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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Gooni, Kolay hadii aanay jirin wax aad ku dari karto ama aad ka dhimi karto Somaliland, inaad naftaada ku maaweelisid "SNM" ama "Waqooyi' ama magac kale, waxay ka dhigantay nin gacmo daalis wakhti badan ku lumiyay. Mar hadii sidaa tahay, inta dad kale talo siinaysid, adiga ayaa u baahan talo awoowe. Waaqiciga runta ah iyo wakhtiga xaadirka u soo dhawow. Maaweelada iyo khiyaaliga iska dhaaf. Arinka ah Buuhoodle, Dadka reer Buuhoodle kuma jiri karaan Dawlad la'aan iyo fawdo joogto ah. Waxay u baahanyihiin kala danbayn, maamul iyo horimar ay la jaanqaado asaageeda.
  2. Barwaaqo, What he didn't mention is that Somaliland's budget 100% locally sourced. Whereas the SFG budget is 50% donations from IC. That is over 100 million donated directly as budget support. So, essentially the Mogadishu gov't's locally sources income comes far short of the $237 million that he mentioned. There are rumours that Turkey is not as forthcoming with their Somalia budgetary support to villa Somalia as they were during HSM's tenure,. World Bank have recently helped SL ministry of Finance to implement a computerised taxation system. This new system which in trail mode at Berbera and Togawachale, when rolled out across the nation, it will help to dramatically cut revenue that is lost through corruption and mismanagement. As it is a centralised and monitored by different stakeholders including auditor general office.
  3. Move the cursor to 27 minutes & 30 seconds. Mr Aynte recalled how Somalia's gov't was thwarted after they seek London Communique be added clauses which re-affirm Somalia's territorial integrity and unity. The opposition from Somaliland's many friends who were seating on the roundtable was a confronting reality to many. Another nail on the proverbial Somali Unity coffin.
  4. @Oodweyne said: Good news indeed. For it's surely the case that our livestock-herders and Pastoralists, really need to see this nonsensical ban lifted as soon as possible. Lets hope this upcoming Hajj season will be a season that will bring a good fortune for those folks, who have been hit particularly hard during this prolong dry season in which they have just experienced recently. Absolutely, Livestock trade earns around 55% of the GDP in Somaliland, hence, this ban had a significant dent on the gov't coffers and also on general public purchasing power.
  5. Soomaaliland oo sheegtay in Sacuudiga uu xayiraadii ka qaaday dhoofka xoolaha Soomaalida Axad, July, 23, 2017 (HOL) – Wasiirka Wasaaradda Xanaanadda Xoolaha Soomaaliland C/llaahi Maxamed Daahir Cukuse ayaa sheegay in Sucuudigu xayiraadii ka qaaday xoolaha Soomaalidda oo muddo xayirnaa. Wasiir Cukuse waxaa kale oo uu sheegay in dalka Imaaraadka Carabta uu balanqaaday inuu xoolaha nool inaga iibsan doono oo uu Imaaraadkuna noqon doono suuq labaad oo loo helay xoolaha Soomaalidda. “ Inaan umadda ugu bushaareeyo iibkii xoolaha nool ee tagi jiray Sucuudi Arabiyo, oo muddo inaga xayirnaa in la noo furay, dadaal badan iyo baryadda ilaahay oo la inaga aqbalaly ka dib dalka Boqortooyadda Sucuudi arabiya, waxay inoo ogolaadeen inaynu dirno moosinka xajka xoolihii noolaa ee aynu awalba diri jirnay”ayuu yidhi Cukuse oo ka hadlayey xayiraadii uu Sucuudigu ka qaaday xoolaha Nool ee Soomaalidda. Waxaa kale oo uu sheegay in Imaaraadka Carabta uu ogolaaday inuu noqdo suuq kale oo xoolaheena loo dhoofiyo, waxaanu yidhi “dalka Imaaraadka Carabta socdaalkii aanu ku tagnay ee madaxweynuhu hogaaminayey waxa uu naga ogolaaaday inuu noqdo dal kale oo aynu xoolaha u dhoofino oo ganacstadda waaweyn ee Sucuudiga ee sayladaheena wax ka iibsada ay ku soo biiraan tujaar kale oo carbeed oo dalka imaaraadka Carabtu leeyahay, waxaanu doonaynaa in saylado kale oo xoolaha loo dhoofiyo aanu raadino”. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, laf dhabarka dhaqaalaha Soomaalidu waa xoolaha nool, waxaana muddo ka xayirnaayeen suuqa ugu weyn ee loo dhoofiyo ee Sucuudiga, nasiib wanaagse xukuumaddu waxay sheegtay inuu xayiraadii ka qaaday taas oo rajo iyo yididiilo galinaysa xoolo dhaqatadda Soomaalidda. Barkhad-ladiif M. Cumar, Hiiraan Online
  6. Very good news indeed for the drought stricken nomads whose been dealt with double-whammy of drought and collapsed livestock market.
  7. Dahabshiil deserves lots of praise. They were there when people needed them most, from the furthest corners to the main cities, during peace time and during civil wars. I remember being stuck in Addis Abeba during early 1990s. Communications with outside world very limited. We relied so much on Dahabshiil's agent in Bole district. I am sure many others will concur with similar stories. If there is any business made from halal sweat, it is Dahabshiil. He grew his business from a small corner shop to become a global brand. One has to congratulate their success.
