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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Please do not insult our intelligence. You held him few days issued an Ethiopian passport and now you claiming he surrendered voluntarily and coming home. Your next move will be Ethiopia will record a video tape and Mr. Qalbidhagax will claim he went home voluntarily without coercion and Somali government has nothing to do.
  2. Qalbi-dhagax last known photo, handcuffed demoralised and most likely wondering what the future holds for him.
  3. My biggest problem with this is not because they handed over ONLF member, that is old news. But what is just wrong is to preach one thing and do another. Farmaajo and Co need to come out and tell the people exactly what their policy is. By clarifying the policy, the ONLF members can make an informed decision to either leave Mogadishu or take risk of remaining in that city. I find Farmaajo's current silence a cowardly act. Ethiopia has not minced its words regarding the hand over.
  4. Somaliland is moving away from wholesale sales tax which was imposed and collected at points of entry i.e. Ports, Borders, Airports. The World Bank is helping Somaliland introduce Goods and Services Tax (GST) Ministry of Finance is taking first steps by requiring all registered Companies and Traders to apply for a unique Tax Number.
  5. Interesting info by Khaatumo UAE representative who visited Hargeisa recently.
  6. @galbeedi said: Suldaanka, Miyaanay xornimo doonka Soomaaliyeed ee Djibouti xoreynayey aysan Muqdishu, Hargeisa iyo Zaylacba saldhigyo ku lahayn. Miyaan NFD dadka u dagaalmaya aysa Jamuuriyada Iman. Miyaanay dadka shanta Soomaaliyeed ka socda aysan labada isu tagay aysan geedkooda hadhsanayn. I was referring to "Dal xor ah" as far as today is concerned. Are you sure in Somalia tahay dal xor ah? I mean, Dawlad aan bixin karin lacagta staff-keedi oo looga yabooho calaamka, Parliamaan dalal shisheeye mushahar ka qaata. Ciidamo shisheeye oo dhulka xukuma. Adeer, dhulka Somalia la yidha is essentially in "trusteeship". Madaxda Villa Somalia waa inay dadkooda runta u sheegaan.
  7. Ma oga miyaa in Jamuuriyada Soomaaliyeed ee Xorta ahi ay ahayd amaba tahay meesha dadka Soomaaiyeed ee xornimo doonka ahi ay ku soo hirtaan oo nabad, magangelyo iyo muwaadinba ka noqdaan. Hore ayaan u sheegay waa dad aan taariikhda iyo Sooyaalka dadka Soomaaliyeed waxba ka garanayn. Cadayn ayaa lagaaga baahanyahay Galbeedi in taasi run tahay iyo in mala awaal tahay. Mida anigu runtii aan la yaabay munaafaqadda meesha ka socota. Dhana waxa la daadinaya ilmadda yaxaaska "Soomalinimo" "midnimo" which lures folks like this poor guy to fall into that trap. Double dealing in my opinion. As far as Coldoon is concerned, he can say whatever he likes about Ethiopia. No one gives a flying fig about it. The reason why he was imprisoned was related to when blindly jumped into the "Farmaajo iigeeya" bandwagon.
  8. Diktoorka, That is the most plausible reasons. Dr. Mohamed is a shrewd and calculated politician/academic. I hardly doubt he will stoop so low as to take cad-quudheed in Mogadishu. Anyway, the up coming talks between Somaliland and Somalia is completely different from the previous dress-rehearsals. This time, a number of the 'powers-that-be' are involved in setting the agenda.
  9. Yusuf Garad, Aug 11th, talking about Somalia Somaliland talks and mentioned about "Aqoonyahano" preparing papers when the official talks begin.
  10. ^It could be anything... it could be nothing. What I have heard, this is just ku-tiri ku-teen whatsapp chitchats... Although I have also heard from an interview with Yusuf Garad recently. There is a "intellectuals" meeting about the up coming Somaliland Somalia talks. These talks are happening are taking place both in Hargeisa and Mogadishu. I am not too sure whether Dr. Mohamed's visit is related to this. But, all I know is that there are movements around the up coming Somaliland Somalia talks. lets things clarify and we will revisit.
