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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. There is nothing weak about the fundamentals of Somaliland's independence. The fundamentals are as strong as a rock. On the contrary, what this signifies and highlights is the fact that the "Unionist" from Somaliland is in disarray, be it the so called phantom mini-me statelets projects (namely Awdal State, Khatumo State) etc. Or the ones in Mogadishu. In both cases, they are on the ropes. What you have now is few individuals here and there without a platform.
  2. No matter how you skin this agreement, it is a huge coupe for Somaliland. There are those who are coming out of the wood works claiming that Khaatumo does not represent no one. They weren't saying that before. Aside from 1 or 2 subclans that are still holding off mainly in Buuhoodle region, the rest of the Khaatumo main clans were making their own individual deals with the Somaliland administration way before the Somaliland Khaatumo talks started. In fact, I can say that the gov't deals with the main clans in Sool region have a lot to do with forcing Khaatumo leaders's hand to consider peace initiative with Somaliland. In my opinion, this agreement will have a transformational affect in Somaliland. After 26 years, Somaliland needed revisit and re-organise and refocus. Hopefully opening the constitution for consultation and reform will help in that endeavor.
  3. Between begging for food and hunting for food. I would choose hunting any day. For Saalax, the French kid & celebrity attention hoes from "Somalia Love Army" collecting $5 dollar donations is perhaps his preferred way. We need to see more folks like this kiddo. We have sea and land full of food that are just waiting for those people to catch and make a meal. For the record, porcupine is a delicacy here in Australia. It is available at high end restaurants.
  4. Do you guys honestly think Farmaajo has any control over his agenda? If there is any agenda on his calendar, it is those from the "Powers that Be". As far as this news is concerned, it is a natural conclusion which will benefit the people of those regions most. Peace is the foundation for all development and progress. Peace requires unity in purpose. Unity requires justice, justice in terms of power sharing, distribution of national pie, work and other amenities that come with governance. My Allah help them in their efforts.
  5. This week the Djibouti aviation minister came to Hargeisa and encouraged the government to declare that the Somaliland air space is off limits to the civilian travels of Qatar Airlines. We all know that Somaliland neither has air force to enforce air blockade nor does it know which airline is crossing it’s airspace, yet it was all about publicity and being in the bandwagon to gain same favors. Tiny Djibouti has done it’s part. I think you are mistaken Galbeedi. It is easy for Somaliland to enforce its decision. But I believe the decision is more symbolic than an actual ban of Qatari Airlines from using Somaliland's skies. For the record, Somaliland has access to Anti-Aircraft and SAM batteries which were part of the old Soviet installations in Berbera. These SAM batteries can easily be fired as a warning shot to any Qatari Airline. But I don't think Somaliland will go to that level. Anyway, the position that Farmaajo/Khaire taken will not go well with the Saudis. The Saudis really expect unconditional (no ifs, no buts) support behind it from the weak gov't in Mogadishu. So any other position other than that expectation will be received as if Mogadishu has sided with Qatar & Turkey alliance . So this neutrality position is just not there as far as the Saudis is concerned. reposted
  6. This week the Djibouti aviation minister came to Hargeisa and encouraged the government to declare that the Somaliland air space is off limits to the civilian travels of Qatar Airlines. We all know that Somaliland neither has air force to enforce air blockade nor does it know which airline is crossing it’s airspace, yet it was all about publicity and being in the bandwagon to gain same favors. Tiny Djibouti has done it’s part. I think you are mistaken Galbeedi. It is easy for Somaliland to enforce its decision. But I believe the decision is more symbolic than an actual ban of Qatari Airlines from using Somaliland's skies. For the record, Somaliland has access to Anti-Aircraft and SAM batteries which were part of the old Soviet installations in Berbera. These SAM batteries can easily be fired as a warning shot to any Qatari Airline. But I don't think Somaliland will go to that level. Anyway, the position that Farmaajo/Khaire taken will not go well with the Saudis. The Saudis really expect unconditional (no ifs, no buts) support behind it from the weak gov't in Mogadishu. So any other position other than that expectation will be received as if Mogadishu has sided with Qatar & Turkey alliance . So this neutrality position is just not there as far as the Saudis is concerned.
  7. This week the Djibouti aviation minister came to Hargeisa and encouraged the government to declare that the Somaliland air space is off limits to the civilian travels of Qatar Airlines. We all know that Somaliland neither has air force to enforce air blockade nor does it know which airline is crossing it’s airspace, yet it was all about publicity and being in the bandwagon to gain same favors. Tiny Djibouti has done it’s part. I think you are mistaken Galbeedi. It is easy for Somaliland to enforce its decision. But I believe the decision is more symbolic than an actual ban of Qatari Airlines from using Somaliland's skies. For the record, Somaliland has access to Anti-Aircraft and SAM batteries which were part of the old Soviet installations in Berbera. These SAM batteries can easily be fired as a warning shot to any Qatari Airline. But I don't think Somaliland will go to that level. Anyway, the position that Farmaajo/Khaire taken will not go well with the Saudis. The Saudis really expect unconditional (no ifs, no buts) support behind it from the weak gov't in Mogadishu. So any other position other than that expectation will be received as if Mogadishu has sided with Qatar & Turkey alliance . So this neutrality position is just not there as far as the Saudis is concerned.
