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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. @Salaax @Tillamookand other Puntlanders want to take the forum to a new low. But they forgot, people living glass houses should not throw dirt. Walaahi dirt ayaa la so faqi oo forumka waa lagu kala yaaci hadii ay joojin waayaan dumarka sawirkooda lagu ciyaarayo. @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar shaqo badan ayaa ku sugaysa sxb.
  2. Puntland Ciidamo ka gadoodsan Mushahar la,aan oo la wareegay xarunta Wasaaradda Maaliyada iyo Bankiga.. Ciidamo ka mid ah kuwa Birmadka Puntland ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay la wareegeen xarunta Bankiga Magaalada Qardho iyo Xarunta Wasaaradda Maaliyadda ee Magaaladaasi. Ciidamadan ayaa ka gadoodsan arrimo la xiriira Mushaaraad dhawr bil ka maqnaa, waxayna ugu dambeyn maanta galeen xarumaha Maaliyadda Magaalada Qardho. Shaqaalihii ku sugnaa xarumahan ayaa waxa ay ku amreen inay ka baxaan goobtaasi si nabadgelyo ah, waxaana intaasi kadib goobahan la wareegay ciidamada gadoodsan. Saraakiil ka tirsan Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Puntland oo guda galay xalka arrintaan ayaa Saraakiisha ciidamada hoggaaminaysay waxa ay u sheegeen qayb ka mid ah Mushaarka ciidanka in la siinaayo. Laakiin Saraakiisha ciidamada hoggaaminaysay ayaa iska diiday qayb ka mid ah Mushaarka ciidamada inay qaataan, waxaana ay u sheegeen masuuliyiinta Wasaaradda Maaliyadda inay doonayaan ciidamada mushaaraadkii ka maqnaa oo dhan in la wada siiyo. Short URL:
  3. What is MMS listening to now.... ♪♫♬ Lets talk about all the good things and bad things... lets talk about.... Bom oo hadana Bom... ♪♫♬
  4. Sxb, I have been around these forums for too long to realise when to destroy someone with facts and --wax-kale-oo-ilaahay-ogyahay. You are not worth it. Bom oo hadana Bom...
  5. This is what you are greeted with as soon as you step out of the Airline in Baidoba. The Ethiopians freed the city from Hussein Aided's SNA melitia in 1997. Ever since Bay & Bakool were defacto Ethiopian territory.
  6. That is the secret source. The vanguards of Somali race are always thinking outside the box. Usually, it takes 10 years for the rest of Somalis to figure out the calculus that is being applied here.
  7. Ilaahay amarkii Tillamook you remind me of MMS oo Duriyadda ku tufaysa. Bom oo hadana Bom... Maalmahan musheekhtii Somaliyeed oo dhan ayaa ka dacwoonaysa. Warka ila gaadh hee, maxa culumadii ka qaylisiiyay?
  8. Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa laga hayaa "In gudhuu iyo Bantu ka hadasho danaha dadkeena, waa khaladkii 1960kii dhacay ee la saxaayo." I concur with the Gaadh-haya Qaranka Mudane Faysal Cali. When laga roone maanta Bay iyo Bakool Xabashi ku naageeyey, inu Berbera ka hadlo. Waa khaladaadkii 1960kii dhacay. Waana la saxaya. Taa ku abshir.
  9. ^^Bom oo hadana Bom... Bootada raqiiska waa lagu yiqiin tolka.
  10. Don't hate the hand that feeds you. You should be thankful for their handouts.
  11. @Tillamook Qoraalkaaga waxa ka dhiman kali ah inaad "Bom oo hadana Bom" ku dartid. If you know what I mean.
  12. I was looking forward to hearing what Faysal had to say since he spent a good amount of time in those regions near Villa AMISom. He didnt' disappoint.
  13. A copy of the actual signed agreement between former President of Somaliland and Somalia's former leader.
  14. Indeed. Villa Amisom as they are now known, was reminded of previous agreements with their predecessors namely Pres. Hassan Sh. Mahamoud and Prime Omar Abdirashid signed with former President of Somaliland AMM Silaanyo, which calls for both Villa Amisom and Hargeisa to refrain from interfering in other's development endeavours. This agreement between the two former Presidents was witnessed by President of Djibouti IOG. The rookie fools in Villa AMISOM yet again failed to honour their predecessors' judgements. All in all, if this was a fight in the ring, the judges would give Somaliland a technical knock-out win. Btw, whatever happened to the resident Unionist @galbeedi.
  15. War nimankan Carabta ha la iska ilaaliyo, LUGUUYO bay wadaan, iyo fariidnimo. The agreement with DPWorld is to build in two phases two 400m deep ports capable of handling the largest vessels which have a depth of 18m. The deal also includes the establishment container storage facility which is 250m by 1km area. Also additionally the establishment of Berbera Free Zone, a location where companies can bring their good without getting any tax applied. The first phase is to build 400m port and only after both the existing port which is 650m long are at 75% capacity, then this will trigger the building of the second phase which is an additional 400m deep port. This complete the current agreement. Hence, if they claim that Berbera is at capacity, at least that is a trigger point to build the second phase.
  16. So this is it. Djibouti is under pressure to meet its Chinese debt obligations. And the Chinese are after collateral .
  17. Gooni, Kolay adiga xikmad laguguma ogayn. Waxaad so qortayna macno ma laha. Irridda Berbera waa Hargeisa. Budhcad badeedna konfurta aya laga yaqaan, Somaliland lagama yaqaano. Dawlad dhexe maskaxdada ayay ku dhex nooshay. Villa SOmalia waxa ka jira maamul taag daran oo dawlado shisheeye nappy/diaper/xafaayadda ka saaran sida cunug yar oo wali suuli/musqul barad noqon. Waxa haboon qofku marka u wax qoraayo inu waaqiciga ka hadlo. Inu iska riyoodo maha. Riyoda xaaskaaga u sheeg, aduunka waxba ku fali maayo.