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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. That is the position of the International community. The IC are not stupid about the Somalia/Somaliland issue. They know exactly where things are between Hargeisa and Mogadishu. And that Mogadishu has no legitimacy in its claims to represent all of Somalia. The UN Security Council includes the UK, France, Ethiopia, Kuwait and Sweden among others. These are very strong Somaliland supporters and they won't allow a weak non-representative foreign protected pseudo gov't to try and affect goings on in Hargeisa. The best Cheeseman will get as a response is for the resumption of the talks. That is all.
  2. Jeegaantu maskaxdii ayay kaa wareerisay. All the things I post here I can back it with a face to face meeting. Can you? My offer still stand.
  3. I know things are not all good at your end, when all you have got is this.
  4. Cheeseman is playing to Somaliland's tune. There is absolutely no win for Villa AMISom in this. It will only bloster Somaliland into the world stage which exactly the intention here.
  5. All publicity is good publicity. It is great that even racists are talking about Somaliland.
  6. This is not about DP World or UAE. It is about the agreement between DP World and UAE directly with Hargeisa. This is what causing all the weeping in Villa AMISom.
  7. When was the last time the warnout geberish "territorial integrity, sovereignty" written on anywhere from the UN? The last one I can recall is dated from 2004. The official International Community's position is for the issue between Hargeisa and Mogadishu resolved between themselves. In fact, our friends from Europe have been very vocal in their special relationship with Hargeisa. I do not believe they will even get that warnout phrase at all. The best they can get out of this is for the UN to re-interrate the need for the talks to commence at earliest as possible to settle the issue. Watch this space.
  8. After the UAE's ambassador unequivocally rejected Cheeseman's pleas and cries. Now they went to the UN Security Council for intervention. The Somaliland office in New York is preparing to counter this weak move.
  9. Armed with what looks like 9mm concealed carry caliber, General Gabre acting the boss.
  10. Kenya’s plan to carve out a semi-autonomous region called Jubaland in Somalia had already been finalised as early as 2010. The final process, which placed Kenya at loggerheads with the Somali government in Mogadishu, took place in January 2013 in Kismayu. At least 522 delegates were brought in to rubberstamp decisions and formally install the President — former militia leader Sheikh Ahmed Madobe. This process is the highlight of the 19-year career of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s DPP nominee. Noordin Haji, currently a deputy director of the National Intelligence Service, is the son of Garissa Senator Yusuf Haji, who was Kenya’s Defence minister until April 2013. From 2010 to 2013, Noordin co-chaired the Igad joint committee on stabilisation of Somalia — the Kenya-led process that created Jubaland. Noordin lists his major achievement on his CV as having “successfully established the Jubaland Federal State of Somalia”. Read: Leaders praise Uhuru for naming Noordin as DPP [Statement] Why Noordin Haji wants to be Kenya's DPP He says this “ensured Kenya’s interest in securing its borders through the creation of buffer zones” across the neighbouring country. Jubaland stretches along the entire Kenyan border, effectively creating a buffer zone with the rest of Somalia. But the jury is still out whether this has prevented terrorists from crossing over into Kenya. In September 2013, Kenyans indirectly interacted with Noordin when his brother, Abdul Haji, rescued him and other hostages from terrorists at the Westgate Mall. Abdul was the man famously photographed rescuing a little white girl in the deserted mall. Noordin was born on July 3, 1973, in Malindi, Kilifi county. His mother was a high school teacher and his father a powerful provincial commissioner from 1970 to 1997. “Having been civil servants, my family constantly moved across the country. I began my formative years in school at DEB Nyahururu Primary School, subsequently moving from Standard One to Eight in different schools across the country, Nakuru, Mombasa, Nyeri, Eldoret and Garissa, to name but a few,” Noordin told MPs yesterday during his vetting. “This exposed me to the rich diversity of our Kenyan cultures, allowing me to appreciate, at an early age, our interdependence as a society.” He was admitted to Moi High School, Kabarak, and left in 1989. He proceeded to the Greensteads High School in Nakuru for his O-level education. He did his A-level studies at the Bronte College of Canada, and then acquired bachelor’s and master’s law degrees from the University of Wales, UK. He proceeded for a diploma at the Kenya School of Law in 1998. He briefly taught at Moi University.
