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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Somali-diid? who are the Somali doon? sxb, Somalinimo iyo sheeko beralayda bari hore waa laga ilbaxay. Qalbi Dhagax ka so warayso Somalinimo. Mida kale, dadku maha kuwii lagu beerlaxaw-sanjiray beenta iyo khurafaadka. Waa ka daaleen. Wax kale ma haysa? Qof iska hadla oo dhagahiisa iyo afkiisu isla socon looma baahna. Halkan ka akhri kaadiriintii sida quraanka u aaminsanayd "Midnimoda" oo maanta calacaalaya. Ragii turuqyadda adkaa, tunkooda libaaxa ahaa ma talaabo xumo ayaa bedashay? Source: AARKA HARGEISA VERSUS ATOORKA MOGADISHU – COMPARISONS AND CONSEQUENCES
  2. The country has been broken up for a long time. Btw, the border between Somaliland & Somalia is never been disputed. It is a well demarcated and agreed international border.
  3. The city has been let down by a corrupted mayor. The current local council is said to be the worse ever. Hopefully locals have learned enough lessons and will vote for a better candidates in the next elections.
  4. Nice. Traditional weddings are now back in fashion. Didn't know a SOL member ran the blog Maandeeq. Good to know.
  5. Very unfortunate situation. But I blame on Somali regional administration for it all.
  6. Shirkan waxa laga soo saaray toddobadan qodob oo kala ah: 1. Waxaa dhamaan golaha lagu dhaariyey inay ilaashaan sirta golaha wasiirada iyo ta qarankaba. 2. In Golaha Wasiiradu ay diiwaan geliyaan dhammaan hantidooda (guurtada iyo maguurtadaba). 3. In dhammaan Golaha wasiiradu ay keenaan xogta shaqsiga ah ee sharcigu waajibiyey ee looga baahan yahay oo dhamays tiran. 4.In la qabto kulano joogta ah oo la xidhiidha qaabka wada shaqaynta iyo xoojinta shaqada ay wasiiraduhu qaranka u hayaan. 5. In dhammaan gobolada dalku ay u sinnaadaan caddaladda iyo horumarka. 6. Maadaama ay wasiiradu yihiin masuuliyiin Qaran loona igmaday xil qaran, waa inaan loo arag wasiir qolo, mid qoys iyo mid qabiil toona, sidaas darteedna ay reeban tahay in Wasiiradu ay ka qayb galaan casuumado beelaysan oo Wasiirka ay beeshiisu si gooniya ugu maamuusayo. 7. In xafladaha xilwareejinta ee mas’uuliyiinta cusubi ay kala wareegayaal mas’uuliyiinta xukuumaddii hore ay reeban tahay in lagu qabto meel ka baxsan xarumaha dawladda.
  7. Indeed, it seems corridor puzzle is just coming together now. One of the other game changer infrastructure links is the energy interconnection, whereby Somaliland will tap into Ethiopia's hydro-electric power in order to make electricity widely available and cheap. At the moment, electricity in Somaliland is one of the most expensive in Africa at around USD 0.80 cents /KWh. More on this, BBC Somali Waraysi Dib-u-dhiska wadada Berbera ilaa Wajaale oo laga wadahadlay
  8. Galbeedi, I do not believe this is a case of lack of confidence. It is in fact a case of incompatible people.
  9. It was a strategy of Kulmiye's to get votes back from Waddani. That strategy may have won MBC the seat, but it has ended the career of many former Ministers who are now the laughingstock at the goobaha buulshadda ee Somaliland.
  10. Yoocadda is a symbolic tree which marks the border of British Somaliland and Ex-Italian Somalia. It is around 5km West of Garowe.
  11. I think the due recognition has not been given to Mudane Cirro. He was up against 3 formidable opponents. Of which included a seating President AMM Siilaanyo and his team of ministers, a determined candidate MBC and a formidable orator Faisal Ali Waraabe. Combined with the power of a seating government and powerful business community, I think Waddani has done a very good job in their first shot at the President's seat.
  12. New cabinet announced. Missing from the list are Prof. Samatar, Dr. Jamal Cali Hussein.