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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. ^^Reading the Khaatumo-seeg media, I gather that most of them are not against Xaglo getting a Ministry as persay... rather Jagada ayaa la qawadsanayay. With a better position some of them will lean a little. Xaglo will claim up the ladder and get a better ministry if he proves his worth.
  2. No one is prepared to go to war, even Tukrey is not prepared to go to an outright war with Syria. They just want to be on the right side of history and is all about smoke and mirrrors.
  3. Saacadatul Wasiir, Mr Xaglo welcome from the cold. Hopefully the rest of the anti-peace elements within the Khaatumo-seeg will come to their senses.
  4. This is Dr Osman Faalso's way of coping with the set backs in Mogadishu despite tolka's efforts.
  5. Ina ilalahi wa ina ilayhi rajicuun. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto Abwaan/Macalin Gaariye. Wuxu ahaa tiir adag oo ka baxay bahda Afka Soomaaliga horimarkiisa ka shaqaysta. Waxaan ku xasuusta tixdan: Rag haduu is af dhaafo aayatiina wadaago afkaa laysku gartaayee is afwaajiya maaha isu soo ura maaha -Adigoo hebel diidan eryo reer hebel maaha isu weersada maaha udahaaga cun maaha iyo Laba oorya walaaliyo ilmaadeer is maquunsha lama sheegin aduunkee marka aan ugu liito mar aan eeda sokeeyiyo ilmahayga ku waayo mar aan aayo la'aanta seedigay ugu aaro oo walaashay asay qaado mar haday aqalkayga haddii layga adkaadiyo hadaan raystey idhaahdaba mar lay oohin u tahay bal maxaan istafiiday
  6. The Mad Mullah was a good poet but the old gasbag was also a cold blooded murderer, the first man who sanctioned the beheading of traditional Somali clan leader. The second man who murdered another traditional Somali leader was no other than Warlord Col. Yey.
  7. ^ Perhaps he is a new comer to Pirate boys but certainly he is no new face to Somaliland. Hassan Sh. Mahamud has first hand experience of what Somaliland is about, and certainly he is not in a position to listen to old tired droolings from old farts like you.
  8. So Dukey, what is your solution to Somaliland's cause? :D And why have you abandoned the "occupied regions"? Don't tell me many of your sons died for a lost cause in and around Laascaanood?
  9. I think the President needs to get his notepad out and jot down all the issues that he thinks he will need to attack and resolve within his term of office. And accordingly appoint a Prime Minister that he thinks will help get the job done.
  10. Abtigiis;869177 wrote: Norf neutralized, had a fruitful dinner with JB. Tomorrow I will see Alpha and I am sure we will agree because we seem to click. That leaves the threat of Suldaanka from oceania remain the fart a dog breaks out to put off a furnace. LOL You think that you're safe? Wait till I deploy my intercontinental ballistic boomerang. Hadaanan dhakada weyn kaaga dhufan
  11. Suldaanka


    I think the whole point for Kabta rogan is health related. In most cases there is good chance that someone could have stepped on human saliva or stool or other things that can help transmit diseases. Since most houses back home do not have air conditioning and instead leave their windows or doors open for cool air to enter the house, leaving shoes upside down helps air carry anything that could have been stepped on and increases chances of transmitting diseases or viruses. So essentially this is a health issue disguised as cultural/religious as with many other cases.
  12. Hadba Dawdar falanbaa u kaca nimanka A&T ee Dadka oo nabad isaga jooga ayay dacar ku oogaane! dadka kama xishootaan marka dili karaysaane Dekenaha reer tolkay waa baryayba waa dawarisaaye Ma dabkii Amxaarku qubtaa daafad kugu biirshay!
  13. Dr Osman thinks that Somali politicians give a flying fig about a constitution. Quranka Kariimka ah ee lagu dhaariyo horta ma xushmeeyaan ayaa ka horeysa.
  14. A&T living up to the legendary Dibiggii Doolood. Somaliland's National conversation has always been the same. Somaliland wishes peace and stability and an inclusive government for Somalia (Proper). That never changed. Equally Somaliland's rightful bid to stand alone and be a productive member among the community of nations never changed and will not change.
  15. Unuka folks earned respect when they said: Dalkaaga difaac diidi maa, Hargeisa ku duul dooni maa!.
  16. Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud has academia as his background. He was a former dean of the revered SIMAD Academy in Mogadishu (This information is from Youtube)
  17. Here is my count.. there could be one or two errors but overall it is pretty good. Sheekh Shariif Ahmed 64 Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud 60 Gaas 30 Abdiqadir Cosbole 26 Caddow 24 Baadiyow 21 Faarmajo 14 Gaaraad 8 Samatar 8 SheekhYusuf dire 3 Goonjeex 3 Casoowe 2 Xajimaxamed Yasin 2 Salaad Cilmi 2 Ciise Maxamud 1 Gacal 1 Zakariya 1 Omaar 1
  18. Somaliland needs a strong man with a strong support in Buuhoodle similar to Xaabsade who it can use as a cover for any military move. Could Xaglo be that man?
  19. "all citizens, regardless of sex, religion, social or economic status, political opinion, clan, disability, occupation, birth or dialect shall have equal rights and duties before the law" Can you guys pick out the disturbing part(s) from the quote above?
  20. When peace is offered, the leader that grabs it and pulls it with his both hands is what you normally call a statesman. In peace, everyone is a winner. Xaglotoose showed leadership by taking peace. Waa nin lala shaqayn karo.
  21. Have you watched Horn Cable's "Al Bari Wal Baxri Wa Turabi" show? Ina Cali Waraabee pulled a reality version of that political television satire. Suldaan Xil-guntade ayuunba ka maqnaa madalsha.
  22. Is it 14.06 million dollars in Siilaanyo's private account? And why does it have "Single" isn't he married? HRGD16913 AHMED MOHAMED MOHAMOUD(SIILAANYO) HAR HARGEISA - - D 1406.0000 2011-02-28 2010-05-08 SAVING ACCOUNT SINGLE - Y F 1 N QALOONBI - Personal N HRG -AHMED MOHAMED MOHAMOUD
  23. One barometer for the success of this grand conference is if they succeed to convince some of the presidential hopefuls to withdraw and instead back a single candidate with their electoral prowess. Personally, if I were attending that conferencing, I would have suggested for the Tolka to forgo their ambitions to lead the country again, and hence, instead, put their weight behind a candidate from Salaxley for the top job. I am not suggesting to support Faisal Cali Waraabe here - Faisal is an excellent opposition player and I want him to stay that way. Rather, people like Ina Sanyare, a former Minster for Planning an ex head of the East African ILO, can make an excellent candidate.