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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The main reason why elections have been postponed is due to lessons learned from previous elections. The main issue with previous elections was the voter registration systems were not 100% reflective of the actual voters. There were instances of repeat votes. The new system is based on biometric Iris scans. This has more or less eliminated duplicate voter registration. And for the first time, each polling station has a known number of registered voters, no more no less. The postponement has not been lost in vain, we have something to show for it.
  2. Reer Sool have raised the bar so high, I don't think there is any other that can put this amazing reception.
  3. Disgraced by who? Muj, AMM Siilaanyo ilaahay madaxiisa ha raajo, has been a transformative president. Somaliland is better off than what it was 2010 when he took over the helm. The same way Somaliland was better off when Dahir Rayaale took over leadership. The same goes for AUN Egal who put this nation on the right path. Every President has moved this nation forward.
  4. Musharaxa Xisbigga Waddani oo beesha Gabooye la kulmay.
  5. Degmadda Dharkeyn Geenyo Gobolka Sool oo si wayn loogu soo dhaweeyay waftigii xukuumadda iyo Kulmiye. Source
  8. Madaxda xisbiga Waddani oo Ceerigaabo lagu so dhaweeyay
  9. Baratanka xisbiyadda oo gaadhay Sool iyo Sanaag. Magaladda Lascaanood oo lagu soo dhaweeyay madaxda xisbiga Kulmiye.
  10. I think the old mantra of "if it ain't broke don't fix it" applied here. This method of casting votes has served the parliament well for many years. But what is different today is that, this is an Election year. Everything is under the microscope and spotlights. People are being pulled in every corner by ruthless politicians who are only after their ballets. In this respect, I think the house must learn a lesson and this current issue should serve as an opportunity to modernise the way the house goes about its business. Somaliland deserves better from its Members of Parliament. The upcoming election is going to be the most dynamic and most polarising yet. This time no one knows who will win. The numbers are neck and neck between the ruling Kulmiye Party and main opposition Waddani Party. It could go down to the wire. But one thing I am 100% certain about is that, even after hard fought election, Somaliland will get through stronger and more united. For me, the two main political groups are the two heads of the same coin. I see no difference. Both political parties will advance the big picture issues i.e. Somaliland's quest for recognition.
  11. ^ Not too sure if that was you or your sources speaking, but had it been someone else that is being accused of being after the money, I could have given the benefits of the doubt. It is a joke. The recently held London Conference for Somalia (Proper) underscored the need to restart the talks between Somaliland and Somalia to finalise their final status. The International community's position on "Somalia's Unity" now depends on the final outcome from these talks. The previously premature position of calling respect for territorial integrity and unity of Somalia is no longer the case. The fact that the IC continues to fund Somaliland's development goals outside that of Villa Somalia's controls, re-inforces this fact. Somaliland will be going into the upcoming talking with the view of reaching a final plan to dissolve the failed Union of 1960.
  12. This is a serious issue. But the root cause is technical issue. Firstly, it is a very close election, we are talking about a difference of a single vote here between the two candidates. When it is this close and no candidate can claim an outright majority, then you can expect this kind of after affect. Specially when the issue comes down to the technical issue. The idea of using "hands raised" as a method of voting belongs to the age of under the tree gatherings not in modern Somaliland. It is a farcry when you compare the technology that is being used for the upcoming Presidential elections which is among the best in the world. My call is for Mr. Talyanle to mount another challenge if he thinks that he has the numbers in the parliament.
  13. There are two kinds of people, those who sit on their butt and wait for a miracle to happen that will change the course of their life. And then there are those who face their reality and do something about it. This guy who started this small business, falls into the second. Whereas majority of Somalis fall into the first category. This guy did not have enough money to start his ideal business, but he has a plan to reach that goal. I am convinced this young man has the traits of great businessmen as those who hail from his home town of Gabiley. The town that brought people like Jirde Hussein, Xoogsade, Oomar, Mohamed Saeed etc. Multi-million dollar businessmen. The big picture here is that, people need not to wait for some miracle to happen, but they can start from the closest stepping stone until they reach their ideal job or business. Case in point, the owner of one of the largest Somaliland companies, MSG Group, a conglomerate which earns close to billion dollars annaully, started 20 years ago with just a small truck which he used to bring goods between Hargeisa and Djibouti. Today, MSG owns some of the largest companies in Djibouti including Shipping lines, Tobacco companies, Telecommunications companies, factories. He employs close to 10,000 people in Dijbouti and Somaliland. Like he said, he hiring already and it is not even a month into his startup.
