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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Galbeedi and others, adeer, qof wayn tag lama yidha wuxu ku tago ayaa lag tusa. I don't think you can get any clear message from Southern Politician than that. The writing is on the wall, if you thought it is Somaliwayn, you should read it closer. It says "Wanlawayn" all over it.
  2. Waxa hore loo yidhi doqontu 10 indhood waxay u leedahay oo farta ku fiiqda meel rag isku hirdiyay. Laakin waa ma'oog halkii rag ku heshiiyay ee isku saamaxay. Waxaan taa uga socda, whenever certain folks think the end of Somaliland is near, it turns out like a snake Somaliland grows a brand new shiny skin. Waa xuubsiibta uun. I have 100% confidence the NEC will pull off yet another spectacular one person one vote elections. Nin debcow, dhan uga durug.
  3. Well, if you were in Hargeisa today, the only thing you will be worried about is boredom. Security is not a problem. And for majority of them, food and shelter is available. The only thing that is of concern is jobs. And to be honest, jobs are availalbe but no one wants to do the hard/labour jobs. Everyone wants to have an office job or government job, which is not possible. So, I don't blame them if comedy is an escape. But that cannot be said the hometowns for my folks here. So the day when comedy in Hargeisa is more newsworthy than the lost of life in Mogadishu, something is wrong. Ha wareegto giraantu.
  4. @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said: Qafiifid wey dhaafeen qaarkood, qacnimo waaye. Hadduu Adisababa ama Nayroobi uu ka soo warami lahaa, asagoo amaanaayo magaalooyinkaas, kuwaas xiray caleemo qooyan ee ku soo dhaweyn lahaayeen markuu ku noqdo. Eebbe ayaa ugu baryaa inuu dhibka ka qaado Coldoon, gacan ka xaqdaran ayaa dulmineysee. xataa duqii MMA oo sariirtii bukaanka xamaantiisi ka soo qaatay. Sida bahal/duurjoogta dhiigu ugu soo uru, ayaa mooda dadka qaar in meelshi ay isyidhaahdan waa opportunity sida bahalka ugu soo ururaan. Awoowe, Coldoon dhawaan aya freedom la siinaya, labadda sano wa sidii arday xiisadiisi ku dhacay oo macalin laba dhengadood gacanta kaga dhuftay. Hadii saaqid noqdona ciqaabtu waa sii xumaanaysa. Ha werwerin warbaan ku ogahay wiiga dabadiiye.
  5. Over 20 people just lost their lives in Mogadishu. Another 7 lost their lives in country side of Sool region. There are many more.... Yet, the top item on this forum is 3 girls arrested in Hargeisa. Glad the 3 girls are safe & sound in Hargeisa.
  6. @Maakhiri1 said: Coldoon, a Somali Hero, should be freed ASAP. This why the whole place, SL, behaves like North Korea. Somaliland should be very strong and show no mercy on traitors. This includes anyone be it journalist, politician, civil servant, or civil society, who works against the common interests of the masses. There are reasons why laws were passed against those individuals who engage those activities. And those individuals, like any criminal, understands if broken they shall face the music.
  7. As expected empty bottles make the most noise. Although I have my own opinion on Abdimalik's situation, yet again, I have to place my 100% support behind the Court system in Somaliland. Without functioning Courts, we will end up much like Southern Somalia where anything goes. Now that Abdimalik has received his sentence, he has two options, 1. to appeal the sentence to the Supreme Court 2. to ask for presidential pardon. The background noise from folks like the ex-Mooryaan NUSOJ etc will not affect the outcome of any trail in Somaliland nor sway the decisions of the legal system. As usual, these same folks will turn a blind eye to the human rights abuses within their backyard and rather comment on things happening far away places where they have no presence. As the old Somali saying goes "Haajo nimaan ogayn indha ayu ka ridaa".
  8. ^ Kolay qof caqli badan lagu tuhmaayo ma tihid. Wasted breath.
  9. If this happened anywhere in else, I think there would be outrage. Two unarmed Somali nationals where executed point blank. Even animals would have animal rights activities foaming from the mouths with outrage. This happens infront of 100s of Somali nationals. Not a single word. Not a single protest.
  10. ^talk is cheap so they say. Even Siyad Barre had an anti-corruption squad. I don't normally use reer koonfur sayings but I think they nailed it with this one "Geedkii roor roor loo fuulo, roor roor ayaa looga so dagaa". By that I mean, the easier you get access to money i.e. donor hand outs, the easier it ends up in the back pockets of the corruption chain. It is a curse known throughout Africa and most famously for Mogadishu. Give them a few months and lets revisit this topic again.
  11. ^Do you believe these are human organs in that camping cooler? This is just the age old boogeyman sensationalist stories. I remember as a child that the boogeyman, usually a Bantu from Southern Somalia or Oromo, will come and snatch you from the streets. What I see here is just a social manifestation of having too much peace and order. When people no longer fear for their own safety and their community, they tend to create the boogeymen stories just to keep the community alert and induce fear - perhaps the end gain is for social control i.e. kids to not be away from home after it gets dark.