  8. Galbeedi, If I were you, I would carry a sack of salt with me whenever I am conversing the so called "insiders". 90% of what they tell you is how they wished events would transpire. Only 10% is based on facts on the ground. Having said that, Somaliland's elections are on course. If you haven't realised by now, Somaliland charts her own course. Remember some months ago, the burohaha from the so called International Community goes as far as penning an open letter to Somaliland and how they were disatisfied with the postponement of elections from March to later in the year. Well, had it been anywhere else, they would have succummed to the pressure but Somaliland is different. We simply do not give a flying fig what those IC say. If they want to help us, fine, we say thank you. But we won't accept the strings they want to attach with their small help. What many people here forget is that, holding free and fair elections is rooted deep inside the DNA of Somalilanders. From the years of SNM until today. The notion of a strongman holding on to the power seat just simply doesn't exist. Every Somaliland leader can be replaced at will. Therefore, rest assured the elections will take place, and we are not doing this to impress anyone. It is an election for Somaliland, by Somaliland.
  9. He also said that he is Pan Africanist. Every businessman is a globalist by nature. The bigger your investment vessel gets, the more you want to spread your net so you can catch more fish. Simple as that. Mohamed Saeed is an African success story. While Ahmed Ismail, founder and CEO of World Remit is a Globalist.
  10. ^Waa isla garanayna halka aad ka soo aroorayso. Odey ii adeer labaad ahaa ayaa wuxu halhays u lahaa "hadal feedhaha yaryar iga xigaan, maxaan u garanwaayay" Kolka aragtidaada waa iska hal bacaad lagu lisay.
  11. Dictoore Oodka, I can expect this kind of behaviour from people like Maakhiri etc... But when the leader of a supposedly responsible administration, goes to this level, lamenting and decrying why the lunatics are not bombing Hargeisa. Then you have to shake in disbelief. Perhaps what Prof. Cali Khaliif said of him is true, Gaas is on mental medications. In which case, we can excuse him for that condition.
  12. This is normal. Budget deficits happen everywhere, whether it is a family budget, company budget or national/state budget. But how people respond to these developments is different. Either you borrow from external sources to finance the planned expenditure or you go about austerity measures by cutting excess expenditure. In Somaliland case, it will borrow from local/private businesses. And the local private business have done it previously during 1999-2002 livestock ban and they know that their money will be repaid. So they are more than happy to lend it. One thing is for certain, every gov't employee be it security forces or civil servant will get their salary on time.
  13. Investigative Journalists Nairobi, Kenya & Stockholm, Sweden Maakhiri, That is fake. Website '' is dead. The two supposedly "investigative journalists" who are so versed with in & outs of Somali politics have never been heard from since... A winning source indeed.'>
  14. Just not so sure about the sums if they are in the order as specified in that tweet. But in any case, Berbera Corridor as well as the expansion of the port and new Airport will help bring back Berbera's status in the Gulf of Aden. On another news, Air Arabia, one of the largest budget airlines in the Gulf has just made its maiden flight to Hargeisa. Already, Fly Dubai flies daily to Hargeisa.
  15. Galbeedi, My take on this was that, if this speech was intended as a launchpad for a case for "Union", then this turned out as a face-plant instead of a face-lift for the Unionists. Aside from the factual errata and the butchered names of the great men, the gist of Farmaajo's speech was that of a man who has drunk the kool-aid called "Aar Farmaajo iigeeya" and hence measures every issue on that yard-stick. Nin ayaa wuxu ahaa indhoole, kolka ayu ilaahay maalin maalaha ka mida indhihi u kala furay... ninkii waxa ugu horeeyay ee u arkay waxay noqday Bakayle. Ilaahay aya ninki sidiisi hadana ku celyay indhoolenimodii. Ninki indholaha waxay kaga dhegtay "Bakaylaha ma leegyahay"... Hada Maroodi aya laga hadlaya! Mr. Farmaajo honestly thinks that him winning the Feb 8 president selections process, and the subsequent "Aar Faarmaajo iigeeya" bandwagon, he has a mandate that elevates him to a supernatural political supremacy that he can afford and attempt to sideline the elected government in Somaliland and instead opt to speak directly the Somaliland "youth, women and clan elders". Waa "bakaylaha ma leegyahay" I don't know about you but I see this as a man who has no idea what he is doing and has no strategy at all other than this grand gimmick of sorts.
  16. Diktoore Oodka, If this speech was presented in a year 7 class as an "Oral presentation", I am very sure Farmaajo would have failed. Not only was he miserably raped the facts of that historic day, he also butchered the names of the great men who raised to the occasion. Odeygii Galbeedi waa ka gabaday tan inu his valuable comments ka dhiibto. And for a good reason so.
  17. Che, Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. Holac, Nin raggeed waxa lagu yaqiinay damac/damaacii. Dumarkana waa maseer/hinaasi. Maamulka Mj-nia wixiisu waa maseerkii dumarka. Yacnii, su'aalsha madaxa Gaas wareerisay waa "sideeba Alshabab u weerari wayday Hargeisa?"... halka ay damac qofkii u galo su'aalsha is waydiin alahaa ahaan lahayd "maxaa ii diiday inaan qayrkii gaadho?" Laba su'aalood oo midna tii dumarka lagu yaqiinay tahay, tan kalena nin rageedi iyo damac'ii tahay.