  11. Obviously... that was the gist of your post here. Not the mere return back to North America. But rather, the "disappointment" and "lashing" part were the important key words. Which both never materialised. I know people who left Australia/Melbourne for Hargeisa back in mid 2000s, still returning back to Australia. Obviously, it is second home or first home which ever way you look at it. And people will always return to their second or first home. So going back to the gist your post, your predictions are unfounded and never materialised. Admit it This is couple of days ago of why the Professor is back.
  12. Somaliland magacii Soomaaliyeed waa meesha uu wali ka sii noolyahay. Hadii noqoto Africa maanta, waxyaabaha ay ku faanto Africa oo ah Doorashooyin xor iyo xaal, Doorashooyin loo isticmaalaayo technology casri ah (I know our friend @galbeedi is looking for a perfect 10/10 score , we will get there). Somaliland waxa ku yaal 10ka school ee Africa ugu fiican mid ka mid ah. Somaliland waxay noqotay dalka kowaad Africa ee dhanka cashless economy. Waryaa magaca Soomaaliyeed sare ayaan u qaadnay, xaqxaqashada naga daaya. Somaliland waxay dheertay dadka kale, waa yar iyo wayn, islaanta tamati iibinaysa ilaa odayga shaaha maqaaxi ku cabayaa, geeljiraha ilaa mutacalimka, waxay ka midaysanyiin waa qadiyadda Somaliland. Taa ayaanay kaga guulaysanaysa cid walba.
  13. Gooni, Waxa meesha la isku haysta waa gabay suuqdi ah (ciyaala suuq), qof kii lagu sheegay inu tiriyay, gole ama fagaare ayu kaga dhaartay dad badan markhaati ka ahaayeen. Kolka gabay noocaas ah oo naaqus ah, ayu Wasiirku book 2012 qoray ku so daabacay oo waliba u asteeyay ninkii ka dhaartay. Kolka arinka meesha yaal maha gabay'ga suuqa, sabab gabayo badan oo qabiil walba lagu sheegay oo ka foolxun ayaa jira. Laakin meesha waxa la isku haysta qof magac leh inu misaan siiyo gabay daciifa.
  14. Cheeseman waa fashil. It is just a slow train wreck from here.
  15. I agree, the Minister needs to resign and apologise. Also remove the book from circulation.
  16. Gooni, Awoowe, lama garanwaayin laakin wixii laga fursanwaayay ayaa la yeelay. Taa macnaheedu waa, qofka shakhsiga ah waa khamaari karaa naftiisa, laakin dumarka iyo caruurta wax lagu khamaaro ka wayn. Mustaqbalka maatida reer Somaliland mar danbe in gacan shisheeye oo gayin loo gacan galiyo waa go'aan dadkan gaadheen (Social contract). Boowe, sodonkii sano ee naga tagay ayaan wali qoomamayna oo aduunka kale na dhaafay, maanta cadaanka reer Yurub ayaan ciyaarta la dheeli lahayn hadii aanan il-duufin 1960kii. Mid aan kuu yara bidhaamiyo, dadka Djibouti dega, dhaqan ahaan waa dad wali degan oo aad ka dareemaysid sida dadkaasi u dhaqmaayo inay yihiin dad aan qax iyo hoog iyo baa'ba soo marin. Halka Hargeisa dadkeedi dhaqankii ay lahaanjireen wax badan iska bedalay oo hoogii iyo jabkii umadda loo gaystay raad badan kaga tagay. Waxa umaddu hada cagta saartay in dib loo so kabo oo dhanka diinta, dhanka caafimadka maskaxda iyo dhanka dhaqanka iyo dhan walba nolosha dib yagleel loogu sameeyo si dadka loogu celiyo "mental state" qaxoontiga iyo hoogii ka hor. Midnimo iyo Mogadishu labaduba waxay maskaxda umadda uga dhiganyihiin dib u dhac iyo hagardaamo laga soo gudbay.
  17. Dr. Gaboose was born and raised in Mudug. Kolka ma waxaad na leeday Mudug accent is the pure Somali? Belo! Halkan waxa ino su gudbinaya muxaadaro Dr. Dahir Hassan (Human blood specialist).
  18. Mark my words, Ethiopia will annex more from Bay and Bakool regions. The people in those regions are more Ethiopian than they are Somali.