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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. ^Not too sure which end that came out. Surely it doesn't make sense. The Kenyans were after A/S. Instead they indiscriminately levelled a whole village. Not even a word is heard from those who supposedly represent these poor souls.
  2. Somaliland, Somalia to begin airspace control negotiations in Ethiopia The Government of the Republic of Somaliland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia are set to begin talks regarding the future of the airspace control of both countries, Somaliland’s Minister of Aviation announced on Wednesday. Source
  3. Over 1000 polling stations allocated and named.
  4. Diktoorka, The so called Southern Somalia politicians are the ones that are getting mugged. Combined these fraud masters are raking in close to 2 million dollars of salary - just base salary. They could be earning more in other ways i.e. corruption, bribery. These are real money. It could have been better used to build schools, hospitals or even improve security for Mogadishu. Instead, it is ending up on the back pockets of fraud masters, who represent no one but their big bellies.
  5. A strong delegation from the European Union arrived in Hargeisa to check progress towards November 13th Presidential Elections.
  6. ^That is a good call from President AMM Siilaanyo.
  7. Somaliland regions used to be Sool, Sanaag, Togdheer, W,Galbeed and Awdal. Today, in order to bribe the stupid tribes with their own money, they created three times more regions (Gobolo). Togdheer districs of Sheikh, Oodweyne, Caynabo and Buuhoodle are made of new “Gobolo” to bribe the tribes. Now , The district of Oodweyne is called ” Gobolka Daad Madheedh” a one single town gobol. Caynabo is called ” Gobolka Sarar, and Buuhoodle is called Gobolka Buuhoodle. These tribes will not get one single service, but a do nothing governor will get a landcruiser and a body gurad. These small meager of money would have dug a well or other services. The Woqoyi Galbeed region with Hargeisa as the capital were Berbera, Gabiley, Cadaadley iyo Hargeisa. Now, Bebera is Saaxil region, Gabiley, just 40 km from west of Haregeisa is Gobolka Gabiley, and in the new Salaxley district, there is ” Gobolka Hawd. Hargeisa it self is called Maroodi Jeex. Can you imagine these Habro has changed two region and made them eight false regions. . They could have created counties with boundaries and taxing jurisdictions and other services, but they decided to mislead the people by telling them ” gobol baan idin siinay”. Galbeedi, I am against the creation of all of these mini-me clan regions. I am glad these were just announced and not yet added to the constitution. To change the constitution, 75% of parliament needs to agree to the amendments. No gov't has yet got that number. So these announcements are not yet constitutional and with a stroke of a pen can be null & void. On another note, what makes you think Afwayne's creation of Sool & Awdal region among other clan regions during his haydays was "Kosher"? I think for Somaliland, we should go back to the original 2 regions as inherited on 26th of June 1960. That was easier to maintain, less bureaucracy and most importantly it created high dynamic regional administration.
  8. Maakhiri, Glad you have mentioned Australia's federal form of governance. To understand the full picture of how this came about, you need to go back to colonial period and how the different colonies were formed. Australia's federation was born out of a necessity, in terms of easing people movement, trade barriers and most importantly establishing common defence as Australia was/still is a sparsely populated large body of land which is surrounded by highly populated countries like Indonesia, Japan, China etc. Colonial Australia was ruled independently by the UK as 6 distinct dominions each having a Governor that acted as head of state which was appointed by the Queen. So when the time came that the UK granted them independence, the choice was between establishing a Federal form of governance or the formation of 6 independent States. A centralist form of governance was not even considered at that time, reason being the reality of fully functioning States was already there with all the trappings of a self governance. A centralist form of governance not only would have disrupted long standing political norms, but it would not be fit for such a large body of land. One of the mostly cited point of contention when the Commonwealth was being established was the city which will host the government. Both the two largest cities Melbourne and Sydney fought tooth & nail to become the capital of the new nation. However, when there was no agreement was reached on this issue, a new Capital city was created. Canberra became the capital which is located geographically somewhere in the middle of two larger cities. Indeed this form Federal governance is very expansive to run & maintain. But it is worked so far very well. In terms of Somalia, the Federal form of Governance is a "gacan ku rimis". I don't think it is the type of governance that the majority of the people of ex-Italian Somalia would have chosen. We all wait how far Villa Somalia will go inside this rabbit hole.
