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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. I think this is the most talented new comer to Somali music in years. He is trying to take on Mohamed Mooge's songs and boy o' boy he is very close both music wise and voice. If he continues to improve he will definitely fill Mohamed Mooge's shoes. Ahmed Mohamed (Mooge Yare):
  2. Democracy is not about going to the voting booths once every couple of years and electing someone. That is just one part of the whole idea. The whole idea is about giving people a way to influence their affairs and destiny. So if this new council has a different opinion that needs to be heard, then the shall be given the floor to exercise their freedom of express. Somaliland needs strong and influential civil organisations whether they be consultative groups or academic think tanks, that will keep the government accountable to the people.
  3. This is what Qabyaalad comes down to. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto hana kala badbaadiyo inta nool ee hubka isu sidata.
  4. No matter how you slice it or dice it, this is a huge blow to the anti-peace elements in Taleex.
  5. In testimony before a congressional committee in February, Yergin said the new energy boom added $62 billion to federal and state government revenues last year, ''a number that we project could rise to about $113 billion by 2020''. Michael Klare, professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College, said that ''just a few years ago, most analysts, myself included, were predicting a continuing decline in US oil and gas output, resulting in greater reliance on imported supplies and diminished US geopolitical clout. Now all those predictions seem obsolete.'' He says the boom ''allows Washington to liberate itself from long-standing ties to Middle Eastern oil despots and to adopt a more free-wheeling and assertive stance in world affairs'' and was a factor in the Obama administration's ''pivot'' to Asia, which is contingent upon a partial disengagement with the Middle East. Read more:
  6. The man had four wives. As they say, if the glove don't fit, don't convict. Bin Laden doesn't fit a man who is desperate to watching porn.
  7. Before people can vote, they need to agree on the definition of what "Somali Nationalist" means first. Lets start with you Carafat, what does it mean for you.
  8. Alaabatation - she is got the assets Qaabless - opposite of alaabatation ma isla duulna - can we be love birds xan iyo xarago - gossip and glamour
  9. Burahareed, What exactly will Ethiopia defend Somaliland from?
  10. XX I think you need to stop giving Ina Samatar this grandeur news coverage that he doesn't deserve.
  11. All we ask these fat bellied Saudis is to stop forceful deportation of Somali refugees. If they can do that, that is most appreciated.
  12. Why would Somali people get involve in this dispute. It is none of our business. Let the Egyptians do what ever they want but they shouldn't count Somali people to do their bidding. Somali people should have a peaceful neighbourly relationship with their neighbours.
  13. Instead of crying like a baby... if he was that rich, why don't you just open your own Forbes Mag and put yourself #1 year after year. that will make you a Happy Dictator.
  14. I got a brother whose business advertises on Universal. Last time I remember it was costing him $1000 dollars a month. I think the ads were showing once every 3 hours. But that was about 1 1/2 years ago.
  15. Somali people have traveled the world over. Back in 2004, I met a group middle aged men and youth from New Caledonia, a small island state located near Australia. They were travelling as part of a Islamic Jawlah and were spending a month visiting Melbourne's Fawkner mosque which is where I met them. I spoke with one of them and to my complete and utter shock the man told me that he was from New Caledonia and he is originally from Somali background. He told me there is a small community of about 2000 people who trace their roots back to East Africa. He was not able to speak any Somali word at all other than remembering his tribe's name which was funny and amusing at the same time. On another story, I was listening to the BBC few years ago about Somali community in India's Hyderabad city. Apparently the Somali community in Hyderabad are highly respected and have high social status as part of the Royal family in that region of India.
  16. The shocking thing is not the Somali man that was killed by the Zulu. I find it shocking that this story is not getting the deserved traction among the Somali people. Imagine if reer Qansax did this to another man from reer Qudhac? All hell would have broken loose. At least 10 posts would have appeared on SOL a second after the story hit the internet. Reer Qudhac from all over the world would not have slept a night unless Reer Qansax paid the price. Guys... look at the reaction from the Somali people... that is the shocking thing. No one is organising protest movements all around the world outside South Africa's embassies and consulates.
  17. Saado Cali caruurteeda waxa adeer u ah Faysal Cali Wareebe. Saado way yara cadhootey oo waa iska caado dumar...
  18. Unlike Iraq with the Shia majority who have a hierarchical ruling system, the Sunni majority opposition in Syria is fragmented. This is why it will be a lose lose for Syria even if Sunni majority overthrow Bashar's Alawite ruling family. It will become a much worse problem than that of Somalia's warring clans.
  19. ^^ There goes the Doc. Must be one of his experiments gone wrong. Doc. iyamaa badan Reer Pirateland or the Kangaroos in Oz?
  20. "Daily Nation: Kenya Defence Force War Ally Wins Jubaland Top Seat" more like Kenya's lackey
  21. "We welcomed the dialogue between the Federal Government and Somaliland at Ankara in April 2013 to clarify their future relationship, building on the meeting at Chevening in June 2012, and welcomed the Ankara communiqué. We expressed our appreciation for the facilitating role played by Turkey." Xiin may not like where this is heading..
  22. Even if she achieves Universal health care for just women that will be a hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee progress. May allah help her with her efforts. Amin.
  23. The sad part is that the Ethiopian Prime Minister was also present at that meeting. Yet the Big Foot folks choose to protest against Somalia's first real president. How absurd.