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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Yes, we inherited all institutions and Somali military. Mogadishu still owes us more. More than 200 thousand homes and businesses destroyed, close to 50k people dead, another 100k wounded, some still get injured by landmines planted in every corner and village. Sometimes, it is better to start from zero on a clean sheet... returning to Bosaso with already intact lifestyle and buildings, is much better than returning to a ghost city with destroyed and mined streets till your eyes can see. Just the hopelessness of the situation and the enormity of the task would put many to just sit and cry, instead of rolling up their sleeves and getting to work which Somalilanders done.
  2. Not at all shocking. You have to understand the dynamic on the ground, to see why things are the way they are. For example, AMISom are in it for the money. The day the donor countries stop funding AMISom, will be the day the wheels will come off this whole thing. Each AMISom soldier is costing the Europeans/American at least $2500 USD a month when includes all the amenities including salary. The Ugandas who have the largest contingent for example are raking in close to 20million dollars a month from this business venture. For the SNA, again, it is all about self interest. The lady mentioned that, a business has to fork out close to 5,000 dollars on SNA manned routes. While the same business only forks out 1500 dollars to Alshabab controlled routes.
  3. Somaliland military has very good knowledge of what happens in Garowe. The military already has knowledge of Gaas' movements the weeks coming. Here is the Chief of Armed forces paying a visit to Tukaraq.
  4. In other news, Military hospital has been relocated from Oog to Gambadhe east of Lascaanood. This move is a sign that Somaliland army is preparing for a major offensive against Puntland melitia. This comes after Mogadishu sent its soldiers to reinforce Puntland melitia. If War breaks out, this will become the first time Hargeisa and Mogadishu directly exchange fire.
  5. A lot of folks here are blaming IC for their huge hand in shaping things in Mogadishu. But they seem to forget that the whole phantom gov't owes its very existence to the charitable hands of the IC. If it weren't for the donor countries, this whole show could have come to an end long ago. What is keeping the light on are the money coming in from the IC. Like Hillary Clinton once said "You can't talk tough to your banker". Having said that, Cheeseman does not have what it takes to deliver the IC's commitments. These commitments have all got timelines and dliverables attached to it. 1. For Cheeseman to deliver on Security - i.e. take full control of security responsbility from AMISom. This seems to be highly unlikely to be met even beyond 2021. 2. For Cheeseman to deliver on Constitutional reforms, seperation of powers and sharing of resources between FMS and FGS. This is highly unlikely to be met even after 2025. 3. For Cheeseman to deliver on one-person-one-vote. This includes a whole raft of things least of its being the registration of voters. If Somaliland was to be taken as an example, 2021 is completely and utterly unlikely to be met. Even voter registration alone won't be done by 2021. Most likely this could be achieved is beyond 2025 Cheeseman is not the kind of person that has the sort of skills and determination to see these through.
  6. The kidnappers think that by abducting innocent civilians, they can force the Somaliland gov't to negotiate. Is this how things work in Puntland? It won't work for them for sure. As the accused is in the hands of the State. They only brought negative attention on Puntland and may have inadvertently stopped many Somalilanders from making a visit to Puntland.
  7. The Strategic Implications Of A Possible Russian Base In Somaliland If the unconfirmed reports about a possible Russian base in the breakaway region of Somaliland are to be believed, then Moscow is finally flexing its military muscles beyond Eurasia and signaling its eagerness to return to Africa. The typically trustworthy Alt-Media information portal South Front republished the claims that have been circulating for the past couple of days about a possible Russian military base in the breakaway region of Somaliland, a development that initially caught many observers off guard but is entirely explainable in hindsight if it actually comes to pass. The report alleges that Moscow has been in talkswith the self-proclaimed authorities in Hargeisa to build a small multiuse air and naval facility in the Djibouti-bordering town of Zeila in exchange for formally recognizing the region’s “independence”. The UAE is already constructing its own base in Berbera despite not officially recognizing Somaliland, but the Gulf State is a rising military power with much more money to throw around than Russia and therefore probably isn’t subject to the same conditions as Moscow would be for that simple pecuniary reason. Read more @ Oriental review
  8. Oo kaalay ceebtu ma hada ayay kuu muuqatay? mida kale goorma ayu shisheeye ka maqnaa? shisheeye ilaa Cabdilahi Yey sidu u keenay Mogadishu, kama maqnayn. Hadii hadalkaagu ahaan lahaa AMISom ha naga baxdo oo Soomaali ha la isku daayo.. waa hadal la garan karo, waana Alshabaab halka ay joogto. Hadalkaagu kaa maha, waa bakhtiga ma cune fuudkiisa ayaan cabaa...
  9. The accused will have his day in Court. As they say: Garta Ina Sanwayne ayaa loo gaysanjiray... Btw Ina Sanwayne was from Burco.
  10. This only happens where governance/administration is less strong and clans wield more legitimacy than the Administration itself. This took place not in a remote village but their supposed capital Garowe - where one might have thought, the administration should have better hold on security and safety of people including visitors. The accused child molestor will have his day in court and face justice. The little girl deserves this.
  11. The Puntland clansmen are avenging for a child molester who is currently waiting trail in Burco. The child molester is accused of raping his step daughter - a young girl of 9yrs old - while living in Gaalkaio. A very sick girl was brought to Burco Hospital where she died a few days later. Now the Puntland clansmen abducted two individuals from Somaliland in Garowe for the arrested child molester.
  12. kkkkk Cheeseman waa fashiluuu. Bal hal shay uu ku fiicanyahay ha la so sheego? Waa illiterate - he has the reading skills of a primary schooler, he has the oral delivery skills of a junior high schooler, dadka ma kala yaqaan, dalka ma kala yaqaan, diinta ma yaqaan, maahmaah iyo murti laguma oga... waa qaawanyahay. Which is why he chooses to go into his bedroom and cry with a pillow over his head. It is going to be a slow train wreck from now.
  13. The same can be said of Villa AMISom. Dameer iyo labadiisa daan.