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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This show was aired on Chanel 7's Border Security some years back.
  2. What a difference a year makes. Masha allah, ilaahay nabad iyo horimar ha u siyaadiyo.
  3. This is how it suppose to be, the leaders of the Free Somali States walking down the corridors of power peacefully hand by hand.
  4. The cheap rants of an irrelevant man who is just opening his eyes to the trail of failures on his wake from Khaatumo-seeg to Mogadishu. Now, fanning desperately for the call for inter clan wars between the neighboring clans in Buuhoodle region, not only will it tarnish what ever credibility he might have left but he will not achieve anything from it.
  5. AT&T is prolly plotting against non-O Somali businesses behind Kikuuyo lines.
  6. The pseudo "Somali Unionists" are feeling a little left out and hence like a 4 yr old toddler they are throwing tantrums.
  7. Speaking of Accents, I can't help but remember this Chasers Classic
  8. You Tell'em Rahima. The UK and Irish folks are coming in droves to Australia... it seems like they are fleeing a war zone.
  9. This sort of speech of inciting clanism using Qabiil and Qabyaalad as a vehicle to gain power doesn't belong in today age when SOmali people want to go forward. He belongs to the warlordism era.
  10. A&T's man in that debate has been owned fair and square. Reer Raskambooni have a golden chance to bring the communities together and establish an all inclusive government for Kismaayo. They should not forget the recent history and they should be mindful that you can't not keep Kismaayo with Kukuuyo's borrowed balls. If Raaskambooni folks think they can dominate Kismaayo, then let it be. But recent history teaches us otherwise. Rag hadii cadaalad waayo, sidii cawlsha kala yaac
  11. Hashii Awrkeedii diidaa ee Awr kale u oloshaa Afartaba dab laga saar Waa abaa'hi seegtaa
  12. General Duke;885412 wrote: Suldanka. Lol If clan matters as you say. Fowziyo my late Abti's widow will be FM/Deputy PM. My close kinsmen Minister of Finance & a good friend of mine from Minneapolis another Minister. Out of 9, 3 is not bad. I am quite for the fact & laughing cause it's all very ammusing. Also our own, US election upon us. Have the secessionist gained independence since getting Xaglatosiye in their payroll? Also Khartumo should stay.. You are counting your chickens before they hatched there, yaa Dukey.
  13. Faroole is an angry man. Nothing seems to be working for him. He was trying to score a coupe with the miscalculated "Oil Find". Now that has evaporated into thin air, he finds himself painted in a corner and is fighting off everyone including his own shadow in order to keep clingingon to power. But one thing he can relay on is his hometown, Garoowe. WIth almost universal support from Garoowe it will be very hard for any challenger to try and unseat him. In any case, It's going to be a very interesting 2013 for Pirateland.
  14. The pot calling the kettle black, yaa Xiin? Pirate boys too have their share of set backs, starting with the Oil find which never came... and the double whammy in Mogadishu which has Gen. Duke still struggling to recovering from. As for Khaatumo-seeg, it is that time of the year again - time to do some organising for a new event, time to come up with a new name and time to re-declare what has been declared multiple times over the past decade.
  15. This still remains hearsay. Nothing confirmed until of course the list comes out. Having said that, there is no one that can take away Fozia's good work over the years. And frankly, if she is nominated to the said positions in Hassan Sh. Mohamoud's government, then she will be one of the most qualified people in the NGO government. Besides, of all the people who hail from Somaliland and are or were part of the governments in Mogadishu, Fozia is perhaps the only one who can claim to be a dual citizen i.e. marital and family links to Mogadishu. So, hey, she has as much a right to run for offfice in Hargeisa as she does in Mogadishu as both are her homes.
  16. Head of Somaliland's NDP Party, Fozia Yusuf Xaji Adan, has travelled to Mogadishu and speculations abound about her being nominated as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Hassan Sh. Maxamud's government. If this becomes true, it will be a very interesting news as Fozia, founder and former Dean of Hargeisa University, is known for her Somaliland activism.
  17. This was one of the best speeches from Faisal. He used to be a firebrand nationalist who appealed mostly to the youth but now he is getting wiser and broadening his base. Faisal made one of the best moves when he appointed Jamal Ali Hussein as UCID's presidential candidate.
  18. Indeed, Clanism and Qat chewing are two enemies of progress and development of the people and nation. One of the most important steps to finding a cure to your ills is to first and foremost acknowledge that you are in factnot well and need help for your sickness. Faisal's comments are a welcome step in the fight to reduce two of Somaliland's social ills. We need more people in the public forum to come out and talk about these social issues.
  19. Who is following Magacaabistaydii iyo maagsitaydii:Laba isku lamaanaa? What is your take on the Boobe's recollections?
  20. With average of $80 per head, the reer miyi got an excellent bargain for their animals. This will go a long way in stimulating the local economy. A lot of kids who might have not otherwise part-take in the Eid celebrations will do this year. Which is a very good thing. Hopefully it will only get better from here. Abu, Burco is still the same Burco with its unique character. But it has taken a number of steps in the right directions with particular regard to industrialization - the city now boasts a number of multi million dollar factories that supply not only the country but also export to the whole of the Horn subcontinent.
  21. Some people have their head deep inside where the sun never shines.
  22. SSC leader Dr. Xaglotoosiye has made a courageous decision when he took peace for his people and his region. Hopefully this will translate on the ground for the people of Buuhoodle region.
  23. Video About 100 years ago Ismaciil Mire took herd of animals to sell in Burco's livestock market, he composed this poem from is his experience: Afar waxaan u dhaxay tuuladii awrta loo raraye Albaabkii Burcaan tegey anoo aaladii sida e Amminkiiba lay yimid sidii eegta lay yahaye Ooggii horey nagu kaceen adhi dillaalkiiye Dad iimaanka laga qaaday baa noo aloogsadaye Amakaagay goortay wankii adhaxda tuujeene Intaa weeye iyo ma'ahadii la is ilaaqaayey Asaraartankii baa qalbiga aad wax ii dhimaye Afka reer magaaluhu yaqaan waan ka oodnahaye Ii-maroojihii bay khatalay kii aan aaminaye Afar bawlad laga gooyey bay igu aluubeene Anigoo arkaayaa gacmaha laygu iibsadaye Kuwo boqonta ood laga sudhay ila ahaayeene Usha jeedal iyo suufaf bay igu illaaweene Ashcaartaba rag baa iga badshee idinku weydiiya
  24. Oba, Awoowe, if you sport your Banadiri colours (if they exist) to Hargeisa.. then no body should bother you as that has nothing to do with the political issue between Hargeisa and Mogadishu. The blue flag, however, is a thorny issue as long as Mogadishu doesn't respect Hargeisa's decisions. Besides, these indivituals that are facing the music in Berbera as we speak are locals who went to Mogadishu. It is ok if they stay in Mogadishu and represent whoever they want to represent but they will be dealt with if they try to bring that back to Somaliland.