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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. For Camay, if Garowe falls, it is akin to Qamaam Bulxan's famous poem "Waa wada qabnaa Daawasho iyo ceeb". Therefore, he doesn't care whether or not Garoowe comes under attack. However, the buck stops with Gaas. He is the one who understands the gravity of the situation. He understands the economic conditions of his enclave and the fact that he won't be able to sustain a war that will surely engulf many fronts. Right. Somaliland army is building a permanent base on Boocame town, which falls lets than 30km from Garowe on the southern side.
  2. Rodo Abukar Hassan seems to be everywhere on the Minnesota court system.
  3. Why would she come to Somaliland when she is aware of the laws? She braved it and now waa inay xabsiga liinta ku cabto. Give her 2 years minimum.
  4. This is just hearsay. But we know and are aware of the situation on the Puntland side where things are more akin to "Fawdo" iyo "Kala danbayn la'aan". It seems Gaas is sticking to his position of not engaging Somaliland forces, whereas the VP Camay feels insulted after gathering his clan melitia and promising that Puntland was behind them only to found out Puntland has pulled out. For Puntland the calculations are dire. Take the lost of Tuka-raq on the chin or lose your capital city Garoowe to Somaliland forces. Mr. Gaas made a wise decision.
  5. From what I am reading, the Professor had very fruitful meeting with El-Presidente MBC before he left Hargeisa. I don't see any reason to think that the Professor has changed his views. The Professor wants to see a united, peaceful, just and prosperous Somaliland. And to that aim, I also want to see that kind of Somaliland. We will keep this thread alive.
  6. Alahaw nimaan wax ogayn ha cadaabin. Galbeedi ma sidaad jeceshay mise siday tahay. Sidaad jeceshay waad noo sheegtay. Laakin sida waaqica runtu tay waa mid aan adiga kaa farxinahayn oo murugo kuu siyaadin doonta. You can twist your twisted brain anyway you like including trying to involve Ethiopia into the mix. But the truth remains, Somaliland took this action in retaliation for 1. SFG Minister who trespassed into Somaliland borders 2. To send a signal to Farmaajo that he shouldn't even think about crossing the border which was originally part of his plan to meet some elders inside Sool region (Buuro Wadal). The meeting with Farmaajo was held in Garoowe instead after Somaliland's operations. Imika iyo xaal, Ciidanka Qaranku amar waxa lagu siiyay inay fadhiisinta ay joogaan hada hore uga kicin. Laakin hadii wax daandaansi ah kaga yimaado dhanka Puntland, waxay fasax u haystaan inay ilaa xadka tagaan. Hadii Mamulka Puntland joogsan waayo, waxay ka gudbi doonaan xadka oo Garoowe ayaa la isugu tagi doona. Wax walba hada waxay ku xidhanyiin Maamulka Puntland weerar ma soo qaadaya? Jawaabtu waa maya. Halka ay hada joogaan ayay guul u tahay.
  7. There is news from Garoowe that Gaas opted for peace. Garoowe is too important to become a target. For now, the status-quo will remain as is for sometime until Puntland/VillaSomalia provoke Somaliland again.
  8. The technology is world class. However, implementation and operational issues can hinder its 100% effectiveness. For one thing thought, each record in the database will be unique. If it doesn't fix 100% issues related to ghost workers and double-payment recipients, then at least it will make it harder.
  9. Absolutely right. The average Faarah cares less about clanism these days. There are just too much other priorities besides clanism. By delivering basic needs i.e. peace, development, health care, food aid, water, schools etc... Somaliland takes away the fuel that could push someone to take arms against it.
  10. I found his opinion in line with reality on the ground. The only people who are dreaming about creating clan based borders which no one knows exactly where it goes or how it will be managed. As the Somali nomads' clan borders are like elastic band either shrink or expand depending on season. Anyway, the reality will hit these people hard on the face soon. Somaliland will deal with Puntland very harshly this time. Whether Puntland wants to turn into clan or no clan, it really doesn't matter. The issue is about borders and the only border that will exist at the end of the day is the Somalia/Somaliland border.
  11. Labadda jufo ee isku abti iyo seedi ah, ilaahay waxa san ha garansiiyo. Amin.
  12. Galbeedi needs to seek new sources for information, as his latest read is full of innuendos and factual errors. I will leave it at that. Hopefully a number of events that are to take place in the next month or two will help Galbeedi re-align the campus and get the better signal of the goings on in Somaliland. Hopefully.
  13. My bad. In terms of support, Puntland has the least support from those regions. Cali Khaliif indeed has very good grass-roots support. There are a lot of people who are in theory supportive of the Professor but are waiting for concrete results i.e. after the so called opening up of the constitution and redefining relationships between regions and powers sharing.
  14. It oozes a photo-op moment. Indeed it shows the lighter side of the President. And yes, he is very fit for his age. In an interview during the campaign trail, he mentioned that he eats traditional foods and avoids western ones.
  15. The Laaska clan needs someone who as determined as Professor to achieve things for them. For too long a small but load group were playing games with the future and development of those regions. The silent majority supports the Professor.
  16. All out war from Puntland side. Just a business as usual from Somaliland side. Puntland needs a substantial force around 10,000 men and 100s of equipment just to keep Somaliland's advance on hold. With a big force also comes with huge cost in terms of salary, food, shelter, fuel and ammunitions. Right now it seem Puntland is enmassing a lot of men who have no joint experience some include a huge number of those who answered the call to defend on clannish grounds (volunteers). The volunteers will go back to their families after 3 to 6 months when the "new normal" becomes normal following the classical psychology's emotional graph. For Somaliland this is not an issue. It already maintains a huge army and this small skirmishes is just a way to keep this huge army busy. It will wait until the volunteers go home and Puntland moves around its men to other more pressing issues like Alshabaab or Galkayo etc... or even riots occur inside Puntland cities in relation to unpaid salaries etc. After which Somaliland will again push another surprise attack towards Garoowe and the situation will be once again repeat. In this conventional war, economics is the differentiator between Somaliland & Puntland.
  17. Galbeedi, You are reading too much into Jeegaanta. Like its predecessor coalition "Maryo Allolism" - this periodic interest based political grouping will whither. But one thing will remain consistent and that is Somaliland and its progress. Maakhiri, That is correct. There has been knowledge transfer over the years along with consistent budget which has always been paid on time. The biggest change to the Army actually took place under Dahir Rayaale Kahin. And under Silaanyo, the army rankings were established. It is a work in progress but in the right direction.
  18. Wuxu qiray in Ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland yahay ciidan dhisan oo ka madax banaan qabyaalad iyo qolo qolo. Waana ciidanka kali ah ee intii burburkii Somalia ka dib sidan oo kale u habaysan.