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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Lax'da qawrac dibi'gu ha ku quustee... I would say give the maximum.
  2. What sort of representatives? Somaliland never sent any representative to any Somalia conference past, present or future. Whatever consitution they talk about, it is as worthy as used toilet paper.
  3. Things you will need to bring in before you are sent the deeds... 1. A police check - we don't want the Galkaio Pedophile in the ranks 2. Education level - we need more ace level doctor. 3. You will need to agree that clan x is our main competition - if you have any soft spot, you are not welcome shall I continue...
  4. Cigaal Sheelaad ayaa laga hayay kol ay so dul martay diir/caterpillar - ayu oohin kala jeestay. Dadki aya la yaabay... Waar Cigaal ma Diir ayaa ka ooyaysaa... wuxu ugu jawaabay "Maya diirta kama ooyin, waxaan ka ooyaya in wado halaq noqoto..."... Imika rag badan waxay ka ooyayaan maha Berbera, waxa laga ooyaya waa the coming reality check.
  5. It is really hilarious to see grown up men shed tears and hearts out with emotions - we know it is all for the camera - but for them they actually think they can have some sort of affect or an outcome with this ignominy. The issue here is not about Berbera or Ethiopia or even DP World/UAE. It is simple. Somaliland is taking huge strides in the right direction. What they thought was not possible is now becoming unbelievably close. And that is the political recognition of the reality on the ground - which is the only single thing that has eluded Somaliland for thus. And because "Political" recognition is all interlinked with "Geopolitical and economical Interest" - today Somaliland is at the cusp of that wave. And the De Jure recognition is closest more than ever. In a nutshell, that is what is causing all these heartache. And boy o boy, are Somalilanders enjoying the scene! With regards to the Berbera deal, let me break ice, for all it is worth, it is a commercial deal. And like all commercial deals, they can be nullified ala Djibouti style. When the time is right, of course. And that is my friends where the cookie crumbles.
  6. A gov't in a container that is begging for foreign forces to not leave can only do what its master tell her to do. All the things it supposed to do for the next 4 years have already been spelt out for her on a document which Cheeseman et al read it like Quran every night.
  7. Great news. Duriyadda waa horimartay hadii DNA kala duwan yeelatay. Aduunka dhan ayaa melting-pot noqanaya. Old news.
  8. I normally find Amin Arts's cartoons very timeless and true even after many years. but this one is a dud.
  9. But what happens hadii sida bisad/dinadda inkiraad bilowdo? kakakaka At least, give credit where credit is due and all be fine. Adiguna Dameerow, hiigso Faraska Dolaal, Daba soco ma Gaadhide
  10. It is closer to Fat belly Gaas' hide out.
  11. All tourists are welcomed from anywhere including Somalis. But politicians or government officials are off limits.
  12. The Villa AMISom press release can't even get their country's name correctly. On the header, it says "Somali Federal Republic" and in the body it says "Federal Government of Somalia". Confusing. Also, it comes across inconherent and hastely put together by a novice who has no idea about "Government continuity". Do not have any regard to agreements signed by the previous office holder.
  13. They say all politics is local. Since they have a say in who leads this country, their objections and their voice will be heard.
  14. Gartay. But my point still stands. Private photos of women who are not in public office should not be used on these forums for political point scoring.