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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. That is the only option on the table. Waxa kale oo dhan, is just dancing on the frameworks...
  2. In the video, one can see (1:24) Dr. Edna Adan Ismacil working the Foreign Ambassadors.
  3. EU Ambassador, US Ambassador and IGAD moderating another session.
  4. Can you explain what 'a good deal' looks like in your opinion. My 'good deal' are nothing short of a path to independence, whether that is through a 'Referendum' or otherwise.
  5. Waa Khaire. Wixii hore loo karin jiray waa ka wayntay tani. uuraysatee aan arag waxay umuli doonto. Anigu kolay waxaan hubaa in Muuse nin mansab iyo lagu iibsan karo wax aan u qalmin Somaliland.
  6. Sawirka hore, waxa indhuhu wada eegayaan waa President Muuse Biixi Cabdi.
  7. LOL A case of lost in translation. That vernacular I paraphrased may have different meaning in the South.
  8. Cheeseman cid walbaa waa ka marsatay cardkaa waa doorkii Somaliland ka marsanlahayd.
  9. Djibouti: Xisbiyada Somaliland oo ku kala aragti duwan kulanka Biixi iyo Farmaajo WWW.BBC.COM Kulan heer sare ah ayaa la filayaa in uu maalinta berrito ah uga furmo Jamhuuriyadda Djibouti wufuud heer sare ah oo ka socda Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya oo wada xoojoodkoodii waayadan ba la hadal hayey...
  10. Somaliland's President confers with the Opposition Parties regarding the Djibouti meetings.
  11. kkk Awoowe, dhalada khamriga ah iska yaree. Kolay maan dooriye ayaa ku nasakhee.
  12. From what I heard, President MBC was invited by the US State Dept to attend a regional meeting they are hosting in Djibouti this year. The meeting by "Bureau of African Affairs" will invite Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somaliland and Somalia. Abiye Ahmed/US Ambassador want to arrange a meeting on the side between President MBC and the besieged Cheeseman from Villa AMISom.
  13. @TRO - AJTwelcome to the forum. I have been schooling this fool for so long. Qof Qalbi la, Quraan kii u Akhriyay, Waar Qaaf Dheh ku haraad!!!!
  14. Besides, most of the massacres in the North were committed between 1986 and 1988. In fact, the WSLF clan refugee melitia were one of the worse arms of the murderous regime. The head of Somalia's Janjaweed melitia (WSLF) was killed in Burco in 1988 by the SNM, he moved close to 1,000 refugee melitia from BixinDuule South of Berbera to fight the SNM in Burco. They never went back alive. Muj. Dhegoweyne's SNM wing massacred them in the Sheikh Mountains. After this defeat, Ina Cumar Jees came to Bali Gubadleh (the SNM HQ) and signed a peace deal to get the O-clan refugees a safe passage to Kilka-shanaad. Shortly afterwards the main Garaad of the Khatuumo clan also arrived in Bali Gubadleh signing a peace deal to silence the guns in Buuhoodleh, Sool, Sanaag regions.
  15. Wasiirka Arimaha Dibedda Somaliland oo ku sii jeeda degmadda Buuhoodleh. Waxa isla Buuhoodleh ku sugan hada Wasiirka Gadiidka Somaliland.
  16. @gooni You are a simpleton. Afwayne's forces were defeated in the country side, fair and square. In fact, it was Afwayne's forces that retreated from the country side and took refuge behind civilians in major population centres like Hargeisa, Burco etc. By 1987, the SNM freely roamed the country side, due to success defeats of Afwayne forces at the borders and spectacular over rans of military bases in the country side. This apparent defeat was one of the reasons why Afwayne actually kissed Mingistu's shoes in Djibouti for a peace treaty. What Afwayne didn't know is that, the peace treaty itself that he signed will usher his own downfall. The scale of Afwayne defeat can be seen from the fact that the SNM moved 3,000 of its solders from Ethiopia and brought them inside Somalia on a broad daylight. They setup camps and planned major attacks on biggest cities in the North. Afwayne's almost 20 year old regime could not detect the 3,000 SNM soldiers nor were they able to know the planned attacks. And even worse, the SNM attacked Burco on the 27th of May. And 3 days later attacked Hargeisa. We can give Afwayne the benefit of the doubt in his complete lost in Burco because it was a surprise attack. But given you had 3 days to prepare a defence for Hargeisa, that is inexcusable by any military standard. The only resistance the SNM faced in their attack on Hargeisa took place just 10km outside the city. And that small resistance was overran within 30 minutes. The SNM then attacked major military bases inside the city of Hargeisa including the Northern Command Centre (Birjeex), 26aad military base and 24aad military base. The SNM defeated all. The SNM was established in 1982 (Oct 1981 to be exact) and less than 10 years, defeated Afwayne regime. If you can come up with any other guerrilla force in the world that has seen such success, let me know. Even Fidel Castro's Rebellion took more than 12 years to defeat the government.