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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: oo maxaad la hunqaacaysa ma uur baad leedahay? Xaajigu waa belo. btw Good for Laascaaanood kids.
  2. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: oo maxaad la hunqaacaysa ma uur baad leedahay? Xaajigu waa belo. btw Good for Laascaaanood kids.
  3. Originally posted by Malika: ^Amiin! Suldaan,irony aa?? Of course,adigo oo kale you will probably have carried an Ethiopian flag,sing their national anthem whilst they were invading your lands.. where do the Ethiopians come into this, yaa Maalika?
  4. Duufaan, Jidbaale et al were the same sources that you used to relay on for news in 2007 before Laascaanood fell to SL. For anyone who used Jidbaale and co as a source, the fall of Laascaanood came as a shock. For anyone else who had other sources, the fall of Laascaanood was just a matter of when than if. For jidbaale, in every battle that SL defeated or pushed PL forces back, it used to report a rosey and glorious reports claiming victory... when in fact the truth was otherwise. I remember some website even used to claim that Puntland army has pushed back SL forces so far as the battle was nearer to Burco than Laascaanood. The former Siyad Barre propagandists has learned the art of propaganda a little too much and they know not where propaganda ends and reality check starts. So my advice for you, start widening your sources or else..
  5. With articles such as the one quoted below, calling civilians to stop throwing stones but rather to take up arms and start firing at soldiers... then obviously, and unfortunately, that will bring more armed or unarmed civilian deaths. The irony is that, the same people who want civilians to fire bullets at soldiers and police, are also the same people crying faul when armed civilians die in the crossfire. Reer Laascaanoodow Ma Falastiin Baad Is Moodeen! source Maqaal( aad ula yaabanahay iyadoo dagaal iyo dimasho *********** ku socdo in dhalinyaradii iyo ragii la rabay inay qorigooda qaataan ay dhagaxtuur iyo taayiro la gubo ay ku mashquulaan. Reer laascaanoodow waxaas laguma gaaro gobonimo, hadii dhagax la tuuro lagu xoroobo, Falastiin ayaa laga arki lahaa. Waxa aad Laascaanood ka wadaan waa habaar: Waayo? Waxaad saadaalinaysaan dhulbahantow awood laheyn oo dawlad ka xoog badani oo ku habsatay!!. Subxaanalaah!!.. Shaqadaad haysaan waa habaarkaas!! Goormaa Huuno noqdeen Awood idinku kalifta dhagax la tuuro?? Iska daaya dhaqan xumada oo ka qeybqaata dagaalka, arintaas dhagax la tuuro ama taayir lagubo nin 10 sano ka weyn yaan lagu arag, Waayo wixii 10 sano ka weyn waxaa looga baahan yahay dagaalka xoreynta inuu galo. 10 – 15 jiradu waxaa iska leeyihiin masuuliyado gaar ah, sida biyo dhaamiska, dhaawac gurida, cunto qaadka iyo weliba dhiirigelinta!! Wixii 15 sano ka weyna waxaa looga baahanyahay waa is ogyahay, oo waa dhagaxa runta ah qaado (Qori ) goobtana is gee!! Anigu hadda waxaan ka soo noqday furinta horre ee dagaalka, waxaana indhahayga ku soo arkay maydkii Huunada !! Oo Cid qaadata la waayey!! Mar baan waxaan is weydiiyey, war kuwii falnaa ee *********** ahaa ee dabaqoodhiga u ahaa nimanka may maydkooda u guraan?? Dabadeedna waan isku jawaaboo waxaan iri: Armaa ay isbadaleenoo sadexdii Sano karbaashkii lagu hayey awgeed iyaguba rabaan in dagaalka ka qayb galaan!! Muusa Suudi yalaxow ayaa waxaa laga hayaa berigii maxkamadaha uu la dagaalamayey “ari hee hadii ay wadaado yihiin, xaa meydkoodu u urahayaa!!. Hadda, anigu waxaan leeyahay hadii Huunnadu mooday inay xoog nagu heysteen 3 sano, Maxaa maanta ku kalifay inay meydadkii saraakiishooda ka cararaan!!!! Dhalinta reer laascaanoodow, iyadoo guushaasi maanta soo hoyatay, dhagax iyo taayir lagubo looma baahnee, qoryahana qaata, oo Buurawadal iyo Widhwidh kala aada.. Nafta eebaa qoray, oo nina ma dhaafin karo waqtigeeda, sidaas daraadeed ninowna ha is oran , armaad dhimataa? Ogow, Cazraa’iil ( Malaga nafta qaada) laascaanood iyo dhagaxtuurka kaga gaban mayside!! Dhanbaalka warqadaydu waa: Dhalinta Reer laascaanoodow u daaya arinta dhagaxtuurka iyo taayirada wixii ka yar 10 sano, intiina kale soo maahan?? Ka baxa magaalada laheysto oo ka qeybqaata xoreynta taariikhiga ah ee socota. Buura wadal iyo widhwidh halakala aado. Laascaanood oo xor ahna ha la iskugu soo noqdo!! Waxaan ugu danbeyntii u tacsiyadeenayaa dhamaan mujaahidiinta Reer SSC ee geeriyooday eheladooda iyo dhamaanteenba in Samir iyo iimaan inaga siiyo iyagana eebe janadii ka waraabsho sababtoo ahna waxay ahaayeen dad guryahoodii, hantidoodii iyo dhulkoodii loogu yimid… Waxaan ku soo khatimayaa fariin Huunada oo uu tiriyey alleh u naxariistihii Cali dhuux: Weysaga diyaar reerkayagu dirir colaadeede Aniguna sidii dooxataan dibada meeraaye Dirkaan ahay darbadihii nin ogi ima duurxulo'e Waa daandaansi iyo mowd wuxuu i dalbanayaaye Digniin miyuusan qabin aadka hore doqonsanaa ruuxu!! Dhamaad: Farah M. Farah
  6. The reality is catching up with General Duke. Puntland's defeat both militarily and politically as far as Sool and Sanaag is concerned is becoming more apparent as time goes.
