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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. ahem ahem. Who is going to take the pirate land seriously anyway? this is just adding to their frustrations.
  2. Are you guys saying General Duke is using Internet Explorer and Firefox at the same time?
  3. Generale, If Somaliland wanted to destablise Puntland we had a golden chance when the ex-petrol station attendant, Cadde Muuse asked us to arm him and support him. We simply responded no. But we helped forge peace between the warring groups in Puntland to come together and make peace. That is what Somaliland stands for. As for Alshabaab leaders. They might be from Somaliland but they as much would do damage to Somaliland as they are doing to anywhere else. They are self-made renegades and the reason why they are at the top of the helm is because of their own raganimo iyo karti. But anyway, you can believe in your theories for all it is worth.
  4. Welcome back Col. Galaal. Hopefully the others will see the light of the day and will make the same decision. With Widhwidh currently pacified, the next major objective is how to peacefully extend the authority to Buuhoodleh, the last remaining major town outside Somaliland government control.
  5. How can it be possible that the top leaders of Al Shabaab are now mostly from the Hargaysa clans? raganimo dooda. Duh!
  6. ^^ Diktoore Oodweine will surely be back soon. And for the record, Congressman Donald Payne's "I will do everything to isolate Somaliland" battlecry seems to have failed spectacularly. Somaliland didn't budge and its position remains intact. Rather it is America that has shifted its policy and now wants to deal with Somaliland as thought it was a seperate country short of official recognition.
  7. The CSIS Africa Program hosted: State Department: A Dual-Track Approach to Somalia Ambassador Johnnie Carson Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of African Affairs U.S. Department of State Moderated by: Jennifer Cooke Director, CSIS Africa Program Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 3:30-4:45 PM B1 Level Conference Room CSIS, 1800 K St. NW, Washington, DC 20006 In a country that has experienced over 20 years of conflict and instability, Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG) struggles to advance the Djibouti Peace Process and bring stability to the war-torn nation. Terrorism, violence, and instability within the country are not only domestic concerns, but have larger regional and international implications as well. Ambassador Johnnie Carson will speak on the current situation in Somalia and long-term U.S. policy approaches to help Somalis achieve peace and stability. Programs Africa Program Regions Africa Video
  8. Farmaajo is one of those byproducts of the BooliQaran (Nationalised Looting) - from a young age he was spoonfed with richies looted from the sweat and blood of the masses. The hardest choice he had to make was choosing what he would like to be in the future, his case a "diplomat" without experience, education his wishes were to be granted by his uncles through nepotism/cronyism and clanish bigotry.
  9. Excellent news. Education is one of the most important tools in life. I have just seen on the BBC Somali website 2 graduation ceremonies from Hargeisa and Borama based universities. Its so encouraging to see so many young folks get a chance to be what they want to be and help the country develop. I just hope they can use that hard earned education to create the job opportunities themselves without relaying on some external messiah to deliver for them on a silver platter. Amoud Uni Nursing Faculty Graduation The Horn of Africa University Graduation
  10. As a result of his belonging to what the doyen of Somali studies, Professor Ioan M. Lewis, dubbed the "M.O.D. constellation," Farmajo prospered under the dictatorship. Despite only holding what he acknowledges in an autobiographical essay published the day after his prime ministerial nomination to be a secondary qualification from a technical school, the twenty-year-old Farmajo was appointed an archivist and, subsequently, auditor of the Somali foreign ministry in 1982. Three years later, that same cronyism saw him posted to the embassy in Washington as first secretary despite the lack of any postsecondary education, much less training in diplomacy Booli Qaran boys.
  11. Originally posted by Wiil Cusub: It is great to know that his dream Film was completed after his death in Amsterdam canal on January 10th 2009 short screen test Was the death acidental? AUN.
  12. But in terms of Economy: The combined GDP of Africa is about the same as that of Mexico.
  13. At last "Queleh" the film Abdi Jama, Heleen Suer, Mark Aardenburg, Roelof Jan Minneboo and numerous producers worked on for years, will finally be made. Produced by Flinck Film Amsterdam, Arizona Films Paris, Camera Oscura Montreal and Blue Nile Addis Ababa under the direction of Abraham Haile Biru. Source
  14. Hasn't all this "needs assessment" meetings been done already under the "UNDP JNA-Somali" program? There is a whole list of priority things listed under the JNA documents which these donnor officials can fund. All I see is more nonsense talks and big fat bigwigs just wasting money on flights and what have you. Somaliland government should tell these people straight.
