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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Habar fadhida legdin wax ula fudud. Anyone can easily say from the sidelines 'what if this or that..."... but once you put yourslef in the same situation, then the view changes differently. With regards to Prof. Cali Khaliif, he came to the conclusion that the odds stack against him or anyone else. And continuous the status-qua was not an option. And considering those regions are falling way behind the rest, no leader worth his salt want to gamble the future of his people for a project that will end in failure.
  2. Puntland playing the spoiler in this peaceful elections. Somaliland has already done the groundwork. The sultan of East Sanaag was in Hargeisa earlier in the month and his task is to prepare those area for peaceful elections.
  3. Dubai's DP World to develop free zone in Somaliland Dubai-based DP World announced on Monday that it will develop a greenfield economic free zone in Somaliland to complement the development of the Port of Berbera.DP World Group chairman and CEO Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem and Republic of Somaliland Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Dr Saad Ali Shire have signed an agreement for the Berbera Free Zone (BFZ).The development is based on DP World’s Jebel Ali Free Zone (Jafza) in Dubai and aims to attract investments, encourage trade, create new jobs and position Berbera as a gateway port for the region, a statement said.Under the terms of the agreement, DP World will develop BFZ in phases, with the first phase focusing on 4 square kilometres of land out of the 12.2 square kilometres earmarked for the project.Future phases will be detailed in a concept plan together with the projected capital investment required from DP World for its development. Each phase of the BFZ will start once the previous phase has achieved 85 percent occupancy, the statement said, adding that it will target a wide range of businesses including warehousing, logistics, traders, manufacturers and other related businesses.Further details of the BFZ will be concluded with Somaliland’s new government after the country’s elections scheduled next week.Bin Sulayem said: “We are excited by Somaliland’s development opportunities which has parallels with the start of our own growth in Dubai and the UAE.“We look forward to finalising the details of the Berbera Free Zone with the next government of Somaliland and look forward to our continued partnership.”The new facility will build on DP World’s existing operations at the Port of Berbera where it has achieved substantial production gains in recent months. In September, the port recorded the highest container volumes in its history with a 40 percent increase compared to September 2016.
  4. Suggestion to name Dilla - Borama Road after President AMM Silaanyo As a critic of then presidential candidate Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud (Silanyo) during the run up to the 2010 presidential election, I took note when few months after assuming the Presidency in July 2010, President Silanyo told the nation that he would pave the 20-mile Dila- Borama road in Awdal Region of Somaliland. The Hargeisa- Borama road, which is 78 miles long, was paved by the Chinese except for the Dila-Borama portion. This unpaved segment was a festering wound in the body and psyche of the residents of Awdal region. The rutted, bumpy portion, though only 20 miles long, was dreaded by the travelers as it took a toll on them and their vehicles: the time was unnecessarily longer due to the time it took negotiating with the pot holes; cost was more since more gas burned due to the longer time; and the tear and wear on the vehicles was greater than if the road was paved. President Silanyo fulfilled his promise and paved the road. The impressive thing was it was not built by a foreign power but with local resources and talent. Its impact on the lives of the people was dramatic. The travel time between Borama and Hargeisa was shortened. People and goods move faster. A doctor who lives with his family in Borama, for example, can commute to Hargeisa, see his patients the whole day and still come back in the evening to his family in Borama. Buses were imported to transport travelers between the two cities. Additionally, those who can afford bought smaller cars or sedans. For the first time, the streets of Borama are congested with all kinds of vehicles! The successful paving of the DIla-Borama road ushered a new era in infrastructure improvement in Somaliland. It inspired road constructions elsewhere in the country, the most ambitious being the 400-mile Erigave- Burao road, which is now partially completed. Few weeks ago I watched images of the ribbon cutting ceremony for the just constructed Presidential Residence in Borama. Vice President Abdurrahman Saylici was there for the ceremony. We were shown the two-floor house, fully furnished, with marble floors and stairway and a huge parking lot. This is the first time a government built such a house in Borama. And this is part of the boon in the construction of government buildings under this president. It is appropriate to honor leaders when they improve the lives of their citizens. Since President Silanyo was responsible for paving the Dila-Borama road with local resources and talent, and without foreign assistance, I’m suggesting that this roadway be named after him. This idea came to my mind a while ago, but I decided to wait till his time office is over. He taught us a lot about how much we can achieve by ourselves. I’m sure the residents of Awdal understand fully what he has done for them. I’m confident they will return that favor by naming the Dila-Borama Road, the Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud (Silanyo) Road. He has earned that recognition. Adan H Iman Los Angeles, CA Email:
  5. Xisbiga Waddani introduces new electioneering method to win more votes.
  6. Musharaha Xisbiga UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe ka dhex ololaynaya Togwachaale dhexdeeda.
  7. H.E. President AMM Silaanyo last official visit to Laascaanood before retiring.
  8. President AMM Silaanyo meets with haldoorka Qaranka iyo Business community in one of his last official meetings.
  9. Berbera
  10. Somaliland's elections is the most competitive elections in Africa. Even South Africa, one can easily tell which political party will win the next elections.. or even the next 10 elections. In Somaliland every vote is being hard fought for and cannot be guaranteed. With Kenya's elections in such shambles. Ethiopia is known to be a rigged election. Somaliland is the shining star in the Horn that can claim to have its president elected to office, in a competitive highly dynamic environment. And with the Presidential Debate done, a successful new president planned on 13th of November, Somalilanders hope a lot of doors will open including the EU/UK and AU.
