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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The Pirate leader, the Amputee, wants to have a foot in every circle. Ha loo sheego in Sheekh Shariif madaxweynehiisi yahay oo talada u go'aynaayo, haduu diidona ha loogu dhaarto in saxeexyo waa waayn laga hayo.
  2. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto labada muwaadin ee jidka loo galay. Amin.
  3. Islaanta odeyga wax loo saar. Dahabshiil way ku hinaastay walee.
  4. Very sad day indeed. The government instead of addressing the underlying issues which has boiled over into open confrontation, is rather taking steps to fuel more. This is a sign of government loosing its way. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto dhamaan intii ku geeriyootay isku dhacii shalay. And may the wise heads prevail. PS Madaxweyne Siilaanyo should seriously look into Xirsi Gaab's recent history before its too late, the man is winning more enemies for the president than friends.
  5. These Liyo Police melitia, as we all know are the ex-ONLF fighters who turned into Dabaqoodhi. These current clanish skirmishes remind me of the age old poem by Mahomed Caws Yoole. Hadba Dawdar falanbaa u kaca ______ Dadka oo nabad isaga jooga ayay dacar ku oogaane.... .
  6. 6.The Conference recognised the need for the international community to support any dialogue that Somaliland and the TFG or its replacement may agree to establish in order to clarify their future relations. Very pregnant and open ended statement. The question is, will Somaliland hold talks with the current TFG or wait for a viable successor after August 2012? And where should such a meeting take place?
  7. xiinfaniin;770041 wrote: Buuhoodle is the birthplace of bravery and manhood. That Suldan now shows respect after the Kalshaale war is a great testimony to that. But the secessionist dream will end one day, and I cannot wait the day when we welcome our brothers back to the fold again. I remember back in the day when folks used to say that Somaliland will never set foot in Laascanood because of such and such... The truth is, Somaliland is able and can control Buuhoodle but In the grand scheme of things, the cost/benefit analysis prefers Buuhoodle to be left alone. Besides, the SSC need to prove themselves that they can run something and Buuhoodle presents a challenge for them. Like any other administration, they need to provide to the people and if they can't, then the people will revolt. By contrast, Somaliland will fund more projects in the neighboring villages such as Widhwidh to demonstrate the in effectiveness of the SSC administration as an alternative administration in the region. Eventually, the SSC, harmstrung by lack of dependable income, will go the same way as Xaglotoosiye's short spell... i.e. going back to the West.
  8. Have anyone asked why the previous SSC failed? If you don't learn from your mistakes you are bound to repeating them. And that is exactly what I see. My take on the likely scenarios that is to happen are: 1. A new renegade administration is declared fancy titles with Mr. Hebel Hebel as head, Mr Hebel Hebel as vice president 2. New administration goes to Buuhoodle because that is the only town which is able to host them 3. New Administration starts to stalk clans to fight other neighboring clans 4. Somaliland reacts by sending armed vehicles to Town Hebel and Village Hebel 5. Fights break out... and over time it drags on, and on... Somaliland defends its gains. 6. A year or two pass... new administration still in Buuhoodle and by this time the diaspora donations dry out 7. The bigwigs of the SSC go back to the drawing boards and begin the design of the next Khaatumo Shirbeeleed ponzi scheme 8. The cycle starts again.
  9. This is totally unnecessary. A masjid is not some kind of showground where people come and watch and be wowed with lights and blingbling lightening. Rather, a Masjid shall be a simple true to its purpose as a peaceful place without any extravagant material world. Hence, I totally disapprove this.
  10. Abtigiis, Abwaan Yusuf Shaacir, the young new gun from Burco said in one of his poems during the peace conferences in Somaliland of which he addressed those who were still thinking of continuation of bloodshed and war: Xumaan bay ku Sidataa, Halkuu Samuhu Galilaa That tactic you elaborately outlined in your post, was already employed by Afwayne's regime during its heydays. It was the brainchild of General Morgan and I can tell you, it never worked neither for those proxy clans he enlisted (of whom you only mentioned two but in fact included Oromo, Gabooye and last but not least ONLF clan) misguidedly to believe that they will get the bounty after kicking the Beesha Dhexe out nor has it worked for the regime itself. On the contrary, Morgan's "Scorched Earth" Policy of uprooting the Beesha Dhexe both from the cities and the rural areas by arming the neighboring clans and training the Oromo and the ONLF as paramilitary akin to Sudan's Janjaweed melitia, was the catalysis moment which in fact fast tracked the end of Afwayne's regime. Today, the largest clan in Somaliland is united more than ever both in their vision and mission. And so long they remain that way and keep Somaliland a free and fair and democratic nation of which all the minority clans are able to see themselves on... then nothing else really matters.
  11. Although the name sounds more like an imported one and would have preferred an indigenous name. Yet, the voices of Somaliland's religious groups need to be heard inside the parliament and Guurti. Hence, I welcome the establishment of a religious party in Somaliland.
  12. I don't think Somaliland ready for a female head of state as of yet. She should focus her energy and determination towards the civil society of which she is an important member of or even run for foreign affairs ministry or other important ministerial portfolio.
  13. ILaahay ha u naxariisto dhamaan inta qacanta ka xaq daran ku dhimatay. The killers need to be brought to justice. Btw, where is DjibSomali? I taught he would be wanking on this type of bad news.
  14. Is this thread a modern reincarnation of the Guba saga yaa xaaji Abtigiis? Shall I take the roll of Ina Dube and remind you: Duq gaboobay waxa u roon afkii, inu *****laaye Marse haduu duleeddada ka ciyo, waa darxumo weyne Damenaanse Caliyaw rag waa, laga dambeeyaaye Darbo waxaad Islaam kula jirtoo, dab isu dhiibtaaba Dux ka guro dib uun baad u dhiman, duuga weligaaye Or shall I recite Qamaam Bulxan's wise words when he said: Haddayse daacad xaajadu tahoon, lagu denbaabaynin Danbaaburada naareeed haddaan, dhinacu doonaynin Seeddoow maxaad noogu digan, dakharku waa kiinne Xaaji, diraralaha jooji.
  15. Good call. About time reer Laascaanood stepped up their political game in a peaceful and respectable manner. Well done.
  16. It could be a Déjà vu. When the Xabashis first moved into Somali region in the mid 19th century, there were people ululating for their arrival.
  17. ^ To me, Mubarak and Ben Ali have showed courage when they made the tough decision to let go power and face the judgement of their people. They saved their respective countries destruction, foreign interference, and internal divisions. That is what need to be applauded. Gadaffi could have done it the same. He could have spared the death and the destruction of people and cities, had he done the wise thing and got out of Libya and seek refuge somewhere in South America or Africa. Good riddance.
  18. Thousands died and many more thousands were humiliated under his rule. He called the freedom fighters rats, they found him in a rat hole himself. A befitting end to a ruthless dictator.