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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. AMM (Siilaanyo) whose gov't is in lame-duck period, has vacated the Presidential palace in preparation for handover of power ceremony on 14th of December. Close to 30 countries are invited to the ceremony.
  2. Swedish Political Party will introduce a motion in Swedish Parliament calling for diplomatic recognition of Somaliland.
  3. A visiting delegation from Djibouti arrived in Hargeisa today to pave way for an official delegation from gov't of Djibouti aimed at participating in the Presidential inauguration on 14th of December.
  4. I gotta agree with Galbeedi on this. I think Muse Bihi has a golden opportunity to reshape Somaliland for the better. One of the most urgent issues is resolving the lingering issues regarding the elections. Specially the feeling that Democracy in Somaliland is not working as well as it should be. The other major issue that needs super urgent attention is the so called "jeegaanta" consolidating most of the power in Somaliland and hence the sense of fairness and equality being tested. For the sake of addressing the last point, I think the chairman of Guurti Mr. Saleebaan Gaal or the Chairman of the Supreme Court need to vacate their posts. And in order to put trust back into the election system, It would be very wise to dismiss the chairman of the NEC and appoint a new one. Those two issue will go a long way to ease the current lingering tensions. Other issues that need to be addressed before the Parliamentary elections in 2019 is the allocation quota to the clans of Sool/Eastern Sanaag & Awdal.
  5. Beesha Jareerwayne ee ku dhaqan Somaliland oo la hadashay Reer Koonfurka.
  6. As usual Mr. One liner. Care to expand in-depth the background story, the main actors, the militia leaders, the politics, the battles, the poems, the peace makers, the shir-nabadeeds (what were the names of those peace conferences?)... etc.
  7. People are free to protest and voice their views. It is part of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. But one thing that binds everyone including the gentlemen in the video is that the peace, stabliity and progress of Somaliland is none negotiable with anyone. Because, its these mentioned attributes that allows our people to raise their family in peace without fear, to allow our kids to go to school, to allow our elderly to walk the short walk to the local mosque even at 4am in pitch dark. Without these attributes that we all share and benefit from none of us would be here debating about "elections". Instead, we would be mourning the lost of lives, the destruction of livelihoods and the despair of our people. The alternatives are just not an option. Everyone in Somaliland must understand that elections come and go, but people's life and future are lost forever. We need patience and perseverance and hopefully things will turn out just the way you want it to become and you will be victorious when your chance comes around.
  8. Somaliland's Supreme Court endorses and approves NEC declared Presidential election outcome.
  9. Conflict of interest. hahaha Dad: Aabo ii sheeke, maanta shaqadii iiga waran? Son: Aabo shaqadii walahi waa iska fiicnayd. Busy ayay aheyd. Dad: Aabo dee inaad busy iska dhigto maha, wali ma maqashay "qowda maqashii waxna ha u qaban?" Son: Aabo aan ku sheego maanta xariif ayaan iska dhigay oo duq oo tabcaan ah ayaa lacag badan ka qaatay. Dad: Hada ayaan si fiican isku fahanay, ii waran oo sheekada iiga dhac Son: Aabo arji ayu iila yimid, ana waa u yara jaakidhay. Laba maalmo ka bacday hadana waa ii yimi oo arji ayu ii waydiiyay. Duqii xaasil $19 dollar ayu is siiyay, ana waa u dhameeyay arinkiisi.. Dad: Iigu celi hadalka ma $19,000 kun ayu ku siiyay, wale inaad khatar tahay waa ogaa. Son: Maya, maya aabe, $19 dollar Dad: Ma $1,900 ayu ku siiyay? Aabe ma xuma waa iska bilow fiican. Son: Aabe hadalkayga maad fahmin, waxaan idhi $19 Dad: Ma $19 dollar? ahahaha
  10. One of the most anti-Somaliland websites, WardheerNews, publishes their editorial on Somaliland. @Barwaaqo knows someone who is not happy with WardheerNews today.
  11. Each region only had few weeks to register. Some of the reasons why the low number of registration including: 1. Rushed timeline 2. Not a very good campaign to bring people out 3. Many people didn't bother b/c they think this is just a waste of time. 4. Many people didn't register b/c of issues like migration - they belief the IRIS data could fall into EU border control. 5. Many people didn't register b/c of the process itself which is a very prolonged & time consuming. i.e. you will need to have the Aqil of your subclan verify that you are a citizen.
  12. Very strong statement by UK Parliamentarians. Absolutely rock solid support for Somaliland many issues including Recognition.
  13. BBC Somali oo dood xiiso leh ku so qaadatay Doorashaddi dhawaan la soo gaba-gabeyey.
  14. Madaxwaynaha DFS Mr. Farmaajo oo hambalyo u diray Madaxwaynaha shacabku doortay. Waxaan rajowayn ka qabna in labadda madaxwayne dardar galin doonaan sidii loo kala guran lahaa oo walaltinimo loo adkayn lahaa inaga oo labo dal oo Soomali leeday oo jaar a.
  15. Reer Jawhar oo hambalyo u so diray Madaxwayna shacabku doortay.
  16. This is just another level of political maturity. It shows that this country is on the right path. Regardless how bitter the contest is, regardless of whether someone feels cheated of victory, the overarching obligations to keep the unity, peace and progress of country and its people is what counts. Kudos to both Dr. Cirro & Pres. Elect Biihi.