  12. Galbeedi, I see you are head of heels for Farmaajo's government. A photo-op moment like opening a new mashruuc or whatever is something any officials lives for. So I don't see any particular difference here. Most likely this road was commissioned under HSM's tenor and it is only fair to also give him some of your praise. Anyway, I see a lot of headwind against Farmaajo in Mogadishu which may not have been as strong during HSM's rule. But its getting momentum and pace. If he pulls off something against that, at least that would be good. But I see a lot of frustrations ahead. Good luck anyways.
  13. If that floats your boat Mr. Donald Trump wannabe. In the meantime, the caravan shall move on....
  14. Lots of folks have been left dumbfounded by the breakneck speed that events are taking place in Somaliland these days. Some are left fishing for words and trying to read between the lines, just in case they may get some sense of what is happening. Sometimes, as in this fella' case, it means taking things out of context and drawing wild conclusions. As they say, beenaale markhaatigiisa ayu fogeeya. It was that fool, that traitor called Hassan Sheikh so they say. This is the agreement that Minister Hashi is referring to:
  15. ^^Khuraafadkii Kacaanka ee Ina Cabdulle Xassan si fiican ayaa u qudhqudhisay.
  16. "the fact that Mr. Muumin Seed being one of the oldest members of the party , this issue should have been handled earlier with dignity and grace' I think Mr. Seed was warned up to the last minutes that the vast majority delegates were supporting M. Ali. Obviously, the delegates have looked what is best for the Party instead of what was best for their longtime colleague. My take on this is that Mr. Seed is not yet a polished shrewd politician who is able to read what is around the corner. Perhaps the lessons he will learn from this will help him grow into such in the future. It is a unanimously agreed that the party needs Mr. Seed's work ethic and energy and will be a great lost if he were to depart.
  17. 7 out of the 10 top topics on the politics page are about Somaliland. Seems like another truism regarding the old Somali adage "Geedki midho leh ayaa dhagaxa lagu tuurtuura"
  18. The Zionist state is far from being great. The 60 or so years that it existed and the Zionists ruled over the holy land of Bait-el-Qudus is a blib when you compare to the 1100 years that Muslims ruled. Yet, in the span of 60 years the Zionists have shown the worse kind of apartheid and ethnic and religious discrimination. The Jews under Muslim rule enjoyed far better freedoms than at anything in their history be it under the Crusaders or Romans or before that The Pharaohs of Egypt. Today we are living at a time of Great Fitna. The Good and Bad are being separated by this great Fitna. It may take 50 years or 500 years, but victory will be on the side of Palestinians.
  19. War criminal General Morgan also known as Cabdi Bille is a man of failure. The only thing he can boast about is his title as the "Butcher of Hargeisa". As the designated supreme military ruler of Somaliland during Siyad Barre's last few years, he masterminded his "Scorched Earth" policy in which he ordered his men to spare no life or livelihood and in the process the summary murder of thousands of civilians. When push came to shove and Pappa Afwayne was ousted from power, the coward that is General Morgan became apparent to everyone. He was chased from Hargeisa and then from his next hideout in Mogadishu (1991), and again during the Warlord years, he was chased from Kismayo (1997).
  20. Abdi Ilay's death squad are a clear present danger to our people both inside Somaliland and across the border. We need to wake up to this reality and organise ourselves against them. The civilians death toll stands at a staggering 60 lives which include both small children, women, elderly and men. It is complete and utterly unacceptable to let this slide under the carpet. It is high time the people to come together and organise their own melitias that can go toe-to-toe with these criminals.
  21. Maakhiri, Awoowe, reer Somaliland belief that the 1960 union should not have happened at all, or at least in the way it transpired. It was a daylight robbery of an honest new state by well oiled ex-Mafia Italian Somalia leaders. Besides, the 1960 Union only truely was in effect between the years of 1960 and 1969. After 1969, the Union constitution and state was altered and changed by the military, so in effect Somaliland was under foreign power against its wishes for the next 22 years until 1991. In 1991, Somalia disintegrated and became a failed state. Somaliland reclaimed its sovereignty as Somalia (Proper) descended into anarchy and lawlessness. Hargeisa was never a party to any new agreement to reconstitute any new form of the 1960 union, be it the many forms of the pseudo transitional governments or the present phantom Federal Government. Somaliland is not a party to any new form of constitution that is established in Mogadishu. Having said that, the first and foremost rule of thumb for any talk regarding any future relationship between Hargeisa & Mogadishu, is for Mogadishu leaders to recognise Hargeisa's independence. Both Mogadishu and Hargeisa need to reset clock to before midnight 1 July 1960. Anything that is less than that is a just a hogwash and a day dream