  14. ^^ An 80 year old that is sharper than anyone you have ever known. Edna Adan commands unparallled support from all sides of Somaliland politics. And a person who we do not have any doubts will be as formidable & shrewd as anyone can be. I understand she is hiring the right team behind her from both opposition parties and government. "Waxaan anigu qabaa qofka layga horkeeni doono inaan ka nasiib badnahay, waxaan u arkaa in inaga uu xaqu inala jiro , waxaan doonayaa inaan idinla dardaarmo in aydaan marnaba iga shakiyin, dadnimadayda ha ka shakiyina, daacadnimadayda ha ka shakiyina, waa inaad igu taageertaan oo aad igu taageertaan talaabooyin wanaagsan oo aan tuso adduunka oo aan ka sheego dalkayga Somaliland , waxaynu nahay dal jirayaal, safiiro ayaynu wada nahay, waxaynu difaacaynaa dalkeena oo aynu wanaag ku difaacaynaa." Adna Adan source:
  15. This is exactly the kind of people we need. People who see opportunities and grab it with both hands.
  16. Good questions. But not fair ones. Poverty is universal. And each person's story of why he/she finds themselves trapped is in many ways similar. You can find all kinds of these stories from around the corners of world, from the backstreets of the riches economies, to the slums of poorest nations. But people need not to preoccupy themselves with the negativity. One always is bettter off if they see the possitive side to any situation. The positives are many, the tragectory of the country is upwards, the economic recovery is trending up. There is a sense that the worse is long behind us. And now that everyone is competing to better themselves and their neighborhoods. Hopefully sooner than later the State House Golf course residents will get the help they deserve.
  17. ^Ilaahay ayaa qani ah, oo qof walba halkiisa wax ku siiya. There was a time when 95% of Hargeisa's residents were as poor and as homeless as that lady. There was time not a single building had a roof, doors, windows etc. All looted by Afwayne and his apologists. There was a time, I myself included, attended School in Hargeisa where I had to sit on a used Power-milk Nedo tin can. There was a time, we had to walk on a straight long patch of dirt one after another between houses, because we were afraid if we step on a land mine or unexploded ordnance. Thank goodness that Lady and her kids are is living in a city where they no longer have to worry about the basics of life, peace, security and land free of harmful unexploded mines. So, there is progress, hopefully one day everyone will have a decent roof and food on the table guaranteed by the State.
  18. Gooni, Awoowe, horta waa ta hore Marwo Edna Adan uma baahna cid u dooda ama u hadalsha. Taariikhdeeda kali ah ayaa kuugu filan jawaab tay doonto ha noqotee. Hadaan hal ama laba ka idhaahdo, waa mida kowaad e, Edna Adan reer Somaliland waxay ku ogyihiin qof daacad u ah qadiyadda oo marnaba iyo sinaba looga shakiyi karin inay mugdi galiso. Waa shakhsi ay daacad ka tahay in umadda Somaliland mar danbe dib u dhicin halaaggii laga dhaxlay midowgii lagu degdeggay 1960kii. Dhanka kale ee sheegtay Madaxwayne ku dhici kara inu aqbalo arinkaa, jawaabto waa sandule ayaa looga dhigayaa. Somalidu waligeedba madax adayg iyo waali cas waa lagu yaqaanay, laakin waxa la yidhi "geelow daaq, oo daaq, oo marka ciin daaqdo ayaa lagu yaabay". Mid waa inaad ogaato, in Midnimo Somalia timaado mar kale, waa cadceeda oo galbeed ka so baxda. Wada hadalka Hargeisa iyo Mogadishu waxay fursad u tahay siyaasiyiinta Mogadishu inay ka shaqeeyaan wanaaga iyo horimarka Somalida. Laakin hadii ay fahmi waayaan, hadii ay garan waayan in walaaltinimo ku jirto in Somaliland dadkeedu wuxu rabo lagu taageero. Madaxda Mogadishu ayagoo indhahoodu shan tahay ayaa Somaliland aqoonsigeeda ay heli doonta. Aniga shaki iga ma jiro taa. Its a matter of when and not if. Dad badan ayaa waxay yidhaahdaan, 30 sano ayaa Somaliland bila aqoonsi ahayd. Dadka sida ku hadla, in kasto u eegtahay su'aal macquula, hadana jawaabteedu waxa weeyaan, aduunka horeeto iyo danbeeto kama dhicin dal ka go'ay dal kale oo "fail state" noqday. Hadaan si kale ku dhigo, dal dhan oo burbur ku yimid laga bilaabo tuulo ilaa magaalo madax, Somalia mooye aduunka meel kale kama dhicin. Malaha Libya ayaa u dhaw maanta. Aduunka waa ku adkaatay in Somaliland aqoonsadaan madaama taas u horseedi karto in xal loo waayo Koonfurta Somalia oo sii kala burburto. Laakin maanta koonfurta Somaliya wax lagu sheegay "Federal" ayaa lagu soo dabaalay, oo maanta Puntland tusaale odhan kari mayso "gooni" ayaan u baxay, maxaa yeelay waxay saxeexe ka tahay "federalka". Taas waxay suurto galinaysa in Somaliland iyo Somalia cidii matashaa ay kala baxaan. Hadii Somalia ka meermeerto, dee Somaliland lugta loo hayn maayo. Waana siday tahay. 30kii sano anigu waxaan qabaa faa'iido ayay Somaliland u ahayd, Sida ku dhacday South Sudan oo kale Somaliland kuma dhici doonto maxaa yeelay maanta dadka iyo dalkuba waa ka aqoon badanyahay, ka maamul fiicanyahay.