  11. I beg to differ about Muse Biixi. He may have a colourful past, including playing some part in the Habar vs Habar wars, but who else didn't play a role on those clan wars? Probably not a single politician or military person at the time is clean about the Habar/Habar wars. It was essentially a political war convoluted into clan wars. Those wars and those who took part shook hands and let the past go. The only difference between Muse Biixi and others of who also took part in the Habar Habar wars, Muse Biixi is a man with a mission. I think you can listen to Prof. Samatar who summarised him perfectly. He has traits of a leader. I don't have any issues if he were to become a president. In fact, all 3 political parties are capable of leading this nation forward. Coming back to the current battle for the Presidency of Somaliland. I think Somaliland's political system is shaping up to become a small version of the US system. It is been in the making for the past 2 years, the campaigns started back in 2015 and continued all the way to today. The political parties are using every trick in the book to try and win voters away. Even going as far as "Fakenews". What you have today, is just a political Gamemanship. You have the Kulmiyes accusing the Waddani's of being pro "Unity" when in fact that is far from truth. And the Waddani's bringing out Muse Biixi's roles in those clan wars. At the end of the day, this is a tit for tat political game. All will come to a complete end after the elections takes place. And a winner is announced. Having said that, I don't know where this "Hague" thing you have comes from. If there is anyone going to Hague, there is thousand of known criminals who used the power of a "national" goverment to go and carry out a ethnic cleansing. I don't need to name them as they are all over the place. Any inter clan fighting or retaliation which took place under Siyad Barre's regime, then that Dictatorship which pitted those clans against each other and armed certain clans to do the regime's bidding, takes the complete responsibility. Besides, all the interclan fightings and issues where settled during the peace conferences. The communities took the option to let go any previous issues or gruges against one another, and opted to live in peace as neighbors and brothers. Those agreements which were reached first in Sheikh Town, then Burco Town and last in Borama, are the reasons why today's political parties are able to peacefully compete across the nation in peace without fear. And political freedom and freedom of speech is why anyone can say today at the Fagaraha Khariyadda. That is the difference. With regards to clans, unfortunately, this is an aspect of life which is built into the DNA of the Somali person. Until we have something (i.e. political party, state etc) that is strong enough to replace it and provide "identity, security and financial security, & sense of pride and belonging"... then Clans will feature a prominent role in the society. Nevertheless, I am in complete awe & surprised (in many ways smiling at) how far Somaliland has come thus far. No matter how much the politicians sledge at each other whatever including throwing deregatory terms to certain clans, the people seems to have matured and are able to absorb it without any affect. Overall, Somaliland is moving forward, the hurdles you see are a sign of progress. You won't make progress unless you have strugled through difficult choices and went through tough times that will shape the person/nation that you will become tomorrow.
  12. I beg to differ about Muse Biixi. He may have a colour past, including playing some part in the Habar vs Habar wars, but who else didn't play a role on those clan wars? Probably not a single politician or military person at the time is clean about the Habar/Habar wars. It was essentially a political war convoluted into clan wars. Those wars and those who took part shook hands and let the past go. What you have today, is just a political gamemanship. You have the Kulmiyes accusing the Waddani's of being pro "Unity" when in fact that is far from truth. And the Waddani's bringing out Muse Biixi's roles in those clan wars. At the end of the day, this is a tit for tat political game. All will come to a complete end after the elections takes place. And a winner is announced. Having said that, I don't know where this "Hague" thing you have comes from. If there is anyone going to Hague, there is thousand of known criminals who used the power of a "national" goverment to go and carry out a ethnic cleansing. I don't need to name them as they are all over the place. Any inter clan fighting or retaliation which took place under Siyad Barre's regime, then that Dictatorship which pitted those clans against each other and armed certain clans to do the regime's bidding, takes the complete responsibility. Besides, all the interclan fightings and issues where settled during the peace conferences. The communities took the option to let go any previous issues or gruges against one another, and opted to live in peace as neighbors and brothers. Those agreements which were reached first in Sheikh Town, then Burco Town and last in Borama, are the reasons why today's political parties are able to peacefully compete across the nation in peace without fear. And political freedom and freedom of speech is why anyone can say today at the Fagaraha Khariyadda. That is the difference. With regards to clans, unfortunately, this is an aspect of life which is built into the DNA of the Somali person. Until we have something (i.e. political party, state etc) that is strong enough to replace it and provide "identity, security and financial security, & sense of pride and belonging"... then Clans will feature a prominent role in the society. Nevertheless, I am in complete awe & surprised (in many ways smiling at) how far Somaliland has come thus far. No matter how much the politicians sledge at each other whatever including throwing deregatory terms to certain clans, the people seems to have matured and are able to absorb it without any affect. Overall, Somaliland is moving forward, the hurdles you see are a sign of progress. You won't make progress unless you have strugled through difficult choices and went through tough times that will shape the person/nation that you will become tomorrow.
  13. Mooge, Youtube is full crap... please don't share something if you find it distateful, it probably is to everyone else.