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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Turkish Airlines will soon join Air Arabia, Fly Dubai, Fly Ethiopian, as an alternative for Somaliland travellers. Horndiplomat- Turkish Airlines officially launches first commercial flights to Somaliland Soon ,according to Turkish consul Ali Noyan met with Foreign minister. More Somaliland:Turkish Airlines starts direct flights to Somaliland
  2. With ever dwindling relevance, the Unionists have been reduced to watch from the sidelines.
  3. Somaliland is two steps ahead. By framing the conflict as Somaliland Army engaged with combined Mogadishu + Puntland meliita, Somaliland is killing two birds with one stone. The simple fact is that Somaliland's army has no opponent in those regions that can stop it. What is stopping right now from Somaliland smoking out the melitia from Buuro-Wadal is the diplomatic fallout with its partners.
  4. Former Member of Parliament or as Hargeisa folks call it "Xildhibaan Hore" - hadaad qof ku tidhaahdid waa xildhibaan hore - waxa ula jeeda waa tuug musuqmaasuq aad u yaqaan. Very unfortunate you had been doped by a Xildhibaan Hore. You forgot to ask the most important question: What is the status of the Unionists these days? akaka
  5. Khaire was in Abu Dhabi when the tripartite deal was inked between Somaliland, Ethiopia and DP World. In my books, that is humiliation of the nth degree. Not only that, the Chairman of DP World unequivocally came out and said "The donkeys in Mogadishu can heehaw all they want..." So this is definitely not a case of bargaining, it is case of Villa AMISom trying to safe face in someway or another. But having forced to do some action, they are digging a bigger whole for themselves. In fact, everything Cheeseman has done so far has reinforced Somaliland's case that the fools in Villa AMIsom are reactionaries that do not honour agreements reached by their former office holders. By the way, here is the UK Ambassador visiting Berbera Port late last year and commending the upcoming development and expansion pipeline.
  6. DP World has accused the government of illegally seizing control of the terminal Ports operator DP World has said that no offer has come from the government of Djibouti to buys its 33 percent stake in the country’s Doraleh Container Terminal. In a statement, a DP World spokesman warned that any agreement or arrangement between the Djiboutian government and a third party would be illegal. “[We] will persue our legal rights against any such third parties,” the spokesman noting, adding that the Djiboutian government had illegally seized control of the terminal, forcing DP World to begin arbitration proceedings before the London Court of International Arbitration. Following Djibouti’s seizure of the terminal in February, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash tweeted that the issue “is regrettable.” “Agreements, commitments and reassurances didn’t hold to arbitrary measures against DP World,” he added. DP World, for its part, said the seizure of the terminal marks the culmination of the Djiboutian government’s efforts to force DP World to renegotiate the terms of the concession, which was awarded by the government in 2006.
  7. They spent two weeks putting together the 3 page letter to the UNSC... and it was dumped into the garbage bin in 5 seconds.
  8. Waxa Hargeisa iyo Burco ka socda waa waali cas. Afar dumar ah ayay isla habeen wada aroosayaan. Waan kaso horjeeda taa. Laakin, mid aan ka hadlaya waa hadii xaajigu jeebku u barakaysanyay, tiirkiisu wali taaganyay, dee inu wanaaga la qaybsado mid kale (with permissions from seniority of course) But seriously, polygamy is a solution to a number of issues in today's society.
  9. Wuxu sheekhu taataabtay sida wax u dhaceen oo ah runta saxda ah. Reer Somaliland marnaba kama ahayn in Mogadishu la midoobaan. Laakin waxay ahayd in la raadiyo midnimo Somali oo dhan. Taa waxa dhabarka ka jabiyay sidii madaxda reer koonfurku wax u maamuleen. Maanta iyo xaal, reer Somaliland jaceelkii Somali la isku keeno wa ka dhamaaday. Xeedhada salkeedi ayaa la soo taabtay oo qudhun mooye wax wanaag ah ma yaalan. Ragga Mogadishu ka so ciyaaya sida dameerka, wakhti ha iskaga luminin wax aan dhaceyn. Hadii burburkii wali cashar laga barinin, mid kale ayaa idin diyaar ah ee gacmo furan.
  10. Arinka diinta ah, waa la wada ogyahay in Afwayne nin diinta la dagaalmayay ahaa, taa laa shaki. Inu Gaal ahaa sida Senatorka America sheegay, alaahu aclam. Arimaha aad sheegtay oo dhan waa basiid. Diinta Islaamku waa sharci misaan ku siman. Wixi aad adigu bashar ahaan aad isleedahy waa dulmi, ayaa dadku mar danbe ogaadaan in ay nasteexo tahay. Ka so qaad, Islamku wuxu ogolyahay in ninku guursan karo 4 dumar ah - waa ninkii kartideed iyo xaq u dhaqi kara. Gaaladu arinka waxay ku tilmaamta in nusqaam ku tahay dumarka. Waa marka aad ka eegto dhanka basharka. Laakin hada waxa la ogaaday in nasteexo umadda tahay, nasteexo dumarka tahay, nasteexo qowmiyadeed tahay. Kusi fogaan maayo topic dhan weeyan.
