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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. He doesn't know it but Bay iyo Bakool have long been annexed by the Ethiopians. Quote me 20 years from now and Ethiopian Soldiers will still be calling the shots there.
  2. Sure the TPLF without their grandmaster Meles Zenawi is more vulnerable in the face of resurgent Amhara and Oromo block. However, they still have a firm grip on the country both in terms of military and economy. Both Amhara and Oromo would not pose a clear present danger - perhaps at most a present nuisance more than anything else. TPLF have always sided with Somalis. I remember back in 1990s when I used to reside in Addis Abeba, a Somali had more rights and protection than an Oromo or Amhara in Addis Abeba. And in the political sphere the alliance was always there. This Oromo vs Somali is a manufactured conflict which may have one of its goals to send a wrong signal that Somalis need to unite against an imaginary threat. Which itself may have the knockon effect of persuading gullible ONLF leaders to think that this may be a chance. Anyway, the only thing that is changing right now is that the ONLF will lay down arms and assimilate into the regional Somali politics. I am not too sure how far they will get since Abdi Ilay seems to want to remain the de-facto blessed ruler there for the foreseeable future.
  3. This is going directly to the SDF which is directly accessed by the Somaliland Gov't.
  4. Qatar is paying top dollars and citizenship/PR. It is a very tempting deal for anyone including those who may already have jobs in Hargeisa or Mogadishu or anywhere else. Which is why not only Somalis from Somaliland but also from Somalia and Djibouti are going there. I have heard a total of 4500 Somalis were taken of which around 1500 are going from Somaliland. Qatar has also offered the same deals with Sudan, Egyptian, Palestinian, Afghanistan, Bangalesh and Pakistan, Eritreans and many more nationalities are enrolling.
  5. Ok, the agreement has not yet been officially signed but more or less it is a done deal. Gabre has this in the bag.
  6. ONLF Delegation include: 1.Abdirahman Mahdi (Arimaha Dibada) 2.Ahmed Yasin Dhiraane 3.Cibaado Hirsi Mahad 4.Sulub Abdi Ahmed Ethiopia Federal and Regional Delegation include: Gen. Gabre Somali Regional President Abdi Ilay
  7. In an agreement signed today between ONLF representatives and Ethiopia Federal Gov't, the ONLF organisation will surrender and become part of the political framework of the Ethiopian Somali region. @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaarwas asking where was Gen. Gabre, look no further.
  8. The Professor has a very good handle of the Somali language. He could talk for hours on end without repeating himself or his points. Ilaahay balaaqo ayu u siiyay sida loo hadlo. He masterfully delivered the message without crossing the "Xaal" red line.
  9. Galbeedi... Galbeedi's desperation shows no boundaries. Like the rest of his hopeless Unionists, waagii ayaa ku cadaaday.
  10. Bosaso merchant listed in U.S. sanctions for supporting ISIS Mogadishu (HOL) - In a bid to cut off the flow of funds to ISIS, the United States has announced fresh sanctions against three individuals and three companies, including a Somali national, for allegedly providing material support to the militant group. The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in a statement, said that it has imposed sanctions on Mohamed Mire Ali Yusuf and his companies Liibaan Trading and Al Mutafaq Commerical Company for his part in the global financial network. Yusuf and his companies have been listed as Specially Designated Global Terrorists. "Mohamed Mire Ali Yusuf (Mire Ali) was designated for assisting in, sponsoring, or providing financial, material, or technological support for, or financial or other services to or in support of, ISIS," the statement reads. The U.S. Treasury alleges that Mire Ali is an ISIS-aligned financial operative who provided funds to Abdulqadir Mumin (Mumin), the leader of the Islamic State in Somalia through his livestock trading business which served as a front for ISIS in the Bari region. Mumin has been under U.S. sanctions for his role in the Islamic State since August 2016. Also listed in this sanction list are Yunus Emre Sakarya and his Turkey-based firm Profesyoneller Elektronik, and Abdulpatta Escalon Abubakar (Abubakar). Sakarya's business is alleged to have been involved in the procurement of drone components for ISIS since at least 2015. Abubakar is said to have been a financial operative for ISIS and it's network in the Philippines. He was arrested in late September 2017 by Filipino authorities as he was travelling from the Gulf to the Philippines. The sanctions prohibit U.S citizens and companies from engaging in transactions with them. The U.S. says that the decision is to disrupt or stop the flow of funds to the militant group.
  11. There are news that the talks have been relocated from Turkey to Djibouti and are expected to start as early as next month. Djibouti is MBC's den. The Cheeseman ilaahay ha u sahlo.
  12. Reer East Sanaag have been missing out all the news coverage that East Sool is getting these days. With all the development work in the pipe line, I sure too would be making all efforts to get noticed. The boys will be coming soon, its a promise.
  13. Maraykanka oo Cunaqabatayn Saaray Shirkado Laga Leeyahay Puntland+XOG Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa jimcihi maanta sheegtay in ay cuna-qabateyn ku soo rogtay saddex qof iyo saddex shirkadood oo ka hawlgala,Philippines,Turkey iyo Soomaaliya,kuwaasoo lagu eedeeyay in ay tageeraan mintidiinta Daacish Source
  14. Actually this time, he has no choice. A number of powerful nations including the members of the EU & UK are seriously following this new round of talks. It is going to be a very tough choice for Mr. Cheeseman to walk away from the table without consequences. The choices are very clear. Ninka waxa jooga garan waayay waxa soo socda waxba lagama waydiiyo. The Unionist resident Mr. Galbeedi gudcur ayu indhaha kala haya - waar indhahaaga yaan wax duulaya kaa galine iska xidho kolay waxba arkimayside.
  15. Good on you. You can also protest in front of Donald Trump's Whitehouse to get your message a wider coverage. Do not forget to report back of your successes. Good luck.
  16. Diktoore Oodweine, Duqa Galbeedi wuxu u xuubsiibtay Salaax 2.0 - the only difference is that Galbeedi is sophisticated in the way he delivers basically the same content. They both share the same traits - wishful thinking, fetish obsession with East Burco & Gabiley clans (Instead of saying Masha allah for the supposed business successes of the two clans) and last but not least cheap news.
  17. Saalax, We expect that you will be covering Mustafe Martin's news here very well. Do not disappoint the believers.
  18. Mr. Cheeseman is a man who lacks confidence. His previous public addresses such as the one on Jun 26 and July 1st were nothign more than a junior level "Oral Presentation" i.e. someone who has just copied text from a source and doesn't know how to coherently and fluently connect points without sounding like a robot. Therefore it is understable that Mr. Cheeseman has phobia of type when it comes to facing the media with direct unplanned questions. Aside from the the obvious lack of confidence, he is also a coward. He can't face real questions. He couldn't explain as the head of state the issue related to Qalbi-Dhagax. He handballed it to the Parliament. It is clearly visible the buck doesn't stop at his desk (read the Ethio embassy at Villa Somalia has a lot of clout over this) This Q/A session comes across as dull, uninteresting and pre-prepared answered.
  19. Hargeisa is a big city and over 20 years of uninterrupted absolute peace and development. It surely has attracted a lot of migrants both economic migrants and those who are seeking a safe heaven for the kids. I know for instant high profile Southern politicians and business people have built houses and business in Hargeisa. In fact, Yusuf Garad's family resides in Hargeisa for a long time now. I\It is most likely an old Xamar resident returning to their original place.
  20. This year specially will be a year laad caloosha loogala dhacaayo Unionists. Canbuuladi iyo Ugaalidii Lafoole ka so cuneen ayaa laga matajinaya sanadkan 2018.