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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. There is a big difference between Mogadishu and Baidoba. In Baidoba, the locals see Ethiopia as their saviours and protectors.
  2. A former Waddani member. He resigned from his membership back in April.
  3. The Ethiopians were in Baidhoba since the RRA's Shaati Guduud invited them to help dislodge Aidiid Junior's USC forces. Before that, the Ethiopians used to invade but go back to their bases while fighting AIAI Islamist forces. And since Col. Yey, they made a perminent HQ which includes all the aminiities including Nightclubs, Church, Schools and other perminent fixtures. They are not going anywhere.
  4. Lugta dhiibi dhiibi, dhaqaaji badhida, buuroy... Halkii aad cashuurta ka qaadanjirtay rag ayaa maanta ka taliya. Talk is cheap.
  5. A dejavu of yesteryears. After they realise that Puntland is all bluff, they will get back to their business as usual. Dadku waa cabiri karaan inay tabashadooda so gudbiyaan, si nabad ah u mudaharaadan. Laakin qofna laga yeeli maayo, inu maamul kale u orgoodo. Waa inay iiman sadaan in dhulku yahay Somaliland. Hadii kale wadadda MJteeniya loo maro directionkeeda qofkii ay ka khaldantay waa loo tilmaami karaa.
  6. Hadii ay joogi waayan oo halkooda ku eekan waayan, waxa wacad ah in aan laga soo hadhin ilaa iyo Yoocada.
  7. Maahmaahda iyo odhaahda/halqabsiga Reer koonfurka intooda badan waa iska cali beesteyn, laakin mid aan in badan is idhi waa ta ugu fiican waa tan Eelayda ee tidha "Fad ama ha fadin, waa lagu fadsiin". Sidii Laascaanood ba lagaaga faramaroojiyay ayuunba tana feedh iyo laad laagaga saari. Meeshu marya calastii Galkacyo maha. Waa Ciidan Qaran.
  8. Wararka iga soo gaadhaya jiida hore, the Puntland melitia is disintegrating from within. Beelsha Garowe is backing away - thanks to Faroole who wants to secure his clan's city. In the next few days or weeks you will hear the news become public. Watch this space.
  9. Waxaan goor dhawayd Burco la iiga so xaqiijiyay in dhaawac lagu qabtay hogaankii ciidanka maamulka MJteeniya. Waxa hada socda dadaal badan oo madaxweynihi hore ee Puntland Faroole ku doonayo in ninka si hoose loogu sii daayo.
  10. Waxa igu maqaalo ah hogaankii dagaalka ee Puntland gacanta ayaa lagu dhigay. Waa reerka Faroole. I have also heard Faroole is using his contacts to have him released with conditions.
  11. Dagaal aad xoog ku badisay, laakin siyaasadda lagaaga badiyay, guul maha. Somaliland laba dagaal ayay ku jirta, mid waa kan military ah, iyo kan diplomacy ah.
  12. Sxb, tolku waxa baroor ka yeedhaysa waa "col hor tii jabay...". Waxa la yidhia Naarta Jahanaba 70kun oo malag ayaa hadhig kasta haya oo ku joogta, hadii dadka maalinta aakhiro lagu sii dayn lahaa hal mar ayay afka gashan karta. Alahuma najayna. Ciidanka Qaranka xadhko ayaa lagu haya, biyo uma kabanaayo clan melitia "under age" so dagaal galisay.
  13. Maamulka taagta daran oo caruurtii yaryar schoolkoodi seejiyay... Maxaabista Somaliland dagaalkii Tukaraq ku qabatay waxa ka mid ahaa dhawr caruur ah.
  14. Waa iska sheeko. I do not think AMISom is coming all the way to Sool region. Laakin hadii ba dhacdo, they will be coming to the Somalia side of the borders...
  15. At the end of the day, Somaliland will win. The international community and African Union as well as the regional gov't like Ethiopia have no issue with 1960's borders as inherited. Their position is to have a settlement between Hargeisa and Mogadishu. Garowe's claims is not only laughable but also dangerous precedence for the region.
  16. Key points: 1. For the first time, the Presidency has a new strategy to resolving the Sool & Sanaag issue. This strategy involves removing any "xasana" or "respect" for Garoowe's leadership. And shifting blame for the conflict to Villa AMISom. 2. This strategy seems to already be working and bears fruit. As Villa AMISom and the International Community are caught in a predicament. The longterm strategy involves military occupation of Garowe town in which case to force Villa AMISom to intervene directly and bring forward a settlement between Hargeisa and Mogadishu.
  17. Somaliland President answers questions.
  18. The professor should have been brave and call a spade a spade. There is one side that on their backs and that side should just call it quits.