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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The number of Ethiopians in Somaliland is nothing when you compare to the populations of 1980s. During Siyad Barre' haydays, close to 2 million Ethiopian refugees were settled around Hargeisa, these included Ogaden populations as well as Oromo, Harari, Afar etc. In fact, there was a time in Hargeisa almost 50% of the population was from these refugees. Hence, Hargeisa has long history of hosting Ethiopians, as long as they obey the laws and abide by the norms of the host popuation, they are welcome. Having said that, Baidabo is a different issue. This is an occupied town. You do not believe me. Next time you are near those regions just pay a visit and you will see what I am talking about. @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaarwaa nin aan wax badan aduunka kala socon.
  2. I do not know where the dude got this from. I will ask him next time he is online. This debunks the simpletons like @Gooni and others who claim that Somaliland was not a state at the time of the Union. Clearly, Somalia's Speaker of Parliament says otherwise on this Radio broadcast. And besides, the most important thing is that, this Union would never have taken place if either Somaliland or Somalia's parliament rejected it. Both houses of parliament in Hargeisa and Mogadishu had to pass the Act of Union. Another important thing that people need to remember is that, after the Union, the new "Union" constitution was rejected by majority of Somaliland citizens in 1961. Which if you are talking about legality, means the Act of Union is null & void.
  3. At least give it up for rer Hargeisa, look at that man how pure his handle of the Somali language is. I can say with high level of confidence he can speak better Somali than you do. Now, lets talk about how the Tigre and Habashe have transformed Baidoba, Villa Ethiopia. Shall I share their night clubs and the Farsho house (Khamri places) from Baydhabo Janaay?
  4. Heesta Calanka Somaliland "Samo Ku Waar" waxa sameeyay ilaahay ha u naxariisto abwaan Hassan Sh. Mumin, he was from Borama Awdal.
  5. LONDON (Reuters) - Kurdistan-focused Genel Energy (GENL.L) might start drilling in Somaliland next year, Chief Executive Murat Ozgul said on Thursday, as the group reported 2017 results broadly in line with expectations. “For the long term, I really like (our) Somaliland exploration assets. It’s giving me a sense of Kurdistan 15 years ago,” Ozgul said in a phone interview. “In 2019 we may be (starting) the drilling activities.” Chief Financial Officer Esa Ikaheimonen said Genel will focus spending money from its $162 million cash pile on its existing assets in Kurdistan but added: “You might see us finding opportunities... somewhere outside Kurdistan.” Reporting by Shadia Nasralla and Ron Bousso; editing by Jason Neely Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
  6. Maalinba nin ayaad nacaysa... kolka ugu danbaysa naftaada ayaa nacaysa. Dadka khaasaaray waa kuwa wali naawilaya midnimo dhimatay in bal naftu ku soo laabato. Hadalka Professorka si fiican ayu ugu laqimay dadka inta wax garanaysa, inta cadiifadu indho tirtay ha iska indho la'aadan.
  7. Very good opinion. I think he listed most of the benefits between the two countries. Have you heard of the Yemeni community's opinion?
  8. Seriously, did you just write "legitimacy" and "sovereignty"? It shows the depth our desperate Unionists would sink, giving no regard on facts and reality. This what happens when someone's set back are so many that they then drift off reality and enjoy their mind's wild fantasy and wishful thinking. Says someone who lives half a world away.
  9. This took place in Zeila town near the border between Somaliland & Djibouti. I think, from the look of the Aircrafts, speciallly the long sausage like one, which looks like an American troop carrier... This most likely looks like an exercise or may be an actual operation. American military base in Djibouti is around 20km from the Somaliland border.