  8. Bring peace to Southern Sool clans.
  9. Any Somaliland unionist worth his salt and his dignity can see that as things are in Koonfurta Somalia today, even mentioning the word "Union" let alone advocating for it, is a lost cause. The few who are masquerading as "Unionists" in Mogadishu are far from a genuine "Unionist". They are shameful opportunists who would in a different world and time would never have come close being called a "Parliamentarian" or "Minister". But they see a roadkill for the taking and they are taking it shamelessly.
  10. ^Haatu, Awoowe, Somaliland waa taariikh jirta, soo jirtay, jiri'na doonta. Waana arinka aan kaga soo horjeedo kuwa Somaliland doonaya in Qabiil u kala qoqobaan oo wax lagu sheego Khaatumo iyo Awdal state meelaha la wareegaan. Maha danta umadda Somaliland mana aha danta dadka Awdal ama Sool/Sanaag. Qabyaaladda maanta waa iska symptom of the current situation. It will die down as Somaliland's living standards improve and people understand the reality that Somaliland is not a clan idea but a nation state that want to bring onboard everyone under a united central government. Obviously, there are short comings and it is a work in progress, but the ultimate goal is a fair, free and just country where everyone is the same before the law and people are grouped not on clans but on "interest" and "ideology". But what is happening in Koonfurta Somalia is a different story. In my opinion, it so seems the whole purpose of the FGS is for the 'Powers that Be' use it as a vehicle to dissolve all traces of what once existed as the ex-Italian colony of Somalia into mini clanstans.
  11. Waxaan maqli jiray, nin buka boqol u talisay. Waxan oo "interest" group ah bal yaa meel isugu keeni? Turkey has its own agenda US/UK have their own agenda Ethio/Ken have their own agenda Arabs have their own agenda And each of the regional administrations have their own agenda.
  12. Burao - Erigavo road almost complete. A Gov't led initiative which was majority financed by locals, local businesses and diaspora community.
  13. Finally, We the “Reer Woqoyi” will not accept this so called regional formula masquerading as the Somali government. It is a southern government. It is a southern government Well come to the real world. Further to that realisation, Reer Waqooyi in Mogadishu need to clarify whose interests they serve? Ama Reer Waqooyi xiniinyo miiska saarta ayaa noqondoontaan ama Reer Waqooyi Reer Koonfur ku adeegto ayaa noqondoontaan. As for the topic, what does the "Federal Constitution" say about the devolvement of SNA into regional forces. Arinku mise waa "la jiifiyaana banaan... la joojiyaana banaan". Askari laba qof amar kama wada qaato, ama Mogadishu ayu amar ka qaadan doona ama regional heads. Hadii regional head u ka qaatona arinku waa isla jug-jug meeshada joog. In fact, it'll only arm the clans against each other further.
  14. International NGOs arrive in Buuhoodle region.
  15. Anyway, I have made a copy before submitting it anyway... ---------- Galbeedi, I see the Somaliland Unionists as 3 separate groups, which are: 1. Those who want to see a united Somalia with a central government 2. Those who are opportunists and want to carve their own mini clanistan in Somaliland (i.e. Khaatumo, Awdal state, Maakhir etc). 3. Those who would like to see a North + South union where Somaliland remains united as a single administration but forms a union with a Federal South regions. The proponents of the #1 group are folks of the name like Cismaan Kaluun, Late Nuur Faarax, Jaamac Yare (Jama Ghalib), Ina Samatar etc. This group by all intent and purposes have given up. They have seen the light of the day specially what is transpiring in South which gives them no hope. The second group #2 were dealt with a severe blow when HSM delivered the death knell announcement that HirShabeelle was to become the seal and final administration for Southern Somalia. This particular realisation is what has driven Khaatumo leader Cali Khaliif Galaydh to finally accept unconditional talks with Somaliland. The view of the International Community is aligned with HSM and I do not see any changes from that path with Farmaajo's government. In fact, if you look at his meetings with the regional administration Farmaajo has done one better i.e. by not inviting the Deputy Prime Minister as HSM used to do. Opportunists from Awdal diaspora which were making lots of noise during 2014/2015 have all but disappeared. What you have now is a small group from the #3 option who are still clinging to that idea of re-union with Southern Somalia. A notion which is ever more remote today than it ever was. All in all, it seems to me that the dawn has set upon the Unionists. Today's few activists have no platform, have no land, and most importantly may have lost the support of the few ears that used to listen to them. They are excluded from the decision circles both in Somaliland and Somalia. They are no party to the would be talks between Hargeisa and Mogadishu. My view is that the Unionists have failed because a) they were divided themselves, b) never had a clear message to sell their vision of "unity" and c) the clannish/divisive ones are more vocal among them. So my question to you Galbeedi, given the above political environment of isolation and exclusion, what is the purpose for a Unionist these days? I am sure they are worth more than empty ceremonial ministerial positions. As Southern Politicians form a unitary political system in which all Southern leaders come under their Federal Government in Mogadishu, what is the position of those hailing from Somaliland? Surely, the days of claiming representation of Somaliland people is long & gone. And specially when it comes to the 2020 elections which Southern Somalia is aiming to get one person one vote system going, the Unionists will be painted even more smaller corner to explain their existence. Hadii aad rag kale dabo fadhiisanaysaan oo masiirkiini shilimo yar siisateen, miyaanay ahayn sida Ismaciil Samatar inaad candhuufta dib u liqdaan oo dadkiina baal ka raacdaan? Waxaad Hargeysa ka wayday walee kama heli doontid Mogadishu. Danta dadka reer Somaliland waxay ku jirta ayago oo mid ah inay la xaajoodaan kuwa reer koonfurka ah sidii loo kala guranlahaa oo walaalo jaar ah loo noqon lahaa.
