fall under the seperatist clans' territory but it wasn't since the Sultan of Makhir's rule expanded into Erigavo as far as Mait and Garadag that the city grew and officially held a shared status. I mean his sultanate, according to colonial documents, reached GarAdag. In post civil war, the city's demographics have changed and control over it became a disputed issue. Contrary to your wikipedia-sourced nonsense, the city of Ceerigaabo was never disputed nor divided in its entire history. The city has always been under the leadership of the current governor and mayor's kins with the exception of during the Afwayne dictatorship. As you maybe aware of, the only battles that took place in Ceerigaabo during the civilwar was between 1988/1990 when Afwayne's regime unleashed its forces on the locals. After the demise of that regime, the clan melitias that were allied to the Afwayne regime vacated the city as the SNM forces led by Mujaahid Col. Ahmed Mire marched on to liberate the city. Hence, the fact that the city was never fought over by clan melitias. The clan melitias, however, and armed nomads in particular, fought over in the remote country side areas and you might remember the local clans that were supporting the SNM, occupied the city of Hadaaftimo at one stage. Other clan melitia fights occured in the far south villages near Xuddun in Sool region. You mentioned the the 4-way peace conferences of early 1990s, those Peace conferences were never about the city of Erigabo and its ownership, it was more about the inter-communal relationship and cessation of clan hostilities in the country side between the nomads.
  21. EdnaHospitalWebmaster, That is a great website. Well designed and the content is very informative. I enjoyed visiting there. Well done!! And thank you for the great photo albums. priceless
  22. 11 months ago, I wrote this link. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Jibriil was one of the UDUB candidates for the 2005/06 parliamentary elections ( Number 209 from the candidates list ). He was competing for the non-contested 3 seats that were allocated for the Eastern Sanaag clan. Many believe the reason why Jibriil fell out with UDUB was because UDUB named Mrs Baar Saeed (number 203 on the list) to represent Jibriil's electorate. Mrs Baar Saeed is said to be a highly educated lady from Dhahar and draws bigger support from Eastern Sanaag folks. One of the reasons why Jibriil created Maakhirland state was to show UDUB that he is no someone that can be dumbed down that easily. Since we know the nature of some folks, I am wondering, Caamirow, Hadii Daahir Riyaale jago u magacaabo Jibriil Hargeisa ma iska xaadirin lahaa?
  23. Col Garam-Garam oo ka mid ah dagaal oogayaasha gacmaha dhiiga ku leh ee 18 sanadood daadinayey dhiiga dadka Soomaaliyeed,ayaa isaga oo markii la jabiyey jabhadii Moorgan ee uu ka mid ahaa saraakiisha malayshiyadaas,ee Col Barre Hiiraale ka soo eryey Kismaayo ayuu cararkii ku tegey Kenya,halkaas oo uu ku sugnaa ilaa intii uu maqlay in uu jiro jaanis kale oo uu mudo ku urursado dhaqaale Warlordkani muxu jab u soo taagnaa. Waa in ninkan inta nolol lagu soo qabto maxkamad lasoo taago dhibaatooyinkii Jubooyinka u ka gaystay oo waliba u doonaayo inu xageena u soo raro. I am sure putting him on trail for warcrimes would capture the headlines for few days.
  24. ^^Is Jaamaco weyn part of Guryasamo? Redka, I am from New Hargeisa/Gacanlibaax... my house was located about 500M east of the Theatre'ka Hargeisa along the Berbera-Hargeisa road. I used to attend malmaacad quraan ku taalay Kaalinta Agip (Agib Petrol station) debadeeda. I am sure you have seen it if you came down through the Dooxa Hargeisa towards Masjid Jaamaca ama suuqa dhexe.