  11. @Maakhiri1 said: Subhaan, Dr. Mohammad Abdullahi Omar with all the secrets of SL, if they ever had secrets , is spilling the beans,at Mogadishu, and SULDAANKA brings a guy here , who is UNKNOWN, for all we know could be from DURIYADA on propaganda spin, but Dr. Mohammad Abdullahi Omar does is obvious SUBXAAN, people can dream, but for once see this as only ONE clan project, and this clan can't even accommodate others, Dr. Mohammad is a Somalilander. He holds no official position in government. He can get employed anywhere he wishes. But I do not believe that he will change his Somaliland position. It is just another way of advancing that project. I would be worried if I was Unionist.
  12. Johnny, The difference runs deep. Unlike the few individuals (I can actually count them with my fingers) that are holed up in the hotel rooms of Mogadishu. The ones I posted here are active and have constituency that they represent. They are on the ground doing great job, whether in Laascaanood or Buuhoolde. There is no place that is out of bounds or off limits to them. The ones that MMA posted are just mere individuals. I mean they cannot even bring two people from the clan they say they represent anywhere, either in the Diaspora or back home. I still fail to see any benefit these individuals bring to Mogadishu other than the phantom fake representation they tell themselves. They have zero affect on "Somaliland" or "Unity". In fact, they are the "last" anyone thinks about if they are talking about either "succession" or "unity". They have no platform, no constituency, no power on the ground, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just individuals filling positions that are vacant. The bright side, they are building houses in Hargeisa with the money they are raking in from Mogadishu. Easy money.
  13. The cousin of Puntland's Vice President arrives in Hargeisa. Part of plan to peacefully bring Buuhoodle under Somaliland administration.
  14. Magaaladda Hadaaftimo ee Barigga Gobolka Sanaag oo si layaableh loogu soo dhaweeyey musharaxa xisbigga talayadda haya ee Muse Biixi Cabdi.
  15. Adigu kula yaabi maayo qof waliba environmentka uu ku soo qaan-gaadhay ayuu la caqli yahay. Kolka hadii aad adigu Somaliland ka aaminsantay wax khaldan, waa environmentka aad ku soo barbaartay ayaan sax ahayn. Anigu Somaliland waxaan ka aaminsanay waa qadiyadda kali ah ee Somali ku badbaadi karto. Waa waddada loo mari karo Somali oo mar kale sumcaddeeda ku yeelata aduunka. Ninkii taa ka soo horjeeda, dan Somaliyeed ma wado. Waxaad ka dhawaajisay Somaliland afar qabiil oo isu tagay macno samaynmayso. Jawaabteedu waa Dal walba waa dadka u dhashay waxay ka dhigaan, Ama afar qabiil ha noqoto, ama hal qabiil ha noqoto, dadka rer Somaliland waa waxay dalkooda ka dhigan ayu noqona. Hadii Somaliland la barbar dhigo aduunka, dhanka baaxadda dhulka waxay ka wayntahay ugu yaraan 120 dal oo hada la aqoonsanyahay. Dhanka population waxay ka wayntahay ugu yaraan 60 dal. Kolka caqli odhanaya Djibouti waa dal madax banaan, Somaliland oo 5 jeer ka wayn, odhana isma bixin karto, waa caqli u baahan in dib isugu noqdo. Dhanka kale, awoowe, midnimo qof reer Koonfur ah inu ka hadlo waa ku "Deel Qaaf". Waa gacmo daalis. Anigu shakhsi ahaan, waxaan daneeya qofka reer Somaliland ee aaminsan (hadii uu wali jiroba...) bal inu noo cadeeyo midnimo nooce ah ayu doonaya. Ma mid ah inu damacsanyay in Somaliland ku dhex milanto kaaba-qabiilka maamul goboleedka lagu sheegay ee Somalia laga hir galiyay.. mise wax kale.