  16. Don't know why my previous post is gone missing? Anyone
  17. Galbeedi, I see the Somaliland Unionists as 3 separate groups, which are: 1. Those who want to see a united Somalia with a central government 2. Those who are opportunists and want to carve their own mini clanistan in Somaliland (i.e. Khaatumo, Awdal state, Maakhir etc). 3. Those who would like to see a North + South union where Somaliland remains united as a single administration but forms a union with a Federal South regions. The proponents of the #1 group are folks of the name like Cismaan Kaluun, Late Nuur Faarax, Jaamac Yare (Jama Ghalib), Ina Samatar etc. This group by all intent and purposes have given up. They have seen the light of the day specially what is transpiring in South which gives them no hope. The second group #2 were dealt with a severe blow when HSM delivered the death knell announcement that HirShabeelle was to become the seal and final administration for Southern Somalia. This particular realisation is what has driven Khaatumo leader Cali Khaliif Galaydh to finally accept unconditional talks with Somaliland. The view of the International Community is aligned with HSM and I do not see any changes from that path with Farmaajo's government. In fact, if you look at his meetings with the regional administration Farmaajo has done one better i.e. by not inviting the Deputy Prime Minister as HSM used to do. Opportunists from Awdal diaspora which were making lots of noise during 2014/2015 have all but disappeared. What you have now is a small group from the #3 option who are still clinging to that idea of re-union with Southern Somalia. A notion which is ever more remote today than it ever was. All in all, it seems to me that the dawn has set upon the Unionists. Today's few activists have no platform, have no land, and most importantly may have lost the support of the few ears that used to listen to them. They are excluded from the decision circles both in Somaliland and Somalia. They are no party to the would be talks between Hargeisa and Mogadishu. My view is that the Unionists have failed because a) they were divided themselves, b) never had a clear message to sell their vision of "unity" and c) the clannish/divisive ones are more vocal among them. So my question to you Galbeedi, given the above political environment of isolation and exclusion, what is the purpose for a Unionist these days? I am sure they are worth more than empty ceremonial ministerial positions. As Southern Politicians form a unitary political system in which all Southern leaders come under their Federal Government in Mogadishu, what is the position of those hailing from Somaliland? Surely, the days of claiming representation of Somaliland people is long & gone. And specially when it comes to the 2020 elections which Southern Somalia is aiming to get one person one vote system going, the Unionists will be painted even more smaller corner to explain their existence. Hadii aad rag kale dabo fadhiisanaysaan oo masiirkiini shilimo yar siisateen, miyaanay ahayn sida Ismaciil Samatar inaad candhuufta dib u liqdaan oo dadkiina baal ka raacdaan? Waxaad Hargeysa ka wayday walee kama heli doontid Mogadishu. Danta dadka reer Somaliland waxay ku jirta ayago oo mid ah inay la xaajoodaan kuwa reer koonfurka ah sidii loo kala guranlahaa oo walaalo jaar ah loo noqon lahaa.
  18. ^ Halkaan ka hadlay iyo waaka Qamaam dhaafay hadalkii! Salfudaydka beesha Dhexe ayaa lagu xamanjiray laakin maalmahan arinka dad kale ayaa naga dhaxlay. Nimanka sadex ah, waa dhamaan rer Waqooyi, xaq waxay u leeyin in hogaamiyaan Somaliland sida qof kasta oo waqooyi ugu simanyihiin. Nin isagu iska reebay yeelkiis. Arinka meesha aan soo qoray, sxbyaal ka daaya qalin daarka oo ka hadla. Meesha nimankii reer Waqooyi ee Mogadishu meel ay jaan iyo cidhib dhigeen? Galbeedi? miyaa ka dhuumatay tan? Raggii turuqyoda adkaa, tunkoodu libaaxa ahaa ma talaabo xumo ayaa badalshay?