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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This comes after SRSG Keating's assessment last month of the dismall state of Cheeseman's dwindling political capital. The phony Cheeseman is exposed for what he really is. He hasn't recovered for 6 months since Qalbi-dhagax case blew up his "Somalinimo" card. It is downhill from here to a slow-mo train wreck.
  2. Afwayne oo nigis yar oo Talyaani u galiyay wali gashan.
  3. Kol hadii @Gooni ku faraxsanyay inu Ethiopia ka so galo Buuhoodleh oo aanu maanta gobolka Sool dhex mari karin, wuxu ku hadlaayo ee kale waa qof naftiisa ku qancinaya sheeko baralay.
  4. Since the crime was committed in Gaalkaio, not too sure if Somaliland can try the man, who remains in custody. Or whether the man and the case can be transfered to a court that has jurisdiction over Gaalkayo town.
  5. abti, Feberaayo, 24, 2018 (HOL) – Gabadh yar oo sagaal jir ah ayaa u geeriyooday kufsi uu ku sameeyey ninkii qabay hooyadeed. Gabadhan yar ayaa magaceeda la odhan jirey Xaleemo Cabdisaaq Salaad, waxaana falkani ka dhacay magaaladda Gaalkacyo ka dib markii ay inanta yar aad u xanuunsatay ayaa loola soo cararay cisbitaalka Burco, kaasi oo cadeeyey in gabadha yari kufsi u geeriyootay. Badhasaab ku xigeenka gobolka Togdheer, Eheladda dhashay Inanta yar iyo hooyadeed ayaa ka hadlay dhacdadan naxdinta leh ee loo gaystay inantan yar ee sagaal jirka ah, waxaana muddo laba iyo toban cisho maydkeeddu yaalla cisbitaalka oo lala sugayey eheladoodii oo ka imanayey Muqdisho. Eheladdda inantan yar ayaa sheegay inay ka yimadeen magaladda Muqdisho, waxaanay sheegeen in inantaasi yar uu kufsaday ninkii hooyadeed qabay, kaas oo hadda ku jira xabsiga dhexe ee magaalada Burco. “16,2,2018 ayaa dhacdo fool xun la noo soo sheegay, waxaanu ka nimid Muqdisho, waxaana Burco u nimid inantaasi yar ee aanu ehelka nahay oo 12 cisho maydkeedu ku jiro qaboojiyaha cisbitaalka, waxaana xukuumada Somaliland ka codsanayna in inantar na loo aaso oo sharciga la hor geeyo cidii falkaasi samaysay”ayuu yidhi oday sheegay inuu inanta yar adeer yahay. Gabadha uu qabay ninkan kufsiga loo haysto ee Fadxiya Maxamed Salaad oo gabadhan geeriyootay dhashay ayaa sheegtay in dhakhaatiirtu u cadaysay inay kufsi u geeriyooday, waxaanay tidhi “ waxaan cadaynaya in aan gabadha aan dhalay ku geeriyooday Burco, gabadhaasi oo aan u keenay kaadida oo haysa, dhakhtarku wuxuu cadeeyey in kufsi ku yaallo, dawlada Somaliland waxaan ka codsanayaa in falkaasi cidii gaysatay talaabo sharci ka qaadaan.” Badhasaab ku xigeenka gobolka Togdheer Maxamed Diiriye Xayd ayaa sharaxay waxa uu ka og yahay dhacdadan naxdinta leh, waxaanu yidhi “Mucsji aynaan maqal oo dunida maqalkeedu ku yar yahay ayey niman la soo galeen Burco oo nin Kaalkacyo ka yimid uu kufsi ku sameeyey inan yar oo uu hooyadeed qabo, inantoo sakaarad ah oo uu maydkeeda soo fogaynayo ayuu keenay Burco, dhakhtarkii wuxuu ogaaday in kufsi iyo garaacis la iskugu daray ay sabab u ahayd xanuunkeedda, dhakhaatiirtay way ku amreen in inanta yar cidii dhashay ay keenaan, ninkii kufsiga loo haystay intuu nootaayo soo qortay buu yidhi aniga inanta dhallay, dhakhaatiirtii way ku qanci waayeen inuu inantaasi dhallay, arrintaasi sidaas ayey ku fashilintay waxaana imika inanta kiiskeeda gacanta ku haya C.I.D iyo dhakhaatiirta, maydkeena mudadaasi ayuu yaallaa, inankii kufsiga loo haystay wuu xidhan yahay, Gabadha inanta dhashay waxay tidhi inantan yar nin kale ayaan u dhalay gabadha lafteeda dhaawacyo ayuu u gaystay marka arrintaasi maxkamada ku jirta” Badhasaab ku xigeenku waxa uu sheegay in arrinta ninka xidhan loo haysta tahay fal uu Kaalkacyo ku soo sameeey iyo been abuur uu sameeyey oo uu sheegtay inuu inanta yar isagu dhallay si uu si fudud iskaga aaso. Barkhad-ladiif M. Cumar, Hiiraan Online
  6. Adding insults to injury. Libaax dheh. Hadaan sida loola dhaqmin kaama xishoonayaan. Waa looma ooyaan.
  7. I guess addressing the most immediate danger facing the people was the primary focus. You have to remember, taking arms against the dictatorship was a not a choice, it was a forced necessity. Hence, the independence causes would have been a distraction rather than a help to the effort to remove the dictator from power.
