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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This is indeed related to Geopolitics in the region, on the one side we have Turkey and China both moving into the region pushing out the old powers aside. For Turkey its Somalia and Sudan. While China moving in Djibouti. Most recent jitter in the region is also caused by the Djibouti's unileteral move to nationalise the port. The USA is very unhappy about this and there are in fact many who question the long term viability of the USA sharing ports with arch-rival China. The Turkey vs Saudi Arabia power struggles, UAE's resolve to punish Djibouti, the growing economic power house that Ethiopia is projecting to become. All of these are making Berbera port more attractive by the day. And Somaliland is on the cusp of this wave.
  2. \ A convoy of cars driving through the country side, Somaliland
  3. Caption: Kids Playing soccer near Borama, Somaliland.
  4. The hard line speech was more aimed at the baby-sitters of the weak gov't in VIlla AMISom. It's these masters that the weak gov't is trying to cultivate against Somaliland's interests. So Somaliland is sending a clear and equivocal warning for these powers to not side with the weak gov't against Somaliland. The President will be going to the UAE on an official state visit later in April and in this meeting the UAE and Somaliland will sign a defence agreement to allow the UAE to bring their soldiers to Berbera as well as allow training and equiping of Somaliland security forces. The Military/naval base is projected to be completed by September 2018. The UAE will also provide diplomatic support in the Arab League and United Nations corridors. While Ethiopia will secure the African Union path. The weak gov't in Mogadishu will be suffocated from all sides.
  5. Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Sa'ad Ali Shire mentioned that the environment created by the hostile talks from Villa AMISom is not allowing for the talks to start at this time. So at very least, the talks will be delayed if not cancelled all together.
  6. I started my post with the statement "Our deluded Southerners try to mix so many unrelated issues and try to make a point out of it." and ended with the statement "If only they would look hard at themselves in the mirror before they talk from the behind" Those statements carry my point, which was the Southerners are so quick to raise all the above mentioned issues and try to score a point. While Somalilanders are only refuting it with real hard facts on the ground to counter the childish behaviours. It is not only their TV personalities, we have the likes of @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaarwho talks out of his backend without even thinking about what is the situation in his own backyard. At least, if they start with their own situation and how hopeless it is and then say, we are only affraid you will end up like we are. That is understandable and it will have a different kind of response since we do not need to remind their situation. You get my point. We can talk about 100 different hypothetical questions none of which may or not become true. So instead of wasting time on that, lets focus veritable and real facts on the ground.
  7. DEG DEG: Warkii ugu culsaa oo hada kasoo dhacay deegaanka Tukaraq & Ciidamada Puntland Iyo Somaliland oo jiidaha hore.. March 7, 2018 | Filed under: Somali News | Posted by: Puntland News Wararka Warsidaha uu haatan ka helayo deegaanka Tukaraq ee gobolka Sool ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo ka tirsan Puntland ay baneeyeen jiidaha hore ee deegaankaasi kadib markii saraakiisha hogaamisa ciidamadaasi ay sameeyeen gadood ciidan. Ujeedka bixintaanka ciidamadani ayaa lagu sheegay gadood salka ku haya mushahar la’aan xoogan oo ay tabanayaan iyo sidoo kale in xukuumadda madaxweyne Gaas aysan weli cadayn mawqifkeeda hawlgalka xoreynta gobolka Sool isla markaasna ciidamadani oo ka kala yimid gobolka Bari ay dib ugu laabteen deegaanadii ay hore uga yimaadaan. Sidoo kale wararku waxa ay intaasi kusii darayaan in ciidamadani si toos ah ugu amba baxeen deegaano ka tirsan gobolka Bari iyaga oo sii maray magaalada Garoowe si uu u xaqiijiyey mid kamid ah saraakiisha ciidamada Puntland. Gaadiidka ay wateen ciidamadani ka baxay jiidaha hore ee gobolka Sool ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in ay gaadhiyeen ilaa 25 gaadhi oo nooca dagaalka ah. Dhinaca kale wararka aan ka helayno degmada Boocame ee gobolka Sool ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo kale oo ka tirsan Puntland ay ku biireen ciidamo ka tirsan Somaliland oo ku sugan deegaankaasi kadib markii ay ka goosteen ciidamadii ay hore uga tirsanaayeen ee Puntland. Weli ma cada ujeedada ka dambaysa goosashada ciidamadani, waxaase xusid mudan in soo dhoweyn balaadhan ay kala kulmeen ciidamadani saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada Somaliland oo ku sugan deegaanka Boocame ee gobolka Sool. Wixii kusoo kordha wararkaasi kala soco