  10. The guy who is doing the interview is a typical Cali Beesteen read @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaartype. Aduunka dhan waxay kala socdaan ayaa iska yar. Wixii hooyo macaan ugu sheekaysay ayay run mooyaan. Kulaha Somalia oo is wadata ayaa duulaan ku soo qaadi doonta Somaliland. Somalia horta ha is xorayso. Deedna kolka ka dib ayaa inay duulaan qaadan iyo inkale loo jooga. Professor Samatar wuxu meel saaray kuwa mooda in "Somali" tahay inta Mogadishu joogta. One cannot help but laugh at the simpletoness of the interviewer.
  11. At least, Somaliland pays the salary for civil servants, justice, parliamentary, opposition, Clan leaders (Yes, some even take their salary while in Garowe), and security forces on time, everytime for the past 28 years. On top of that, it delivers projects, and services to the public. And not to mention keeps the country peace and safe. Villa AMISom can't even pay the salary of its limited civil servants. International community pays for the parliament salary and related activities. Turkey pays for the army and security. Qatar pays for travels and air tickets etc.. And we know about Puntland... no need to go there. What is happenning right now is just a combination of bad policy and external shocks. These are both temporary.
  12. Great analysis there Diktoore. What is making things more profound at this moment is the ban on livestock exports which used to bring in lots of hard currency into the local market. In order for Somaliland to have stable local currnecy they need to address the different ways hard currency is leaving the country i.e. Khat imports, Food imports (i.e. Fruit and Vegetables, as well as Milk Powder, Sugar,Rice and Pasta). If there are local alternatives to that, i.e. locals start eating Fish from our seas, establish local produce to satisfy loca Veg/Fruitl market demands. And replace Pasta/Rice with locally produced Surgham and wheat. That will basically address almost 50% of the issue with currency. Because all those products locally made will be exchanged using local currency and hard currency will stay in the country.
  13. One of the few reasons why Somalilanders go through the undignified trip to Garowe for the useless Somali passport was the Hajj - one of the pillars of Islam for those who can afford it and have the means. It would be so sweet if Emirate' decision to accept Somaliland's Passport is reciprocated by Saudi Arabia. Imagine this coming Hajj Somalilanders proudly holding their own Passports in Makkah.
  14. Gooniyow, tolkaa hadii ifka lagu karbaasho, aakhiro ayay guul sheegtaan. kolka aniga ifka guusha ii daa, adigana aakhiro ayaan kaaga hadhay. Kolay deeqsinimo iyo faxalnimoda labadaa waa lagu yiqiin reer tolkay.
  15. Does that mean you are happy though? Somalidu inay waalantay. The only time I will feel content and happy about my people is when they assume their leadership role in not only the region but also in the continent. I am crazy mad at the current situation. It is our own doing and I do not think having Iiman or not should be a reason to swipe the utter shamelessness that the Somali race are in today. I would suggest every Somali to use these proper words in order to come back to reality. 1. Change the phrase "Deeq Bixiyeesha" Donor Countries - Ilaahay ayaa deeq bixi. The correct phrase should be "Dalalka aan so Dawarsano" 2. Hayadaha - Correct: Sadaqaystayaasha Caalimiga ah
  16. New Grand Masjid of Erigavo, opens doors.
  17. There was a time when land disputes in Hargeisa were the hotest topic and armed land owners went at each other's throat and even in the ensueing battle death and injuries occurred. A country has to go through many many issues before things settle down. So I welcome when these kinds of issues become visible, it shows progress. But rest assured, regardless how hot an issue gets, or how cold, one thing is for certain, Somalilanders will address it and resolve it. I know it is not something you want to hear it (i.e. the volcano is just errupting inside your head)
  18. I see the Head of the Somaliland National Army General Nuux Taani. Also Police Commissioner and other high level Army and Police officials there. Also there are a host of other ministers there all having a one to one meeting with their counterparts.
  19. Every President's trip to foreign country is based on two issues: Business, Security (sometimes travels). Both of these issues were discussed in the President' visit. Here is the President's debriefing to the Somaliland Diaspora community in UAE. He covers most of the things that were discussed, things achieved and things that will be realised soon.