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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Xaabsade is positioned to replace Saleebaan Gaal as head of the Guurti. But before that happens, his assignment is disperse to the political juniors such as those found at the helm of the SSC.
  2. Ma durba? There is a servere shortage of funds I heard. Xataa petrolkii lacagtii lagu iibin lahaa ayay ls yihiin let alone paying wages.
  3. Ethiopian ****** rebel leader says group will not continue fighting BBC Monitoring Africa October 19, 2010 Source Eng Salehdin Abdulrahaman Maow Eng Salehdin Abdulrahaman Maow says “ When I was young I used to hear that the country where my parents came from was governed by a dictator. Although I was living in Somalia, I used to know that I was a refugee and not a real Somali”. Excerpt from report by Ethiopian newspaper The Reporter website, in Amharic, on 17 October The ****** National Liberation Front [ONLF] which had been waging an armed struggle, has signed a peace agreement with the government. Haile Mulu [The Reporter journalist] has interviewed Eng Salehdin Abdulrahaman Maow, the chairman of ONLF, concerning the peace agreement and other related issues. [The Reporter] Can you tell us about yourself? [Eng Salehdin] I was born and brought up in Mogadishu, Somalia. My parents were ******i nationals, but left the country due to the conflict between Britain and Italy. I completed my primary and secondary school education in Mogadishu, where I was born and brought up. Then I went to Germany and studied engineering. Since my father was teaching international economics in Germany, it was him who helped me to go to Germany. In Germany, I first graduated in mechanical engineering and then I did my masters degree in chemical engineering. After my graduation, I have worked in various German companies. Although I am a German national. I always feel ******i. [The Reporter] How did you get that nationalism feeling and yet you were not born in ******? [salehdin] When I was young I used to hear that the country where my parents came from was governed by a dictator. Although I was living in Somalia, I used to know that I was a refugee and not a real Somali. I always used to feel Ethiopian. You can not discard your roots. [The Reporter] How did you join the ONLF? [salehdin] When ONLF was formed, I was the chairman of the ****** relief organization. I was not a member of the front. Although I was not a member of the organization, I used to advise the combatants consistently to seek a peaceful solution to the problem. I became ONLF`s executive and central committee member in 1998. In 2004, when the [Ethiopian] Somali community leaving in the diaspora held a meeting in Germany, we had tried to influence the participants to look into the future and fate of the [******i] region and also to exert more efforts to solve the problem in a peaceful way. However, since the majority wanted the armed struggle to continue, our efforts did not succeed. When I became part of the leadership, I understood that things were not going according to our wish. A similar meeting was also held in Eritrea the following year. During the meeting, although the majority members of the leadership were for the idea of resolving the problems with Ethiopia in a peaceful way, a few insisted that the region should secede from Ethiopia and have its own flag. Although the majority of members of the central committee supported our idea, those less than ten people strongly opposed our idea and disagreed on the issue of holding talks with the Ethiopian government. Those who opposed the idea are people who are leaving lavishly because of the fighting. They have built houses in Kenya with the money donated by the Somali community. They also have a jewellery shop in Abu Dhabi. However, the ordinary [somali] people do not know what those leaders are doing. Up to now, they claim and say that they are ONLF leaders. After most of the leaders broke away [from the ONLF], Dr [Muhammad Sirad] Dolal was elected the chairman of the organization and I was elected his deputy. After two years, when Dr Dolal died, I took the chairmanship of the organization. [The Reporter] Who supports the ONLF? What is the organisation`s source of income? [salehdin] At the beginning, the society [Ethiopian Somali] used to support the organization. The people used to supply the organization with water and food. The Somali community leaving in diaspora also used to give material support to the organization. However, at present the support is not there. The people have stopped supporting those who are destabilising the area, because the people now want peace more than ever before. Those groups [who are not part of the peace agreement] get their support from Eritrea. [The Reporter] When and how did you start the dialogue with the government? [salehdin] The process was so strenuous. The area leaders tried their best to dialogue the ONLF and government. Although the process started some five years ago, due to resistance by some leaders, the process could not succeed. Some of the leaders did not want dialogue. They preferred to continue with the fighting using the people`s money. They only wanted to promote their wishes. As I have stated earlier, in 2006 most of the ONLF leaders broke away from those war mongers. In 2007, in Nairobi, we met government officials. In 2008, we also met and held talks with government officials in Europe. Serious talks started in 2009 when we held talks with [Ethiopian] Ambassador Berhane Gebrekiristos in Belgium. Then in June 2010, we met government officials in Germany and discussed several issues. Then in August 2010 in Washington, we met and discussed issues regarding peace agreement. At last, yesterday [12 October], we managed to sign the peace agreement. [Passage omitted: More on the peace deal]. [The Reporter] How will the organization continue? [salehdin] The organization will continue as it was. The members will not be dismissed. They will give support to the party administrating the region. It will not operate as a political party, may be in future it might transform into a political party, but it will not continue to operate the way ONLF was operating in the past 20 years. [Passage omitted: More on the members future]. [The Reporter] How are those leaders who opposed dialogue with the government