  9. @Che -Guevara said: So who do you support? And who do you think will win? It is anyone's at this stage. Although official campaigning will start in 2 weeks time, yet, it seems the battle lines have been drawn between the two largest Parties Kulmiye & Waddani. It is a tough call as it stands right now. But my guess is that this could go down right to the wire.
  10. A very interesting talk back held by VOA Somali regarding Somalia's Clan Federalism. Like I mentioned previously, the upcoming conflict that will unravel the phantom government in Villa Somalia is the conflict between Centralist & Clan Federalists.
  11. Iran, Iraq, Turkey & Syria gang up on tiny Kurdistan region. Being a land locked country is a real disadvantage. Please use the sharing tools found via the email icon at the top of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at “At the request of the Iraqi central government, the Iranian airspaces have been closed on all flights that originate from Kurdistan Region,” Kayvan Kosraw, spokesman for the Iranian Supreme Security Council, was quoted as saying, according to the state-run IRNA news agency.
  12. Leaders of Waddani deliver a historic speech to minority clans.
  13. He is from the minority clans, and is the designated shadow Minister of Justice for Waddani Party., but he has a vision which I utterly support. I see a better day for Somaliland's minority clans taking a leading role in our society. A people who put down their fella citizens will never reach the potential they are capable of. We already have the female force which have over taken their men folks in terms of education, in terms of business and many other barometers of social developments.
  14. Faisal Ali Waraabe from UCID Party selects a running mate from Laascaanood. Professor Ahmed Cabdi Muse.
  15. 4,000 Voting booths arrive in Hargeisa Airport.
  16. Dood xiiso leh oo ku saabsan Program ka lagu dooranaayo xisbiga Kulmiye iyo Waddani. Waa allah mahadi maanta hadii dadkeeni ka doodaayo wixii dadka danta u ahaa, oo ka gudbeen reer hebel iyo deegaan hebel.
  17. I guess she was trying to sell that as a positive thing. I don't see any issue if Somaliland youth go to Mogadishu or anywhere else to get jobs from both Somaliland companies or International organisations. It is a positive thing that Somaliland is producing so many gratuates from its many Universities. Just last week University of Hargeisa, of which Foosiya was once a Dean, had 1500 students graduated from different faculties. So in essence, Somaliland is producing more than it can currently find jobs for. I know the gov't takes in at least 25% of those graduates, another 25% go to the local companies. So a surplus of 50% educated youth are unemployed each year. Having said that, coming back to your comment, this will not affect Somaliland at all. Somaliland is not about few people leaving to seek better lives erstwhile. Rather it is about a people's determination to take their destiny into their own hands. Since the "emotional" blackmail "Somali waa mid, Somali waa walaalo, Somali waa isku af..." has now been well and truely discredited. The Unionists like Foosiya are struggling to come up with any good reasons. So the best she could find are people movements and business community. Both of which are individual decisions. For the record, the majority of Somalilanders go to Djibouti rather than Mogadishu. Many more Djibouti citizens come to Somaliland for the vocation and family links. Again, Somaliland business community is much more active in Djibouti. Anyway, it is just shows the Unionists are on the robes waiting for a final blow.
  18. Prof. Ahmed Ismaciil Samatar introduces Kulmiye's 5 year plan.
  19. You can write down on a piece of paper all the "clauses" you want and call it a constitution. If there is no strong power to enforce it, it is not worth the paper it is written on. In the short term, What foresee is a continuation of the status-quo for sometime to come. Villa Somalia remaining weak and at the mercy of powerful clans and clan-enclaves. For the long term, as people get tired of the continuous never ending quagmire that "Federalism" brings, I see a conflict between the two opposing sides "Federalists" on the one side and the "Centralists" on the other side. Whoever wins in this final showdown, will bring a semblance of a Government which can legitimately claim representation of what used to Italian Somalia.