  8. I do not believe any gov't be those of Sheikh Sherif, HSM or the current Mr. Cheeseman has any choice regarding these regions. The powers that be will not allow Villa Somalia to interfere in Somaliland's backyard. Rather the powers that be, are interested in a negotiated settlement of the issue between Hargeisa and Mogadishu with particular regard Sool & Sanaag being an integral part and parcel of Hargeisa' sphere of influence.
  9. Newly added parts. 6. The Rebirth of Somaliland: The SNM Liberation Struggle And Tactical Operations 7. The Rebirth of Somaliland: Operation Birjeex (SNM Rescue Unit) 8. The Rebirth of Somaliland: The Epoch Of Military Dictatorship And The Repression Of The North
  10. The SNM had no official position on the issue of independence. However, there were obviously the believe that the 1960s Union was not fair and needed to be reviewed. Any hope for revival of the 1960s union was dashed when, shortly after the overthrow of the dictator, the Mogadishu leaders declared their own government without consulting or involvment of the SNM leaders. Mogadishu folks were more interested in looting and pillaging the state organs rather than help revive the country from the brinks. That was the straw that broke any hope of a Unity's back. And as they say the rest is history.
  11. Prof. Cali Khaliif ayaa ka hadlay arinka wuxu yidhi shuruudda kowaad waa in maamulka MJ-teeniya Dastuurkiisa ka saaro sheegashada Sool & Sanaag oo si official ah ha uga taanaasulaan caalamka ha u sheegaan. Kol hadi sida Maamulka MJteeniya ku dhaqaaqo, waxay u sahlaysa Somaliland in si fudud ugu fido dhamaan deegaamada faro ku tiriska ah ee ku si hadhay gacanta MJteeniya. Waa laba daran mid dooro. meel aad u xun ayay siyaasad ahaan ka maraysa, waana la so koobay fursadaha u banaan maamulka MJteeniya. Odayga maxaa Garoowe ka qabsaday wuu qarsanayaa. Garaad Saleebaan nin si ka xun loo bahdliay wali maan arag.
  12. @Gooni, Hadi sidaa aad sheegtay ay tahay, maxaa oday dhaqameedka cumaamadda boodhka ugaga tuuraysaan oo kolba u hiyi beenaad kicinaysaan? Dhul ayaan idin xoraynaynaa, tolka wa isku habar TV'ga hor fadhiiso oo ka hantaatac iyo dhiig Soomaaliyeed ayaan spare garaynaya, labadaas waa is qaban la'dahay. Awoowe, daawasho iyo ceeb Soomaali oo dhan waa wada aragta, take it on the chin and move on.
  13. Holac, Can you tell us what is the deal between Villa Somalia and the Turkish company that manages Mogadishu Port? Any idea what the ins and outs of that agreement look like?
  14. Halkii laga hadlay iyo waaka qamaam dhaafay hadalkii... Awoowe, we know things are tough and things are crazy down there. But I am onto, when Dabacasayr was detained in Hargeisa the level of brouhaha - even contacting Nairobi based Embassies ... social media. The same when Naciima Qorane was put behind bars. Now, when the Ugandans without a shadow of a doubt put down like dogs Somalia's soldiers, there is mute! I know the folks from Puntland have a fetish with regards to anything in Somaliland, but I would assumed at least showing disgust and anger at the death of two low paid soldiers making honest living by a foreign occupying force. At very least.
  15. The folks like @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaarand his likes would crawl out of their holes for Naceema Qorane, a girl who is in her own city with her own people and her own land. But they will go mute on when their soldiers are killed like a cockroach by AMISOM occupying forces.
  16. Absolutely, there are a lot of world powers that are literally sitting on the doors waiting to get in as soon as Somaliland gets its well deserved position among the nations of world. First of the rank that will move its military facilities are the British and Americans. The Americans can't stand the Chinese next door, and especially as Djibouti's IOG cozy up further with the Chinese both in terms of economic integration and military, the Americans will find themselves feeling like a sore thumb. Anyway, I was reading the part about the 1960s Union. And it says in the agreement of the 1960s Union ( source ). The name of the United Republic will be "Somali Republic". This was the case until the military take over 1969, when the dictator changed it to "Somalia". I believe that change itself nullified that Union altogether.
  17. Do not believe @galbeedicantrabaqash (My sources told me fairy tales). Like the Djibouti Minister stipulated, the issues between DP World and Djibouti was going for the last 6 years and the root causes are the fact that the agreement. 1. Gives DP World controlling votes 2. The Agreement bans Djibouti from building any other multipurpose port anywhere in the country for the duration of the contract. It is the these two points that Djibouti wants to review and amend. However, what prompted Djibouti to take the drastic actions of kicking out DP World and nullyfing the contracts it signed is related to DP World's plans for Berbera Port. Not only is DP World establishing a world class port facility in Berbera but also the fact that UAE is building other infrastructures that will help towards Berbera Port assuming a good share of the cargo trade from Ethiopia.
  18. Founding fathers of the Somaliland National Movement (SNM) - the formation of an armed movement for the sole purpose of overthrowing long time Somali dictator by military means. 1. The Rebirth of Somaliland: History of Somaliland 2. The Rebirth of Somaliland: The Process Of The Union And The Act Of Union 3. The Rebirth of Somaliland: Northern Mistrusts And Discontents: Origins And Emergence Of Early Signs 4. The Rebirth of Somaliland: The 1961 Aborted Military Coup 5. The Rebirth of Somaliland: The Formation Of The SNM And Liberation Struggle