doing and where are they? [salehdin] Those leaders and members of the organization who opposed the peace agreement are not more than fifty. Out of the ONLF leaders who opposed the peace agreement, two are in Australia, three in Britain and two in Denmark and three former ONLF leaders are leaving in Nairobi. All those leaders are currently living abroad, and those who are operating in the country are not more than forty or fifty and they cannot even meet and talk. So, we can reach the youth [the combatants] and manage to bring them back to peaceful life. [The Reporter] What forced you to come to peace? [salehdin] We understood that fighting would further worsen our people`s misery. Solving the problem through peaceful means was the only solution. The prevailing gap between the Somali region and the other part of Ethiopia must be filled. The twenty years of fighting has not brought any solution. [The Reporter] Do you believe that there are some people who have committed crimes during the 20 years fighting? [salehdin] Yes, I believe that those who refused to join in the peace agreement have committed crimes against their own people. I know that they had committed many appalling crimes. Such people do not want peace to prevail. So, I believe those people to be arrested and brought to court. [Passage omitted: More on the role played by Salehdin in opposing those groups]. [The Reporter] In 2006, several Chinese and Ethiopians, who were working in the mine exploration, were killed in Abule [southeastern Ethiopia]. This killing was committed after you people broke away, and would this not show that those who remained behind have the capability to commit such awful crimes? [salehdin] They do not have the capability at all. You cannot say that they have the strength by killing innocent people. Five or six people can commit such a crime. Killing a lot of innocent people does not show their strength. You cannot take it as a big thing, killing people while asleep? [Passage omitted: More people`s support to Salehdin`s group] [The Reporter] Do you believe that there would be no rebel activities in the region in future? [salehdin] Yes, we can stop them if we work hand in hand with the federal and regional governments. [The Reporter] Some say that you people were brought to the agreement after the government gave you money. Is it true? [salehdin] I do not know, I have just heard it from you now. There was no money we received from the government. [The Reporter] You had told me that the Eritrean government supports those few ONLF rebels. So, can we underestimate those few rebels? [salehdin] We can stop them. One, we should work hard to bring the armed youth to peace. The second point is we should tell the world to pressurize Eritrea to stop supporting them. Those rebel groups, even if they get millions of dollars worth of arms, will not have the power to destabilise the region again. They should know that they cannot be victorious and join the peaceful path. [Passage omitted: More on the ****** people]. Source: The Reporter website, Addis Ababa, in Amharic 17 Oct 10: [ -54&catid=100:2009-11-13-13-45-06&Itemid=619] © 2010 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Ethiopia - Rebel Group to Become Legal Political Party by Tesfa-Alem Tekle October 18, 2010
  4. The Garaad can say that they are part of Russia for all Somaliland cares, so long that he agrees to making Widhwidh a peaceful town where the Somaliland authority funcitons and works. Somaliland's objective is not to convert indivituals' positions. Rather the objective and target is to expand the SL authority and reach all the regions that are under Somaliland's borders. So the question comes back to you, played in what way? Me thinks, by saying that he considers himself part of Pirateland who has a good working relationship with SOmaliland, he is infact dealing double blow to the SSC function. Again, it is good for Somaliland polically since SSC is the only visible opposition there is between SL and Buuhoodle town. Puntland is by all means a defunct force in that area's millitary and politics.
  5. A healthy competition indeed. Burco has always been the centre for East African livestock and the largest market. Its gratifying to see that it has regained that position once again. Well done to the cut-throat investors who are keeping the market buzzing.
  6. The history books that were thaught in Schools under Siyad Barre's rule were all sham and were all "Gacan Ku Rimis" type of view on history. There is a huge need to separate the wheat from the chaff, hense rewriting the history books is very important.
  7. Pirateland is breaking up into even more smaller bits. That is what Qabiil-based regional governments end up to - breaking into mini-me qabiil lands.
  8. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: ^No, they haven't recognised. But they have extended a cordial red carpet treatment however. And besides, like Djibouti Information Minister said, his country regards Somaliland as a seperate state-in-waiting. If you truly believe that, then I don't know what to say. Because if you think Djibouti wants to see a separate state next to it that will compete with them, you are not being rational. They are making a fortune (just like all of Somalia's neighbors) from the weak government beside them. The amount of foreign aid both military and humanitarian has increased because of Somalia's lawlessness. If your enclave was recognized it would go to you, which Djibouti would never many foreign forces with deep pockets are there monitoring Somalia? Countless! I am not denying the foreign minister said that, but their actions and commonsense indicates the truth about their feelings. If they regarded you as a state in waiting, they would have recognized you a long time ago. Don't you think they would have lobbied for you if they felt this way? It is not that they want it or do not want it. It is a case of fait accompli. They have come to terms with reality on the ground.
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: ^No, they haven't recognised. But they have extended a cordial red carpet treatment however. So after 19 years you get excited at a red carpet treatment? The same red carpet that sent him off in Hargaysa.. After 19 years of remarkable progress, our neighbour Djibouti is paying respect to Somaliland's achievements.
