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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This explains the dictator's war against Islam in his heydays.
  2. NTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY EXTREMELY CONCERNED BY RECENT POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN SOMALIA, URGES RESPECT FOR CONSTITUTIONAL PROCESSES TO RESOLVE DIFFERENCES The United Nations, African Union, European Union, Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, Ethiopia, Italy, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States are extremely concerned by recent political and security developments in Mogadishu that risk derailing hard-earned political, economic, and security achievements and tarnishing the reputation of Somalia. The international community urges all Somali leaders and politicians to respect the rule of law and the Provisional Federal Constitution in resolving political differences. This needs to include preservation of democratic space. Activities that increase tensions leading to possible violence should be avoided at all costs. The international community urges leaders in Parliament and the Executive to engage in respectful discussions in the coming days and to use constitutional and peaceful means to resolve political differences. The international community commends those groups and individuals who are mediating a peaceful resolution to political differences and stands behind their efforts.
  3. Unionists that hail from Somaliland have become a liability to Mogadishu. It is a music to my ears. Anyways, Ethiopia doesn't feature your list, which group are they backing? I am sure they are the catalyst that can do the most damage.
  4. While a pretend gov't like the foreign protected one in Villa AMISom, almost no one turns up.
  5. When a real government with real impact on the region asks for a Press Conference at world stage - people, journalists, and notables come and listen to it and pay attention.
  6. Runtu ragga way ka nixisa laakin ma disho. He was correct in his assessment of Djibouti. Ask any Djiboutian about the state of his country before DPWorld and they will concur with the Chairman. And he will be right about Somaliland too (not that our situation is our own doing... it is being imposed by unjust external powers who are pushing for an unatainable unity with a failed state called Somalia), if things turn around for the better like Djibouti.
  7. I have nothing against Djibouti. In fact, I believe Somaliland has nothing against Djibouti at all. It is them that are not reciprocating the love. La'xaadka waa badhaadhee hadduu, ii bogsado xooggu Oo biixiyaha Eebahay, kay isugu beego Abaal badha, abaal bura, abaal bur iyo dheeraad ah Ninba kiisa kaan ugu bedeli, beerka ka ogsooni
  8. Lax waliba shilka ay is dhigto ayaa lagu qawracaa. He is saying 100% facts and he will be proved right. Unlike the donkeys that are heehaawing from Mogadishu. Kuwa Mogadishu ka nacnacda haya is the source for all evil.
  9. President MBC says the circus in Mogadishu made a political mistake that will haunt them. And confirmed the Berbera Agreement is business as usual.
  10. If this was true, then Djibouti is feeling the heat. With UAE now accepting Somaliland Passport holders to enter their country, there will be very little need for Djiboutian Passport.
  11. UAE to train Somaliland forces under military base deal - Somaliland president BU DHABI (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates (UAE) will train Somaliland security forces as part of a deal to establish a military base in the semi-autonomous region, Somaliland’s president said on Thursday. UAE government officials could not immediately be reached for comment - but the UAE has committed to invest hundreds of million dollars in recent years in the territory on a strategically important stretch of coastline on the Gulf of Aden. The UAE began construction last year of a base on a site at the airport of the Somaliland port city Berbera, and will be allowed to maintain a presence for 30 years. Berbera is less than 300 km (190 miles) south of war-torn Yemen, where UAE troops are fighting rebels as part of a Saudi-backed coalition. President Muse Bihi Abdi said the UAE would train police and military in Somaliland, which wants independence from war-torn Somalia but is not recognized internationally. He said he expected the agreement to be finalised within two months. “They have the resources and the knowledge,” Abdi told Reuters in an interview in Abu Dhabi. UAE has become more assertive in its foreign policy in recent years. The UAE Armed Forces have been fighting in the Yemen conflict since 2015 and in the past deployed in international operations including Kosovo and Afghanistan. Abdi said the military base, which he expects will be completed this year, will guarantee economic development and security for Somaliland and act as a deterrent to extremist groups in the region. Somaliland’s Foreign Minister, Saad Ali Shire, who was present during the interview, declined to disclose how many UAE soldiers would be stationed at the base. “POLITICAL MISTAKE” Several regional powers have set up military bases along the Horn of Africa coastline, including Turkey in Somalia’s capital. The United States, China, Japan and France all have bases in neighboring Djibouti. “It’s safer to have a lot of military in the area,” Abdi said. Abdi said he hoped UAE investments, including a new civilian airport and a road connecting Berbera to landlocked Ethiopia, will lead to a “huge creation of employment” in Somaliland where unemployment is rampant. “The biggest threat to Somaliland is poverty,” he said. Dubai’s DP World is also developing Berbera port and building a free trade zone nearby. This week, Somalia’s parliament voted to ban DP World from the country, an act that it said had nullified the agreement. Abdi said the vote was a “joke” and a “political mistake” that would have no impact on the DP World agreement that includes the government of Ethiopia. Somaliland broke away from Somalia in 1991 and has acted as a de-facto state since then.. Abdi also said he expected the UAE would make a hard currency deposit into Somaliland’s central bank but added that there had been no agreement between the two sides. Reporting by Alexander Cornwell; Editing by Maggie Fick and Andrew Heavens Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
  12. Whatever he is, I am taking him by his own words and that is he is a Unionist. He schooled them like a grade 2 children.
  13. Money is in short supply since Mogadishu Port came online. And now to add more pressure, Hobyo Port is being developed which will be in competition for business in Central Somalia.
  14. US Senate Hearing A harsh reality check for the weak gov't in Villa AMISom.
  15. He has valid points. If I were a teacher marking a student's oral presentation and Cheeseman done this, I would give him a D minus.