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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. You are so far behind. You will need at least 10 years to catch up. Nolosha cusub.
  2. From the comments that I have so far read on Facebook, and considering some of my friends lists who were staunch Somalia Unionists and reading their opinions. I have come to the conclusion a lot of people who had a baised & bigoted opinion previously have now seen the truth that Somaliland is no about two or three politicians dreaming about a country. Rather, it is about the desires of a people that have had enough of old false dreams and want to instead focus on building their country steadfastly with or without any support from outside. A lot of the comments that I have read were of the opinion that reer Somaliya need to support Somaliland's cause and let her independence. Because they know with or without Somalia, Somalilander's determinations will see them through and break that barrier.
  3. Somalida Koonfur Afrika ku nool iyo siday u arkeen Doorashooyinkii la so gaba gabeeyay ee natiijadooda la naawilaayo dhawaan.
  4. Galbeedi, I wouldn't trust any of that. There are just too many versions out there. If either NEC, KUlmiye or Waddani officially publish their versions, that is what we need to post here. All others are just heresay and full of wishful thinking. I commend all the Somaliland populour websites for not publishing these bogus and baseless numbers. The maintenance of peace & order is everyone's responsiblity.
  5. The voter card will also be used as citizen's identification card which will be used by all sorts of services like passport service, driver's license, bank account, mobile phone subscribtions etc. Eventually there will be an office in all regional capitals that will be able to provide the card on demand. The system will not accept duplicates stored on the same database.
  6. I understand the concerns. But from what I am hearing, the political parties have done their own numbers and know their own totals. There are a number of disputed results which is currently being recounted as soon as the boxes arrive in the regional capitals. From what I have heard, Sanaag, Sool, Sahel & Togdheer regions are all closed and done with. It is only Awdal and Hargeisa which have few districts in dispute. If all goes well, the result is said to be announced somewhere in the afternoon today or earlier tomorrow morning. The NEC will hold a press conference again today to clarify things.
  7. It is quiet very low. But I think it is something that Somaliland can build upon. Those who missed out are now regretting how important their voting card is in determining who leads their country. The next apportunity to register is just before the Parliamentary & Guurti elections which is scheduled for mid 2019.
  8. Galbeedi, There are some news which are saying that Waddani is doing very well in the Eastern regions & Awdal region. But still, no confirmations or concrete numbers. Therefore, it is all heresay. Anyway. this is the lame Federal Gov't spin on Somaliland's presidential elections. Waa wax lagu qoslo. If they can't say the proper deserved words, they should just keep quiet and assume nothing happenned. Anyway, it just shows how inept they are.
  9. Sheikh Maxamed Idiris oo fariin soo dhigay hambalyo iyo bogaadin ah bartiisa Facebook.
  10. Some of Somalia's Member of Parliament make comments about Somaliland's Presidential Elections.
  11. Awoowe, never worry for Somaliland. We have a method to our madness. There is no such thing as cheating going on. There are few issues here and there which is expected. But overall, things are going very transparently.
  12. The jury is out. From what I have heard, all preliminary results have arrived at the NEC HQ and cross checked with the tally that each of the Political Party maintained. Now each political Party will analyst results and if any question raise it with the NEC. For example, if a political party flags a recount for a particular station, they have that opportunity now. Only after all political parties have no more issues, will the official results announced. This can take up to 48 hours.
  13. Djibouti Representative to Somaliland commends Somaliland's election process & sends congratulations to the people & gov't of Somaliland
  14. Siilaanyo is retiring therefore Kulmiye is the new hate figure. Got it. Whether it is Kulmiye, Waddani or UCID. They will have the most credible mandate of any leader in the region. Period.
  15. There is only one source of truth. All else is just heresay. Take a spoonful of salt with it. Spoke with a family member and he said that the NEC will be holding a press conference around 10am Hargeisa time.