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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. munaafiqs are everywhere. Unlike them, our positions are as clear as a daylight. One day they throw crocodile tears for Somali Nationalism, then next day they are handing over Somalia's citizens to Ethiopia.
  2. Newlyweds Universal TV's Hargeisa correspondent Hamda Xaji Oktober & her husband Nasir Cadceed (Reer Puntland) on Naceema's detention. As usual, Somalia's "empty-bottles" online community made a lot of noise regarding the couple's comments.
  3. Wrong. One can have any religion or Pro-Union political view as an individual. But they cannot promote or share that with the wider population. Exactly the same way as the now abolished "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy of the US army regarding Homosexual members of the Army. This political policy will also be abolished when the time is right i.e. there is a political settlement between Hargeisa & Mogadishu.
  4. If this was happening in any other country, it would have been on national headline and daily conversations.
  5. Two quotations from the same post. In order for people to unite, they need to have faith and trust in each other. Even a marriage between a man and his future wife cannot be successful unless there is something that unites them and faith & trust in each other is foundation for that success. There is no such thing as far as Hargeisa and Mogadishu are concerned. We have gambled once and we have been bitten bitterly. A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole. While other Somalis are on a 40 year wandering on the wilderness and chaos, Somalilanders have, despite a lot of obstacles (including Galbeed's like), achieved good things. It is a prove that we are on the right track.
  6. Give me a one good example of a Somali Unionist? I know of opportunists-cam-nationalists. Anyway, Coldoon is not a politician he isa humanitarian and should focus his energy in helping people in need. That is what he is good at. And for Naceema, she needs to choose between a life in exile or a normal life with her loved ones and her people. That is the choice. Once again, the people of Somaliland do not need unnecessary debates about something that is foregone conclusion. However, there is room for debates for all the other social ills and issues that matter to the lives and people of Somaliland.
  7. That is the real Coldoon. Hadii aad shalay "waa runtii, waa runtii, waa runtii" lahayd, maanta oo u laqimay runta maxaa dad badan ka qaylisiiyay? Dad badan runta ayay iska diidan in loo sheego. Nafta ayaa beenta lagu maaweeliya kolka dad badan aya hadalka Coldoon ka xanaaqay.
  8. Boowe, get used to the new reality on the ground. Its highly unlikely for Puntland to try to recover the newly lost territories of Tukaraq area. Clan melitia may exist but they will not pose any threat to the Somaliland army. They may do a desperate throws here and there much the same way as they done after Somaliland tookover Lascanod. That is about it. One takeaway from this whole thing in Tukaraq is that both Puntland & Villa Somalia will think twice before trespassing into Somaliland territories. With regards to Kenya, I wouldn't belittle their resolve.
  9. If I were you, I wouldn't place too much into this. At the end of the day nothing will happen. This is not Koonfurta Somalia dadku iska daba cararaan shakhsi or indivitual. Reer Somaliland may voice their dissatisfaction vehemently but they know where the red line that no one crosses. Everything you hear and see today will only have the affect at the end of day to make Somaliland stronger and move towards the right direction.
  10. I love the source for your news. It puts to shame Xidigtii Oktober which was reporting at the height of 1988 conflict that Hargeisa and Burco were having a such a lovely football match in the bomb-ridden Hargeisa stadium.
  11. You think so? It is already causing a lot of problems for a lot of people but more as time goes. Eventually will complete cut families on either side of the border much like Israel's Palestinian wall. I do not think the issue between Somaliland and Somalia will have the same kind of problems for the nomads. In fact, Somaliland will be the first to insure free movement of peoples and livestock since both regions relay on rain which can affect the migration of nomads on both sides. With regards to engulfing the entire region into all out war. If Puntland wants to turn this into clan war, let it be. But Somaliland is not about clans, it is a national army that will be engaging anything that attempts to start trouble.
  12. Cabdimalik Muse Coldoon oo kolkii u runta soo taabtay hada qoraal ka soo saaray Naceema Qorane. Midnimo Somaliyeed maha Hargeisa iyo Mogadishu. Qofkii Doonaya midnimio kolka hore ha ka bilaabo Djibouti iyo Mogadishu. Hargeisa waa ku xigi doonta kolka taa la helo. Laakin inta khiyaali iyo sheeko caruureed lagu jiro, wax is bedalaya jiri maayo.
  13. They are planning up to 400 km of this type of wall. I do not think this can stop anyone who is willing to do harm like Alshabab. But it will definitely stop the nomads at their tracks.
  14. Our friends from Somalia will go leaps and bounds wasting a lot of their time on local issues like Naceema Qorane, while they pull an ostrich like on real issues like Kenya's border operations in Gedo and Jubba-Hoose regions.
  15. My good ole friend Galbeedi, This reminds of a story I heard some time ago when attending a funeral from relatives of the deceased. It is said people who are bed ridden with terminal disease just days before they are about to die, they somehow miraculously gain a lot of strength. And to the loved ones surrounding that person this gives them a lot of hope that at very long last their loved one is gaining momentum and maybe getting healthier. But things take a bad turn quickly dashing all the hope and it is all over. I see this all of a sudden awakening of the Unionists on the back of "Jeegaanta" bandwagon as nothing more than "noolaatay naftii naxashka saarnayd" So my old friends, while it lasts, enjoy.
  16. Shaydaan Macruuf, cayda jooji. Cuuc iyo caac toona soo dayn karimayso ee iska naso. Tan yar mijo caseeye ayay ka soo laacaysa mudo. Kolka la so edbiyo ayadaa deedna garandoonta halkay dan moodayso.
  17. Dawladda aan ku dhawaaqay ana 2 minutes ago... I am the President of Neverneverland, I am also Jack of all ministers.
  18. Rodo Puntlander waa belo. Lug iyo Gacan baan u taagay.
  19. Since this whole Unity thing is not going to fly. It is more like unwanted ear pollution than anything else.