  7. LOL @Caruur iyo dumar When you are defeated in the battle fields, the men become "Caruur iyo dumar" la laayay. Unlike Puntland and the clan melitias, the SL army doesn't go inside villages. Normally they establish bases few kilometres outside the village centers. That is how it is in Laascaanood or any other town. It is just ludicrous to claim that civilians were intentionally killed. That is just a defeated man's excuses. I see some regular forum participants are also trying hard to establish a link between the operations of Ethiopian army in Buuhoodle and those of Somaliland. Again nin laga adkaaday geed u ku xoqdo ma waayo... there is always excuses for defeat. We understand.
  8. I heard there was no major engagement but there was a jidgooyo by clan militia. One of the army officials was wounded and is now taken to Burco. Other than that the SL army and allied local clan militia are still stationed outside Widhwidh and Bali Hadhac villages.
  9. Nice. Melbourne is going to celebrate this coming saturday. It is going to be by far the biggest event this year. For the first time, we will have SL government ministers and Oppisition MPs as special guest speakers. We have also got Somaliland singing sensation Sahra Halgan joining us from Norway and rocking the party.
  10. Dalmar waa sidii Dibbigii Doolo ee la yidhi indhahiisu waxsan ma arko, dhagahiisu wax san ma maqlaan. Mudaharaadka iyo iska hor imaadka ayuunba arkaa oo maqlaa.
  11. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto geesiga dhulkiisa u halgamaayey.
  12. ^ Faroole is good for Somaliland. Since he came to power, Garoowe's policy about many things such as ONLF, SSC, Alshabaab, AlQaeda etc etc is almost in lock-step with Hargeisa's policy. The only thing thats left is formalise this by exchanging liaisons officers between Hargeisa and Garoowe.
  13. ^^Maqli jiray maqashaa soo rog. hhehehe I was listening to this audio. From their bitter words one can be mistaken that they are at war with Puntland than Somaliland. Chances are, inta aanay Somalilandba is arag inay Puntland ciidamo ku soo saarto oo kala dirtoba.
  14. This is why Burco is authentic in its own way. Check the graduation gown.
  15. ^WFP doesn't build ports neither does it expand. It only builds Warehouses. As for the GarooweOnline report. I remember G.O. was the one which was tooting its honks after Faroole met Mr. Donald Payne in Kenya late last year. It was described as a successful meeting but the truth of the matter was different. It only became apparently clear as to what the discussions were about after Mr. Donald Payne released his own press brief about the meeting. Similarly, if there was a meeting of any kind between WFP and Puntland, I think any sane person would guess as to what WFP was after and what Punltnad was after. In that report by G.O., it only has what PL wanted to tell... but what is missing is the important stuff... what the WFP demanded from Faroole.
  16. The recent hijacking/kidnapping of the UN/WFP trucks in Puntland couldn't have come at a worse time. It vindicates the authors that the Pirateland administration has a clear hand in encouraging these acts by not doing anything about it at all. And the open secret, as the report alleges, is that the authorities themselves have earn kickbacks from the ransom money that are begotten from these criminal activities.
  17. There were folks who were saying Gen. Samantar was just an empty vessel who was not in the decision making process of the military junta. But this interview of which he himself admitts to the fact that he was the highest ranking militaryman/official in that region at that time, and he "OKed" all that took place, is like the smoking gun in this Court case.
  18. Ragna guudka waysaga egyahay goynse kala roone Genbi-Waranka gaashaanka ficil goray dagaalkeeda Guddi murantay waayeel garramay xaajo lagu guulay Gacantiyo gasiin laga baxshiyo guriga hawshiisa Gobanimo dhammaanteed haddii laysu wada geeyo Ma gudboona geesiga hanta iyo gocorka caayaaye btw, well done to the maamulka gobolka Sool. They are doing a great job.
