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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This is below the belt politics. Shame on him. If these narrow-minded people are getting attention in Somaliland. May Allah us.
  2. Like the others said, Somaliland has no airports worthy of the word itself and we have no aviation industry which requires to be managed. Therefore this building is a total waste of money. Just two blocks from the Presidency is the debilitated and crumbling Hargeisa Hospital. The shocking condition that the mentally ill people are housed would have deserved a fraction of the money that was wasted in building this huge building for a ministry that doesn't exist. There are a number of ministries that should be abolished as stand alone ministries. These include among others Ministry of Aviation, Ministry of Postage, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Water. These so called ministries are not required and rather should be an office within other ministries. These are only there to cater to clans and have no benefit to Somaliland.
  3. ^ Awoowe, nothing wrong with making alliances and deals behind the curtains. They are as old as politics.
  4. Xiin, So does that mean all the 62 or so MPs will be reinstated or mise tani waa mid lagu samirsiinaayo reer Khaatumo? The other question is, what do you make of this Garaad Jaamac saying that they do not support anyone to represent them in Garoowe.
  5. Xiin I do not follow the Pirate states' politics that deeply but judging from the news clips that is coming from that part of the country, things are far from as hunky dowry as you are painting things as. There are potential flash points among which include the legitimacy of the 19 MPs from Khaatumo clan. Almost all the traditional leaders of Khaatumo, ,with the sole exception of the Garaad of Taleex, do not support and will not participate the selection process of the MPs. So the question remains, will these MPs be excluded from the next parliament or will Faroole hand pick them from the streets?
  6. Folks don't jump to conclusions so quick and dismiss the Somali language as irrelevant. It has been proven that the Somali language has links to the ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilisations. I wouldn't be surprised in fact if the words I mentioned above or some of it at least originated from either Egypt or of ancient Somali. For starters, what do English people know about Lions? I don't think Lions ever naturally lived in anywhere near Europe. I believe it is a borrowed word... and it is not coincidence that a similar word happens to be in the Somali language.
  7. I always thought the following words have Somali origin. 1. Rain --- Somali Reeyn (As is way ku reeyeen, RayReyn 2. Rugged - Somali Rag (Raganimo) 3. Lion - Somali Laayaan (bahal laayaan ah)
  8. By hook or crook, Faroole has it in the bag. He is both the player and the referee and has the state coffers behind him.
  9. The draw for Brazil 2014. In bold font, my pick for the countries that have more chance of advancing to the 2nd round. This draw feels like it is more balanced in the spread of the good teams in the different groups. Group A: Brazil, Croatia, Mexico, Cameroon. Group B: Spain, Netherlands, Chile, Australia. Group C: Colombia, Greece, Ivory Coast, Japan. Group D: Uruguay, Costa Rica, England, Italy. Group E : Switzerland, Ecuador,France, Honduras. Group F: Argentina, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Iran, Nigeria. Group G: Germany, Portugal, Ghana, USA. Group H: Belgium, Algeria, Russia, South Korea.
  10. Awoowe, I categorise this murder as a a road kill. Jaale Saacid was not even allowed to come before the Parliament. This is happenned while the D-Block was entertaining the Mogadishu elite.
  11. Alpha, How much do farms go by? I am talking about a farm with a well in it and not far from Hargeisa.
  12. If this was happening in Russia, they would have pumped gas into the mall to make everyone sleep for a while.
  13. What I am hearing is different. I hear that there is a dispute and Hirsi is in the middle of it. He is meddling in the operational affairs of the team.
  14. waxad ilowday: xero = 50 geela kadin = 100 geela (male and female) toosan = 100 halaad tis-qaad ah (female that are ready for for Baarqab)
  15. Now this is a good one: ilo-xidh. Hint: Hadaan ilo-xidh seexdona hurdada aad u ladi maayo...
  16. Blessed, With such talent it is only time before he carves his own path. However for many. like moi, who were not old enough or some not even born while MML Baban ruled the airwaves, Mooge Yare is a way to relive and re imagine how it might have been.
  17. If it continues to rain in Xagaa, my old man tells me, it is considered barwaaqo for that year.
  18. I don't see a problem a white Australian fearing Muslims or Islam for that matter. It is mostly because of lack of education. But this Sri Lankan white-wannabe reallyy gets to my nerve. He is an immigrant from Sri Lanka and he is running on a platform of anti-Islam and anti-Multiculturalism. Consider a case of "baqalshii fardaha la daaqday ee is mooday inay ka midtahay".
  19. Cabdi Gacan is not too bad. Sxb, this boy caadi maha. This song wuu ku jimicsaday...
  20. I, for one, think that Somaliland is not yet ready for independence. Many people don't know it but the lack of recognition for Somaliland is a blessing in disguise. We need to first live and learn to not just survive but rather thrive with what we have right now. We should not think that being a member of the UN will open us the gates of paradise for us. There are a lot of countries that already are members of the UN and they are not in any shape or form any better than Somaliland. So because of that fact we need to focus our effort on self help and self development rather than thinking that foreigners will help us build our country. That will not happen.