  10. ^No, they haven't recognised. But they have extended a cordial red carpet treatment however. And besides, like Djibouti Information Minister said, his country regards Somaliland as a seperate state-in-waiting.
  11. Wirwir sounds very voilent to me. In hargeisa, people say "Carr iyo Wirr!!" to dare someone to do something to provoke another. Widhwidh on the otherhand sounds something that is brand new as in "Way widhwidhaysa" meaning its shining.
  12. Well done to Djibouti. It was a good call for Siilaanyo go to Djibouti on his first foreign tour.
  13. Widhwidh town will be made an example for what Buuhoodle should be in terms of socio-economic developments. A peaceful and orderly Widhwidh with its own mayor and local government, and the establishment of local police officers, Health service workers, Schools and Government office will provide jobs to the locals. We don't need to rush to Buuhoodle, we can wait for the people there to get frustrated by the lack of leadership and services by the SSC. There will surely be a grassroots effort to bring Somaliland authority to Buuhoodle. In the meantime however, the carrots and sticks policy shall be strengthened.
  14. 1- In la Adkeeyo Nabadda Si Wada jirana looga Wada Shaqeeyo 2- In la Fidiyo Gogosha Nabadeed oo anay ku Eekaan Degmo , Gobo l ee ay wada Gaadho Beel waynta ***********. 3- In La Fidiyo Maamul , Isla markaana la Balaadhiyo Barnaamijyadda Horumarineed ee laga Fulinaayo Deegaankaasi. 4- In Xukumadda Soomaaliland Mag Dhaw ka Bixiso Dadki Shicibka ahaa eek u Dhintay Dagaaladii ka Dhacay Wakhtigii Xukuumadda Rayaale. 5- In Ciidanka Qaranka eek u Sugan Degaankaasi Wada Shaqayn Wanaagsan la Yeeshan Bulshadda Deegaanka. That is a good road map for peace in Buuhoodle region.
  15. There it goes another cheap lie - that the Garaad was alone in this and there were no Aqils with him in this peace conference between the G-Garaad subclan and SL Administration.
  16. Embarrassment. indho adagaa ma indho-bir baa. Duke, you can have 100 different screennames but there will always be 1 of you. You are not fooling no one but your own self.
  17. I just feel for the Maakhir boys whose son was not only murdered but to add insults to injury qabiilkiisii ayaa xataa laga saaray. As for Dukey et al.
  18. Just watch the mini-me pirate boys who were running around the forum like mice, will now all crowl back to their holes.
  19. who is known for their cheap lies more than anything else, was running the following article on its website: "Widhwidh ayaa xaqiijinaya inuu halkaas soo gaadhay Garaad Abshir Salaax, Garaadka ayaa waxaa la sheegay in lagu soo dhaweeyey shiid, mudaharaada iyo dhagax tuur" Source It is just baffling that some people would make an outright lie about something that can easily and effortlessly be proven otherwise. Why they do that, is beyond me.
  20. Another lie from the Pirate Boys crushed. Siciid Saalax Caynab . Siciid Saalax Caynab wuxuu ku dhashey magaalada Galgala isla markaana ku barbaarey, wuxuu kasoo jeedaa reer caan ah oo ka mid ah reeraha dega deegaanka Galbeedka Gobolka Bari. Walaalkii waxaa la yiraahdaa Axmed Saalax Ceynab, waa nabadoonka beesha “”, waana nabadoonkii ugu horeeyey oo idaacada VOA ka Hadley maalintii ay Puntland gashey deegaanka Galgala, wuxuuna ka mid ahaa nabadoonadii loogu yimid Galgala. Sidoo kale wuxuu ka mid ahaa nabadoonadii ugu cadcadaa ee deegaankaasi ka waday nabadeynta. Halkaan riix… [ November 01, 2010, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  21. All quiet from the Maakhiri members corner. Where is Paragon, Koora Tunshe and the rest of th crew?
  22. Originally posted by The Zack: ^You seem to be giving your qabiil folks too much credit as well. Alshabaab's top four men are Godane, Roobow, Shangoole, and Cali Dheere. And last time I checked three of those men are NOT from Waqooyiga. I dont personally care of who is who in AS. I was playing with Duke's way of thinking and connecting nonexistant dots. Anyway, what is your answer to Duke's question?
  23. I read the reviews and it seems like a great read. I.A. I will drop by my local Borders store to see if they got this book.
  24. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: With all due to respect, you give these people too much credit and you don't seem to appreciate AS way of thinking. Godane have no problem blowing up Hargeysa or anywhere else in Somalia. It's that the battle for Mogadishu is more important than launching attacks against secessionists. Mogadishu is the biggest price! Just what would have been your logic when Ceyrow was leading the fight? Anyone can say that. But you have not answered Duke's question. Why are A.S. top leaders from the Triangle. Duke says that the reason is b/c A.S is founded and funded by the Triangle folks. Me say, these men cliamed up to the top b/c of their Xiniinyo What do you say on that Q?