  19. Sen. Specter Files Supreme Court Brief in Torture Case Tony Mauro Legal Times Jan 28, 2010 Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) today is filing a brief on behalf of himself and two other members of Congress in a closely-watched human rights case testing whether foreign torture victims can seek damages in U.S. courts. The case, which will be argued March 3, is Samantar v. Yousuf, a dispute over the meaning of the Torture Victim Protection Act of 1991, which Specter sponsored. In passing the law, Specter asserted in the brief, Congress intended "to provide redress for egregious acts that infringe human rights and are an affront to human dignity." Joining Specter on the brief were Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas.) Bashe Abdi Yousuf, a Somali businessman who was tortured and imprisoned under the Siad Barre regime in Somalia in the 1980s, invoked the law in suing Mohamed Samantar, former defense minister and prime minister of Somalia. Samantar fled Somalia in the early 1990s and now lives in Virginia. Four other Somali torture victims are also part of the suit, first filed in 2004 by the Center for Justice and Accountability. At the district court level, Samantar argued successfully that he was protected from suit under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, and the suit was dismissed. But the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit reversed, finding that immunity under the law does not extend to individuals. In his brief Specter -- who has argued before the Supreme Court -- asserted emphatically that Congress intended to cover cases like Yousuf's, and that to interpret the law otherwise would "effectively nullify" the law. The fact that the Court agreed to hear the case has fueled worry by legislators and human rights groups that the law is in jeopardy. In a floor statement on thec ase last December, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) said, "I am concerned that the TVPA's crucial role in protecting human rights may be weakened or even rendered meaningless." Eileen O'Connor, a former CNN foreign correspondent and now chair of the Center for Justice and Accountability, said the Specter brief and others that are expected to be filed today will be important in clarifying that Congress intended to make sure that "people who commit human rights abuses cannot just come to the United States and find safe haven." O'Connor is counsel at McDermott Will & Emery in Washington.
  20. The Huffingtonpost Senator Specter: The Court Must Defend Torture Victims' Rights Today, the United States Supreme Court hears oral arguments in a case whose outcome will either uphold or nullify the rights of victims of foreign torture, including U.S. soldiers, to sue under American law. The Court should take this opportunity to reaffirm America's commitment to human rights and its opposition to torture. The case involves, among others, two Somalian refugees, now American citizens, who fled the brutal Siad Barre regime in the 1990s. They sued a former official of the regime living in Alexandria, Va. The Barre regime was one of the most violent and repressive regimes in the world. Bashe Abdi Yousuf, a young businessman, claims to have been tortured and kept in solitary confinement for six years. Aziz Mohamed Deria is representing his father and brother who were allegedly kidnapped by the regime and disappeared. They are suing Mohamed Samantar, a current resident of Fairfax, VA, and former Minister of Defense of Somalia under Siad Barre. Under Samantar's watch, the regime was responsible for the killing, rape, and torture of tens of thousands of Somalis. After the Barre regime fell in the early 1990's, Samantar, fled to Europe and then to the United States. The Somalians, who are represented by the Center for Justice and Accountability, are seeking redress under the 1991 Torture Victims Protection Act (TVPA), which bars safe haven in this country for foreign practitioners of torture by subjecting them to U.S. laws against torture. Samantar's defense is that as a former government official, he is protected by doctrine of sovereign immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. Samantar's argument directly contradicts Congress's intent and purpose for enacting the TVPA. There is no question that Congress wrote the law to hold former foreign government officials like Samantar accountable for their human rights abuses. In fact, Congress was acutely aware of many government-perpetrated human rights violations during the TVPA's legislative process -- including those of the Barre regime. For example, one Senate Report recounts the extrajudicial killing of approximately 60-100 spectators at a soccer match by army units and presidential guards and the torture of "prisoners held by security forces". Another report details the summary execution of "at least 46 young men, mainly Isaaks," at a beach and complaints of torture being implemented against detainees. Ironically, almost two decades after Congress passed the TVPA, the Court will for the first time consider whether former foreign government officials who ordered extrajudicial killing or torture are subject to suit in the United States under the TVPA. There is no dispute that Congress intended for the answer to be yes.
  21. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: It is not tit for tat ....... quote: Mar shabakada Ramaasnews wax ka weydiisay Taliyaha hogaanka booliska ee gobolka Togdheer Md. Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Liibaan, sababta gaadiidkan looga qab-qabtay magaalada Burco, ayaa wuxu sheegay in ay u hayaan xaalad amni ayna qab-qabteenteen, ka dib markii ay ******** in ay dadkii Shacabka aha ee dadkooda iyo gaadiidkoda lagu qabsaday puntland isku dayi karaan in ay dadkan iyo gaadiidkan waxyeelaan. HERE So the trucks and truckers will be held for their own safety. That is an interesting position taken by the Burco administration. A tit for tat by other name but officially under the "security" banner. hehehe Very clever indeed.