  16. ^I agree, if there is no good reason to postpone an election, then there shouldn't be a postponement. But that is not the case, the first instant of postponement was made due to technicalities. To hold elections in 2015 would mean that the credibility and fairness aspect of the election be compromised greatly. Something that cannot be underestimated since this is a hotly contested election. It took the NEC to finalise the new registration system 2016, a system which is now more credible and more advanced than certainly all of Africa if not the world. One of the only states in the world to have 100% bio-metric based registration system which brings down double-registration and ghost voters down to zero. Postponement of elections which was to be held in March this year was again due to a natural disaster. This later postponement was requested by all the 3 political parties. These postponement are not out of malice, they are based on real issues.
  17. In the Somali context, Unity is a misnomer. It was word born out of a mistake. Like all mistakes, one draws a lesson from it and swears never repeat it. The "unity" that people are looking for, which is based on "justice", "fairness", freedom and love for one another. That "unity", the path to that "Unity", runs through accepting Somaliland today and letting the future generations decide if and when they want to form that kind of "United Somali" utopia.
  18. Waxa hubaal ah, inaan sidii 1977ka uga qayb qaateen goboladda waqooyi siiba Hargeisa, aanu jirin gobol kale ama beel kale oo uga qayb qaadatay. Waxa loogu abaal guday in dhamaan saraakiishi beesha ka soo jeeday ee 1977ka ugu cadcadaa in inta saf lasoo galiyo inta garbaduub loo wada xidho dhamaan madaxa laga wada toogto. Waa dhacdooyinka ka mida sida kaaf iyo kala dheeri u tahay kuwa ku hadaaqaya "Midnimo".
  19. This is the real story about 1977 war effort from SNM clans.
  20. Waaka qamaam dhaafay hadalkii. Yarku fariinta u dirayaa waa dadkii isaga oo kale ahaa ee fikirka qabiiliga ah laga dhaadhiciyay. Waana dadka imika Hargeisa sida xad-dhaafka ah ugu soo qulqulaya. Hadii aan in yar kaaga taa-taabto, reer Sool iyo Sanaag Bari intoodi ku soo barbaartay Waqooyiga waligoodba waxay ku dhex jireen dadkooda. Laakin kuwii intii Siyad Barre xukunka la wareegay Koonfurta ku soo barbaaray ee ciyaal xaafadka Muqdisho soo ahaa, kuwa ayaa sida ugu xun qabyaaladda u madax martay. Intii 1991ka danbaysay dhalintii kacday ee uu ka midka yahay wiilka video'ga fariinta soo mariyay, waa kuwo aan fursad u helin inay dadka kala bartaan, oo qabyalaad kala qooqoobtay, fikir qabiili ah la soo kacay. Wax lala yaabo maha oo waa waaqiciga dhulkii yaalay. Laakin maanta wakhtigii waa is bedelay, dadkii horimar ayuu ku talaabsaday, dhulkii horimar ayaa lagu taamaya. Dabkii baxaya ayaa dab laga shitaa. Kolka inay ay ilaayska baxaya soo jiito oo dhalin yaro badan oo runtii firfircoon wakhtigu kaga lumo Nairobi ama Mogadishu ayagoo dhulkoodi wax u qaban kara, waa ayaan daro wayn. Fariintu halka ayay daarantay. Midnimo iyo waxan aad wali sii naawilaysid awoowe gabalkeedi waa hore ayu dumay, ka samir, qof hadii u dhinto waa laga samraa.
  21. Regardless of clan or region, one thing is a sure fact and that's every citizen is a valued member of this nation. That however doesn't mean, all need to be on board in order to move forward. No. Rather, what it means, the base of development, speed of recovery and dream to see Somaliland as a leader in the region if not Africa as a continent, can only be realised if all members are working towards the same goals. If however, as we have seen in the past 26 years, that we remain divided, then surely we will keep moving but not as quickly as we would wished we were. The days of Unionists providing an alternative to Somaliland's independence is all but over. The Federalist system in Mogadishu has been the final nail on that coffin.