  11. This guy is just a frontman for the TPLF. What he says or what he believes is not what he will be saying or what he will be doing in office. That job belongs to the TPLF leaders who pull the strings. In Ethiopia, the power is within the security apparatus and that is a wholly owned TPLF quarters.
  12. This was indeed the equivalent of applying for a job that whether you are qualified or not is not even considered and the employee instead reaches out for the "delete" button as soon as they realised your name or locality do not match what they were looking for.
  13. In the high stakes corridors of power, the meekly Cheeseman is reminded that he is a nobody. In these corridors, you will need to have these in spades money & power which will buy you diplomatic leverage. And for Abu Dhabi, its position is very clear - they will say "Talk to Hargeisa..."
  14. SOMALILAND: Inner City Press Asks UN About UAE Deal and Somalia Complaint Somaliland Monitor 8 hours ago SOMALILAND Leave a comment By Matthew Russell Lee UNITED NATIONS, March 28 — The day after Somalia in the UN Security Council complained of Somaliland engagement with the United Arab Emirates, Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Farhan Haq for the UN’s position. He said it is a bilateral matter between Somalia and… the UAE. From the UN transcript: Inner City Press: Yesterday, in the Council, Somalia made a point of saying that they believe that an agreement between the UAE and Somaliland to build a military base is illegal and I wanted to ask, since the UN has this Envoy, Mr. Michael Keating… What’s his position? It’s a pretty big standoff between a de facto autonomous region agreeing to a military base by another country, the UAE. Some people say this was permitted under an agreement [reached in Turkey, which Inner City Press put online here]. Some say they aren’t. What’s the UN’s position on the UAE building a military base in Somaliland? Deputy Spokesman: Ultimately, these are discussions that need to be resolved bilaterally between the Governments of Somalia and the United Arab Emirates.” Hmm. Note that Inner City Press has also asked the UN about the UAE moving in on Socotra Island of Yemen, here.Back in September 2016 after in Somaliland a petition was announced, with a million signatures, seeking recognition of independence, Inner City Press put the question on September 27 to UN envoy Michael Keating, video here. He said he’s been asked to get more involved – but what does that mean? He told Inner City Press he is unaware of the tariff / recognition issue with Kenya, and that he has not met with the UN’s new Resident Coordinator for Kenya, Ban Ki-moon’s son in law, during the ten days the latter has been in New York. Keating gave a useful explanation of the Somali president being in caretaker mode; it was the foreign minister who spoke in the General Assembly debate and meets Ban Ki-moon on September 28. Earlier on September 27 Inner City Press asked UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN of the UK, Peter Wilson, video here. Wilson said Somaliland is “complex,” but that he expected it to be turned to in the Security Council consultations later that morning.
  15. The only tool left is for them to go to International Court. In that event, it will be golden opportunity to dismantle Mogadishu's legal claims over Hargeisa.
  16. Is Mooge the orphaned General Duke? Welcome back el-Generale.
  17. There will be many more of these coming soon. Whether you call it photo-ops or work-in-progress - this is not stopping for anyone least of all the Villa AMISom.
  18. Welcome back to reality @Galbeedi. Now we are on the same page. With regards to "Real Leaders"... for starters, consider the next few years under Cheeseman as wasted years. The time for Cheeseman to show that he can deliver is fast becoming short and shoter. By end of this year, if Cheeseman does not change course (which is highly unlikely), the IC will publicly try to take control and if that still doesn't get any results - then mark my words - Cheeseman will be gone. My time line for that just over 12 months time i.e. Jun to Sep 2019.
  19. The situation is not all good for Cheeseman. Once the powers that be realise how useless this man is, they will cut him off like they done to Col. Yey. It was Jandeya Frazer that delivered the bad news to Col. Yey while on transit in Jomo Kenyatta Airports. He broke down in tears. Given the elaborate program that the IC wants done in the next few years, including "nation wide" voter registration in 12 months... and the fact that Cheeseman has burn a lot of bridges in terms of building on goodwill and reconciliation process... I wouldn't be all surprised at all if the IC has come to the conclusion that Cheeseman is not the right man for that job and if he is being told to step aside.
  20. The gist of the report: 1. After a year in power, Cheeseman has very little to show for any of the key pillars of the London Conference. 2. Cheeseman is facing a lot of challenges from Unuka Leh to the wider Geopolitical power plays 3. Cheeseman has lost credibility and is now becoming more and more frustrated 4. Western powers are loosing faith 5. Talks with Somaliland won't be happening anytime soon. Very concerned about elections in 2021, security deterioration, alshabaab gaining ground... Somalia: March 2018 update