  15. Originally posted by AYOUB: Wasiirka Ganagacsiga, Warshadaha iyo Dalxiiska Somaliland Md Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Axmed oo arintaa ka hadlayaa waxa uu yidhi ”horumarka ganacsi ee aynu samaynay waxa ka mid ah horumarka xagga technology-ga oo ay maanta halkan inoogu soo diyaarsay shirkada isgaadhsiinta telefoonada TELESOM adeeg casriya oo ah kamaro Online ah, oo aynu kala xidhiidhi doono gobolladii dalka oo dhan, haddii aynu u baahano iyagoo masuuliyiintii qaranka u sareeyeyna ay indhahooda ku arki doonaan”. web page Mobile video chatting? Now that is something I wasn't expecting. Walle dhawaan waxay ku socotaa the South Korea of Africa camal.
  16. Originally posted by Taleexi: quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Suldaanka inadeer the soldiers are just going there to protect the people From these terrorist. But i do agree we will indeed build schools and hospitals etc in the region. My freedom fighters are your terrorists. Your triangle cities need schools and health centers.... My people need peace, if the clan enclave' s policies of expansion and isaqification not challenged collectively, cawaaqib xumada halkaa ka dhalata yaan waxba layga siin.... Our war of necessity will go on, and let us see how your of choice ends up. The Garaad of Widhwidh clan, handed all the armory/weapons of the said clan to the Somaliland appointed D/C. That tells you the fact that the local clan leader/elders have more faith in Somaliland to provide peace and order than the SSC leadership.
  17. The question that you should ask is: What can he bring to the table? Nin aan waxba ka ahayn meeshi uu ka soo jeeday, waxba ka noqon kari maayo meel kale. He and all the other Somaliland born indivituals will not bring anything to the table - they are just there for their own personal interests.
  18. The government should win over the locals and provide a better alternative to the SSC side by biulding schools and MCH centers in those villages. That way, you are depriving the local support to the opposition.
  19. Yes its true that the United States and other European countries have always maintained that they will follow the African Union's lead on Somaliland issue. It just highlights the incompetence of the African Union to solve its own problems. The idea that "African Problems" need "African solutions" is misplaced. African Problems need global solutions.
  20. 1. Abdulkadir Hashi, Puntland's State Minister for International Cooperation, called me from Puntland and voiced a fundamental philosophical objection. "The world is coming together," he said, pointing to the European Union as one example. You can't compare oranges and apples. European Union is a continental body similar to the African Union - even so no country is being forced to join. However, you can compare countries such as Serbia, Czech Republic etc who are European countries and have been allowed to dissolve/breakup into different countries such as Montenegro who dissolved its union with Serbia or Slovakia which also dissolved its union with the Czech Repulic. So this argument by the Puntland official holds no water at all.
  21. Delegates emphasized the need to support areas that have created relative peace and stability. The ICG applauded the successful election held in Somaliland and underlined the need to increase support to enable the people of Somaliland to sustain their relative peace and stability and their democratic progress. Somaliland was also the subject of a sideline meeting called by the UK and Norway on Tuesday . This commended the peaceful transfer of power after the election, and emphasized the need to provide the necessary support to ensure continuity of democratization, in terms of direct budgetary support and capacity building, in security issues and to encourage the new administration in its reform agenda. There was agreement on the need to assist in enhancing infrastructure, including the Berbera corridor, as well as building up social services, including, for example, Hargeisa’s water supply. Partners agreed to create a coordination framework for helping the administration immediately. Somaliland had set an example to all Somalis, and indeed to Africa in general, in democratization; and it had also played a major role in regional security . While its new administration hasn’t abandoned the issue of recognition, it also attaches great importance to development cooperation and to having close working relationships with partners. The sense of the meeting was that as much as possible should be done to assist its progress short of recognition. Source
  22. Member Parliament Amir Adan, a Swedish Somalilander was elected into the house of Reps of Sweden. Source