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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Relief Organisation distributes to drought affected communities in Dhahar, Hadaaftimo and Badhan in Eastern Sanaag. Somaliland government spudding first for Hadaaftimo town.
  2. A government draws respect and power not from the foreign governments or economic might or any of that. Rather a government that has and enjoys the legitimacy of those they represent can withstand whatever thrown at it. This cannot be said true for the phantom government in Villa Somalia. And because of that the international community has such powerful sway over and flog it which ever way it likes. The Madoobe dude of Kismayo understands that he too exists because of foreign power and therefore when push comes to shove has to tow the line. In contrast the Pirate enclave enjoy a level of legitimacy from their people and that allows him to refuse what the people he represents don't accept.
  3. * Voting and counting takes place in each of the capitals of the existing and emerging Federal member states (with special arrangements for Somaliland). The above quote is from the so called Communique. Yup, you read it clearly there are "Special arrangements" for Somaliland i.e names will be collected from Hotel rooms in Mogadishu. The circus that is Mogadishu, atypical of their Italian masters Mafia culture, they can put words on a paper till cows come home but that won't change anything from the reality on the ground.
  4. Tallaabo, This Salax guy is a sick individual. He and his comments represent no one but his sickness. So don't take his comments any more than that of a mentally challenged individual. As with Dahabshiil, may allah protect him and reward him for all the good work he has done over the years.
  5. MOGADISHU (HOL) – Ethiopia has deployed hundreds of troops and tanks in the port city of Kismayo Sunday as parts of an AU-led effort to flash militants out of the strongholds still under their control in the region, officials said. More....
  6. ^ Galbeedi is a product of the Ka'caanka (Ubaxii Kacaanka). He finds it a solace when he mentions Kacaan era location names or regions.
  7. I personally I am glad this has happened. I prefer for Somaliland to not seek or recieve donor money that comes with strings attached. Doing so, will only harm Somaliland's free will and rights. As an old Somali adage goes, gacmahaaga ayaa lagu haraad baxaa. Somaliland is better off to make use of what little money that comes into its coffers.
  8. Mooge, Awoowe, one thing the Pirate boys surpassed all others is their treatment of their high esteemed guests. Not all Guests receive the 4 Gs i.e. Gaadhi, Guri, Gaadsin iyo Gacalo aad la goo'goysid hadalka habeenkii I am sure the Elders who travelled from Hargeisa were given the same par-excellence treatment as the English Traveller Dougls Collin received. Abwaanada waxba laga guntaa, yaad galoof noqone Somalida ninkii Guur damcow, yaanad gees marine Meel u Gu'gu ku dhacay baan ogay, geedo qariyeene Hadii aad Dhabeel Gaar'ah iyo Dholole Doonayso Waa inu hiyiga kaa galaa, Guri ******* Amba Gooshkan waxan maaganay inaan ka Gaa'taaye,
  9. Some people do underestimate the people's resolve.
  10. Again, if such is the case, then those disgruntled Somaliland individuals should be drinking casiir in Lido beach with their legs crossed enjoying the Indian ocean scenic views. And let their pay master do the talking in Turkey? They already been won.
  11. Odey, If that was the case, what is the point of the talks? The Mogadishu government could conference with those that originated from Somaliland in the TFG and call it a day. Everybody should be happy. Far from it, Somaliland is correct in its stand. Somaliland will have their own separate talks with those disgruntled individuals with the aim of bringing them back to their home land.
  12. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> lool@secessionists sweating because they were caught redhanded. niyoow, isku xishoda and stop supporting terrorists trying to destroy innocent lives. you are nurturing snakes and they will bite you oneday. Awoowe, when you are caught redhanded is when you are hiding something. Somaliland is not hiding anything. Piracy, kidnapping, human trafficking and other illegal activities are the domain of the Pirate enclave. The old farth needs to substantiate his claims rather than drool in front of the cameras. He can't even answer the questions put to him.
  13. Laaxawla. I feel sorry for this old fart. He seems oblivion to what he is talking about.
  14. An interesting interview with the UK ambassador.
  15. <cite> @Libaax-Sankataabte said:</cite> Waryaa Suldaanka, Awoowe nabad. Suldaan, is it not true that Somaliland's declaration of independence was a violation of a sovereign state's territorial integrity when viewed through the prism of legality and international law? Scotland was granted the independence vote by David Cameron, Somaliland unilaterally declared independence. Waan ku salaamay Awoowe. Sow nabad iyo khair lama sheegin. Of course, the Scots are fully represented at Westminster. They voted for their representatives and hence they are bound by that representation. The same cannot be said in Mogadishu. Th Kurds in Iraq are fully represented in Baghdad because they vote for their MPs in Baghdad. And they are part of the new power sharing agreement (Shia, Kurd, Sunni). Therefore they are bound by Baghdad's rule. But in the case of Somaliland, Somaliland is not party to any new deal formed or agreed in Mogadishu. There are no representation in Mogadishu. Yea, yea lets not go in the trivial nonsense retort by some who say duh! Somaliland is represented by Cismaan Kaluun or Foosiya Yusuf Xaaji Adan. That kind of retort solves nothing and helps no one. We may as well chase our tail for eternity. The fact remains, no government could be legit if any of its major regions are no party to the deal. So in that light, according to Somaliland the legit nation which they signed up for in 1960 collapsed and disintegrated comopletely in 1991. The same way Yugoslavia collapsed. The only way forward from this deadlock is for both Somaliland and Somalia to come to the table as two equal powers and agree on a new deal whether it is unity or independence. <cite> @gooni said:</cite> Waa runtaa suldaan waan ku wada gowracanahay qaxootinimada iyo qamadiga aniga iyo adiguba aftida keliya oo noo furan waa ma doonaysaan inaad wadankiinii ku noqotaan?, Ku dayashada Scotland iyo England waxay iila egtahay ninkii waalnaa oo dabka la ag is taagay aqalkiisii oo lagu yiri war aqalka ha iska gubin, kuna jawaabay hadaadba ii sheegteen. Mr Gooni, Of course Scotland and Somaliland are two very different situations and different experiences. But what can be compared and is ultimately comes down to that a happy strong united country can only come if the people are happy and not forced. a
  16. Gooni, Qamadida wixii ku baray waa qaxoontiga. Qaxoontiga wixii kugu kalifay waa dagaalka. Dagaalka wixii sababay waa cadaalad darro iyo maamaul xumo Mogadishu taal.
  17. As usually is the case with the Somali people, you indeed have lost the main lesson here Mr Mooge. Had the UK leaders rejected the holding of this Referendum, I am certain it would have embolden the Yes vote as time went. The best way to keep a country united or divided is to allow the people who are going to contribute to that unity or division their democratic right to determine their future. Had the Yes vote won, the brotherly and neighbourly relationship could have survived. Unlike the Somali experience of refusal where not only the unity of the country is gone and will never return but also the brotherly and neighbourly relationship is damaged and may take generations to repair it. The take home truth from this voting is that, the people are ultimate champions of their future. Whether its in Scotland, Catalonia or Somaliland.
  18. Garaad Jamac's youtube The Garaad is threading the levels of a shameless warlord.
  19. This is a great news for retired teachers. Somaliland oo lacagaha howlgabka loo bilaabay macallimiin
  20. Link to delegation visiting Taleeh News and Photos