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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. UN pushes Somalia to approve election process MOGADISHU (HOL) – The United Nations Security Council has called on Somali president to secure a parliamentary approval for the forthcoming election’s model amid concerns over the protracted process to endorse the 2016 electoral model, submitted by the government last month. Sources close to the UN told HOL that the visiting United Nations Security Council envoys in Mogadishu have called for Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to pluck his constitutional power to have the parliament vote on the bill, which they said would have an ‘automatic’ UN support. During their separate meetings with Somali leaders, diplomats warned that further delays by the parliament to approve the election model would see the United Nations, African Union and IGAD decide the model of elections the country would hold this year. According to Somalia’s Provisional Federal Constitution, adopted in 2012, the mandates of the Somali Federal Parliament and of the government would come to an end in August and September 2016, respectively. The international community which is spearheading efforts aimed at restoring peace and order into the Somalia which is recovering from decades of war mandated the current government to lead the country into general elections following the election of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, a new parliament and the adoption of a new constitution in 2012
  2. ^Galbeedi, Waa hees waxa iska leh Cabdi Qays (Rer Gabiley). Waxa heesta ku luuqeeya Duet Khadra Daahir Cige iyo Saado Cali Warsame. Waxa la curiyay 1984-85. Today, both Khadra Daahir and Cabdi Qays wear Somaliland on their sleeves. Anagu xamar dooni mayno; xumaana u gaysan mayno; xeerkii laba dowladood iyo xuduud baa naga dhexeeya
  3. In what could become his last farewell speech, Mujahid AMM Siilaanyo delivered his best speech yet.
  4. Mr Galbeedi, You have no idea about the resolve of Somalilanders. These are people who have seen it all. An old saying goes "been there, done that and I have the bloody tshirt to prove it!". If what you are talking about is 'Somalinimo', Somalilanders were the first to drink that cool-aid and its disgusting. If Unity is what you are after, again Somalilanders pedalled that wagon even after all 4 tyres were looted from it. Now, that Somalilanders have moved on, looking in the rear mirror and seeing the smoltering ashes of what used to known as Republic of Somalia, to hope for them to return - no chance mate! As with celeberating 25th Anniversary of restoring the soveriegnty of Somaliland, indeed it's a moment to pause and reflect upon, to celeberate and to remember the part 25 years. The 1st generation of Somalilanders born 1991 have their own kids today. In essense we have 2 generations today that do not know or have any idea that there was once a country called Somalia Republic. Unlike my generation who survived civilwars and refugee camps and braved to travel to distant countries for asylum, we now have two generations have had the opportunity to live in a country of their own peacefully. Personally, I have no issues with being unrecognised after 25 years. I believe the lack of recognition why Somaliland has been successful. I also believe that Somaliland is not yet ready to be recognised. Somaliland needs to demonstrate that they are a people of the rule of law. I still do not see it, but I have the feeling that we are inching every year towards that goal. The people are now so accustomed to voting their leaders. Hopefully soon they will realise that they are the ulimate source of power and will dictate to those same leaders their terms of contract. Without further ado, can I suggest you to wake up and 'dadkaaga baal ka raac' inta toobadda la iska aqbaalyo.
  5. ^In light of the Dhaanto ciyaarka, this is a 2008 Ethiopian Dossier of Crimes Against Humanitymentioning Gen. Gabre's 2006 - 2008 achievements which the Somali leaders are celebrating in that video. Gabre Heard, Commander of all Woyanne military forces in Somalia. General Gabre is responsible for displacement of over 2 million Somalis who have become homeless as a result of his indiscriminate bombing of civilians. He is also responsible for mass killing of civilians, gang-raping of women, and slashing the throats of Muslim religious leaders.