  19. Gooni, Awoowe, horta waa ta hore Marwo Edna Adan uma baahna cid u dooda ama u hadalsha. Taariikhdeeda kali ah ayaa kuugu filan jawaab tay doonto ha noqotee. Hadaan hal ama laba ka idhaahdo, waa mida kowaad e, Edna Adan reer Somaliland waxay ku ogyihiin qof daacad u ah qadiyadda oo marnaba iyo sinaba looga shakiyi karin inay mugdi galiso. Waa shakhsi ay daacad ka tahay in umadda Somaliland mar danbe dib u dhicin halaaggii laga dhaxlay midowgii lagu degdeggay 1960kii. Dhanka kale ee sheegtay Madaxwayne ku dhici kara inu aqbalo arinkaa, jawaabto waa sandule ayaa looga dhigayaa. Somalidu waligeedba madax adayg iyo waali cas waa lagu yaqaanay, laakin waxa la yidhi "geelow daaq, oo daaq, oo marka ciin daaqdo ayaa lagu yaabay". Mid waa inaad ogaato, in Midnimo Somalia timaado mar kale, waa cadceeda oo galbeed ka so baxda. Wada hadalka Hargeisa iyo Mogadishu waxay fursad u tahay siyaasiyiinta Mogadishu inay ka shaqeeyaan wanaaga iyo horimarka Somalida. Laakin hadii ay fahmi waayaan, hadii ay garan waayan in walaaltinimo ku jirto in Somaliland dadkeedu wuxu rabo lagu taageero. Madaxda Mogadishu ayagoo indhahoodu shan tahay ayaa Somaliland aqoonsigeeda ay heli doonta. Aniga shaki iga ma jiro taa. Its a matter of when and not if. Dad badan ayaa waxay yidhaahdaan, 30 sano ayaa Somaliland bila aqoonsi ahayd. Dadka sida ku hadla, in kasto u eegtahay su'aal macquula, hadana jawaabteedu waxa weeyaan, aduunka horeeto iyo danbeeto kama dhicin dal ka go'ay dal kale oo "fail state" noqday. Hadaan si kale ku dhigo, dal dhan oo burbur ku yimid laga bilaabo tuulo ilaa magaalo madax, Somalia mooye aduunka meel kale kama dhicin. Malaha Libya ayaa u dhaw maanta. Aduunka waa ku adkaatay in Somaliland aqoonsadaan madaama taas u horseedi karto in xal loo waayo Koonfurta Somalia oo sii kala burburto. Laakin maanta koonfurta Somaliya wax lagu sheegay "Federal" ayaa lagu soo dabaalay, oo maanta Puntland tusaale odhan kari mayso "gooni" ayaan u baxay, maxaa yeelay waxay saxeexe ka tahay "federalka". Taas waxay suurto galinaysa in Somaliland iyo Somalia cidii matashaa ay kala baxaan. Hadii Somalia ka meermeerto, dee Somaliland lugta loo hayn maayo. Waana siday tahay. 30kii sano anigu waxaan qabaa faa'iido ayay Somaliland u ahayd, Sida ku dhacday South Sudan oo kale Somaliland kuma dhici doonto maxaa yeelay maanta dadka iyo dalkuba waa ka aqoon badanyahay, ka maamul fiicanyahay.
  20. This is an insightful interview which goes deep into what drives the "iron lady" of Somaliland.
  21. Awoowe, mar hadii aad ku marganaysid magaca "Somaliland", wixii kale eed meesha ku soo qorta wax macno leh samayn mayso. Buuhoodle iyo nawaaxigeeda adiga sheeko sheeko ayaa kugu soo gaadhay, laakin aniga waa meelaha aan geela ku raaco. Kolka labadeena keena si hoose ula socda waa iska caday. In badan ayay rag badan oo halkan soo gali jiray odhan jireen Somaliland Adhicadeeye sooma dhaafayso, ka hor intii aan maamulka Puntland Laaska laga saarin 2007kii. 10 sano ka bacdi, inay Buuhoodle si nabad ah gacanta Somaliland uso wareegto wax mugdi ah oo iga jira ma jiraan. Habeen wacan.