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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Jeegaan this jeegaan that, you are mentally ****. Which is why I don't believe you are from ****. **** folks are noble people, and even if they have issues they don't nag about it 24/7. Dude, **** are leaders not **** like yourself.
  2. ****? akakaka, make some sense dude. You can try very hard to be from the clan you are claims but you will never be, so long you are hiding yourself. Ragga reer **** rag is qariya maha. The challenge still stands, tell me which city you live or reside and I can arrange someone from the **** clan to meet you and verify you.
  3. Kkkkk Looking through the clan prism on any issue. Saalax's next big breaking news: My fictional clan's camels are slaughtered in the local abattoir but the other clans camels are sent overseas. There must be a conspiracy against my clans camels. Lets face it, as long as people are alive and kicking there will be issues here and there and everywhere. There are issues between clans, between subclans, between subsubsub clans.... between businesses, between neighbours, between friends etc. This isssue is nothing more than that kind of issue. Big businesses have customers from all walks of life. No business succeeds if it reduces itself to the clan level. We all want a 100% free market, and certainly Telesom is in an excellent position to fight for everyone including the less fortunate and bring forth a change that will help the country. They certainly have the resources and the money to do so. Good luck with them.
  4. Nothing more than baabka calaacalka... The foreign paid fraudisters in Mogadishu today understand how worthless their motions really are. Ileen ceebtaada waa la qarsada. Now baabka Calaacalka started, this is Jamal Osman, one of the most anti-Somaliland Cagdheers out there.
  5. Nothing stopping him from not going. He is not your atypical opposition leader. He sees each issue on merit and acts accordingly.
  6. Just report here when you have done any action that can have the smallest tinniest affect on reality? Your President is persona-non-grata from any region in Somaliland be it East Sanaag, Sool or Buuhoodleh. In the meanwhile, keep blowing hot air from were the sun never shines. Because that is all you are good at.
  7. Waxa ugu qosol badan @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaarwuxu yidhi Dameerka ka ciyay Mogadishu - wali la isma gaadhin. Dhuusadii ayaa wali hadhay ee suga. Waxaan filana waa dhuusadii ugu waynayd abid. Gas-mask waa in la raadiya.
  8. Miskiin. Magac bilaash uma baxo.
  9. I heard sources connected to the Presidency that this visit was scheduled to take place next month. It seems there is something must have prompted for it to be fast forwarded.
  10. I love the brave face you are putting on. Like DP World Chairman said "Talk is cheap" now they need to back it up with concrete actions that will actually affect the status-quo. That is what counts - not empty donkey cry - heehaaw heehaaw. The only thing they succeeded in was noise pollution. The Berbera Port agreement stands and in fact the new shares have become affective as of today when Ethiopia appointed their Director to the Board of Directors. The next step is the breaking ground for the new 400m port which is expected to be completed by end of 2019. Every single day will be reminder of the powerless Donkeys heehaawing from the sidelines, unable to do anything about the goings on and what have you.. Stay tuned, I will be making the most of this for the next few years.
  11. Probably not 30%, it could be lower or higher. You have around 20,000 Ethiopian garrison there, coupled with how they freely intermingle with the willing and welcoming populations of those regions. At a rate of intermarriage or rape case of 20%, you have a minimum of 4,000 kids born each year, multiply that by how many years of the occupation and compound it with the natural population growth graph. And you will realise 30% is not a huge estimation. Anyway, how do I know this? It was Professor Ibbi in a 2012 Conference, who gave a very grim reality check of South Somalia regions as a whole and in particular Gedo, bay and Bakool. He talked about a lot of things, which relate to social engineering projects that the Ethiopians are engaged in, particularly in the aspect of creating facts on the ground.
  12. Nin wax badan og ayaan ku moodi jiray. Your sources clearly failed you this time. Baydhaba is the Ethiopian army capital for the whole of South Somalia. Villa Somalia office ku dhex yaal wuxu amar ka qaata the Villa Ethiopia Baydhabo ku dhex yaal. Waxa la establish gareeyay waagii RRA la dagaalami jirtay Husseen Aydeed USC/SNA. After over 20 years, the kids that were born to he soldiers are now adults. You do not believe it. Baydhabo orod oo ka war keen. The first flag you need to solute as soon as you step out of the Airplane is the Ethiopian flag and Ethiopian army.
  13. It was obvious that Cheeseman not only lacks oratory skills but he is also lacks reading skills. It was quite a sad sight someone trying to hide that he is reading from something yet get stuck like he is has some sort of brain disease. At least reading from paper would make things obvious that he is not only a bad orator but also a bad reader. That said, with consistent reading interruptions the message was incoherent and lacked any tone or depth. Which in turn makes him come out like a Junior schooler doing an oral presentation on a subject he knows little about. Struggling and looking like a possessed person.
  14. After 20 years of continuous occupation, Ethiopia has established roots. The mixed Eelay - Xabashi today is approaching around 30% of the region's population. And given the fact that the border is not officially demarcated, the Ethiopians can easily extend their border beyond where it is today.
  15. The fools in Mogadishu are busy talking about Berbera. While the Ethiopian's plans include annexing the so called South West region which will give them their ultimate dream for access to the Indian ocean. Quote me in the near future, when Ethiopian border will fall just stone throw's away from Villa Amisom. Reer Banadir will require a visa to go to Afgooye town just outside Mogadishu.
  16. Somaliland's ministry of communications and technology have released a directive instructing all owners of domains under the .so domain, who are based or registered in Somaliland, to move to other Top Level Domain such as .com or .net etc. From 12th of April, all domains that that fall under .so will be completely not accessible from within Somaliland. Telecom companies are instructed to comply with the directive.