  6. General Gabre brings his governors to the table. DAAWO SAWIRO: Genaral Gabra oo hishiiska u meerinaya Cabdi Ileey & C/kariin Guuleed Iyadoo dagaalo ay ka socdaan Xadka u dhexeeya Maamullada Galmudug iyo Dowlad Degaanka Soomaalida Ethiopia, ayaa waxaa soo baxaaya in xalinta colaadaasi ay qeyb weyn ka qaadanayaan Gen. Gebra iyo Axmed Madoobe. Kulamada xalka loogu raadinaayo Colaadaasi ayaa waxaa garwadeen ka ah Gen.Gebra oo ku sugan magaalada Jigjiga iyo Axmed Madoobe oo ka shaqeeyay sida ay ku kulmi lahaayen Cabdi iley iyo C/kariin Guuleed. C/kariin Guuleed ayaa sheegay in Ciidamada Liyuu Booliska, ay mudada uu socdo dagaalka laayen dad maati ah, taasina ay tahay mid u baahan in DSSI ay wax ka dhahdo. Guuleed oo ku howlan kulamada arrintaani la xiriirta ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in lama huraan ay tahay in Ciidamada Liyuu Booliska laga saaro tuulooyinka ay sheeganayaan, waxa uuna Sidoo kale Guuleed ku celcelshay in degaanka Daac-dheer ee Gobolka Galguduud uu yahay mid uu ka aaminsan yahay khalad inuu ka dhaco dagaal maadaama dhulkaasi aysan ku nooleyn dad milliteri ah oo la oran karo halala dagaalamo. Gen. Gebra iyo Axmed Madoobe ayaa iyaguna sheegay in Ciidamada DDSI aysan awood u laheyn inay xad gudub ku dhaqaaqan, waxa ayna isku raacen in loo baahan yahay in xal laga gaaro khaladaadka taagan ee xalka u baahan. Gen. Gebra iyo Axmed Madoobe, ayaa wali ku howlan xal u raadinta Khilaafyada dhaliyay in dagaalka labada ciidan uu soo laalaabto. Gen. Gebra, ayaa isaga ku sugan meel waliba oo ay ku kulmayaan Soomaali dooneysa inay ka shaqeeyaan masiirkooda waxa uuna wakhti waliba Gen. Gebra u taagan yahay sii kala fogeynta Soomaalida.
  7. The root of the problem is Global in nature. And it is not just Somali youth looking for better lives abroad. It is all over Africa, Middle East and Central Asia. Just look at any detention centre in your host country and you will find people from all walks of life. In fact, Somalis are not even the top 5 source of migration in many countries. The top is now Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan. For Somalilanders, the drivers are both unemployment and the fact that the Diaspora who return home for holidays are stealing the youth's future both in terms of women and good positions in both government and NGO's. I know this because I have a cousin who is currently stranded in Libya taking his chance to enter Europe. No matter how much you remind him of the danger out there, he has made his mind up. It is the same for all these young men and women.
  8. @gooni said: Xaaji xurguf well come back Waraabuhu waa hunguri badan yahay waxaa laga yaabaa neefka jiiska ah ama laangadhaha inuu orod ku dhaafo si uu usoo qabsado kan ordaya mana dhergo isku meel buu ku cunaa aakhirka. Gidaarkaan aad sawiraysaan qurux ma’ahan dhanka aan rinjiga la marin kala wareeg markii sawir xun laga bixiyo koonfurta ajaanibka hortooda waxaad ku tiraahdaa anigu soomaali ma'ahi ee somaliland baan ahay then listen the reply carefully. Awoowe Gooni. Koonfurta waxa ka socda qof ku faraxsan oo Reer Somaliland anigu garanmaayo. Waa wax laga murugoodo. Laakin, in la soo bandhigo oo laga wada hadlo anigu dhib uma arko. Somalidu waxay tidha Xalaal iftin ayaa la cuna. Halkan waxa lagu soo daabaca Agreement ayaa Somali wada saxeexday. Runta in la isu sheegona lama jecla. Meesha Gabre Joogo agreement Soomali wada saxeexday ka dheer. Taas ayay daarantahay inan qoraalkan u furay. Maaha inay ka dhigantay inaan ku faraxsanay, xaasha lilah.
  9. here are quotes from Wikileaks from Diplomat chitchatting about the power Gabre has in Mogadishu and the fact that the Communique and agreements are Ethiopia's own Gen. Gabre is a household name in Somalia. He is Ethiopia's point man on Somalia. He wields enormous power in the TFG. He is the man said to have slapped President Yusuf. He is the man who, in effect, calls the shots in Somalia. He must have his way or else! . Ethiopia is the power in this region... The joint communique reads like it was written by the Ethiopia. It was really written by them. Source: Wiki Leaks
  10. Gooni, Waxaad ogtahay golaha u soo bandhig, hadii kale hadal meel waayay looma baahna. Gabre waa ninka Koonfurta Somaliya u taliya. Waxan kale waa maqaarsaar. Gabre maha kaliya Dalka gudahiisa, xataa Europe iyo America shirarka Somalia qayb ayuu ka yahay. He makes sure nothing gets signed without his knowledge and if it gets passed and it turns out that he doesn't like it, he unwinds it as simple as 123. I will keep this post updated as I find articles about the real head of State of Somalia.
  11. SAWIRO:-Itoobiya oo Maamul iyada Taabacsan ka Dhisaysa Galguduud iyo Mudug,Xasan Sheekh oo Qalinka ku Duugay!!
  12. Gebre seems to be the man in the middle of every gathering and meeeting from Puntland to Jubba Land, Mogadishu to Galmudug and all that is in between. And it seems, without his blessings, nothing will get done or agreed. He surely has conquered the South. What will history write about Gen. Gabre? The man who has slapped a sitting Somali president? The man who has created the new Somalia of the 21 Century. The man who can call any Somali politician at 3am. I know one thing that is for sure, he is the only consistent face and name in Southern Somalia at this moment.