  8. Our deluded Southerners try to mix so many unrelated issues and try to make a point out of it. Their favourite themes include: 1. Shacabka Soomaaliyeed .... listen to any TV interview and they will repeat a million times about Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Isn't this shacab the same one that is being sandwiched between AMISom Rapists, Alshabab terrorist and clan warlords? 2. Ethiopia - They talk about Ethiopia as something that is particularly interested in annexing Somaliland. Come on. There has never been a dispute between Somaliland and Ethiopia. The borders between two countries are internationally damarcated and known and there was never an issue about it. On the contrary, we know the border dispute between Ethiopia and Somalia which existed for aged. In fact, the border between the two sides is not agreed on and whoever has more power can move that border where they want it anytime. 3. They talk about Emirates Military base. They forget about the Turkish, American, Kenyan, Ethiopian, Ugandan, Burundi, Sera Leon, Djibouti military who are based on Southern Somalia. 4. They point out about DP World managing Berbera... but they never tell you about how they handed over Mogadishu Port to Turkish unknown operator for 25 years. We never know what the agreement looks like. 5. They talk about, Unity. And they can not even unite their backyard. If only they would look hard at themselves in the mirror before they talk from the behind.
  9. No doubt, Cigaal was a great leader of this country, a visionary leader that transformed the nascent administration into a fully fledged national government. But still, the first 2 years of Somaliland was the toughest anyone could possibly lead. If the first administration did not set the correct reconciliation environment and did not steer the ship in the most turbulent of times in which political and diplomatic pressure was at its most toughest, Egal could not have done what he done in his term. Credit where credit is due.
  10. Honestly, I have zero knowledge about him. But listening to him in that interview, he comes out as just another run-of-the-mill Southern Somali politician who thinks his container government in Mogadishu somehow has any power to project.
  11. It shows how Somalis are simpletons with very limited capacity to think. What counts is what he done while in office. What he done while he transitioned as a civilian, is his business. It doesn't take away a single thing from his leadership in those formative years. The same way it wouldn't take away anything from Dahir Rayaale's leadership if he were to completely make a U-Turn. Yes, it will be another chapter in a person' life and history but that doesn't mean all his former achievements are in the gutter. But again, Somalis are wired differently, the are only people on this earth that will add 1 + 1 and have result greater than 2.
  12. degdeg... Waar ba'aa, Wiil hoog Sakariye ayaa hadlay. Truth, he only wasted 30 minutes of his life on an issue that he has zero affect on.
  13. Maamulka Puntland oo kala wareegay.
  14. Not too sure what you mean by develop? If you mean, they will not let Berbera reach its potential - that could be true. But I can guarantee you that if they do not build the ports that was agreed upon and establish the Free Zone - they will get their marching orders. After all, they hold shares in a company and that company can be nullified like Djibouti has done.
  15. I am not a lawyer. But I know the facts on the ground support Somaliland. Hassan Khaire mentioned about Provisional Federal Constitution which Somaliland never signed it. In fact, Somaliland never took part in any conference tasked to recreate the failed state of Somalia. Any thing agreed by warlords in South Somalia is only binding to those who agreed it.
  16. They started writing to DP World. Desperation. t Tolka u sheeg in arinku ka wayn yahay DP World. This part of geopolitical shift in the region and Somaliland sits right smug bang in the middle.
  17. Started digging UN archives... Well, I am sure you will find lots of information mostly nonsense. The weak government in Villa AMISom will get its hands burnt if they try to challenge this at any level be it at ICT, Arab League or even African Union. In fact, it will only hasten the official recognition of Somaliland. At which time, every effort will be as useless as Serbia's Kosovo tantrums. Serbia, a powerful country, was eventually forced to accept reality. The bottom line is that, Mogadishu can only save the Union two ways. 1. By force - i.e. Sri Lanka Style operation against Tamil Tigers (IA very remote chance with next to zero success) 2. By negotiated settlement with Hargeisa either to break up or form some kind of unity (the preferred option by the Powers that Be). This option may include a Referendum on the question of Independence, like Sudan or Ethiopia when Eritrea broke away.